View Full Version : Todays graduates won't ever see a rotary dial phone. (Or understand freedom)

03-08-13, 15:49
Let’s put things in perspective.

You ever see those lists, kids graduating born this year will never see something, like a vinyl record?

Twenty five years ago I graduated from high school. How has the world changed? What is no longer a shock? What things have happened that I never would have imagined when I graduated?

The president of the US will say in front of the country that illegal immigrants are just doing the work Americans won’t do [so we just need to suck it up?]… While blatantly ignoring the fact that he controls the rate of LEGAL immigration and the combined governments pay millions of people NOT to work.

The actions of the federal government lead to the fiery death of 25 kids in Waco Texas and the shooting of a mother standing in her door, holding her child, in Idaho. You can play the blame game all you want or debate who shot first, I’m not debating anything. But both of those instances BEGAN by federal law enforcement officers operating massively out of their purview and depth. No official has ever been held to task for this.

A private organization monopolizes 90% of my communications and hands them over to the federal government without me knowing and without a court order.

The government will maintain "secret courts" that have the power to issue warrants and control what evidence is submitted at trial. The government will also maintain "prisons" overseas so that they can conduct "enhance torture techniques."

It will be common for the government to assassinate people, both American citizens and foreign nationals using remote control drones. This can and will occur well outside of war zones.

A voting precinct can report more votes than it has registered voters and a court will order the ballots valid.

The government can actually mandate that EVERY single child graduate from high school. Can you imagine being a car salesman and the government mandating that every person that walks on to the lot HAS to buy a new car?

I can not drive from my house to work without coming under the observation of multiple cameras.

The government would be giving top of the line fighter jets and hundreds of millions in aid to terrorist organizations.

The government could be watching me with a drone when I’m barbecuing in the back yard.

The top 10% of the population pays 71% of the income tax in the country and people will try to make a rational argument that they don’t pay enough.

We can argue that someone should be able to hide their face in an ID photo for religious purposes but you can’t have a Christmas tree in a courthouse.

A kid can be suspended from school for drawing a gun, breaking a pop-tart in a way to resemble a gun, having “USMC” on a t-shirt, or chanting “USA” at a sporting event.

The government will spend countless dollars putting armored vehicles on the street and maintaining dozens of federal tactical teams (maybe hundreds, it’s hard to get a count) that will bust into your house for things as inane as not paying your student loans.

As the government spends that money on armored vehicles and tactical teams they will try and make the rational argument that citizens should not have guns because “weapons of war should not be on American streets.”

As the government spends that money they will be releasing thousands of prisoners because they "don't have enough money."

It is completely normal to hear about the police entering a house and shooting a dog, even if it wasn’t the house a criminal was in… like they read the address wrong or they were just chasing a criminal THROUGH someone else’s yard.

The federal government can place you on a “watch list” and deny you your rights for being at a protest, and not even tell you. You can get stuck at a far away airport because you can’t fly or lose your job because you can’t get a license.

When you are on that watch list the government has the right to commit you or detain you indefinitely.

The government will publish a list of people who should be “watched” for reasons like quoting the constitution, or being a veteran.

I could be put on a watch list for writing this. But even worse, a lot of self styled believers in our rights will accuse me of having my tin foil hat on to tight.

Can you add something to the list?

03-08-13, 17:07
The sitting president told every small business owner "you did not build that" and basically pissed all over the very people that BUILT America into the country that gave him everything he has.

...how is that for an addition?

When you were a kid...could you even imagine Nixon, Carter or Reagan telling the nation's job creators they were pieces of shit in such a manner?


03-09-13, 09:12
Edited to add...

The president can openly demean businesses, telling them he needs to "spread their wealth around" or that they "did not build" their businesses. He can even threaten to drive an entire industry (coal) into oblivion and still get elected and reelected.

The government can mandate the purchase of (health) insurance from approved sources at fixed prices, when the people are overwhelmingly against it. The supreme court will say it is constitutional because it is a tax.

The Speaker of the house of representatives will tell the American people that they (congress) needs to pass a law BEFORE the people know what is in it.

03-09-13, 12:07
Don't forget about secret courts issuing search warrants, determining what evidence can be used at trial by the defense (and what evidence the defense even gets to hear while being used by the prosecution), &c. Plus prisons operated on foreign soil allowing the government to 'legally' torture prisoners (who are held without charge and will likely never get a day in court).

Oh, and the extralegal killing of American citizens using drone strikes.

ETA: Oh. And Guantanamo.

03-09-13, 12:14
Tin foil hat, racist, right wing rhetoric.


I still remember getting my cherry popped when the FBI investigation concluded that US Marshall's fabricated the report of events regarding the "shootout" with Sam Weaver and Kevin Harris.

03-09-13, 12:20
Tin foil hat, racist, right wing rhetoric.


I still remember getting my cherry popped when the FBI investigation concluded that US Marshall's fabricated the report of events regarding the "shootout" with Sam Weaver and Kevin Harris.

Not me.

I must be an Islamist or a radical member of the ACLU, as all the things I listed are (AFAIK) only utilized against Muslims.


03-09-13, 21:57
Edit to add..

The government will maintain "secret courts" that have the power to issue warrants and control what evidence is submitted at trial. The government will also maintain "prisons" overseas so that they can conduct "enhance torture techniques."

It will be common for the government to assassinate people, both American citizens and foreign nationals using remote control drones. This can and will occur well outside of war zones.