View Full Version : Building a 1000 yd. range.

03-10-13, 01:21
We recently started work on a 1000 yd. range at our local gun club, Upper Susitna Shooters, near Talkeetna, Alaska. I am now very envious of anyone living in an open plains or desert state since we've had to hack this thing out of the forest, but we're knocking it out. Doesn't hurt to own some heavy equipment and have a buddy that's a logger. In exchange for the tree (firewood) he is doing most of the clearing work. This summer we will bring in the big dozer and excavator to finish up. Right now the ground is still frozen.

This will be the first publicly accessible 1000 yard range I am aware of in the state of Alaska. The other two I know of are on military bases.

This project is going to be funded by a grant from the Friends of the NRA. Funds need approval on the national level, but we don't see an issue with that. We have a decent sized hill at about the 650yd mark that we have to remove, pits to dig for the target risers, and dirt work for the backstop. The FNRA is a non-profit organization that raises funds to support shooting sports. Monies raised at their banquets and events are used to give back to facilities and education. In this day and age, it's important that we are active both politically defend our Second Amendment rights AND active to continue the shooting sports. If there is a local FNRA event, please attend. It's a load of fun and even a small donation adds up.


03-10-13, 03:52
Outstanding, I'm foliage green with envy! :cool:

03-10-13, 06:23
Very nice! Do you find that people want to shoot to 1000yrds?? I am sure that there is a lot of space in Alaska, just wondering what the typical hunting engagement distance most people encounter. That range is going to be nice for competition.

03-10-13, 07:51
Awesome. The most I can get locally is 600yds. More than enogh for my ar15. I would imagine though, up there you have some nice rifles that can reach out. Keep us updated.

03-10-13, 08:57
Very nice! Do you find that people want to shoot to 1000yrds?? I am sure that there is a lot of space in Alaska, just wondering what the typical hunting engagement distance most people encounter. That range is going to be nice for competition.

Yes I want to. Good to hear this range is underway. I heard rumors but did not know if anything was going to happen.

03-10-13, 12:19
Plenty of shooters out here that want to stretch their legs a bit and see what they can do. We have a high-power rifle club in Alaska that's been cut off from shooting at the bases for a while due to construction on their ranges. We have silhouette shooters that would love to shoot a large bore rifle competition at the proper distances. We have service rifle shooters in our own club that have been stuck at reduced distances for years. The State Troopers think its a great resource. Not only will this range provide 1000 yards, the next longest range available in south central Alaska is only 300 yards. Lots of hunters are going to want to test their skills out to 400 and 500 yards. While I'm on the fence about long range hunting, we have a few members that are into it.

Pat, it gives you the opportunity to have a place for tactical long range matches if you want. Our prices are cheap for anyone wanting to hold a competition.

Hopefully this will be one of those "build it and they will come" kind of deals. I'm out the door right now to continue working on it.

03-10-13, 16:30
Congrats. Great job. Still way too damned cold for this boy though.

03-11-13, 00:33
Plenty of shooters out here that want to stretch their legs a bit and see what they can do. We have a high-power rifle club in Alaska that's been cut off from shooting at the bases for a while due to construction on their ranges. We have silhouette shooters that would love to shoot a large bore rifle competition at the proper distances. We have service rifle shooters in our own club that have been stuck at reduced distances for years. The State Troopers think its a great resource. Not only will this range provide 1000 yards, the next longest range available in south central Alaska is only 300 yards. Lots of hunters are going to want to test their skills out to 400 and 500 yards. While I'm on the fence about long range hunting, we have a few members that are into it.

Pat, it gives you the opportunity to have a place for tactical long range matches if you want. Our prices are cheap for anyone wanting to hold a competition.

Hopefully this will be one of those "build it and they will come" kind of deals. I'm out the door right now to continue working on it.

I know several people in the state who have expressed interest in doing tactical rifle matches. I would not mind organizing the events and using my steel if we could rent the range for a match.

03-11-13, 02:11
Pat- We'll have to talk. Our range fees are very reasonable and often when an event is held we only charge the standard range fee for the day to the competitors, particularly if the organizer supplies their own targets/steel. For the type of thing you are talking about, we very well could be ready to roll for August. Only 354 feet left to go. We'll be done clearing trees tomorrow.

03-11-13, 02:12
Congrats. Great job. Still way too damned cold for this boy though.
It was warm today :D 40F and we were working in sweatshirts.