View Full Version : Greg Rodriguez Shot Dead

03-10-13, 08:39

Prayers for his family...
I enjoyed reading his reviews what a shame.


03-10-13, 09:35
Prayers for his family.

03-10-13, 09:59
Probably shouldnt be messing with someone's wife

03-10-13, 10:01
Probably shouldnt be messing with someone's wife

That is the point!

03-10-13, 10:12
Probably shouldnt be messing with someone's wife

I can't say that I disagree. However, he was shot sitting at the kitchen in her mother's home. So, it is not like the guy walked in on them doing the nasty in his bed. There is a reasonable chance that he was trying to help a friend escape an abusive relationship. I highly doubt that the beating she received that night was her first.

Dave L.
03-10-13, 10:25
Nothing like leaving this world as a POS homewrecker (if it was adultery).

03-10-13, 11:15
Nothing like leaving this world as a POS homewrecker.

By reporter Andrew Kirell
"Whitefish Police Chief Bill Dial said indicated the relationship was not romantic, despite what some speculate to be a jealous rage on the part of Bengston.

Rodriguez is survived by his wife and two children."

So I assume you mean the POS murderer is the homewrecker.

D. Christopher
03-10-13, 11:23
Probably shouldnt be messing with someone's wife

I know police say things that aren't true all the time, but are you saying the police chief in charge is wrong or misinformed? Or do you have some facts regarding this case?

03-10-13, 11:26
I can't say that I disagree. However, he was shot sitting at the kitchen in her mother's home. So, it is not like the guy walked in on them doing the nasty in his bed. There is a reasonable chance that he was trying to help a friend escape an abusive relationship. I highly doubt that the beating she received that night was her first.

I think you're probably on the right track here. The worthless prick, in a pique of selfish rage, left an orphaned son and a widow with two kids. No tears for him. Prayers for the families.

03-10-13, 11:28
Not sure why this guy is getting the heat he is. Apparently he was NOT involved with the woman, yet even if he had been, your wife is not your property. If she is cheating on you, work it out or get a divorce.

Murdering the "other man", attacking and beating your wife, ruining your son's life, then taking the cowards way out rather than taking responsibility for your actions show who is the skumbag in this triangle.

03-10-13, 11:44
I've hunted with him twice and in both of my dealings with Rodriguez he has been nothing but a stand up guy. Even met his wife during an elk hunt in NM. I can only believe what the police chief said that he wasn't romantically involved with the other woman.

I was planning on booking another hunt with his service. Going to be a shame to not be able to speak to him again, maybe even hunt together again!

03-10-13, 12:11
I know police say things that aren't true all the time, but are you saying the police chief in charge is wrong or misinformed? Or do you have some facts regarding this case?

No other info; but being at the house at 10:30 at night while "in town on business" doesnt strike me as on the up and up.

And no; I'm not saying that he deserved to be killed.

David Thomas
03-10-13, 12:46
Many possibilities other than a romantic relationship.

03-10-13, 14:06
No other info; but being at the house at 10:30 at night while "in town on business" doesnt strike me as on the up and up.

Not to mention they were sharing a bottle of wine...

03-10-13, 14:40
If he was sleeping with the mans wife, he should have expected this. I don't agree with it, I just would have put a whooping on him to have him sitting in ICU for a couple of days. Killing him was the wrong way to go about it. If he wasn't banging her he should have done a little more investigating. Either way the guy who killed him is a douche. Prayers for the family.

03-10-13, 14:55
This is a shame. What the hell is going on around here lately? Insanity.

You want to read some stuff that will turn your stomach, go to Chicago Tribune,read the article and then the knuckleheaded comments....

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

03-10-13, 15:54
Bad JUJU.. That's about all one can say.. A three way cluster "screw up".. They don't often turn out well.. Sad for everyone.. Ron

03-10-13, 16:04
I dont give two shits what was going on, it doesnt give anyone the right kill. WTF is wrong with you people??

This sucks. It sucks for his now widowed wife, but mostly for his now fatherless child.

And of course the coward blew his brains out afterwards.

Terrible news. But it doesnt suprise me people around here would react as if they know everything about the situation (or that they would imply the Police are lying...the shit is getting deep around here).

03-10-13, 16:09
I dont give two shits what was going on, it doesnt give anyone the right kill. WTF is wrong with you people??

This sucks. It sucks for his now widowed wife, but mostly for his now fatherless child.

And of course the coward blew his brains out afterwards.

Terrible news. But it doesnt suprise me people around here would react as if they know everything about the situation (or that they would imply the Police are lying...the shit is getting deep around here).

Thank you.

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03-10-13, 16:09
I dont give two shits what was going on, it doesnt give anyone the right kill. WTF is wrong with you people??

This sucks. It sucks for his now widowed wife, but mostly for his now fatherless child.

And of course the coward blew his brains out afterwards.

Terrible news. But it doesnt suprise me people around here would react as if they know everything about the situation (or that they would imply the Police are lying...the shit is getting deep around here).

Again, agreed.

03-10-13, 16:25
The whole thing does suggest something has been brewing with that guy though ( the shooter ).

I mean who just snaps when they hear their wife is at her mothers with some guy, so I'll go kill him, beat her, take my kid somewhere safe and then shoot myself......

That's beyond f'n nuts. I've known a few high strung people and none of them were that damn crazy.

It's possible GR was the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time. An otherwise innocent straw that broke the camels back.

03-10-13, 17:44
No other info; but being at the house at 10:30 at night while "in town on business" doesnt strike me as on the up and up.

And no; I'm not saying that he deserved to be killed.

I'm kinda with you on this one.

I don't buy the "helping a close friend with an abusive husband" scenario, they met at a trade show. Sounds like at least one of the two was interested in a hook up (no facts to back that up, simply how it reads).

They may or may not have been involved but if there is a ring and a husband you should exercise caution. Because some guys will cash in all the marbles when it comes to messing with their family.

As usual I feel bad for the kid mostly. His whole life is forever changed because his Mom didn't know or didn't respect "the rules." At least she is still alive.

03-10-13, 17:45
The whole thing does suggest something has been brewing with that guy though ( the shooter ).

I mean who just snaps when they hear their wife is at her mothers with some guy, so I'll go kill him, beat her, take my kid somewhere safe and then shoot myself......

Typically it is a guy who has been putting up with it way too long and isn't going to endure another moment of it.

03-10-13, 17:55
I dont give two shits what was going on, it doesnt give anyone the right kill. WTF is wrong with you people??

This sucks. It sucks for his now widowed wife, but mostly for his now fatherless child.

And of course the coward blew his brains out afterwards.

Terrible news. But it doesnt suprise me people around here would react as if they know everything about the situation (or that they would imply the Police are lying...the shit is getting deep around here).


I don't understand why so many of you are reacting like misogynistic half-man Neanderthals (no offense meant to Neanderthals).

Murder a man and beat your wife because you think there is some hanky-panky going on and and that sort of reaction is acceptable? Go f___ yourself.

Stop trying to be the people the tyrants portray the rest of us to be.

03-10-13, 17:58
Typically it is a guy who has been putting up with it way too long and isn't going to endure another moment of it.

I don't know.... when you throw the suicide part in that's another whole level of crazy... to me anyway...

My friend used to tell me a story about a guy they worked with. He caught his wife and another guy... got a gun,,,, told the guy to hold it out... and shot it off...

The joke was always how did that guy explain that one to his wife... uh, honey, I'm going to be a little late tonight, I got my pecker shot off.

03-10-13, 18:02

I don't understand why so many of you are reacting like misogynistic half-man Neanderthals (no offense meant to Neanderthals).

Murder a man and beat your wife because you think there is some hanky-panky going on and and that sort of reaction is acceptable? Go f___ yourself.

Stop trying to be the people the tyrants portray the rest of us to be.

You are assuming the guy didn't have any kind of evidence.

And all I'm saying is there are some things you don't mess with, a guy's family is one of them.

Now just so we are clear, if NOTHING was going on but "imagination" on the husbands part then the situation is 100% ****ed up and he should have just killed himself.

But we don't know exactly what the situation is.

03-10-13, 18:04
I don't know.... when you throw the suicide part in that's another whole level of crazy... to me anyway...

My friend used to tell me a story about a guy they worked with. He caught his wife and another guy... got a gun,,,, told the guy to hold it out... and shot it off...

The joke was always how did that guy explain that one to his wife... uh, honey, I'm going to be a little late tonight, I got my pecker shot off.

Some people don't have much left when they lose their family.

03-10-13, 18:07
Murder a man and beat your wife because you think there is some hanky-panky going on and and that sort of reaction is acceptable? Go f___ yourself.

No one has said it is acceptable.

03-10-13, 18:07
If Greg Rodriguez was on a program teaching defensive pistol or personal protection, I would be more concerned about his demise. I haven't hunted animals in 28 years, so I am not too concerned.

03-10-13, 18:20
Some people don't have much left when they lose their family.

True.... and these days some people don't have much left before they loose their family. He still had his son though and he had whomever he took his son to.

It just seems so extreme based on the police matter of fact conclusion. Hell it seems extreme based on any conclusion.

03-10-13, 18:28
You are assuming the guy didn't have any kind of evidence.

No. Whether there was evidence or not, it was (and is) irrelevant.

And all I'm saying is there are some things you don't mess with, a guy's family is one of them.

She's your wife, not your property. Hell, even if your neighbor is playing with your dog (which is your property) you're not going to shoot him, are you?

But we don't know exactly what the situation is.


" Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy - in fact, they are almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other. "

-Robert A. Heinlein

03-10-13, 18:33
I dont give two shits what was going on, it doesnt give anyone the right kill. WTF is wrong with you people??

Lacking in the reading department today? Who has said it was ok to kill anyone involved in the situation? :fie:

03-10-13, 18:37
No. Whether there was evidence or not, it was (and is) irrelevant.

She's your wife, not your property. Hell, even if your neighbor is playing with your dog (which is your property) you're not going to shoot him, are you?

Are you married with children?


Ned Christiansen
03-10-13, 18:42
I'm always surprised at this. One of us stumbles or falls, and with no knowledge of the particulars some of us are tearing strips of flesh from the body before it's cold.

03-10-13, 18:59
No one in this thread said the murder was acceptable.

It certainly seems it was avoidable though.

Like Steyr stated.. If you or anyone decide to mess with someones life, you/they take about yourself certain dangers and potential deadly outcomes.

Other such scenarios would be:

Going into "the hood" dripping with wealth, cash, fancy clothes, high-end watches, and jewelry.. Does one deserve to get or is it acceptable to be murdered or, at best mugged.. No... Is it pretty obvious it will happen.. yes.. Weigh the risk/reward and make a decision.

Showering in the penn... and picking up the soap when it falls... do you deserve or is it acceptable to take a butt pounding? No. But c'mon.. Just how important is that soap?

Sucks that a family has lost their father and wife her husband, no one thinks otherwise. But these are the types of things that all adults KNOW happen when you take these kind of risks with your life and the life of your family and their future.

Sucks/sad?..yes.. Surprising? not at all.

03-10-13, 19:13
I'm always surprised at this. One of us stumbles or falls, and with no knowledge of the particulars some of us are tearing strips of flesh from the body before it's cold.

Agree with this 100%. No one know the particulars and there are a lot of assumptions flying around

03-10-13, 19:22
No. Whether there was evidence or not, it was (and is) irrelevant.

We disagree.

She's your wife, not your property. Hell, even if your neighbor is playing with your dog (which is your property) you're not going to shoot him, are you?

No she is not my property, she is so much more. She is my family and the person I have built my entire life around. As I would use deadly force to protect them, I'm probably not gonna "sit down and talk to you" if you are ****ing around with my family thus changing all of our lives forever. I hope you aren't serious about equating the neighbor playing with your dog to some guy ****ing your wife and forever changing the lives of every family member.


" Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy - in fact, they are almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other. "

-Robert A. Heinlein

I don't think we place the same values on things like family and marriage.

03-10-13, 19:23
I must say, I am not surprised at some of the responses here.

03-10-13, 19:29
Are you for real? There is no evidence at all that anything was happening other than he was at the house at night. I have seen shit like this in the military and I remember a guy killing his wife after catching her in the act after a deployment. It's ****ing stupid and inexcusable.

We disagree.

No she is not my property, she is so much more. She is my family and the person I have built my entire life around. As I would use deadly force to protect them, I'm probably not gonna "sit down and talk to you" if you are ****ing around with my family thus changing all of our lives forever. I hope you aren't serious about equating the neighbor playing with your dog to some guy ****ing your wife and forever changing the lives of every family member.

I don't think we place the same values on things like family and marriage.

03-10-13, 19:40
Are you for real? There is no evidence at all that anything was happening other than he was at the house at night. I have seen shit like this in the military and I remember a guy killing his wife after catching her in the act after a deployment. It's ****ing stupid and inexcusable.

I don't think anyone is saying that it not stupid or that it's in anyway excusable or forgivable.

It does go with the territory though.

Some guy with someone else's wife that she met at a trade show, at 10:30p at night, at someones home other than the couples' (was the mother home?), that's going to cause a problem. Some husbands will have the self-control and perspective to stay their hands, and move on, others will not, I think that is common knowledge. So the "friend" at 10:30p alone with someone else's wife is certainly taking on some risk.

In the end, I would assume we all agree it's a sad story, nothing justified or excusable, but not shocking.

03-10-13, 20:24
I'm always surprised at this. One of us stumbles or falls, and with no knowledge of the particulars some of us are tearing strips of flesh from the body before it's cold.

So true. It's no wonder the left is tearing at us as well. We are more aggressive with each other than we are with the actual threat.

03-10-13, 20:46
Lacking in the reading department today? Who has said it was ok to kill anyone involved in the situation? :fie:

"Nothing like leaving this world as a POS homewrecker (if it was adultery)."

"Probably shouldnt be messing with someone's wife"

You are implying that what occurred was acceptable, with your "probably shouldnt mess with someone's wife (which you have no clue that was the case). But then attempt to cover your ass with "oh im not saying he deserved to die for it".....bull. Nice back pedal.

Heres some advice, never go full retard.

If this guy was some "operator" you guys would be crying in your cheerios...

Lets face the cold hard fact this thread proves, most of you approve of what this COWARD did, justifying it by "dont mess with someone's wife". Awesome, get pissed off? Go kill the person you feel is responsible and then blow your brains out. Sounds kinda like the same situations the left in D.C. is using against us law abiding gun owners...

03-10-13, 20:53
"Nothing like leaving this world as a POS homewrecker (if it was adultery)."

"Probably shouldnt be messing with someone's wife"

You are implying that what occurred was acceptable, with your "probably shouldnt mess with someone's wife (which you have no clue that was the case). But then attempt to cover your ass with "oh im not saying he deserved to die for it".....bullshit. Nice back pedal.

Heres some advice, never go full retard.

If this guy was some "operator" you guys would be crying in your cheerios...

Sorry guy; no back peddling here and the disclaimer was made because of the over dramatic drama queens, you included, we have posting here.

So here's some advice for you; talk about the things you know about.

03-10-13, 21:29
No she is not my property, she is so much more. She is my family and the person I have built my entire life around. As I would use deadly force to protect them, I'm probably not gonna "sit down and talk to you" if you are ****ing around with my family thus changing all of our lives forever.

And that deserves a life to be taken? Really?

Adultry/cheating can occur and can eventually be worked out. Once a life is taken, everything changes forever. Death is permanent. And taking a life out of quick rage is one of the stupidest things you can do.

I don't think we place the same values on things like family and marriage.

If anyone truly valued their marriage and family, they wouldn't change their own lives and their families forever by bringing lethal force into a non-lethal force situation.

03-10-13, 21:31
Many possibilities other than a romantic relationship.

Not very many for those circumstances. A few possibilities, though.

03-10-13, 21:34
And that deserves a life to be taken? Really?

Wow.. Talking about putting words in someones mouth.. Where? Where does he say "he deserves to have his life taken"? He simply said "I'm probably not going to sit down and talk to him".

I pose this question... Did Mr. Rodriguez (RIP) bring upon himself any risk, whatsoever in meeting with a married woman while visiting from out of town, at a home other than her own, and without her husband around, at 10:30pm? Do you or anyone else consider that even the slightest bit risky behavior?

03-10-13, 21:46
And that deserves a life to be taken? Really?

Adultry/cheating can occur and can eventually be worked out. Once a life is taken, everything changes forever. Death is permanent. And taking a life out of quick rage is one of the stupidest things you can do.....

It depends on your individual values.

03-10-13, 21:50
And that deserves a life to be taken? Really?

Adultry/cheating can occur and can eventually be worked out. Once a life is taken, everything changes forever. Death is permanent. And taking a life out of quick rage is one of the stupidest things you can do.

If anyone truly valued their marriage and family, they wouldn't change their own lives and their families forever by bringing lethal force into a non-lethal force situation.

Well, throughout history adultery has been punishable by death. To act shocked that someone might kill in response to it that makes you the one who's out of touch, though you're clearly attempting to take a moral high ground that you really don't have. Not talking about this case where we don't know precisely what happened. We're talking about adultery because that is what you've chosen to talk about.

Nope, not justifying murder, honor killings, or anything of the sort. Just not interested in watching your faux moral outrage when you couldn't be more out of touch with how serious adultery has been treated throughout history, including the present. And pretty much universally. Find an exception, there might be one. Doesn't change the near universality of that stance.

03-10-13, 22:07
Nope, not justifying murder, honor killings, or anything of the sort. Just not interested in watching your faux moral outrage when you couldn't be more out of touch with how serious adultery has been treated throughout history, including the present. And pretty much universally. Find an exception, there might be one. Doesn't change the near universality of that stance.

Wow... Who said adultery isn't serious?

I'm simply stating that murder on the basis of adultery shouldn't be justifiable in any sort of way. Call it "faux moral outrage" or whatever, doesn't really bother me.

03-10-13, 22:54
If he was screwing around during with her then I have to refer back to a story my drill sergeant gave us back in 1988 when everyone was getting Jody letters and wanted to go back home and kick his ass.

He came home one day to find his wife getting banged down to a nub by another guy. Upon being discovered the guy flipped out . Drill sergeant just shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to make a bologna sandwich. The guy was stumbling over himself trying to get out and all my Drill sergeant did was offer him a sandwich. The guy chose to haul ass understandably. Meanwhile his wife came out of the bedroom in tears. He told her it was alright but that maybe she needed to spend some time with her mother. So he helped her pack. As she went to walk out the door she turned to say something. He grabbed her, put his boot in her ass, shoved her out and locked the door. The moral of the story per SSG Hamilton was two fold:

who do you really get pissed off at? It's not like she was being raped. It's not like she didn't open the door. The second part is that it ain't worth it to ruin your life over someone's infidelity. Just get them out of your life and start over

03-10-13, 22:56
This is what happens when society treats the most sacred union between two people with less reverence than a cell phone contract or gym membership.

To say that men regard their wives as property is an understatement. Most men I've known treated their wives better than they treated themselves.

03-10-13, 22:58
Are you for real? There is no evidence at all that anything was happening other than he was at the house at night. I have saw shit like this in the military and I remember a guy killing his wife after catching her in the act after a deployment. It's ****ing stupid and inexcusable.

If you look I was pretty candid about the fact that we really don't know what happened. As a result I was speaking hypothetically about a situation where facts were known.

But other than that I am for real. If a person wants to be 100% certain nothing bad will ever happen to them all they need to do is not **** with a man's family.

When you do things like that you change the life of every member of that family forever. That is a dangerous things to do. Some people have very strong feelings about having their lives changed forever.

Now if you are married to some whore who ****s around on you while you are deployed maybe somebody did you a favor and you can cut the bitch lose and find somebody who actually cares about you. But when you have kids and you have built your entire life around your family, that changes things.

You have in essence destroyed a persons entire existence and everything they care about. And if they feel strongly enough to die about certain issues, they certainly aren't going to extend much consideration for the person who was 50% responsible for the situation.

And again, I'm speaking hypothetically. For all we know this guy was discussing some kind of promotion for the next trade show. But certainly it "looks" a bit more personal than that right now.

03-10-13, 23:01
IG - I agree, some of the responses here no longer surprise me at all.

NCPartolAR - I think you're making a bad argument and the only one I see backing out of a bad post is you. Yeah, "probably shouldn't have been messing with someone's wife" is a messed up statement given the context. Whether there was funny business or not, this POS's actions are not justifiable in any way. IF it happened "in the moment," i.e. he walked in on it, the situation is different and I don't think any man knows how he would act under those circumstances. That is not what happened here. Your post represented the wrong values and J-Dub called you, and others, on it.

J-Dub - Man, I used to disagree with everything that you would post but I think someone hit you with the maturity stick since your posts have been more reasonable as of late. You are dead on here.

SteyrAUG - It may be time to bow out of this one. I think it's just the way your words are coming across but it makes your belief system seem jacked up along with your view of women to include your wife.

Some of you seriously need to take a step back. The "it was wrong BUT ..." argument is not acceptable. Cheating (even if that is what happened) and premeditated murder are not close to being on the same plane.

03-10-13, 23:08
And that deserves a life to be taken? Really?

Adultry/cheating can occur and can eventually be worked out. Once a life is taken, everything changes forever. Death is permanent. And taking a life out of quick rage is one of the stupidest things you can do.

Well here is the first big difference. I don't consider adultery something I'd be willing to work out. I think it's a deal breaker right up there with "You shot my dog."

If anyone truly valued their marriage and family, they wouldn't change their own lives and their families forever by bringing lethal force into a non-lethal force situation.

Assuming for a moment this guy had actual evidence (which we don't know for sure), he was willing to die rather than accept his life under these circumstances. Why do you think anyone willing to die cares what happens to the guy ****ing his wife?

And his life (again assuming he had evidence) was already changed forever by the actions of others. He was simply responding to those events.

03-10-13, 23:11
If he was screwing around during with her then I have to refer back to a story my drill sergeant gave us back in 1988 when everyone was getting Jody letters and wanted to go back home and kick his ass.

He came home one day to find his wife getting banged down to a nub by another guy. Upon being discovered the guy flipped out . Drill sergeant just shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to make a bologna sandwich. The guy was stumbling over himself trying to get out and all my Drill sergeant did was offer him a sandwich. The guy chose to haul ass understandably. Meanwhile his wife came out of the bedroom in tears. He told her it was alright but that maybe she needed to spend some time with her mother. So he helped her pack. As she went to walk out the door she turned to say something. He grabbed her, put his boot in her ass, shoved her out and locked the door. The moral of the story per SSG Hamilton was two fold:

who do you really get pissed off at? It's not like she was being raped. It's not like she didn't open the door. The second part is that it ain't worth it to ruin your life over someone's infidelity. Just get them out of your life and start over

And that would be a great reaction if you didn't love your wife and if you didn't have kids. Both things change things.

03-10-13, 23:13
Twenty-five years ago, my ex-wife cheated on me. Repeatedly. I was torn apart in all kinds of ways.

But murdering people was never even an option. Beyond the fact I'm not into killing people, throwing my life away because of the reckless and insensitive actions of others seemed like a lousy trade.

Living well is the best revenge (should a person feel thd need to exact revenge). And my life today is pretty damn good.

D. Christopher
03-10-13, 23:14
I'm always surprised at this. One of us stumbles or falls, and with no knowledge of the particulars some of us are tearing strips of flesh from the body before it's cold.

Thanks Ned, that sums up my feelings about most of these comments. Although I'm not surprised, I just can't figure out if it was always this bad around here or if more people are just showing their true colors these days.

03-10-13, 23:23
SteyrAUG - It may be time to bow out of this one. I think it's just the way your words are coming across but it makes your belief system seem jacked up along with your view of women to include your wife.

Here's the problem. I don't think people are drawing enough of a distinction between "I understand what a person might do and why" and "This is what I would do."

That said, I have some very strong views about my family and take very seriously ideas like marriage and the obligations associated. Among these is an inherent willingness to risk my own life to protect my wife and family. As a consequence my wife has certain obligations to me. My views generally aren't in accordance with current mainstream views.

If you aren't ready to accept those obligations then you probably shouldn't be married to the person you are with. And it can be a dangerous thing to **** around with a man's family, he might hold similar views. There are some things everyone should just know are "left alone."

You don't kill a mans dog.
You don't mess with a mans family.
You don't mess with a mans livelihood.
You don't desecrate the grave of a mans family.

Basically it's dangerous to **** with things a man might risk his own life to protect. There was once a time everybody knew these things. They still happened but everyone involved knew what was at risk.

03-10-13, 23:31
Wow. Lots of Drama going on here.

One side you have guys saying: When you sleep with a man's wife you run the risk of being assaulted/murdered.

Then on the other side you have guys saying that the first group thinks adultry is grounds for murder.

Thats like saying that when you drive without a seatbelt you run the risk of dying in a car crash. Then someone accusing you of saying people who dont wear a seatbelt deserve to die.

No one here said this guy deserved to be murdered. NCPatrolAR poorly worded his first statement but later clarified. But the fact remains that history is FULL of cases of men murdering people over adultry. There are jokes about it, movies, books, etc... It is common knowledge that sleeping with another mans wife is a possibly life threatening situation. Whether or not that threat is justified has no bearing on the fact that the threat is there.

03-10-13, 23:43
NCPartolAR - I think you're making a bad argument and the only one I see backing out of a bad post is you.

You guys have some serious reading comprehension issues. "Probably shouldn't be messing with someone's wife" is a FAR cry from saying the shooting was justified. It's sad that it needs to be spelled out for you guys multiple times.

When you have a married man that's "in town on business" with a married woman (that he met at a trade show) at someone's home, at 10:30PM, and alcohol is involved then sorry if I'm a little skeptical of the "no romantic involvement" angle. I've seen that situation played out a few too many times to instantly buy off on it. As others have said, engaging in such behavior, even if completely legit, looks bad. Simple solution is to avoid such situations

03-10-13, 23:43
This is what happens when society treats the most sacred union between two people with less reverence than a cell phone contract or gym membership.

To say that men regard their wives as property is an understatement. Most men I've known treated their wives better than they treated themselves.


It would be one thing if the wife comes up to you and says "this just isn't working" and you treat each other fairly and go your separate ways. If you can't do that, you don't deserve any consideration.

But to send a man off to work everyday to earn a paycheck to support the wife and kids (to say nothing of going to war) while the wife ****s around on the side is more than some men are going to be willing to accept. Basically this is about betrayal of trust from the most important person in your life.

If you destroy a mans world you should expect some collateral damage.

And somebody tried to equate honor killings. Hardly the same thing. In the Middle East a wife can't legally say "Hey this just isn't working out, she is literally property."

03-11-13, 00:17
This is what happens when society treats the most sacred union between two people with less reverence than a cell phone contract or gym membership.

To say that men regard their wives as property is an understatement. Most men I've known treated their wives better than they treated themselves.

Well stated.

03-11-13, 00:19
Here's the problem. I don't think people are drawing enough of a distinction between "I understand what a person might do and why" and "This is what I would do."

That said, I have some very strong views about my family and take very seriously ideas like marriage and the obligations associated. Among these is an inherent willingness to risk my own life to protect my wife and family. As a consequence my wife has certain obligations to me. My views generally aren't in accordance with current mainstream views.

If you aren't ready to accept those obligations then you probably shouldn't be married to the person you are with. And it can be a dangerous thing to **** around with a man's family, he might hold similar views. There are some things everyone should just know are "left alone."

You don't kill a mans dog.
You don't mess with a mans family.
You don't mess with a mans livelihood.
You don't desecrate the grave of a mans family.

Basically it's dangerous to **** with things a man might risk his own life to protect. There was once a time everybody knew these things. They still happened but everyone involved knew what was at risk.

You have to take a step off your pedestal. Your way of thinking isn't the way, it's just a way. You are generally idealistic and nostalgic for a past that exists in your head. Times are different in many ways and generational gap does indeed exist but there never was a morally clear past in which everyone played by the same rules. Funny business was always going on whether you knew about it or not. And in times which turned a blind eye to or straight up allowed "street justice" and lynchings for such moral violations, you may want to distance yourself from that unless you find more in common with Sharia Law than you do the rule of law and the Constitution.

I put my fiance's life above mine also and we do have obligations to one other. The difference is I don't think I own her. I'm not the crazy jealous type and it helps that she is the most open and honest girl I've ever been with. She never puts herself in a sketchy situation because of what our relationship means to her. I do not control that, she does! I trust her but if one day she cheated, I have to make a decision about whether to stay or move on (more likely). If I caught it in the moment, like I said, I don't know how I would respond but that isn't what we are talking about here. I don't know if you should be the authority on who should get married. I'm starting to believe that you actually hold some very ancient views towards women. That's fine with me and fine for your marriage if your wife is on the same page. That doesn't mean that your way is the only right way for a successful marriage.

And I don't get this idea in your head about not messing with something a man might risk his own life to protect. It sounds great and reads like a line from an old western (all of which I love) but I don't see how it means anything here. Are you saying that if a man kills another man for cheating that this action protects his relationship or his wife's honor or his value system ...? Once cheating (not rape!) has happened, you are no longer protecting shit, you are picking up the pieces and either dumping them or rebuilding them into some semblance of your former life. Dude, you have to understand that the only thing this POS murderer was protecting was his ego and/or sense of possessiveness (of his wife).

This virtual world of right and wrong you live in does not and never has existed. This may be why you find fault and complain about so many things in life.

I'll end by saying that I can tell, as much as one can online, that you are a good man. I hope I am not making this sound personal because that is not my intention.

P.S. Sorry for the rambling. I'm a bit tired but I think my points are reasonably clear enough to understand.

03-11-13, 00:25
Here's the problem. I don't think people are drawing enough of a distinction between "I understand what a person might do and why" and "This is what I would do."

That said, I have some very strong views about my family and take very seriously ideas like marriage and the obligations associated. Among these is an inherent willingness to risk my own life to protect my wife and family. As a consequence my wife has certain obligations to me. My views generally aren't in accordance with current mainstream views.

If you aren't ready to accept those obligations then you probably shouldn't be married to the person you are with. And it can be a dangerous thing to **** around with a man's family, he might hold similar views. There are some things everyone should just know are "left alone."

You don't kill a mans dog.
You don't mess with a mans family.
You don't mess with a mans livelihood.
You don't desecrate the grave of a mans family.

Basically it's dangerous to **** with things a man might risk his own life to protect. There was once a time everybody knew these things. They still happened but everyone involved knew what was at risk.

If more people had these values and showed respect for each other, the world would be a much better place.

03-11-13, 00:36
You guys have some serious reading comprehension issues. "Probably shouldn't be messing with someone's wife" is a FAR cry from saying the shooting was justified. It's sad that it needs to be spelled out for you guys multiple times.

When you have a married man that's "in town on business" with a married woman (that he met at a trade show) at someone's home, at 10:30PM, and alcohol is involved then sorry if I'm a little skeptical of the "no romantic involvement" angle. I've seen that situation played out a few too many times to instantly buy off on it. As others have said, engaging in such behavior, even if completely legit, looks bad. Simple solution is to avoid such situations

Accusing others of reading comprehension fail rather than realizing that you initial post was an error in judgement is probably the wrong way about this. You can try and spin that sentence (which was your entire initial post) any way you like but it spoke much more in what was NOT said as much as it did what you chose as your priority to state.

As for simple solutions, how about "Don't ****ing commit premeditated murder?" Your priority is still wrong. You are still focused on the potential cheating and not the premeditated murder. But whatever, it seems like your heels are dug along with most of the other folks here.

And brother, I like you and I have respect for you so I'm gonna let this go now.

03-11-13, 00:46
Sorry guy; no back peddling here and the disclaimer was made because of the over dramatic drama queens, you included, we have posting here.

So here's some advice for you; talk about the things you know about.

And you know the specifics of Mr. Rodriguez's visit to his friend in Montana?

03-11-13, 01:17
You have to take a step off your pedestal. Your way of thinking isn't the way, it's just a way. You are generally idealistic and nostalgic for a past that exists in your head. Times are different in many ways and generational gap does indeed exist but there never was a morally clear past in which everyone played by the same rules. Funny business was always going on whether you knew about it or not. And in times which turned a blind eye to or straight up allowed "street justice" and lynchings for such moral violations, you may want to distance yourself from that unless you find more in common with Sharia Law than you do the rule of law and the Constitution.

It's my way. And it has NOTHING to do with Sharia Law. In Sharia Law your wife can't say "This just isn't working" and separate fairly. And my understanding of the past is just fine. I never said it didn't happen, I just said people KNEW it was a dangerous thing to do then.

I put my fiance's life above mine also and we do have obligations to one other. The difference is I don't think I own her. I'm not the crazy jealous type and it helps that she is the most open and honest girl I've ever been with. She never puts herself in a sketchy situation because of what our relationship means to her. I do not control that, she does! I trust her but if one day she cheated, I have to make a decision about whether to stay or move on (more likely). If I caught it in the moment, like I said, I don't know how I would respond but that isn't what we are talking about here. I don't know if you should be the authority on who should get married. I'm starting to believe that you actually hold some very ancient views towards women. That's fine with me and fine for your marriage if your wife is on the same page. That doesn't mean that your way is the only right way for a successful marriage.

I don't know where you are getting jealousy at all. If a man ****s with your family and life, you aren't jealous of him. You clearly aren't understanding what I'm talking about at all. And I never said "my way is the only way" clearly you aren't understanding what I'm saying. Hell in the post you just replied to I said "My views generally aren't in accordance with current mainstream views."

And I don't get this idea in your head about not messing with something a man might risk his own life to protect. It sounds great and reads like a line from an old western (all of which I love) but I don't see how it means anything here. Are you saying that if a man kills another man for cheating that this action protects his relationship or his wife's honor or his value system ...? Once cheating (not rape!) has happened, you are no longer protecting shit, you are picking up the pieces and either dumping them or rebuilding them into some semblance of your former life. Dude, you have to understand that the only thing this POS murderer was protecting was his ego and/or sense of possessiveness (of his wife).

I'm saying, and I thought I was clear, that if a man is willing to end his life over something, you shouldn't expect that he is going to value yours very highly if you are one of the contributing factors.

And you are correct, after the fact you are no longer protecting. But if you kill something I value as much as my own life I will probably kill you for doing it, even if I'm too late to prevent it.

And we don't know what this guy was doing or why. Facts are not complete. He could have found emails which proved an affair, he might have been completely ****ing wrong. We don't know. So that is why I tried to be clear about the context of what I was discussing.

I will say this, if he killed the guy and was wrong about the situation, that is about the worst thing any person can do. It means he destroyed everything over nothing. If you are going to burn it all down, you better be 100% sure of the situation, otherwise you just became the bad guy.

This virtual world of right and wrong you live in does not and never has existed. This may be why you find fault and complain about so many things in life.

I'll end by saying that I can tell, as much as one can online, that you are a good man. I hope I am not making this sound personal because that is not my intention.

It's funny because I happen to be an existentialist who borders on nihilism. All civilization is artificial and it exists only as long as there are sufficient people to play by the rules. And I complain basically when people don't extend to me the same consideration I extend to them. I don't think that is asking too much.

But for my own existence I have my own rules otherwise I might as well not exist at all. And I place high values on some things that other people can't even begin to relate to.

For example I can think of a few items of property that are so significant to me and irreplaceable that I'd be willing to kill and die to protect them. Many people cannot relate to that at all. I place a higher value on my family.

But there is a guaranteed way that I will never harm a hair on anyone's head and that is to leave those things alone.

ETA: This separate discussion really should have been started as it's own topic because we have no idea what the facts are in this case. And speaking hypothetically makes it look as if some are condemning Rodriguez and justifying his shooting.

03-11-13, 01:17
Some of you guys have really turned into assholes these last few months.

Sad situation.
I feel for the wife and kids.

03-11-13, 01:37
Doesn't matter if Rodriguez was fooling around with killers wife or not. What matters is her husband thought he was and killed him. You must assume every married women you are alone with has a husband that in all probability is going to bust through the door any second and blow your brains out unless you personally know him and have his consent to be with her. If you do not take these precautions make sure to sit with your back to the wall with your weapon drawn and prepared to use it. Basically, this is common sense...:p

03-11-13, 01:56
I will say this, if he killed the guy and was wrong about the situation, that is about the worst thing any person can do. It means he destroyed everything over nothing. If you are going to burn it all down, you better be 100% sure of the situation, otherwise you just became the bad guy.

I am going to comment on this portion or your response rather than responding to your entire post and have us go back and forth for more time than I am willing to spend on this.

This is terrible as far as I am concerned. You find some justification to "burning it all down" if you are 100% sure so as not to become the bad guy. News flash, premeditated murder makes you a bad guy. This POS beat the shit out of his wife, murdered another man (not killed in the moment or in self defense), and then offed himself. This is the dude whose actions you are trying to relate to. If this had been a case of rape (which unlike adultery is a horrible crime) and the guy murdered the rapist and then turned himself in to face judgement, I could sympathize. But you go to bat for this dude and for adultery? Reprehensible.

As for killing and dying to protect our loved ones and in your case some property, that is not the same as committing premeditated murder because your wife had an affair.

A simple Rest in Peace would have been just fine.

03-11-13, 02:05
Doesn't matter if Rodriguez was fooling around with killers wife or not. What matters is her husband thought he was and killed him. You must assume every married women you are alone with has a husband that in all probability is going to bust through the door any second and blow your brains out unless you personally know him and have his consent to be with her. If you do not take these precautions make sure to sit with your back to the wall with your weapon drawn and prepared to use it. Basically, this is common sense...:p

Common sense may also dictate that one read up on the issue prior to commenting. The victim was at his own wife's mother's house.

Why are so many members here so sympathetic of this POS who was likely mentally unstable, beat the shit out of his wife, committed premeditated murder, and then cowardly committed suicide? There is an actual victim (actually multiple).

Again, a simple Rest in Peace would have sufficed.

03-11-13, 02:20
I am going to comment on this portion or your response rather than responding to your entire post and have us go back and forth for more time than I am willing to spend on this.

This is terrible as far as I am concerned. You find some justification to "burning it all down" if you are 100% sure so as not to become the bad guy. News flash, premeditated murder makes you a bad guy. This POS beat the shit out of his wife, murdered another man (not killed in the moment or in self defense), and then offed himself. This is the dude whose actions you are trying to relate to. If this had been a case of rape (which unlike adultery is a horrible crime) and the guy murdered the rapist and then turned himself in to face judgement, I could sympathize. But you go to bat for this dude and for adultery? Reprehensible.

As for killing and dying to protect our loved ones and in your case some property, that is not the same as committing premeditated murder because your wife had an affair.

A simple Rest in Peace would have been just fine.

Again, we should keep it hypothetical since we don't know the facts of the case. But if the guy was 100% sure about things, then we simply disagree and have different values. I think adultery is worse than rape. If my wife was raped I'd be devastated and would want to find and kill the rapist with every fiber of my being. I would be largely prevented in doing that by my responsibility to my wife. But it wouldn't destroy my family, it wouldn't be a betrayal by the most important person in my life. Adultery is a horrible crime.

I live my life trying very hard to be my own little island and I don't **** with other people or mess with their shit. I certainly don't go around ****ing up others peoples families and changing their lives forever (usually for the worst).

You call it premeditated murder. I simply understand the reality that there is only so much a person can accept. People have a finite tolerance for the abuse and shit they will take from another person. ****ing up or ****ing with your family is right up there in "crossing lines" territory.

There becomes a dangerous time when a person arrives at the point where "so much has been taken or violated that my own existence is now intolerable." When you get a person to that point YOU have destroyed them.

It's not too many degrees away from killing your wife. The end result is the same, you no longer have the family you had...it's over. And in that situation (someone killed your wife) I wouldn't blame somebody with nothing left to live for from going on a death wish and killing as many responsible parties as possible. Some would call that premeditated murder, others call it Confucianism, balance or karma.

But like I said, I'm over here on my own little island just trying to tend to the needs of my island without messing with anyone else's island. I'm far too busy to be running around screwing with other people, I can't understand it when I am forced to deal with their shit.

03-11-13, 02:44
I'm not of the mindset that Rodriguez's presence at the house at 10 PM is sufficient evidence to label him an adulterer. Give it a few more days - I bet the cops will get enough evidence to paint a more accurate picture. Either way you cut it, at least 3 kids have a much more uncertain future from this tragic incident.

03-11-13, 15:12
So far the only common sense I have seen in this thread is Ned C and Dozer.
