View Full Version : Cold Steel - Open Letter to Sheep

03-13-13, 16:50
Not sure if this has been posted, but it was damn well written:

An Open Letter To A Sheep (http://www.coldsteel.com/Open-Letter-To-A-Sheep.aspx)

follow link for complete letter

An open letter to a Sheep
First of all I would like to encourage all of our Cold Steel fans, friends and customers to read the following LA Times article, entitled "Dorner case shows the folly of armed fight with government" by George Skelton, dated Thursday February 14th, 2013.:
Dorner case shows folly of arming oneself to combat government - latimes.com (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-cap-guns-20130214,0,2648847.column)
Skelton (whose articles show a decided anti-gun stance) describes "obsessed gun owners" and "disgruntled misfits" who believe in the "nutty notion that a citizen can be heavily armed enough to fight off the government".
It's hard to respond to this article without playing into Skelton's stereotypical caricature of the angry ranting gun owner. I can't help it, when you talk about taking my guns from me I get mad. It brings out that knee-jerk reaction in me. Therefore I wanted to take the time to reflect on his article and calmly respond to his points.
The reason the second amendment is so important is that it exists to protect not only the people but the other amendments. Without the second amendment the people cannot defend any of their rights. Without the second amendment the government can rule without the good will and support of the citizenry that it should exist to serve and represent. Any threats to the second amendment understandably make a lot of people (myself included) very angry and very concerned for our nation's future.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not only a firm supporter of our second amendment rights but a keen historian. I take great pride in not only owning and appreciating firearms but having no small amount of knowledge regarding their history, social context and their place in our society, as well as their development and application. I could quite easily turn this into a history lecture, but I will try to be brief.
Rather than reply to Skelton's fear-mongering and confrontational tone with an equally aggressive article I would like to point out a couple of errors on his part and then maybe ask a few questions of my own...
Dear George,
My name is Lynn Thompson, and I am the President of Cold Steel Knives. I have been reading your articles in the LA Times with great interest and growing concern. I'd like to respond to one particular article from February 14th entitled "Dorner case shows the folly of armed fight with government" if I may. As a proud gun owner and supporter of the second amendment I felt obliged to raise several points. I understand that you may disagree with them, but hopefully you will find this of interest...
"...the 2nd Amendment was written by patriots who did successfully rebel against the tyranny of a foreign power"
I'm sorry George, you are mistaken. England wasn't a foreign power at that time - they represented our government. America was a colony. Those brave patriots successfully rebelled against their own government. Those individuals, with their grit, determination, passion and - yes - their guns, then went on to form the great nation we have today.
"...too many people think that private citizens should be sufficiently armed to take on not only the local police, but the Army, the Navy, the Marines and even the Air Force"
Let's look at this historically. The English were 1000 times richer than our poor colony. They had not only one of the finest standing armies but the most powerful Navy in the world. They were the super-power of their day and their troops were armed with the state of the art weapons of that time. From Brown Bess Musket and Bayonet to Hanger, Tomahawk or even a Broadsword (in the case of the Scottish troops). By contrast our militiamen were armed with their own private guns! That's right, their personal arms. At Concord and Lexington the militia, using guerilla tactics and hard won frontier honed marksmanship skills, slew or wounded 200 British troops (losing only 8 men in the process). When patriots, who love freedom more than life, take up their personal arms - they do alright. 8 to 200, not too bad, George...
"You can't protect your freedom when the government has more guns than the people."
The government doesn't have more guns than the people - and that's what we are talking about in this context, not a crazy lone gunman (whose actions should never be condoned or justified) but a people rising against a government. There are approximately 70 million gun owners in the USA, with roughly 300 million guns and untold billions of rounds of ammunition. That's quite possibly more guns and ammo than any of the world's standing armies combined! These guns that you are so afraid of, well our enemies are afraid of them too. That's not scary, that is empowering! There are those of us who see responsible and law abiding gun owners as a huge asset to this nation - it's a great comfort to know that they are out there!

03-13-13, 17:01
Not going to find much love for Lynn Thompson here.

03-13-13, 17:39
Not going to find much love for Lynn Thompson here.

Lynn is a little crazy and loves himself a bit much, but it was still a well written letter.

03-13-13, 18:03
Good on him for writing it.
People had better learn to put their petty differences / egos aside & stop being so pedantic.
Lynn has his style & faults like us all. I have worked for Lynn as a PI & say what you will he get's the purpose of the BOR / Constitution etc. he comported himself as a professional in my presence. Just because I do not agree 100% does mean I don't see eye to eye w/ 80%.

I'm also an Escrimador & know many of Lynn's instructors etc.

I'll take the 80% (as Reagan said eloquently) opposed to the other side of it.

The quicker we galvanize / codify / unite in this fight the better off we will all be.

The Rooster has come to Roost & is not going away.

Just sayin'

03-13-13, 18:06
The lesson from Dorner is that one man effectively tied down the police of an entire state for days. What if there were 20 Dorners? How about 200? What if ten percent of gun owners felt the way Lynn Thompson does?

I agree with Lynn, though he is a goofball, and he got a couple of points wrong in his rebuttal.

Freedom only exists when citizens are able to protect their property and rights, period. If we are so afraid of the government that we think the idea is, in Piers Morgan's words, "absurd," then you might as well stack arms now.

Heavy Metal
03-13-13, 18:19
The lesson from Dorner is that one man effectively tied down the police of an entire state for days.

....and he was a poorly-trained boob, not a real-life Rambo.

This is not the example the left wants to make.

03-13-13, 18:52
Good stuff, thanks for sharing.

03-13-13, 18:56
The strongest, most despicable empire in history was brought down by two former actors and a shop keepers daughter.

Someday there will be a monument in China to the guy who stood in front of the tanks.

Evil and injustice's time is finite. Freedom is the natural order and evil can't keep up in the long run.

03-13-13, 18:59
Funny thing.
Dorner was a raving left wing lunatic.
Not exactly the type to fight "government tyranny".

Straight Shooter
03-14-13, 07:42
The very thing VooDoo6Actual warns about is our GREATEST weakness. We, gunowners, patriots, sportsmen, ect., are no more "united" than the man in the moon. We focus more on our differences, than our agreements. You cant get 3 to agree on shit.
Meanwhile, the leftists, commie rats, socialists and all other rat bastards, you better damn well believe they are all on the same page brother. That is their GREATEST strength.
I know that Lynn Thompson "aint too well thought of on here".
WHO GIVES A SHIT, respectufuly speaking. What the man wrote in that letter was brilliant almost. I do not at all agree with some of what the NRA, or Ted Nugent, and most others have said and done.
Hell, I dont agree with a lot of shit IVE done! But if we dont all start checkin one anothers six......well its all over but the crying.
I myself, on these very pages, have gone thru a few stages where I thought we were goners for sure this time. I STILL think we are never more than a massacre or two away from losing most everything at any given time. But, FINALLY, I do see a glimmer of hope, and myself I am trying to renew my spirit on the matter and do my part. For awhile, I was just concerened with "getting mine & **** everybody else". That was WRONG.
Anyway....as for Cold Steel knives. I own three, and I promise you I can WALKING DEAD your ass with any one of them. Now, do i like ALL his stuff. NO. But it aint all junk, either.

03-14-13, 07:51
The problem isn't the letter he wrote.
Which is quite the opposite of his usual idiocy.
The problem is his usual idiocy.
Bringing his letter into the limelight brings him into the spotlight.
A quick Google search and "rip it up", he's inadvertently typecast gunowners.

We need guys like Vickers to be brought to this type of attention.
Not some guy who trains people to walk handgun rounds into a target, or shooting into a building without fully knowing who is in it and where.

03-14-13, 13:00
I think the 12 years of "persistent conflict" in Iraq and Afghanistan shows just how effectively a handful of rag tag gorillas/insurgents/terrorists/freedom-fighters armed with only basic weapons and improvised explosives can tie up the worlds most powerful military for years on end. I think the same thing happened in 1776.

Waco, Ruby Ridge and even police stand-offs with 'lone gunmen' use enormous resources. It is inconceivable that The System could handle even a few dozen such events at one time. One of the goals of terrorism is to force the govt to act in such a way that the people hate the govt more than they hate the terrorists. I think TSA has actually reached this point.

The fact of the matter is We The People do have the power to fight the govt. At the present time we are still able to 'petition the govt for redress of grievance' thru the ballot box. And as long as that is the case, we will not need to resort to the cartridge box.

For a little light reading try "Fry The Brain: The Art of Urban Sniping and its Role in Modern Guerrilla Warfare" by John West.


03-14-13, 13:43
Hell, I dont agree with a lot of shit IVE done!

Ain't that the truth.

03-14-13, 13:53
Thank you. If anything the Dorner Debacle should be a clear signal to tin foilers and the gov't alike as to what they could expect should something happen. If only 1% of the gun owners in this country were to begin a campaign of armed resistance it would be MOFUGLY.

If 10% did it, it would make the body county in Iraq look like a traffic accident. I mean that in all seriousness.

I am also surprised how people on M4C and on the "other side" seem to forget history (even relatively recent history) so I will provide some gentle reminders.

1. The Civil Rights Movement- all the racist regimes in American were absolutely powerless to do anything and ultimately things changed. Yes, there was restraint shown, and it would happen today as well.

2. Watts Riots.

3. L.A Riots (which ultimately spread to other cities as well).

4. North Hollywood Bank Robbery.

5. Natural disasters such as Katrina, Sandy, etc....

Think outside the box. Armed groups begin setting forest fires through the Pacific NW and the Southwest, blowing up power stations, raiding armories and ammunition stores, blowing up police stations, etc....

Anyone here think that the local LE and military (those that didn't see the light) could seriously stop or control this? I think not.

I think the 12 years of "persistent conflict" in Iraq and Afghanistan shows just how effectively a handful of rag tag gorillas/insurgents/terrorists/freedom-fighters armed with only basic weapons and improvised explosives can tie up the worlds most powerful military for years on end. I think the same thing happened in 1776.

Waco, Ruby Ridge and even police stand-offs with 'lone gunmen' use enormous resources. It is inconceivable that The System could handle even a few dozen such events at one time. One of the goals of terrorism is to force the govt to act in such a way that the people hate the govt more than they hate the terrorists. I think TSA has actually reached this point.

The fact of the matter is We The People do have the power to fight the govt. At the present time we are still able to 'petition the govt for redress of grievance' thru the ballot box. And as long as that is the case, we will not need to resort to the cartridge box.

For a little light reading try "Fry The Brain: The Art of Urban Sniping and its Role in Modern Guerrilla Warfare" by John West.


03-14-13, 14:04
Good on him for writing it.
People had better learn to put their petty differences / egos aside & stop being so pedantic.
Lynn has his style & faults like us all. I have worked for Lynn as a PI & say what you will he get's the purpose of the BOR / Constitution etc. he comported himself as a professional in my presence. Just because I do not agree 100% does mean I don't see eye to eye w/ 80%.

I'm also an Escrimador & know many of Lynn's instructors etc.

I'll take the 80% (as Reagan said eloquently) opposed to the other side of it.

The quicker we galvanize / codify / unite in this fight the better off we will all be.

The Rooster has come to Roost & is not going away.

Just sayin'


A lot of people in the gun and knife industry are a little eccentric. Look at a of of us here ;)

That does not make them any less important in the fight for freedom.


03-14-13, 15:56
Oops double tap.

03-14-13, 21:24
Good stuff, thanks for sharing.

We got it. Once is enough and three is ridiculous.

03-20-13, 20:18
The lesson from Dorner is that one man effectively tied down the police of an entire state for days. What if there were 20 Dorners? How about 200? What if ten percent of gun owners felt the way Lynn Thompson does?

I agree with Lynn, though he is a goofball, and he got a couple of points wrong in his rebuttal.

Freedom only exists when citizens are able to protect their property and rights, period. If we are so afraid of the government that we think the idea is, in Piers Morgan's words, "absurd," then you might as well stack arms now.
Will there ever be 200 Dorners?