View Full Version : Colt Defense Shut Down Today

30 cal slut
03-14-13, 09:26
Workers took day off to protest gun bans in Hartford, CT.

Never seen anything like it.


30 cal slut
03-14-13, 09:27
Smaller turnout than previous gun ban hearings. But, antis outnumbered as usual.

30 cal slut
03-14-13, 09:31


03-14-13, 09:44
A good start I suppose, but what are they going to do to actually have some degree of meaningful impact? Not just there in CT but also nationwide.

They carry a big stick in this fight, but slight pokes with it here and there won't get the job done by any stretch of the imagination.

03-14-13, 16:07
Good on them.

03-14-13, 16:18
Good for them. I am afraid it will be of no use however. People's minds are already made up. The hearings and such are bread and circuses for the masses. Much like ObamaCare and the Co results the people's opinions don't matter much.

I get the feeling that someone is putting grease on an icy slope.

30 cal slut
03-14-13, 17:16
never mind

30 cal slut
03-14-13, 17:16
(Raised bill 1076)

03-14-13, 17:42
What do the signs read?

03-14-13, 17:48
I'm just waiting for the anti response that what is 400 jobs compared to the life of one child.

30 cal slut
03-14-13, 17:56

30 cal slut
03-14-13, 18:10
Got confirmation that Mayor Mike Bloomberg is funding source for most of our headache tonight.

03-15-13, 03:43
They must not have gotten the memo... this isn't about jobs.

03-15-13, 06:53
Got confirmation that Mayor Mike Bloomberg is funding source for most of our headache tonight.

So what can we do to the Duke of NYC? NYC wants him, they voted for the asshat three times.

03-15-13, 07:03
They must not have gotten the memo... this isn't about jobs.

What could they possibly be thinking here? They have the chance to be seen and heard, yet decide on a quiet and mundane drone? And this feeble little noise is geared toward saving their own asses only?

Even that seems like a joke because what jobs will they lose anyway? Their biggest markets and military and LE.

Ben you know I'm rooting for you up there and I'm sure not looking to disrupt your thread, but as of now Colt has fallen miserably short.

30 cal slut
03-15-13, 08:08
Their biggest markets and military and LE.

Not so sure about that. CLTDEF lost Army M4 contract to FN.

It has to make up lost business in international military sales (big Malaysian contract has been keeping them afloat) and .... the commercial buyer.

You can get pink 6920's now. That's a clue.

I started seeing the push into the commercial market when I was able to pick up an LE6920 in CT (before Sandy Hook). That was the first clue I got. Colt's in CT have been somewhat hard to come by since our legiscritters banned the AR-15 and AR-15 Sporter by name in 1993.

03-15-13, 08:28
State officials have listened to the concerns he and other Connecticut gun company officials have voiced, "but I would say it's more pacifying us," Veilleux said. That's why he decided to rent 10 buses and bring over his first shift workers, plus some second- and third-shift ones, and some suppliers.


03-15-13, 08:34
Colt should shut down and move to a sane State.

03-15-13, 11:28
I like that companies, Magpul included, stand up for themselves first--instead of just packing their bags. Anti-American politicians like Feinstein and Cuomo need resistance to their exploits, otherwise you have copycats across the nation seeking their 15 minutes of fame and power. We all have natural rights: freedom of speech, right to keep arms, due process of law and so forth. This should be the model for the entire nation--we don't want to live in a country where only 10% of the states have American values.

03-15-13, 13:03
Colt should shut down and move to a sane State.

I would imagine that they've tried or would try but would get Boeing'd by the union. I guarantee that there is language in the union contract prohibiting them from leaving the state, or at the very least prohibiting them from moving to a right to work state.

03-15-13, 13:07
This brings a smile to my face. :)

Wish they'd take the week off.

03-15-13, 13:18
Not so sure about that. CLTDEF lost Army M4 contract to FN.

That's not correct.

30 cal slut
03-15-13, 13:37
I would imagine that they've tried or would try but would get Boeing'd by the union. I guarantee that there is language in the union contract prohibiting them from leaving the state, or at the very least prohibiting them from moving to a right to work state.

they'd have to relocate their labor force. there's a lot of institutional memory in that labor force.

but it's really up to CLTDEF's private equity masters to move the plant. it's going to be hard, because one of the owners (Blackstone I think) has an affiliate that owns the W. Hartford factory. The factory is leased to CLTDEF. That landlord won't want to give up that rent.

Sounds like Stag Arms is getting ready to pack up and leave.

$2 billion in regional economic impact (revenue to subcontractors and jobs).

$120 million in tax revenue contribution to the State of CT.

Governor Malloy is a ****ing retard if he wants all the gun manufacturers to leave.

03-15-13, 13:58
Personally I appreciate any effort from any person or entity that is in opposition to unconstitutional laws. Do I wish they would do more? Sure. Of course. But I'm still happy they did what they did.

In the end we can only lose this fight if we capitulate. No government entity in the world can stand up to 100 million or more armed citizens who demand to have things their way. We did it once, we will do it again when and if the time comes. It's just a question of how much "they" will bump up the time frame.