View Full Version : Bloomberg's Next Target: All Tobacco Related Advertising

03-18-13, 17:00
How many really understand just how bad the precedents are that this tyrant is constantly proposing? He believes he is a King, mentally residing in the late 1600's.


Along with other things, his social acceptance often makes me ashamed to live in this region.

03-18-13, 17:21
I generally find tobacco related products completely disgusting but not as much as I find a guy who thinks he has enough money and power to impose his personal views on every subject on every person in society.

It's bad enough when members of Congress or the SCOTUS get together and undermine freedom, but to have this guy do it simply because he has enough money to buy influence is no different from any other dictator who bullied their way to power.


03-18-13, 17:38
A picture says a thousand words. This pretty much sums it up.


03-19-13, 00:10
Does this idiot do anything besides search for products to regulate? You would think these powerful companies could lobby to get rid of this POS...

03-19-13, 00:11
Does this idiot do anything besides search for products to regulate? You would think these powerful companies could lobby to get rid of this POS...

He makes more than a million a day....:eek:

He is king there...like a legalized mafia boss.

03-19-13, 00:31
While in the moment, sharing the planet with Bloomberg is about as bad as it gets...... I'm honestly grateful for Bloomberg.

It's important to remember that Bloomberg isn't a special little snowflake in the least...contrary to what he may believe. He actually represents a certain group of people that have come before him....and will certainly be coming after him, and most can readily identify what group of unique people/interests he represents.

People will long remember Bloomberg after his actions the last 2-3yrs....and thankfully in time by his own sword, he will prevent others from his own cloth from coming to power in any significant form or fashion.

03-19-13, 01:26
While in the moment, sharing the planet with Bloomberg is about as bad as it gets...... I'm honestly grateful for Bloomberg.

It's important to remember that Bloomberg isn't a special little snowflake in the least...contrary to what he may believe. He actually represents a certain group of people that have come before him....and will certainly be coming after him, and most can readily identify what group of unique people/interests he represents.

People will long remember Bloomberg after his actions the last 2-3yrs....and thankfully in time by his own sword, he will prevent others from his own cloth from coming to power in any significant form or fashion.
I wish I could share your optimism but I think far to many people look at him and think yea I'm cool with what he's trying to do since he's just trying to make the world a healthier and better place. Lets just be thankful that for the time being he is only mayor of one city, albeit NYC.

03-19-13, 01:58
I had a smoke AND a pop today in honor of him. Now I'm just waiting for the day when this asshole makes my favorite cigar shop look like the ones in Australia...

03-19-13, 02:03
He makes more than a million a day....:eek:

He is king there...like a legalized mafia boss.

Nothing but a gangster in suit really :big_boss:

03-19-13, 02:38
I had a smoke AND a pop today in honor of him. Now I'm just waiting for the day when this asshole makes my favorite cigar shop look like the ones in Australia...

Funny you should say that. I spent the night debating some dumb ass Aussies who said things like Apple should return their profits to the consumers basically making them a non profit, and they were gushing over their 'free healthcare'. I know what you are talking about though. Their tobacco products are riddled with made up pictures of 'cancer' victims from smoking.

With the prevalence of HPV you're probably more likely to get throat cancer from eating pussy than smoking or chewing.

03-19-13, 02:50
I cannot wait for Mayor Banburg to enlighten us lowly serfs on the subject of left hand vs. right hand masterbation and the "stranger" technique.

He needs to step it up a bit IMHO and go ahead and save the future generations by banning chewing gum, spitting on the sidewalk, and four lettered words. :nono:

Alex V
03-19-13, 08:53
Didn't they do this in Europe a wile back?

F1 teams used to be almost all sponsored by tobacco companies.

Scudearia Ferrari Marlboro
Mild Seven Renault
West McLaren Mercedes

Jordan F1 Team had Benson & Hedges on the side.
Winfield with Williams F1...

Around 2006 it all stopped... they were only allowed to show tobacco adverts on their cars in the MiddleEast.

Ferrari is the only one still sponsored by tobacco, Marlboro, but the company has not appeared on the car since 2010, and even then it was only a Barcode not the actual words.

I don't smoke, never have, but I am able to make that decision, the thought that others cant make the same decision is silly. How weak minded does a non smoker have to be to be influenced by a print add? If you don't smoke, an add will not make u smoke.

Maybe Bloomberg is afraid he cant stop himself and needs to make sure he stops it before he starts smoking...

damnit cant find the scene from the Simpsons Episode (Homer's Phobia) where he plants Bart in front of a Larami Cigarette add after which Bart wants a cigarette... "anything slim" lol



03-19-13, 18:07
With the prevalence of HPV you're probably more likely to get throat cancer from eating pussy than smoking or chewing.

I really want to see the warning ads for that.

Typos brought to you via Tapatalk and autocorrect.

03-19-13, 18:11
I really want to see the warning ads for that.

Typos brought to you via Tapatalk and autocorrect.

It'll be tattooed on the inner thigh.

03-19-13, 18:22
I really want to see the warning ads for that.

Typos brought to you via Tapatalk and autocorrect.

Can we do like the Aussies and put graphic photos on the packaging? :bad:

03-19-13, 18:43
I recall that last time I went to Mexico they had some "graphic" pictures on the label. And everyone whom I knew that smoked still did anyway. And those that didn't smoke didn't smoke anyway.

Why even bother with this shit?

03-19-13, 18:53
In Australia they can't even have walk in humidors anymore. You just get a list, tell them what you want, and they go get it. Also, no decorative bands or boxes cause everyone knows those damn tobacco companies are marketing their premium five to fifteen dollars a piece cigars to kids...

03-19-13, 18:54
Funny you should say that. I spent the night debating some dumb ass Aussies who said things like Apple should return their profits to the consumers basically making them a non profit, and they were gushing over their 'free healthcare'. I know what you are talking about though. Their tobacco products are riddled with made up pictures of 'cancer' victims from smoking.

With the prevalence of HPV you're probably more likely to get throat cancer from eating pussy than smoking or chewing.

Damn, seems like you can't do anything worth doing these days without getting some form of cancer.

03-19-13, 18:55
Why even bother with this shit?

Feel good nanny state politically correct bovine feces.

03-19-13, 19:18
Why even bother with this shit?

Power hungry, narcissistic shitbags like to do things that actually cause a change, even if the change is pointless or makes things worse. It's the rich and powerful person equivalent of scrawling your name in a public place in shitty looking graffiti and forcing everyone to deal with it.

03-19-13, 19:21
Nuckin Futs !

03-19-13, 19:21
Bloomberg is the 13th richest person in the world.


One day... people might wake up to what he's doing. Probably be too late though. He will have already bought their State.

03-19-13, 19:26
Any body remember Death cigarettes and Vodka. The cigarettes came in a black package with a skull and crossbones on it. The Vodka came in a casket. Critics said it glorified and trivialized smoking and drinking.

03-20-13, 03:18
Here's my rationale on the whole smoking thing. If they (the gubment) want people to stop smoking (which lets face it they don't considering tax revenue) they need to stop giving away free shit like health care or forcing private insurance companies to not charge smokers et al higher premiums.

Frankly I'm almost to the point where I'm content with legalizing any drugs people want so long as I the tax payer don't have to pay for your sorry ass to receive treatment of any sort, that means no inpatient or outpatient alcohol or chemical dependency rehab period especially if your on medicaid or medicare. The system needs to stop enabling people. You get hooked on heroin? not my problem go die in the ditch for being stupid. I'm not against people having access to such treatment but I'm sick of the public paying for it.

03-20-13, 03:48
With the prevalence of HPV you're probably more likely to get throat cancer from eating pussy than smoking or chewing.

I demand Austrailia/Mexican style graphic image warnings.