View Full Version : 10 years ago today....

03-18-13, 19:35
I was a 19 year old Private sitting next to my Bradley IFV on the Iraq/Kuwait border. We had been training and planning for a possible war with Iraq that most of us didnt believe would actually occur. All except for the old timers. The Platoon Sergeants and First Sergeant who had been along these same sands a decade before.

We got the order to dress into our MOP (chemical protection) suits and I remember my Platoon Sergeant telling us all "We are going to be in Iraq within 12 hours, just watch".

The rest of the platoon was telling him that he was crazy when we were interupted by a faint roar from above. We all looked up and saw a missile flying through the air. We all stared at it in disbelief for a second before realizing that it was heading south.

We were later told that the missile we saw was a SCUD which landed near out camp where we had been staying the last couple months.


Here is a cool picture we took on the outskirts of Baghdad. We are enjoying a nice break with some found "liberated" Iraqi Pepsi's


Army Chief
03-18-13, 19:53
I read the thread title and figured your math must be a little off, but you're entirely correct: it HAS been 10 years. We rolled in right behind you (late April). Hard to believe its been that long.

Thanks for your service, brother.


03-18-13, 21:27
Always great to hear such first hand accounts, especially from those that made it home safe. And another sincere thanks for your service.

03-18-13, 21:42
I was a little bit late to the party but my unit wasn't. Went to basic in June 03 and was in Baghdad in Jan 04. 1AD....

03-18-13, 22:59

03-18-13, 23:41
Hard to believe its been a decade. We crossed nine hours before it all officially started and watched as the Scuds cruised overhead while we were in MOPP4. That first night/morning sucked.

El Pistolero
03-19-13, 00:12
Thank you for your service.

03-19-13, 00:20
I was way late, first deployment in 08. Much respect to the ones before me and after. I hated being on a Bradley.

03-19-13, 05:52
What is even crazier is that 22 years ago when the first Gulf War cease fire was signed we were saying we are here let's finish it now or we will be back here in ten years. At the time we did not kniw how right we would be.


03-19-13, 06:07
What is even crazier is that 22 years ago when the first Gulf War cease fire was signed we were saying we are here let's finish it now or we will be back here in ten years. At the time we did not kniw how right we would be.



OP I was PCS from sub base Bangor WA, when you guys crossed the border, I was so ****ing jealous! I still had 3 months on my 4 year contract with the Navy. I was scratching my heals to get into the Army took two weeks to get switched over, then on the first day I called a 1sgt a sgt LOL it was a rough switch at first.

Army Chief
03-19-13, 10:30
I was a little bit late to the party but my unit wasn't. Went to basic in June 03 and was in Baghdad in Jan 04. 1AD....

Iron Soliders!! lol

Me too. 4th Bde at BIAP, but we flew pretty much everywhere.


03-19-13, 22:53
A-Co 2-7 Cav here.

then on the first day I called a 1sgt a sgt LOL it was a rough switch at first.

Reminds me of In The Army Now with Pauly Shore.

JBecker 72
03-19-13, 23:01
I can't believe it's been ten years. Nuts.

Reminds me of In The Army Now with Pauly Shore.

What's he so pissed at?

I dunno something about his clock being broken.

Tapatalk ate my grammar

03-19-13, 23:03
I can't believe it's been ten years. Nuts.

What's he so pissed at?

I dunno something about his clock being broken.

Tapatalk ate my grammar

I don't care what anyone says Pualy Shore made some funny movies. In The Army Now was his best I think.

"Let's go bust some scuds!"

Best line in the movie though was, "In my life I've seen a lot of camel toes, but I have never seen one on a camel."

03-19-13, 23:38
10 years ago today I was sitting on my ass in Greece waiting to get flown in. ~10 days from now we flew in.

Can't believe it's been a decade.

03-20-13, 00:35
This is great. Thanks for your service, man.