View Full Version : Harry Reid may have killed the assault weapons ban

Doc Safari
03-19-13, 10:50
Normally, I'd say the power-hungry bastard can burn in Hell, but at least this makes me say give the son-of-a-bitch an occasional glass of water:


After a meeting yesterday with Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen. Dianne Feinstein learned that her controversial assault weapons ban mess will not be part of the gun control bill package heading to the senate floor next month.
The AWB could be offered up as an amendment, but the bill was already considered a long shot, as senate democrats will be facing a competitive election cycle for 2014. Many face constituents back home who do not support such legislation.

Democrat insiders say the universal background check, supported only by Democrats, will not head to the floor either.

Alex V
03-19-13, 10:55
Let's hope this is true...

If this is dead, salvation may indeed be found in another state for me.

03-19-13, 11:02
This is AMAZING news. Absolutely amazing. And people were thrashing Harry Reid on guns despite having an awesome record. So glad to see him step up.

It's not going to pass as an amendment. No one will want to screw up their bill with Feinstein's third rail. It's ****ing dead.

P.S.: Alex, move next door to PA. :D

03-19-13, 11:10
The AWB, might not make it as an amendment magazine restrictions on the other hand might still be in play. Stay vigilant, this fight isn't over and likely never will.

03-19-13, 11:55
It looks like Reid knows who butters his bread...

We need to make sure this is not some sort of trick though, or it doesn't get resurrected at the last moment and slipped through.


03-19-13, 11:57
Mr. Reid ’s decision was likely aimed at bolstering the party’s chances to pass some gun control, even if it’s not as restrictive as many on the left would like. As Hot Air noted, Mr. Reid can now play the two bills off each other and make the case that he kept out Mrs. Feinstein ’s more controversial version.

(this is taken from a quote in Koshinns thread on this matter quoting some political pundits)

We still need to be super vigilant. This is a tactic to get other crap passed.


03-19-13, 12:14
It would have been better for us if they had let it come to a full vote on the senate floor (where it would have died a fiery death), so the voters could hold those who voted for it accountable. Now they will try and piecemeal it through in other legislation and fence sitting anti gun senators can move along with their re-election campaigns.

Not happy.

03-19-13, 12:15
Normally, I'd say the power-hungry bastard can burn in Hell, but at least this makes me say give the son-of-a-bitch an occasional glass of water:


Reid himself said a month or two ago that he wasn't going to tie up the Senate's time voting on bills that had no chance to pass the House. He was talking about the AWB and mag capacity limit bills. That was code for "I'm not going to hang out to dry Dem senators in red states facing re-election fights in 2014 just to help Obama make a statement on gun control".

The AWB and mag capacity limits aren't likely to even get a vote on the Senate floor, much less pass the Senate, much less pass the House.

03-19-13, 12:16
It would have been better for us if they had let it come to a full vote on the senate floor (where it would have died a fiery death), so the voters could hold those who voted for it accountable. Now they will try and piecemeal it through in other legislation and fence sitting anti gun senators can move along with their re-election campaigns.

Not happy.

You can't really piecemeal the AWB. It is a single chunk. You can try the AWB and Mag Limits separately, but they are both big enough to put a red mark on the chest of everyone who votes for it come the next election.


03-19-13, 12:39
Maybe the panic buying can subside now.

03-19-13, 12:54
They are probably just hoping for another big shooting in the next few months, to regain any lost momentum. As an above poster said, the fight will never end.

03-19-13, 13:03
The AWB, might not make it as an amendment magazine restrictions on the other hand might still be in play. Stay vigilant, this fight isn't over and likely never will.

Yep, let's not forget the renewal of the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban was successfully renewed to Larry Craigs Industry Protection Bill weeks prior to the sunset in 2004. And that was a Republican majority Congress who did it. Where it not for the efforts of ONE MAN, Larry Craig who then killed his own bill the sunset would never have happened.

Don't let your guard down. Last minute amendments are usually how we get screwed every time.

03-19-13, 13:09
Watch out for Reid...he's using this to make the extensive background checks not taste so bad.

03-19-13, 13:25
Watch out for Reid...he's using this to make the extensive background checks not taste so bad.

Yep threaten you with "murder" and then offer "just rape." That way "rape" doesn't seem so bad.

Sadly I think it's gonna work. There will be universal background checks and IF a serial number is required that will be the end of "off the grid" guns for the most part.

And far too many people will celebrate the fact that they didn't end up with a ban like NY.

03-19-13, 13:26
Since no vote on the awb is what it looks like at the moment, we need not forget the scumbags that have said they would support it. I have my compiled list of Florida politicians that responded with a go vote for the awb. Stay vigilant.

Doc Safari
03-19-13, 13:29
Not that I'm defending Harry Reid, but I think the universal background check was being pushed by Republicans just as hard all this time.

It's always sort of been the "how can we oppose this" provision.

03-19-13, 13:32
At least on the weapons issue, Reid is looking good.

However: Never forget, never forgive.

03-19-13, 13:36
Not that I'm defending Harry Reid, but I think the universal background check was being pushed by Republicans just as hard all this time.

It's always sort of been the "how can we 'compromise'" provision.

Fixed it for ya.

I always had a feeling that UBC's would at least be what gets passed, but I'm still hoping that everything gets shut down.

03-19-13, 13:39
This fight is long from over. The core problem is that the left does not see any rights guaranteed by the Constitution as inalienable. They interpret "Shall not be infringed" as "tamper as you see politically fit depending on the election and news cycle".

It was a nice occasion to call my brother in California and say "My piece of shit Democratic senator is better than you piece of shit Democratic senator". His reply was that I was basically comparing smells in a sewage plant. Both smell like shit, so it doesn't matter which smells worse.

03-19-13, 13:44
Edit to my above post...

I thought I had seen this, but posted before I looked for it:

Democrat insiders say the universal background check, supported only by Democrats, will not head to the floor either.

From: http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/03/19/Hasta-La-Vista-Assault-Weapon-Ban

So...by my count: no AWB, no Mag Limit, and no UBCs...unless I missed it, what exactly is going to the Senate floor?

03-19-13, 14:00
Something to do with mental health reporting I think

03-19-13, 14:07
You're all crazy!

At least that is what will come next.

03-19-13, 14:10
You're all crazy!

At least that is what will come next.

Yep, mental health "reform" could be the Trojan Horse.

But that's just tin foil talk, right? :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
03-19-13, 14:36
Obviously, none of them can be trusted, but just think how we were talking around the first of the year. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting someone who thought our rights were doomed with no chance at all to stop it.

03-19-13, 17:07
Yep, mental health "reform" could be the Trojan Horse.

But that's just tin foil talk, right? :rolleyes:

Yes, just tinfoil.

Guns of Law-Abiding Husband Confiscated After Wife’s Single Voluntary Mental Health Visit


03-19-13, 17:25
It ain't over yet-

Feinstein said Reid told her there would be two additional votes. One would be on her assault weapons ban, which also includes a ban on ammunition magazines that carry more than 10 rounds. The second would just be on prohibiting the high-capacity magazine clips.
Many Democrats think the ban on large-capacity magazines has a better chance of getting 60 votes than the assault weapons ban.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/19/reid-cuts-assault-weapons-ban-from-senate-gun-control-bill-amid-waning-support/#ixzz2O1juvqCd

03-19-13, 17:31
3. The bargaining chip theory: Liberals have insisted for months — Greg Sargent, we are looking at you – that the ultimate goal of Obama’s push on guns was universal background checks on gun purchases, not the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban.

The argument, made by Greg and others, was that Democrats were always going to be willing to bargain away the assault weapons ban since they knew it simply couldn’t pass. But, by pushing as hard for it for as long as they did, Democrats can now go to moderate legislators — not to mention the American people — and argue that broadening background checks is now the compromise position. Ask for the world, then bargain downwards.


03-19-13, 17:47
It ain't over yet-

Feinstein said Reid told her there would be two additional votes. One would be on her assault weapons ban, which also includes a ban on ammunition magazines that carry more than 10 rounds. The second would just be on prohibiting the high-capacity magazine clips.
Many Democrats think the ban on large-capacity magazines has a better chance of getting 60 votes than the assault weapons ban.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/19/reid-cuts-assault-weapons-ban-from-senate-gun-control-bill-amid-waning-support/#ixzz2O1juvqCd

Mostly everyone, dem and gop, think that the awb and mag ban on their own have zero chance of passing. That doesn't mean mission accomplished, but it means the tide of the battle had turned. But you don't slow down on the home stretch, you speed up.

Heavy Metal
03-19-13, 18:04


03-19-13, 18:15


Reid is pretty pro gun. I mean he had LaPierre over at the Clark County range opening! Which is a pretty awesome range, btw, if you're ever in Vegas.

03-19-13, 18:20
Just seems like an appropriate time to repost this:


03-19-13, 19:04
Reid is pretty pro gun. I mean he had LaPierre over at the Clark County range opening! Which is a pretty awesome range, btw, if you're ever in Vegas.

Reid will sell out to the highest bidder...the universal background check spooks the hell out of me without knowing details. Especially the enforcement side. what if gun owners have to prove ownership to le during a traffic stop or out hunting, range, etc. Slipery shit right here.

How is that gun friendly?? He's a weasel...

03-19-13, 19:05
Fienstein said "I tried my best" so I take that as she believes it is totally done.

That being said several supposed pro gun democrats struggled with this decision. This is a punishable offence and every Democrat that even contemplated this needs to be voted out.

The electorate must strive to make anything but immediate condemnation of any infringement on the natural rights of man protected in the BOR political suicide.

I'm talking about people like Manchin and Baucus.

Remember this is 2014. Vote early and often.

03-19-13, 19:20
Yes, just tinfoil.

Guns of Law-Abiding Husband Confiscated After Wife’s Single Voluntary Mental Health Visit


This is what is scary.

03-19-13, 22:12
Sent a letter to my Senator Dick Durbin voicing my opposition to the AWB. Below is a response I got just today.

Dear Mr. XXXXXX:

Thank you for contacting me about gun violence prevention. I appreciate hearing from you.

Americans are entitled to own and use guns responsibly. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees this right. In 2008, in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court struck down the District’s handgun ban and affirmed Second Amendment rights. However, the Court also noted in its decision that Second Amendment rights are subject to reasonable limitations.

Within this context, we must work to pursue policies and enforce existing laws to protect Americans from becoming victims of gun violence. Strong penalties for violent crimes involving firearms should be part of any effort to reduce gun violence. I have consistently supported tough crime control and prevention initiatives since coming to Congress.

I support efforts that address illegal possession and use of firearms. Common sense restrictions such as bans on multi-round magazines and assault weapons are supported by law enforcement officials who patrol our streets. I also support universal background checks to prevent the transfer of firearms without a background check by non-licensed gun sellers.

We must institute common-sense limits, such as barring those with a history of mental instability, those with a history of violent crime or who are subject to restraining orders, and those whose names have been placed on a terrorist watch list from owning weapons. Straw purchasers and gun dealers should face firm penalties. There should be limits on how many firearms may be purchased in one month. Those who own firearms that are within the reach of children should have protective locks on their weapons.

Although we may disagree on this issue, I will keep your thoughts in mind as the Senate considers gun violence prevention measures. I will continue to uphold the right to bear arms and do not seek to diminish the ability of Americans to do so. We must strike a balance between protecting our constitutional rights and preventing senseless acts of violence that have led to the loss of countless lives in Illinois and across America.

Thank you again for contacting me. Please feel free to stay in touch.


Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator


The balls on this guy. Outside of severe pnalties for straw purchasers and felons in posession of a firearm, what is it they want to do/ban that's not already done?

Felons can't have a gun already. The mentally ill already can't have a gun. People involved in domestic violence can't have a gun.

How do you limit the 2nd without denying responsible armed citizens their rights? The 2 things are mutually exclusive.

Common sense. Yeah, it ain't so common, Dick.....

03-20-13, 00:46
Is he referring to the same full capacity magazines and actual assault weapons utilized by our nations LEOs? Oh yea probably not.

As for the mental illness I am absolutely sickened that not enough people are seeing this for what it really is. Look at the SAFE act in NY which basically says any qualified practitioner can deem someone a danger thus justifying involuntary civil commitment albeit temporary (which I'm fine with) but if they refuse treatment they still have the right to due process, as far as treatment over objection is concerned.

Problem is the responsibility is on the treating facility to file notice under the SAFE act that they feel the person is a threat to themselves or others (note not just with a firearm) which gets referred to the state police and any CCW permit is automatically suspended or revoked and any weapons in the home can be confiscated (it is not clear if they are only the ones possessed by the patient or all firearms) with no due process, nothing. At least before you did not lose your 2A rights unless you were adjudicated mentally ill. Now not so much. Hell you don't even need to be admitted to qualify you can be receiving outpatient treatment and simply be referred for crisis evaluation and your local emergency room.

And considering how liability conscious many practitioners are they benefit of the doubt will not be going to the patient but to cover their ass.


03-20-13, 14:12
I'm sure glad more and more people are reading between the lines here.

A full frontal assault will never work and would never work. These commies are masters of deception and they are coming in the back door once our government labels us as "terrorists" because we mentioned the US Constitution in some light hearted conversation several years ago, or "mentally incompetent" because your spouse was prescribed an anti-depressant pill ten years ago after her parent passed away unexpectedly that she never even took, or because some one posted (horror of horrors) a picture of your child with a gun on a perfectly safe and fun range day, etc...

They have us all clamoring at the front door where they are knocking with their AWB, while their silent assassins sneak in the back door as we are distracted.

What perplexes me is, what do they think is going to happen when 300,000,000+ people figure out what is going on? Once they back door enough houses, word will get out, as it has here, and what do they think we are going to do about it? Do they think Americans are just going to be silently led away in the night?

03-20-13, 17:13
Is he referring to the same full capacity magazines and actual assault weapons utilized by our nations LEOs? Oh yea probably not.

As for the mental illness I am absolutely sickened that not enough people are seeing this for what it really is. Look at the SAFE act in NY which basically says any qualified practitioner can deem someone a danger thus justifying involuntary civil commitment albeit temporary (which I'm fine with) but if they refuse treatment they still have the right to due process, as far as treatment over objection is concerned.

Problem is the responsibility is on the treating facility to file notice under the SAFE act that they feel the person is a threat to themselves or others (note not just with a firearm) which gets referred to the state police and any CCW permit is automatically suspended or revoked and any weapons in the home can be confiscated (it is not clear if they are only the ones possessed by the patient or all firearms) with no due process, nothing. At least before you did not lose your 2A rights unless you were adjudicated mentally ill. Now not so much. Hell you don't even need to be admitted to qualify you can be receiving outpatient treatment and simply be referred for crisis evaluation and your local emergency room.

And considering how liability conscious many practitioners are they benefit of the doubt will not be going to the patient but to cover their ass.


I wonder if a malpractice suit could be filed for a wrongful diagnosis?

03-20-13, 23:04
I wonder if a malpractice suit could be filed for a wrongful diagnosis?

If it was made in good faith their pretty much immune from liability. Same for the practitioner who files notice under the SAFE Act law they are immune as well providing their actions were made in good faith. My mistake in my previous post I was referencing the civil liability they would incur if a patient of theirs killed or injured someone not the liability they would incur by a patient they referred for emergency evaluation/admission. Should have made that point clearer.

03-21-13, 00:06
The day after the elections, they will assault the Second Amendment with more aplomb. They will know they have four years to recover from the political fall out.

03-21-13, 00:10
The day after the elections, they will assault the Second Amendment with more aplomb. They will know they have four years to recover from the political fall out.

I am not so sure about that. Harry Reid knows the political fallout such legislation would cause. He remembers the 1994 ban and what happened in the 96 midterm elections.

For all his faults, Reid seems to be the only person capable of and willing to block gun control.

03-21-13, 00:13
Dingy Reid is a immoral piece of shit but for whatever reason he has not allowed a single antigun bill through the Senate.

03-21-13, 00:15
I am not so sure about that. Harry Reid knows the political fallout such legislation would cause. He remembers the 1994 ban and what happened in the 96 midterm elections.

For all his faults, Reid seems to be the only person capable of and willing to block gun control.

I hope you are correct, but I am afraid politicians are becoming more short sighted and bear considerable watching.

03-21-13, 00:48
Dingy Reid is a immoral piece of shit but for whatever reason he has not allowed a single antigun bill through the Senate.

Because its not politically beneficial for him to do so. The fact that any Dem voting for such legislation would become increasingly vulnerable as a result should tell the anti-gunners something about America, but they don't get it.

Change the chess board and I assure you he would have no problem pushing such legislation through.

03-21-13, 00:56
That story is somewhat misleading and partially true. I was told by a California LEO that if the firearms were locked up and she did not have access to them there would not have been an issue.

Yes, just tinfoil.

Guns of Law-Abiding Husband Confiscated After Wife’s Single Voluntary Mental Health Visit


03-21-13, 01:01
That story is somewhat misleading and partially true. I was told by a California LEO that if the firearms were locked up and she did not have access to them there would not have been an issue.

I thought for the mental part to be disqualified you had to be declared so by a judge or involuntarily committed? She went to the hospital voluntarily because of side effects of medication she was taking. I fail to see how that qualifies as being a prohibited person.

03-21-13, 05:55
I thought for the mental part to be disqualified you had to be declared so by a judge or involuntarily committed? She went to the hospital voluntarily because of side effects of medication she was taking. I fail to see how that qualifies as being a prohibited person.

Sounds like what happened is actually pretty common. She went there voluntarily but her voluntary status got converted to involuntary when the determination (wrongful or otherwise) was made that she was a danger to herself. Boom, instant prohibited person with no due process.

Happens a lot. But all this will serve to do is keep who want to seek treatment from doing so because they fear they will lose their rights, which is true.

03-21-13, 09:17
On a side note. That sorry excuse for a human being Michael Moore was on Piers Morgan and said that if it were Reids grandkids involved in a shooting he'd send the AWB to the floor. What kind of talk is that? Who says stuff like that?

He went on to say that "this is our country". Well it's my country too champ and I don't want any more of these do nothing laws that target inanimate objects and do nothing to stop bad people.

Both these guys need to sit in the corner quietly and let the adults talk.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

03-21-13, 10:08
I saw this in a response to a NY Times anti-gun editorial

There are some very positive things coming out of this national gun debate:

1. The public realization that the post-Newtown calls for gun control had nothing to do with Newtown.

2. The massive overreach by Anti-Constitutionalists has made a lie of all the claims that "no one is coming for your guns."

3. The identification of all of the politician who must be replaced in 2014.

4. There is no compromise offered by Anti-Constitutionalists, only concession.

5. The Feinstein bill forever alienating hunters and causing them to join forces with other gun-owners.

6. The galvanization of Second Amendment supporters across the nation.

7. The massive and unprecedented sales of firearms and ammo of all types.

8. The revelation to the complacent that "baby steps" are what lead to onerous infringements.

9. Bloomberg acolytes are completely out of step with not just the red states, but their own constituents.

10. The HUGE upswing in the membership of the NRA and the defection of literally hundreds of thousands of fence-sitters over to support of the Second Amendment.

The next steps for the 2A community are to not only to block any legislation that restricts the sale of private property and any attempts to restrict magazine capacity, but to also drive forward and begin to roll-back the infringements enacted over the past 30 years.





Doc. Holiday
03-21-13, 10:53
I read about this the other day. Don't let your guard down guys!

03-21-13, 11:09
From the topic post article. Priceless: http://www.breitbart.com/mediaserver/7C98463891AD400B8C71B4C5BCF56E0A.jpg

03-21-13, 11:27
From the topic post article. Priceless: http://www.breitbart.com/mediaserver/7C98463891AD400B8C71B4C5BCF56E0A.jpg

Fumbling like an idiot for dramatic purposes. Look how long it's taking ME to change this magazine....

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

03-21-13, 11:45
On a side note. That sorry excuse for a human being Michael Moore was on Piers Morgan and said that if it were Reids grandkids involved in a shooting he'd send the AWB to the floor. What kind of talk is that? Who says stuff like that?

He went on to say that "this is our country". Well it's my country too champ and I don't want any more of these do nothing laws that target inanimate objects and do nothing to stop bad people.

Both these guys need to sit in the corner quietly and let the adults talk.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2


This is old news, but the point is, the hypocrisy of people like Moore . That fat ass goofy lookin bastard needs to get a real job, and he can take Jessie Jackson along with him. I guess he didn't see the movie "Schindler's list."

03-21-13, 12:02
I would say that the bill is dead, but we should still be vigilant.

I am not opposed to restrictions on guns for people with mental health issues. Almost every one of these gun massacres occurs with a mentally ill person.

03-21-13, 12:09
I would say that the bill is dead, but we should still be vigilant.

I am not opposed to restrictions on guns for people with mental health issues. Almost every one of these gun massacres occurs with a mentally ill person.

Right, I think we all agree that people who are truly mentally ill should be restricted from owning firearms, but that's not the issue.

HOW you are classified as "mentally ill" is the real issue that needs to be handled very delicately.

03-21-13, 13:45
Somewhat amusing that Reid has played an instrumental role in fending off the AWB and the best this nets him is that he's a monster and probably doing it for the wrong reasons and maybe using it to smuggle in other gun control lege.

That's an excellent way to make friends and influence people...

03-21-13, 14:30
I'll give Reid the benifit of the doubt. He may be power hungry, but he's acting like our friend at the minute. Maybe if we gave him our support, he'd be on our side.

The venom can't possibly be furthering our cause.

03-21-13, 14:52
Harry Reid has, for the most part, been on the side of gun owners for years. Hell, he voted against renewing the AWB in the early 2000s.

On top of that, he just found an incredibly-deft way to both preserve his party (by not bringing the AWB directly to the floor, which would expose red-state Dems to a painful lose-lose vote) while most likely killing UBC/AWB/mag ban bills. He found a way to protect his party by shooting down gun control -- and we're all giving him shit for it?! It was a piece of political beauty, guys. Yeeeesh.

Dear Lord. This was awesome news done by a historically pro-gun politician who resides within a gun-hostile party. What the hell more do you want?

I, for one, am happy with Reid in this case. Very.

03-21-13, 15:06
Harry Reid has, for the most part, been on the side of gun owners for years. Hell, he voted against renewing the AWB in the early 2000s.

While serving as the Democratic Whip (2nd ranking party member) in 2004 he did NOT prevent the renewal of the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban from being successfully amended to Larry Craig industry protection bill prior to the sunset.

Although he himself voted against it.

03-21-13, 15:13
He voted against the amendment and supported the original bill (a pro-gun bill). He also vote against the AWB in 1993.


What do you mean he didn't prevent the amendment? What else was he supposed to do? It was the flip-flop of 8 Republicans that caused the damned amendment to go through.

03-21-13, 15:23
While serving as the Democratic Whip (2nd ranking party member) in 2004 he did NOT prevent the renewal of the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban from being successfully amended to Larry Craig industry protection bill prior to the sunset.

Although he himself voted against it.

We don't know what the exact situation was in Congress at the time.

He voted against it, so I'd forgive that. Though I have a feeling he thought the bill would get killed with that amendment installed.

03-21-13, 15:30
He voted against the amendment and supported the original bill (a pro-gun bill). He also vote against the AWB in 1993.


What do you mean he didn't prevent the amendment? What else was he supposed to do? It was the flip-flop of 8 Republicans that caused the damned amendment to go through.

I agree it was the Republican majority who sold us out. But I would have expected Reid to use more of his influence as Minority Whip regarding his own party. Of course I expected much more from the Republicans.

03-21-13, 15:36
He voted against the amendment and supported the original bill (a pro-gun bill). He also vote against the AWB in 1993.


What do you mean he didn't prevent the amendment? What else was he supposed to do? It was the flip-flop of 8 Republicans that caused the damned amendment to go through.

Thank you, you just helped me with some detective work I've been doing.


03-21-13, 17:01
Rather hard to hang Reid on the back of an amendment from a time when he was the Minority Whip and voted against the amendment.

The Whip's job is to play enforcer on votes the leadership/party has backed - that's not a role that lets you turn large numbers of your party against a vote that most of the leadership (Minority Leader Tom Daschle voted for the amendment) and party support. Whips don't set policy.

03-21-13, 17:34
Looks like the far leftist extremist Democrats did enough arm twisting of Harry Reid to get him to reconsider tabling Diane Feinstein’s gun grabbing bill. Harry Reid will bring up a gun control bill for a Senate vote on April 8th.


03-21-13, 17:41
So we've got a fight on our hands for UBCs. Let's do it. Also, confirmation of above source: https://twitter.com/johngramlich

UPDATE: http://www.rollcall.com/news/reid_sets_up_gun_background_check_debate-223360-1.html

Looks worse than originally thought. Base bill will include UBCs, with everything else to be proposed as amendments. I'm curious to see how Reid votes on these things. My bet is yessum for UBCs and under, and nadda for AWB and over.

Time to rev up those contacts again, everyone. Call/email/write your congressmen. Read the link in my signature for help in that regard.

03-21-13, 18:02
I thought Reid backed down, because he and the other Democ-Rats :mad: did not have enough votes to get the bill passed.

This is not the end of it gentlemen. We will have to fight one anti-2nd Amendment bill after another. The Democ-Rats :mad: have to be successful only once and we have to be successful 100% of the time.

Heavy Metal
03-21-13, 18:19
I thought Reid backed down, because he and the other Democ-Rats :mad: did not have enough votes to get the bill passed.

This is not the end of it gentlemen. We will have to fight one anti-2nd Amendment bill after another. The Democ-Rats :mad: have to be successful only once and we have to be successful 100% of the time.

The way I read things, nothing has changed since yesterday. Reid is still NOT including this in the base bill.

Feinstein's shit has to be added as an amendment and I am hearing it will take 60, not 50 to adopt an amendment.

Frankly, I think it is good for them to push it as an amendment because it won't come close to getting 60 votes and we can get EVERYBODY on record for 2014.

03-21-13, 20:06


03-21-13, 20:43
I thought Reid backed down, because he and the other Democ-Rats :mad: did not have enough votes to get the bill passed.

This is not the end of it gentlemen. We will have to fight one anti-2nd Amendment bill after another. The Democ-Rats :mad: have to be successful only once and we have to be successful 100% of the time.

Yep,,, they know how to strike when the iron is hot and not until then. They keep the iron in the fire though.

Anyone that trusts Reid is fooling themselves.

03-21-13, 21:40

03-22-13, 05:07
ABC news just announced that UBCs will be part of Reid's Bill.

03-22-13, 06:05
Follow the money. Reid is a whore.

03-22-13, 08:48
This is your daily reminder to contact these 6 people:

Your 2 Senators
Your Representative
The Senate Majority/Minority Leaders
Speaker of the House

For the record, nothing has changed since Tuesday. We all knew UBCs may or may not be included, and that the AWB/mag ban were going to be allowed as amendments. I actually disagree with GOA that this is a backdoor attempt at gun/mag bans, because an AWB being amended to the bill makes it an immediate non-starter, and Harry's crew wants this to make it to the President's desk.

What this really is is a way to save the skin of red-state Dems by letting them vote AGAINST gun/mag bans (appeasing most gun owners, though not most of us here on M4C) while voting FOR some gun control (appeasing party members and elites). I'm confident the AWB won't pass. Probably not the mag ban either. This is about UBCs.

On that note, we should take all of the threats seriously.

03-22-13, 09:34
All they really want and need is UBC. They will get it. Then they use that "fact" as a basis for the rest in the following years.

UBC is a no-brainer for them. It's difficult to explain to the uneducated. Well it's not difficult but it's easy to say "everyone should have a check, right?" There is a huge "I don't care" crowd including the "hunters".

Once they get this they simply say.. look the country wants gun control. .... and then it's Train kept a rollin' right over the Constitution.

This administration is trying to to turn America into a 60's commune. Sounds good on the surface but they all fall apart. Jeeze if you got Bloomberg and Feinstein in the same room they could probably create enough self love energy to suck America into a black hole.

Obama's Ideal Perception of America Today

Obama's Future America

03-22-13, 09:50
What's amazing is that people act like it's a surprise.
Way more coming...
Incremental Orwellian state en route...

NSPD 51 oh yeah now there's a real dousey....

03-25-13, 01:33
Sounds like McCain may ne on the short list of people who may screw us over background checks.


Keep burning up the phone lines people, its not over.

03-25-13, 12:22
Bloomberg, Mayors Against Illegal Guns Take Aim at Key Senators | PBS NewsHour



03-25-13, 17:20

^From the article:

We now know a lot more about what's going to happen with gun control legislation than we did a few days ago.
First, the number of the bill we are fighting is S. 649. Harry Reid introduced it on Thursday and brought it directly onto the Senate calendar. This means the bill can now come up at any time — probably soon after the Easter recess is over.


^From the article:

Unless Harry Reid wants to invoke a “special order” procedure which will be a disaster for him, he needs 60 votes to proceed to his gun control bill (S. 649) -- votes which Reid does not have if the GOP holds firm. If Republicans hold the line, in fact, Reid probably doesn't even have 50 votes.


^From the article:

Sen. Joe Manchin and the National Rifle Association are quietly engaged in private talks on a proposal to broaden background checks on purchasers of firearms.

That the NRA is even talking with Manchin suggests there’s at least some room for negotiation for the group — despite its public posture against tougher gun laws, several sources say.

Bloomberg and his "Mayor's for the subversion of the constitution" is all over our reps pushing them to get on board with teh gun control crap and injecting $$$ into campaign coffers.

Call and email your "representatives" gentlemen. I just hope they aren't as easily bought off as my local "representatives" were here in CO- not holding my breath at this time...

Doc. Holiday
03-28-13, 14:02
Thanks for the update. Looks like we still have awhile before things die down. :(

03-28-13, 14:37
Wouldn't be surprised in the least to see another "SSRI" related or "other" shooting etc.

Ramp up that FUD...

03-29-13, 08:38
Guys, when will you see the light?

One CANNOT have a Global Dictatorship and a heavily armed civilian population. Period.

This will not end until we remove all vestiges of Globalism from our local, state and federal government and return to a constitutionally limited Republic.

It's as you've been told for years and many laughed and scoffed.

Keep laughing...