View Full Version : The MAIN Problem With School Shooters...

03-19-13, 16:02
Well it isn't that they have a gun.

Convicted School Shooter to Victims’ Families: ‘The Hand That Killed Your Sons Masturbates to the Memory' (http://gawker.com/5991384/convicted-school-shooter-to-victims-families-the-hand-that-killed-your-sons-masturbates-to-the-memory)


The mindset displayed by this kind of individual clearly demonstrates exactly what the problem is. And the problem isn't guns, video games, rap music or violent movies. Some people are just ****ing broken and we need to detect them and isolate them from society rather than try and integrate them fully hoping they won't kill a bunch of people.

03-19-13, 16:10
And we need to stop denying people the ability to defennd themselves when one of these whackjobs invariably leak through the system.

03-19-13, 16:22
Some people are just ****ing broken and we need to detect them and isolate them from society rather than try and integrate them fully hoping they won't kill a bunch of people.
Dear Mr. Gun Nut Domestic Terrorist,

I don't know, we wouldn't want them to feel stigmatized. What about their poor young self-esteem? Everybody is a winner, and everybody deserves a trophy of equal size. It's probably better if we take the guns away from everyone, rather than single out the differently-psyched. If it even saves a single life, no matter how arbitrarily such a success is measured, isn't it worth it? And what about the children? You can't hug your children with small arms.

I'm just so glad this young man in Ohio didn't have a promising football career ahead of him. It would have been tragic to see him not realize his gridiron dreams. Those other kids were probably asking for it.

The Media Parrot

P.S. This is George W. Bush's fault.

03-19-13, 16:57
Well it isn't that they have a gun.

Convicted School Shooter to Victims’ Families: ‘The Hand That Killed Your Sons Masturbates to the Memory' (http://gawker.com/5991384/convicted-school-shooter-to-victims-families-the-hand-that-killed-your-sons-masturbates-to-the-memory)


The mindset displayed by this kind of individual clearly demonstrates exactly what the problem is. And the problem isn't guns, video games, rap music or violent movies. Some people are just ****ing broken and we need to detect them and eliminate them from the face of the Earth rather than try and integrate them fully hoping they won't kill a bunch of people.

There, fixed it..

03-19-13, 17:03
There, fixed it..

Sensei you beat me to it.

What the hell good is any law if we are not willing to do what needs to be done?

03-19-13, 17:09
for sure a sick individual who in prison will be masturbating bubba the 6'4' lonely lifer who wants some love !

what is the back story ? glanced at the article seems it was a vengeance thing against people that bullied him ?

not excusing but curious I think bullies should also be thinking twice about bulling folks that are disturbed

03-19-13, 17:20
Poster child for capital punishment...

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 2

03-19-13, 17:22
Poster child for medieval torture...

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 2

I took Sensei's lead and fixed it for you. ;)

03-19-13, 17:27
for sure a sick individual who in prison will be masturbating bubba the 6'4' lonely lifer who wants some love !

what is the back story ? glanced at the article seems it was a vengeance thing against people that bullied him ?

not excusing but curious I think bullies should also be thinking twice about bulling folks that are disturbed


Lane has not given a motive for the shootings, which rocked the tiny town 30 miles outside Cleveland. He gave only a short, defiant statement in the courtroom on Tuesday: "This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. F--- all of you."

Why do people speculate on motives that paint the victim(s) in an unfavorable light? I'll never understand that.

03-19-13, 17:35
I took Sensei's lead and fixed it for you. ;)

Ahh, Iron Maiden. Haven't heard them since '78. :D

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 2

03-19-13, 17:57
Well it isn't that they have a gun.

Convicted School Shooter to Victims’ Families: ‘The Hand That Killed Your Sons Masturbates to the Memory' (http://gawker.com/5991384/convicted-school-shooter-to-victims-families-the-hand-that-killed-your-sons-masturbates-to-the-memory)


The mindset displayed by this kind of individual clearly demonstrates exactly what the problem is. And the problem isn't guns, video games, rap music or violent movies. Some people are just ****ing broken and we need to detect them and isolate them from society rather than try and integrate them fully hoping they won't kill a bunch of people.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

03-19-13, 18:08
for sure a sick individual who in prison will be masturbating bubba the 6'4' lonely lifer who wants some love !

what is the back story ? glanced at the article seems it was a vengeance thing against people that bullied him ?

not excusing but curious I think bullies should also be thinking twice about bulling folks that are disturbed

Sounds like the same story.


And while some bullies might "think twice" after incidents like this and Columbine, I'd stop short of laying blame.

Probably all of us were bullied at one time or another. Being rather small for my age I dealt with quite a bit of it in during my Jr. High and early High School days. Some of it dealing with scumbags right out of "My Bodyguard."

And while I entertained more than a few "get even" daydreams, never once did I seriously consider bringing a gun to school (keep in mind I had them and ammo) and shooting anyone. Like everyone else I "dealt with it" like a normal person.

Later I enjoyed the satisfaction of watching many of them come complete losers in adulthood and in one instance I had an opportunity of a physical confrontation (not started by me) where I had a decidedly significant advantage but in the end I showed far more consideration than that individual ever showed me.

Short of significant abuse like rape or injury requiring actual medical attention we all have to figure out how to deal with the ****tards in our lives and going on a "shooting spree" is hardly justified. This kid was really far worse than those who bullied him.

03-19-13, 18:19
Ahh, Iron Maiden. Haven't heard them since '78. :D

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 2


Nah, I like the band but the device is way over rated. They had plenty of other means that would get the point across today.

03-19-13, 18:25
I was actually never bullied and never bullied anyone. Everyone liked me in k-12, even the guys that did bully other people. Idk what was going on or why that was. It's weird. I've never even encountered racism in places like Alabama, Mississippi, and Oklahoma, and I'm a minority. And I don't open carry so, that's not it.

03-19-13, 18:27
One of the comments from the video...

WOW, JUST WOW ''BLTKELLYS'' I can't believe something so cruel and hateful could come from a human being. This poor, uneducated, child made a MISTAKE. He does not deserve to have his entire life taken from him, he needs to grow up, learn, and come to the realization of what he did, OUTSIDE of prison. The guilt will punish him more than inmates ever could, I can't believe you are this ignorant. Gee.

What the ****....

03-19-13, 18:32
One of the comments from the video...

What the ****....

I think the "Gee" at the end might indicate dastardly deception.

03-19-13, 18:38
I think the "Gee" at the end might indicate dastardly deception.

Hard to tell. Plenty of people just that stupid with an internet connection.

Low Drag
03-19-13, 19:57
Well it isn't that they have a gun.

Convicted School Shooter to Victims’ Families: ‘The Hand That Killed Your Sons Masturbates to the Memory' (http://gawker.com/5991384/convicted-school-shooter-to-victims-families-the-hand-that-killed-your-sons-masturbates-to-the-memory)


The mindset displayed by this kind of individual clearly demonstrates exactly what the problem is. And the problem isn't guns, video games, rap music or violent movies. Some people are just ****ing broken and we need to detect them and isolate them from society rather than try and integrate them fully hoping they won't kill a bunch of people.

I've met with at least 3 elected officials here in Colorado. I tried to make the point the part of the back ground check to detect a nut job (of course I stated it nicer than that) is inadequate at best and needs to changed. They were all dems, none are going to change it. Go figure.

03-19-13, 20:55
Glad he had his last moment of defiance, because his little twink ass is gonna look like the Holland tunnel in a few weeks. :D

Bubba FAL
03-19-13, 21:07
One of my daughter's classmates (8th grade) just hanged himself last Saturday, allegedly the kid was being bullied. Daughter didn't really know him very well, said he was kindof "different".

As long as there have been kids, there have been bullies. It's how they're dealt with that has changed.

Used to be if faced with a bully, you could defend yourself. You may get your ass kicked or you might beat the bully's ass. Either way, the bully would find someone else to harass -easier prey. Nowadays, you're likely to catch more hell for defending yourself than if you were doing the bullying. Also back in the day a bully was much more likely to get lit up by an adult if they got caught picking on someone. Can't do that now or you'll likely find yourself in prison.

Also back then, the psychos were removed from the general population instead of given a bottle of lithium and set loose.

03-19-13, 21:47
One of my daughter's classmates (8th grade) just hanged himself last Saturday, allegedly the kid was being bullied. Daughter didn't really know him very well, said he was kindof "different".

As long as there have been kids, there have been bullies. It's how they're dealt with that has changed.

Used to be if faced with a bully, you could defend yourself. You may get your ass kicked or you might beat the bully's ass. Either way, the bully would find someone else to harass -easier prey. Nowadays, you're likely to catch more hell for defending yourself than if you were doing the bullying. Also back in the day a bully was much more likely to get lit up by an adult if they got caught picking on someone. Can't do that now or you'll likely find yourself in prison.

Also back then, the psychos were removed from the general population instead of given a bottle of lithium and set loose.

Pretty much.

And if you couldn't kick there ass, you could always find their house / car and **** with that. Then they have to go through a list of 45 kids they've ****ed with lately to figure out who might have done it.

03-19-13, 22:51
Dam,that dude is about that life.

03-19-13, 23:17
Poster child for capital punishment...

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 2

That would be this kid to a T.


03-20-13, 00:55
And what about the children? You can't hug your children with small arms.

Small arms as in guns? Or small arms as in T-Rex arms?

03-20-13, 01:52

Why do people speculate on motives that paint the victim(s) in an unfavorable light? I'll never understand that.

thanks :) read some BS then about him being bullied ?

psycho for sure guess when his teeth get knocked out and a hunk of male anatomy shoved down his throat in prison he wont be feeling so tough

03-20-13, 01:55
thanks :) yeah that was the guy I was thinking of !

agree not laying blame but also bullying crap seems to have gotten past what it was when I was in HS it seems ?
also seems when we see some kids these days they are kinda pussies in the sense lib parent made them not realize you have to some times fight back a bit !

and for sure beyond psycho to kill anyone for being a bully !
we knew a dick head in school never bugged me but he was a jerk so we took a bunch of sea critters let them brew in the sun for a few weeks till it was liquid goo and dumped it inside his car :) about a pails worth !

he ended up having to sell it as he could never get the stink out of it ;) that is my kinda revenge :)

Sounds like the same story.


And while some bullies might "think twice" after incidents like this and Columbine, I'd stop short of laying blame.

Probably all of us were bullied at one time or another. Being rather small for my age I dealt with quite a bit of it in during my Jr. High and early High School days. Some of it dealing with scumbags right out of "My Bodyguard."

And while I entertained more than a few "get even" daydreams, never once did I seriously consider bringing a gun to school (keep in mind I had them and ammo) and shooting anyone. Like everyone else I "dealt with it" like a normal person.

Later I enjoyed the satisfaction of watching many of them come complete losers in adulthood and in one instance I had an opportunity of a physical confrontation (not started by me) where I had a decidedly significant advantage but in the end I showed far more consideration than that individual ever showed me.

Short of significant abuse like rape or injury requiring actual medical attention we all have to figure out how to deal with the ****tards in our lives and going on a "shooting spree" is hardly justified. This kid was really far worse than those who bullied him.