03-21-13, 16:10
This really pissed me off. This guy should burn in hell. Its a sad state of our society. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/abortionist-joked-baby-big-enough-walk-around-me-or-walk-me-bus-stop

03-21-13, 16:30
I had a really hard time reading that.

Thanks for posting, I guess...

03-21-13, 16:37
Part of me is supposed to pray for that man.
Part of me doesnt think he is any sort of man at all and would like to personally arrange the meeting he will have with eternal darkness.
Im sorry for him.

Army Chief
03-21-13, 16:49
What an appalling lack of respect for life. I suspect the man's chosen profession (coupled with his own greed) must have de-sensitized him to the point of pure, abject callousness in the face of clear evil. It's sad, but really just an extreme reflection of where many in our society are in terms of their philosophical indifference to the harvesting of the unwanted.


03-21-13, 16:51
Freakin' scumbags. Him and the irresponsible bimbos that carried the fetuses that far, only to be killed.

In this day and age with the "day after pill" and other measures, late term abortions = murder period (barring health complications, rape, etc... of course).

Interesting fact:

Some abortion clinic workers often see the same bimbos time and time again...

03-21-13, 16:52
It appears that the good Dr. needs a scapel to the base of the neck, not all the way through however. Let him twitch a bit . . .

03-21-13, 16:56
We have some friends who are trying to adopt and they are spending 10's of thousands on the process, and since they just got approved it can still be 2 years before they are connected with a child. It's sad to me we have people out there wanting to adopt, spending gobs of money on it, and then trash like this are just murdering babies who could simply be placed in someones arms and live.

I think of stuff like this when we call people in other countries animals, and we have our own industrialized legally sanctioned mass murder industry right at here at home.

03-21-13, 16:57
Wow.... I was just watching the news about these two girls torturing seals on the beach in CA and wondered why are there so many twisted people everywhere these days.

This guy makes them look like girl scouts.

Hard to believe people can go that far down the rabbit hole and never really see what they are doing,

03-21-13, 16:59
Nothing new. Look up the record of one Senator Barrack Hussein Obama on the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA) while he was still a member of the Illinois Senate (around 2001 & 2003, I think).

IMHO, this is why our society has degraded so much. With the current POTUS who thinks of infants that survived an abortion as "burdens on their mother" and a so-called Doctor who presumably originally attended Medical School with the intention of saving lives killing the same as a matter of course; I don't understand how anyone is surprised that incidents like the Newtown massacre occurs.

I hope this POS gets thrown in prison and exposed to the general population. And I hope the other convicted murderers find out about how much pleasure he seem to have gotten from severing a infant's spine just for the almighty dollar. JM2CW.

03-21-13, 17:13
I have two beautiful daughters under the the age of two and I couldn't finish reading the article. I'm really diggin' Moose Knuckles idea.

Sent from my phone cause my Commodore 64 is in the shop.

Pork Chop
03-21-13, 17:14
Hell can't possibly be hot enough for trash like this, his "nurses" included.

03-21-13, 17:50
The Nazis had doctors like this.

03-21-13, 17:56
There are people on this earth who should die for their actions here, and among that pool is an elite group which must, for the sake of good social conscience among any body of people with an appreciation of true justice, die in a brutal and agonizing, tedious fashion. They deserve the final moments (very long moments) in extreme agony, fear and ridicule. He is one of them, one of that very special pool who will never pay the price he should for his actions.

03-21-13, 18:08
wow, that article was extremely difficult to finish...

03-21-13, 18:17
There are people on this earth who should die for their actions here, and among that pool is an elite group which must, for the sake of good social conscience among any body of people with an appreciation of true justice, die in a brutal and agonizing, tedious fashion. They deserve the final moments (very long moments) in extreme agony, fear and ridicule. He is one of them, one of that very special pool who will never pay the price he should for his actions.

Spot on.

The sad reality however is that we have a nation of sheep than cannot even stomach giving these reprobates a needle prick to the arm.

03-21-13, 18:21
The mothers/carriers of these children should also be bought up on charges along with his accomplice co-workers.

03-21-13, 18:29
Check out these sickos. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9113394/Killing-babies-no-different-from-abortion-experts-say.html. Dr. Mengele would be proud.

03-21-13, 18:32
Couldn't finish it. My wife and I are trying to have a baby right now. Can't imagine throwing one away, let alone murdering one. As a Christian, that's just hard to deal with. Angry and sad.

03-21-13, 18:49
That sound you hear is the Devil laughing.

03-21-13, 18:51
This is the slippery slope. This is the natural progression of abortion "rights". Give it another 10 years and this will be deemed legal.

03-21-13, 18:54
"Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued."

And there you have it, our Brave New World. Let the government and academia dictate to you morality and benevolence. There is however just one little flaw in their perverse thought process, the silent majority deem them to be morally irrelevant.

03-21-13, 19:05
And there you have it, our Brave New World. Let the government and academia dictate to you morality and benevolence. There is however just one little flaw in their perverse thought process, the silent majority deem them to be morally irrelevant.


03-21-13, 19:27
I have two beautiful daughters under the the age of two and I couldn't finish reading the article. I'm really diggin' Moose Knuckles idea.

Sent from my phone cause my Commodore 64 is in the shop.

I have 3 kids all under the age of 5 and I won't read that article, or others like it. I cannot imagine not having my midgets running around.

And yet somehow gun owners are bad guys....

03-21-13, 19:32
The Nazis had doctors like this.
And this folks is known as an "appropriate Godwin." This doctor is a monster. He doesn't sound like, act like, look like...what ever. He is a monster through and through regardless of your position on abortion.

03-21-13, 19:35
And there you have it, our Brave New World. Let the government and academia dictate to you morality and benevolence. There is however just one little flaw in their perverse thought process, the silent majority deem them to be morally irrelevant.I hope your right. I know this is a grotesque subject, but it needs to be bought to light and discussed. People have to get informed.

03-21-13, 19:43
Another very sad and horrific reason why I repeatedly proclaim that to better secure the blessings of liberty, the entire Obama, Feinstein, Cuomo, Boxer, Hell-spat maggot infested excrement encrusted ideology must one day find itself on the same ash heap of history as Nazism and God willing be held in like contempt by all men of good will.


03-21-13, 19:46
My wife was telling me about this article this morning. It made me sick just with her descriptions. Till my last days I can not understand how man can do that to the most innocent.

03-21-13, 19:56
Freakin' scumbags. Him and the irresponsible bimbos that carried the fetuses that far, only to be killed.

In this day and age with the "day after pill" and other measures, late term abortions = murder period (barring health complications, rape, etc... of course).

Interesting fact:

Some abortion clinic workers often see the same bimbos time and time again...

Irresponsible people seem to be irresponsible several times.

I'm generally pro abortion as I'd hate to see these people become parents and I wouldn't wish that on any child. I personally would rather not exist.

That said I don't think the problem is abortion so much as the problem is abortion as a means of birth control. If everyone was responsible abortions would be very rarely needed.

I also cannot fathom why anyone would need a late term abortion except in cases where there was a risk to the parent. If you are going to get an abortion do it sooner rather than later for more reasons than I could possibly even begin to risk.

Another issue is fathers rights in all of this. I don't know why the female automatically gets 100% of the decision. What if the father WANTS his child? One would think he'd at least have the same amount of say so as a crack mother who gets her kid back from adoptive parents. I know of at least two situations PERSONALLY where some vindictive whore got an abortion because she wanted to "get back at her ex" who wanted to adopt and take care of the kid.

I think the only thing that could make this all worse would be to make abortions illegal and add all the complications associated with that which is why we have legal abortion in the first place. In a just world we could abort the grossly irresponsible parents who cause the problems in the first place.

03-21-13, 20:16
I am weeping from horror.

El Pistolero
03-21-13, 20:33
I couldn't finish the article. I felt sick to my stomach.

03-21-13, 20:44
Obama supports late term baby killing.

03-21-13, 21:22
I couldn't finish the article. I felt sick to my stomach.

Me either.

Sent from my iPhone on tapatalk

03-21-13, 21:39
As a parent, I find this doctor appalling. This guy is a greedy murderer. Sadly, he will probably get less jail time than a person with a firearms violation in New York or New Jersey.

03-22-13, 03:23
I honestly threw up when they showed the baby with it's spinal cord cut.

That's baby killing. For sure.

03-22-13, 03:37
We have some friends who are trying to adopt and they are spending 10's of thousands on the process, and since they just got approved it can still be 2 years before they are connected with a child. It's sad to me we have people out there wanting to adopt, spending gobs of money on it, and then trash like this are just murdering babies who could simply be placed in someones arms and live.

I think of stuff like this when we call people in other countries animals, and we have our own industrialized legally sanctioned mass murder industry right at here at home.

One of my closest friends and his wife spent northwards of 15k in following 2 failed in-vitro operations. Thankfully the third time around they are now blessed with with twins due in June but its been rough for them. Feminists make me sick...

That sound you hear is the Devil laughing.

In more ways then one I'm afraid..

This is the slippery slope. This is the natural progression of abortion "rights". Give it another 10 years and this will be deemed legal.

Sad but true. It makes me irate that so many people in this country are hell bent on doing what ever they can under the guise of child safety be it education or guns or whatever but we've had what approx 55 million abortions since Roe v. Wade?? Such an awesome reflection of how ****ed up of a society we are... It sickens me to know end.

03-22-13, 04:59
Get used to it. This is the mindset of the Elite with all of their "Sustainable Development".

And people have been led down the road of "Moral Relativism" and "Right to Choose"...

We have, as a nation, lost our Moral compass.

Dave L.
03-22-13, 05:13
Exactly why I believe in Hell. This POS is Pure Evil.

03-22-13, 06:23
The article made my stomach turn. Sick ****s like this can not live in our society. Bullets for all of them. Knees first, then elbows.

03-22-13, 08:37
Get used to it. This is the mindset of the Elite with all of their "Sustainable Development".

And people have been led down the road of "Moral Relativism" and "Right to Choose"...

We have, as a nation, lost our Moral compass.

A good read: http://www.sobran.com/articles/tyranny.shtml

How Tyranny Came to America
Joe Sobran

"Take abortion. Set aside your own views and feelings about it. Is it really possible that, as the Supreme Court in effect said, all the abortion laws of all 50 states — no matter how restrictive, no matter how permissive — had always been unconstitutional? Not only that, but no previous Court, no justice on any Court in all our history — not Marshall, not Story, not Taney, not Holmes, not Hughes, not Frankfurter, not even Warren — had ever been recorded as doubting the constitutionality of those laws. Everyone had always taken it for granted that the states had every right to enact them.

Are we supposed to believe, in all seriousness, that the Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade was a response to the text of the Constitution, the discernment of a meaning that had eluded all its predecessors, rather than an enactment of the current liberal agenda? Come now."

and towards the end:

"It gets crazier. In 1993 the Court handed down one of the most bizarre decisions of all time. For two decades, enemies of legal abortion had been supporting Republican candidates in the hope of filling the Court with appointees who would review Roe v. Wade. In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Court finally did so. But even with eight Republican appointees on the Court, the result was not what the conservatives had hoped for. The Court reaffirmed Roe.

Its reasoning was amazing. A plurality opinion — a majority of the five-justice majority in the case — admitted that the Court’s previous ruling in Roe might be logically and historically vulnerable. But it held that the paramount consideration was that the Court be consistent, and not appear to be yielding to public pressure, lest it lose the respect of the public. Therefore the Court allowed Roe to stand.

Among many things that might be said about this ruling, the most basic is this: The Court in effect declared itself a third party to the controversy, and then, setting aside the merits of the two principals’ claims, ruled in its own interest! It was as if the referee in a prizefight had declared himself the winner. Cynics had always suspected that the Court did not forget its self-interest in its decisions, but they never expected to hear it say so.

The three justices who signed that opinion evidently didn’t realize what they were saying. A distinguished veteran Court-watcher (who approved of Roe, by the way) told me he had never seen anything like it. The Court was actually telling us that it put its own welfare ahead of the merits of the arguments before it. In its confusion, it was blurting out the truth.

But by then very few Americans could even remember the original constitutional plan. The original plan was as Madison and Tocqueville described it: State government was to be the rule, federal government the exception. The states’ powers were to be “numerous and indefinite,” federal powers “few and defined.” This is a matter not only of history, but of iron logic: the Constitution doesn’t make sense when read any other way. As Madison asked, why bother listing particular federal powers unless unlisted powers are withheld?"

Who was Joe Sobran?

03-22-13, 08:47
There is a court of FINAL JUDGMENT, from whence he shall NOT escape. He'd better find a pretty thick prayer rug for his days that still remain. I'd eschew sleeping, for confession & prayer, if I were in his shoes... :fie:

03-22-13, 08:56
How Killing Became a “Right”
by Joe Sobran

Nearly three decades ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that abortion is constitutionally protected. Ostensibly libertarian, the ruling was actually one of the most tyrannical acts in American history.

What greater power can the state claim than the power to redefine human life itself — to withdraw protection from an entire category of human beings? And what greater power could the Federal Government usurp than the power of the individual states to protect innocent life from violent death?

The pro-abortion movement has been consistent only in its inconsistency. It began by agreeing with its opponents that abortion was wrong, but arguing that abortion, when banned by law, “happens anyway” and could be better regulated — made “safe” — if legalized. Of course this could be said of any crime: murder, burglary, and incest, though banned by law, “happen anyway.” Should they too be legalized?

Later the pro-abortion propaganda apparat took a new position: that when life begins is a “religious” question, beyond the competence of the state to decide. Oddly enough, my Darwinian public-school biology teachers used to answer the question without consulting their Bibles: life began at conception. Frog life, bovine life, human life. But in those days nobody had any axes to grind, so nobody denied or evaded the obvious. “When does life begin?” became a mystery only with the emergence of a political interest in killing the unborn.

Still later, the pro-abortion — alias “pro-choice” — crowd decided that abortion, far from being a necessary evil, was a positive good, which the state should not only tolerate but support, encourage, subsidize, maximize. Taxpayers should be forced to pay for abortions. They should have no more “choice” than the child.

How did the pro-abortion position evolve from the necessary evil position to the positive good position? Easy. The Court arbitrarily ruled that the U.S. Constitution shelters abortion. Did the Court cite any passage in the Constitution saying so? No. Did it find any evidence that the Framers hoped to protect abortion? No. Did it name any justice of the Court, even the most liberal, who had ever claimed constitutional protection for abortion before 1973? No. It merely discovered, all of a sudden, that the abortion laws of all 50 states had been violating the Constitution all along, even when nobody suspected it.

This fantastic ruling generated a new debate about the “original intent” of the Constitution. Liberals argued that “original intent” didn’t matter or was unknowable anyway. The Constitution didn’t have a single fixed meaning; it “evolved” over time. Any interpretation was bound to be more or less “subjective” — yet somehow the Court’s subjective rulings had the binding force of law.

This amounted to saying that the Constitution means whatever today’s liberal interpreters choose to say it means. If that were so, there would be no point in having a written constitution, or for that matter any written law. We would be defenseless against legal sophistry, especially the sophistry of self-aggrandizing power. That’s the perfect prescription for tyranny, the opposite of the rule of law.

Anti-abortion forces thought they had a winning issue when they raised the subject of the agony the aborted child may suffer, as rendered visible in films of aborted fetuses. The pro-abortion crowd replied — when they didn’t just ignore the question — that nobody really knew whether abortion caused pain. But when the issue of late-term (or “partial-birth”) abortion emerged, it transpired that they didn’t care at all whether a fully developed baby suffered when its skull was crushed and evacuated.

The Court agreed. It had originally made quibbling distinctions among first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy, holding that a state might protect a child in the third trimester, when it had achieved “viability” and was capable of living outside the womb. But now the viability pretext was discarded. Killing the unborn was constitutionally protected at every stage between conception and live birth.

Right from the start, the pro-abortion movement has been defined by shifting arguments, fallacies, evasions, lame excuses, and utter bad faith. The Court has not only acted as part of that movement, but has been its greatest asset, sparing it the need for persuasion by imposing its arbitrary will on the entire United States — and in the name of the Constitution it actually despises.

03-22-13, 09:05
As a new father of a 3-month old, this made my stomach turn. I can't believe someone's moral compass can be this messed up. :(

03-22-13, 09:51
I was talking about this last night with a few friends of mine. Most of which are EXTREMELY liberal and pro choice females.

The general consensus was that he should suffer the same fate as he is talking about here. This is one of those issues that crosses philosophical lines.

03-22-13, 09:52
Wow, having spent close to $50k trying to have a baby, I cant fathom this kind of mentality. Not that I want to either. I couldn't even finish the article.

I tend to be a supporter of abortion rights, but and stringently opposed to its use as a means for birth control. IMO there should be a safe and legal way in which to protect a mother in the event of complications. We also need to have a safe and legal means of dealing with pregancies caused by rape or incest. I definitely wouldn't want my wife or daughter having to re-live that kind of event for 10 months.

There are a gazillion better and safer means for birth control than invasive medical procedures. Why idiots refuse to use them is beyond me??

03-22-13, 10:26
If there really is a hell, this man will be there..... along with anyone who willingly helped him.

How could anyone live with themselves after doing such things?

03-22-13, 10:37
I saw this on a different site yesterday. Having been in the fire service for almost a decade I've been around some pretty gruesome things that have raised the bar on what really has an effect on me.

This shook me to my core, I couldn't even finish the article. There isn't a hell hot enough for this bastard. I held my newborn nephew last night for the first time and the thought of this bastard doing what he was doing and then joking about it made my blood run cold.

03-22-13, 10:38

03-22-13, 10:51
This is disturbing on so many levels. His assistant has plead guilty to third degree murder for her testimony.

Moton, the first employee to testify, sobbed as she recalled taking a cell phone photograph of one baby left in her work area. She thought he could have survived, given his size and pinkish color. She had measured him at nearly 30 weeks.

Moton, who has no college education or medical training, was allowed to handle anesthesia and help in abortions.

She once had to kill a baby delivered in a toilet, cutting its neck with scissors, she said. Asked if she knew that was wrong, she said, ‘At first I didn't.’

I call BULLSHIT on the "I didn't know it was wrong" defense.


03-22-13, 10:58
While the term evil may be an arbitrary designation I am beyond convinced that liberalism is exactly just that and so much more.

So much rage....

03-22-13, 12:59
I could not finish reading it, I have never really thought much on this issue. I think now I have made my decision and picked a side, in all but the most extreme (medical triage) cases I can not support any of this. This is never the right choice but sometimes a choice must be made. I just cant imagine doing this or wanting to have this done, I really can not fathom it!

03-22-13, 13:28
I heard part of it driving my 11-year old daughter to school this morning (she was blissfully unaware). I just can't bring myself to read it.

I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that these people don't have kids of their own. Holding your new child in your hands definitely changes your perspective. Even then, how inhuman do you have to become to participate in stuff like this. They will never be able to fill the hole in their soul(s).

03-22-13, 14:02
One of the most disgusting stories I've read in a while.

I do like this gem from his defense lawyer:

“This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who’s done nothing but give [back] to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia.”

03-22-13, 15:15
One of the most disgusting stories I've read in a while.

I do like this gem from his defense lawyer:

And I guarantee you the majority of those that received services from him are blacks and other minorities. They can bitch about race wars all they want but at the end of the day said communities are the ones comitting what is basically introspective genocide. Yet its still rich white people who are oppressing the poor and minorities and taking away a women's right to choose? Please ...

The inter-group dynamics going on here is ****ing ridiculous. Freud would be ecstatic.

03-22-13, 18:31
I disagree with Belloc on a few things. But the man does present great information.

03-22-13, 20:29
This is the slippery slope. This is the natural progression of abortion "rights". Give it another 10 years and this will be deemed legal.

I couldn't finish but there are sick ****s that think post delivery "abortion."


03-22-13, 20:37
And I guarantee you the majority of those that received services from him are blacks and other minorities. They can bitch about race wars all they want but at the end of the day said communities are the ones comitting what is basically introspective genocide. Yet its still rich white people who are oppressing the poor and minorities and taking away a women's right to choose? Please ...

The inter-group dynamics going on here is ****ing ridiculous. Freud would be ecstatic.

Just observing and commenting on documented. Try a web search on the following: "Global 2000 Report"

03-23-13, 03:28

03-23-13, 07:47
Years ago, before I was banned on TOS (for telling a mod what he could go do with himself for not removing, after repeated requests, a photo of cranial matter on a carrier flight deck of a US Navy sailer killed in a tragic accident in a "make your own pwned pic" thread)...

The referenced thread title brings up many old memories, in fact it describes the stated place with tremendous clarity. And don't feel bad about the dismissal, I also learned that anyone with even a semi-functioning brain can't survive there very long. Genuine madness.

03-24-13, 05:40
And people continue to make me sick....

Link (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/24/washington-state-weighs-first-in-nation-abortion-insurance-mandate/)

In 1970, Washington became the first -- and remains the only -- state in the country to legalize elective abortions by a popular vote.

A generation later, and 40 years removed from the landmark United States Supreme Court Roe v. Wade ruling that extended abortion access nationwide, Washington is once again poised to stand out.

With 21 states having adopted bans or severe restrictions on insurance companies from paying for abortions, Washington is alone in seriously considering legislation mandating the opposite.

The Reproductive Parity Act, as supporters call it, would require insurers in Washington state who cover maternity care -- which all insurers must do -- to also pay for abortions.

The bill passed the state House earlier this month by a vote of 53-43, though it faces an uncertain future in the Senate. A similar bill in the New York state Assembly has been introduced each session for over a decade but has never received a public hearing.

"This is a core value for Washingtonians," said Melanie Smith, a lobbyist for NARAL Pro-Choice Washington. "We should protect it while we still have it and not leave access to basic health care up to an insurance company."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/24/washington-state-weighs-first-in-nation-abortion-insurance-mandate/#ixzz2OS7PSsTS

03-29-13, 20:07

03-29-13, 20:38

Alisa LaPolt Snow of Planned Parenthood is wanting to legalize post-birth abortions, okay lets start with her and her staff. Fair enough?

03-29-13, 21:34
Alisa LaPolt Snow of Planned Parenthood is wanting to legalize post-birth abortions, okay lets start with her and her staff. Fair enough?


Sorry, is that inappropriate?

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 2

03-29-13, 22:38
First off: I don't believe anything I read on infowars.

Second: What the **** is post-birth abortion? Isn't that called "murder"?

03-29-13, 23:41
First off: I don't believe anything I read on infowars.

Second: What the **** is post-birth abortion? Isn't that called "murder"?

You don't have to believe it, it's a video. But it also isn't quite as has been represented. Here is what was said.

Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.

“So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief,” said Rep. Jim Boyd. “If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”

“We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician,” said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.

03-30-13, 00:17
You don't have to believe it, it's a video. But it also isn't quite as has been represented. Here is what was said.

Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.

“So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief,” said Rep. Jim Boyd. “If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”

“We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician,” said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.

Ah. I should've clicked on the link then I guess.

In my opinion, when in doubt: Don't kill anybody.

03-30-13, 00:47
Planned Parenthood mission creep: infanticide.

These people make Lenin look like your favorite uncle.

03-30-13, 01:17
First off: I don't believe anything I read on infowars.
Me either. Here's another link: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/video-planned-parenthood-official-argues-right-post-birth-abortion_712198.html

03-30-13, 01:31
Second: What the **** is post-birth abortion? Isn't that called "murder"?

It was inevitable that things would progress into this. Positive social change and all. :rolleyes:

We as a collective society continue to suck beyond imagination..

03-30-13, 01:41
Me either. Here's another link: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/video-planned-parenthood-official-argues-right-post-birth-abortion_712198.html

That's ****ing insane.

03-30-13, 01:57
That's ****ing insane.
But but but its a women's right to choose


03-30-13, 02:40
But but but its a women's right to choose


Not after 16 weeks it's not. Or after it's already born.

03-30-13, 07:39
Not after 16 weeks it's not. Or after it's already born.

What is so special about 16 weeks? Was that your favorite birthday or something? :p

03-30-13, 08:45
It was inevitable that things would progress into this. Positive social change and all. :rolleyes:

We as a collective society continue to suck beyond imagination..

You got that right buddy.

03-30-13, 14:08
Not after 16 weeks it's not. Or after it's already born.

In this case "post birth abortion" is about as accurate a term as semi automatic assault rifle. They are not talking about aborting a child after it has been born. They are talking about aborting a child that survives the abortion process and is now outside of the body. They are qualifying that condition as "birth."

If you are there to terminate a pregnancy I don't see the significant distinction between doing it inside or outside of the body. Same result.

03-30-13, 14:40
If you are there to terminate a pregnancy I don't see the significant distinction between doing it inside or outside of the body. Same result.

Yep, they're both murder.

03-30-13, 14:45
Let me define terms and I can rule the world.

The rest of you clumps of tissue/subhumans/useless eaters/enemies of the people--you're history.


03-30-13, 14:55
I question the ability of a baby to survive outside of the womb during a legal abortion. This is a waste of time of the Florida Legislature. I don't like abortion and especially despise Planned Parenthood, but the legislators attempting to pass a bill that would keep a baby alive with artificial means in the fairly fictitious situation that it actually survives the intended abortion is just cruel and unusual punishment to the baby. That's the reason for defining the point at which a woman cannot legally have an abortion because the fetus at or before that point won't survive outside the womb.

03-30-13, 15:17
I question the ability of a baby to survive outside of the womb during a legal abortion. This is a waste of time of the Florida Legislature. I don't like abortion and especially despise Planned Parenthood, but the legislators attempting to pass a bill that would keep a baby alive with artificial means in the fairly fictitious situation that it actually survives the intended abortion is just cruel and unusual punishment to the baby. That's the reason for defining the point at which a woman cannot legally have an abortion because the fetus at or before that point won't survive outside the womb.

That's kinda where I'm at.

03-30-13, 18:56
I question the ability of a baby to survive outside of the womb during a legal abortion. This is a waste of time of the Florida Legislature. I don't like abortion and especially despise Planned Parenthood, but the legislators attempting to pass a bill that would keep a baby alive with artificial means in the fairly fictitious situation that it actually survives the intended abortion is just cruel and unusual punishment to the baby. That's the reason for defining the point at which a woman cannot legally have an abortion because the fetus at or before that point won't survive outside the womb.

Generally speaking, a newborn can survive outside the womb at 23-24 weeks, but only with intensive care treatment. At 33-36 weeks, they may still require the NICU, but may be able to breath spontaneously and not require mechanical ventilation. No newborn, not even term infants, can survive without some form of rudimentary medical care such as prevention of hypothermia, cutting the umbilical cord, etc.

There are plenty of cases where near-term infants were accidentally delivered alive during a botched partial birth abortion. These infants would likely survive if given routine newborn care and a boob to suck on. Instead, someone saw fit to snip its spine right below the level of the brain stem. Sounds like premeditated murder to me - no need for a new law.

03-30-13, 21:08
There are plenty of cases where near-term infants were accidentally delivered alive during a botched partial birth abortion. These infants would likely survive if given routine newborn care and a boob to suck on. Instead, someone saw fit to snip its spine right below the level of the brain stem. Sounds like premeditated murder to me - no need for a new law.

Again I don't see the huge distinction between being ok to kill when the baby is still inside the body vs. outside the body on the same day. Seems like a rather pointless qualifier.

It either is what we consider a "human baby" or it's "not." I honestly don't know what qualifies as "near term" but the reality is the issue will never be completely agreed upon. Some people don't want abortion to be legal EVER and consider a day after pill murder and some people want to be able to abort up until about the second birthday if they decide to.

03-30-13, 21:17
Freakin' scumbags. Him and the irresponsible bimbos that carried the fetuses that far, only to be killed.

In this day and age with condoms, the pill, the "day after pill" and other measures, late term abortions = murder period (barring health complications, rape, etc... of course).

Interesting fact:

Some abortion clinic workers often see the same bimbos time and time again...

I added a little.

BTW, I have to wonder about the staff also. They are taking pictures. They know it is wrong. And they didn't do anything.

03-31-13, 09:14
“The main objectives of the [proposed] Population Congress is to…apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

– Margaret Sanger, “Plan for Peace”, 1932 Senate hearing5
Search the Negro Project and learn the roots of Planned Parenthood.