View Full Version : My Wife Says "I'm Mean"...

03-21-13, 23:52
Every night on the news (NBC national) the "making a difference" story usually pisses me off because it's typically about people getting "free shit" or it's about celebrating somebody who really didn't do anything.

Tonight was no different.

Tim Harris may be the first restaurateur in the nation with Down Syndrome. (http://www.nbcnews.com/video/nightly-news/51281725/#51281725)

Now if the story truly was about a somebody with Down Syndrome who runs a restaurant I'd give credit where it'd due. It isn't easy for anyone without a handicap. And if he somehow started his own restaurant and ran it I'd be doubly impressed.

Just one problem, his parents bought the place for him and they hired a manager to run it. He doesn't actually do a ****ing thing. He could be in back licking envelopes for all he actually contributes to the operation of the restaurant. Well that and being the "face and name" and allowing idiots to think he does something wonderful so they feel special for eating there and supporting the place.

And of course there is the general notion that you "should" eat there to help the "guy with Downs" social obligation crap that everyone thinks we all have. So when I asked out loud "What about the guy down the block who A. Didn't have anyone to give it to him and B. runs it by himself and actually does work?" I was told that I was "being mean."

I don't wanna shit on anyone with a handicap, and certainly I'm glad his parents are supporting him rather than the taxpayers. And it's probably good that they have supported him in a way that may allow him to believe he is contributing and helping himself. But food and service being equal I'd rather eat down the block at the diner run by a guy who didn't get a handout.

So am I getting cranky in my old age? I just don't think this qualifies as news and I can't get my business promoted on the National news, especially for doing nothing.

03-22-13, 00:16
I guess I'm mean, too.

03-22-13, 00:21
Yeah not what I call news at all

More a story this guy was lucky his folks had enough funds to help him out good for him

Bet a bunch of us are old crotchety mean men :) hahahaha

Ed L.
03-22-13, 00:22
Wow, what a set-up for a snarky response.

SteyrAug, you're not just mean;

You're the type of person who would sneak into Helen Keller's house and rearrange the furniture: :p

03-22-13, 00:28
But food and service being equal I'd rather eat down the block at the diner run by a guy who didn't get a handout.

So am I getting cranky in my old age?

Yes, you are. Dude is born with DS and you're ragging on him for getting "a handout" instead of finding satisfaction or happiness in the idea that he's not sitting in an institution somewhere but hugging people in a restaurant and having some semblance of a happy, well-lived life.

No, it's not "news" as if it's supposed to keep you up on current events. It's not supposed to be.

03-22-13, 00:34
[Am I mean?]

Yes; Yes, you are.

03-22-13, 00:46
You're the type of person who would sneak into Helen Keller's house and rearrange the furniture: :p


I love that.

03-22-13, 01:28
Yes, you are. Dude is born with DS and you're ragging on him for getting "a handout" instead of finding satisfaction or happiness in the idea that he's not sitting in an institution somewhere but hugging people in a restaurant and having some semblance of a happy, well-lived life.

No, it's not "news" as if it's supposed to keep you up on current events. It's not supposed to be.

I'm not ragging on him. I just don't think he actually "did anything." And as far a "making a difference" story I'd rather hear about a guy who started a sports program out of his own pocket for at risk kids. At least that guy would have "done something."

If these people had bought a business for a guy with Downs Syndrome even that would have been "doing something" except it was for their own kid who they are still responsible for because he can't really fend for himself.

I don't recall saying I want him to be in an institution. In fact I said quite the opposite if you want to re read my post.

03-22-13, 01:32
I'm not ragging on him. I just don't think he actually "did anything." And as far a "making a difference" story I'd rather hear about a guy who started a sports program out of his own pocket for at risk kids. At least that guy would have "done something."

If these people had bought a business for a guy with Downs Syndrome even that would have been "doing something" except it was for their own kid who they are still responsible for because he can't really fend for himself.

I don't recall saying I want him to be in an institution. In fact I said quite the opposite if you want to re read my post.

Okay, I don't agree but fair enough. And just so we're clear, my reply neither said nor implied that I thought you said you wanted him to be in an institution. That's not what that sentence means.

03-22-13, 02:05
I'm going to have to say that I share the same sentiment as Steyr. It's not that you're mean. Other people who have a hard time accepting your view, are driven mainly by emotion and want to feel joy joy feelings... It's hard for them to accept your "character assassination" on the DS restaurant owner.

Here in my area, the school system gives out "Super Student" awards to elementary school students. They get a certificate, their name in the school paper, and a bumper sticker......

The problem is, is that EVERY single student gets the award. Every student. No matter if their a screw up, or have a complete lack of redeeming qualities or scholastic achievements. Eventually through the course of the year, everybody is a "Super Student"

We have to make sure everybody feels special and fabricate a warm fuzzy for everyone to observe. **** that.

03-22-13, 02:17
Here in my area, the school system gives out "Super Student" awards to elementary school students. They get a certificate, their name in the school paper, and a bumper sticker......

The problem is, is that EVERY single student gets the award. Every student. No matter if their a screw up, or have a complete lack of redeeming qualities or scholastic achievements. Eventually through the course of the year, everybody is a "Super Student"

We have to make sure everybody feels special and fabricate a warm fuzzy for everyone to observe. **** that.

Your story has absolutely no connection with or relevance to the proposition that providing some semblance of a "good life" for mentally disabled people is a good thing.

Seriously, what does the absurdity of giving everyone "participation awards" within a group of neurotypical people have to do with what we're talking about here?

And your "driven by emotion / want to feel joy" argument is just wrong. Sooner or later people are going to have to learn that not caring about the psychological well-being of others is not "tough" and doesn't make you a hardass. And giving consideration to the well-being of others doesn't make you weak or emotional.

03-22-13, 02:24
Your story has absolutely no connection with or relevance to the proposition that providing some semblance of a "good life" for mentally disabled people is a good thing.

Seriously, what does the absurdity of giving everyone "participation awards" within a group of neurotypical people have to do with what we're talking about here?

I was reminded of this feel good, "Everyones special even though they did jack squat attitude" that is now so popular.

If you want to get over analytical, and engage in a dick measuring contest, I forfeit. You win. I'm not special anyhow.

03-22-13, 02:32
Explain something to me. His parents start a restaurant and the kid thinks he "owns it and runs it." In reality, the other workers do, but the mentally disabled kid gets some meaning and joy out of it. Just who is hurt by this, and why would it ever cross your mind to find fault with this situation?

This is nothing like giving everyone a participation award. From birth, almost every door that is open to other people is automatically closed for this kid. He "doesn't do a ****ing thing" primarily because he CAN'T do a ****ing thing. It's not like he chose to be lazy and got rewarded for it, i.e., got a handout. If his parents can open a restaurant, providing employment for the workers and simultaneously improving the quality of life of their son, just what is your problem? EDITED (for being a dick).

03-22-13, 02:37
While I see your point, I don't really see the big deal. Parents are just helping him out, good for them/him.

Some time ago I wondered and talked to my sis about why the news media don't seem to report good news very often, it's all doom and gloom. Maybe because it just annoys some people, such as yourself. :p

I guess nobody wants to hear about how some people get lucky with little effort while the rest of us toil. Am I right?

I'll admit to feeling a little envious when hearing how much actors and athletes make sometimes...

The guns and other toys i would buy with all that money, and donate, yeah I'll donate lots too! :D

03-22-13, 02:50
Explain something to me. His parents start a restaurant and the kid thinks he "owns it and runs it." In reality, the other workers do, but the mentally disabled kid gets some meaning and joy out of it. Just who is hurt by this, and why would it ever cross your mind to find fault with this situation?

This is nothing like giving everyone a participation award. From birth, almost every door that is open to other people is automatically closed for this kid. He "doesn't do a ****ing thing" primarily because he CAN'T do a ****ing thing. It's not like a chose to be lazy and got rewarded for it, i.e., got a handout. If his parents can open a restaurant, providing employment for the workers and simultaneously improving the quality of life of their son, just what is your problem? Just how bad does your life have to suck to go on the internet and grumble about it?

This is one of those 25% of times when we agree. I have no problem if his parents want to lower the standards a little for 1st prize. After all, he has a much smaller bag to fill with life experiences than most of us. God Bless his oversized, 3-chambered heart...

03-22-13, 03:03
Okay, I don't agree but fair enough. And just so we're clear, my reply neither said nor implied that I thought you said you wanted him to be in an institution. That's not what that sentence means.

Like I said in the OP.

I don't wanna shit on anyone with a handicap, and certainly I'm glad his parents are supporting him rather than the taxpayers. And it's probably good that they have supported him in a way that may allow him to believe he is contributing and helping himself. But food and service being equal I'd rather eat down the block at the diner run by a guy who didn't get a handout.

03-22-13, 03:10
Explain something to me. His parents start a restaurant and the kid thinks he "owns it and runs it." In reality, the other workers do, but the mentally disabled kid gets some meaning and joy out of it. Just who is hurt by this, and why would it ever cross your mind to find fault with this situation?

Well the parents didn't start the restaurant and give it to him, they bought it for him. If this was something the parents started and put him as the representative of their business that would be completely different.

But that isn't the case. This is like the Hilton's giving Paris an automobile manufacturer who designs a signature car for her to represent and the news reporting it as if Paris herself built, designed and marketed the new product.

And really nobody is hurt in either scenario really. Tim thinks he did something special, Paris thinks she did something special. But neither really did anything to make it happen and as a result it shouldn't be news.

03-22-13, 05:02
The point was it wasn't news worthy

03-22-13, 07:33
Definitely think this isn't NEWS but also believe it is a good thing for the Son. Regardless of the fact that he can't really manage a business it gives him purpose! Who cares what reality is in this case. Is it a handout? No I don't think so. It's a means for the parents to enrich their son's life. These parents also just bought a 24hr a day business that is going to keep them really busy. I've worked in and managed a couple of different restaurants and it's a ton of work. Hopefully they know what they have gotten themselves into.

Now. on the other hand if this were a normal kid and his parents bought him a restaurant and handed it over to him and said here it yours you run it! That is definitely a handout! Completely different scenario and I'd have to have the same MEAN attitude.

03-22-13, 07:50
My take on this is that the parents are using thier son as a novelty for more business and sympathy sales. He's a mascot, a prop. That's it. But hey, Ronald MacDonald has Grimace in the mix too.

03-22-13, 08:06
I think it is great what the parents did for him. They feel good about it and he loves what he "does". Whatever that is.

What pisses me off is how the MSM spins it. They made it sound like this handicap guy runs the show.

Very little of what the MSM spews in their 30 min slot every night is the entire truth. Some of it is outright lies.

You are not alone Steyr. My wife thinks I'm mean too.

03-22-13, 08:20
You get something there you can't get anywhere else....Hugs!

Try doing that in a regular business & be prepared to be arrested.

Ok folks,all together now...
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya Oh Lord, kumbaya.......

03-22-13, 08:22
You're the type of person who would sneak into Helen Keller's house and rearrange the furniture: :p

So what's wrong with that?

03-22-13, 08:29
Is the restaurant called "Corky's"?

03-22-13, 08:33
Every night on the news (NBC national) the "making a difference" story usually pisses me off because it's typically about people getting "free shit" or it's about celebrating somebody who really didn't do anything...

Wow... you ARE mean! Just like me. :haha:

I'm forming a support group that's going to meet in my garage, with me as president. Would you like to join?


03-22-13, 08:37
I guess if that makes you mean, I must be an asshole

03-22-13, 08:45
Is the restaurant called "Corky's"?

That's frickin funny! Am I the only one that got this? Oh well, "life goes on"...

Sent from my phone cause my Commodore 64 is in the shop.

03-22-13, 08:47
Oh well, "life goes on"...

Oh damn! Brilliant retort. :p

03-22-13, 10:56
My take on this is that the parents are using thier son as a novelty for more business and sympathy sales. He's a mascot, a prop.


I'm also tired of people touting their **** ups in life as accomplishments. Getting off of meth or losing 300 lbs isnt something to feel proud over and tell people about bc you shouldnt have dug that hole in the 1st place. You're just back to ground 0 now.

03-22-13, 11:54
My take on this is that the parents are using thier son as a novelty for more business and sympathy sales. He's a mascot, a prop. That's it. But hey, Ronald MacDonald has Grimace in the mix too.

This is a possibility I suppose. If true, the parents will have to live with it. I hope the kid never comes to that realization.

This kid can't help who and what he is.

03-22-13, 11:56
I think it is great what the parents did for him. They feel good about it and he loves what he "does". Whatever that is.

What pisses me off is how the MSM spins it. They made it sound like this handicap guy runs the show.

Very little of what the MSM spews in their 30 min slot every night is the entire truth. Some of it is outright lies.

You are not alone Steyr. My wife thinks I'm mean too.

Your post restores my faith in humanity. YOU GET IT.

03-22-13, 11:57
Wow... you ARE mean! Just like me. :haha:

I'm forming a support group that's going to meet in my garage, with me as president. Would you like to join?


I'd follow you anywhere Sergeant Bundy.


03-22-13, 12:13
What's this? Another thread where SteyrAUG is venting about random inconsequential shit that has him pissed off?

I don't think you're mean, but I don't think half of the stuff you grumble about deserves it's own thread. I'm guessing you don't like Facebook, but if my news feed is anything to go by, you'd fit right in.

Just one asshole's opinion (at least that's what my friends say I am). You may now return to your regularly schedule programming :D

03-22-13, 12:14
The point was it wasn't news worthy

I get what you're saying, but the concept of "newsworthy" seems a bit subjective. Newsworthy to one person is irrelevant to another. Plus there's the aspect that the "news" is almost never all news: it's also some % of entertainment. For myself, I don't mind an occasional feel-good puff story being worked into the news, as long as it's not PC, pushing some idiot agenda, or distorting reality. If I don't like it, I shut it off.

I used to work as a volunteer with a few DS adults, they were mostly cool people trying to carve out a meaningful life in a hard world that would just as soon dismember them in the womb or lock them away in institutions. I remember one guy who worked in a woodshop and lived independently. He had some ups and downs and needed help to do his job, and no he'll never function 100% independently. But he also had a good life and contributed to society, paid some taxes, had friends, etc. Hearing about those stories once in a while doesn't bother me.

03-22-13, 12:28
What's this? Another thread where SteyrAUG is venting about random inconsequential shit that has him pissed off?

I don't think you're mean, but I don't think half of the stuff you grumble about deserves it's own thread. I'm guessing you don't like Facebook, but if my news feed is anything to go by, you'd fit right in.

Just one asshole's opinion (at least that's what my friends say I am). You may now return to your regularly schedule programming :D

I can't afford therapy so it's either talk to you assholes about the things that drive me nuts or find out where the local bell tower is.


Facebook is for kids, I'm old dammit.


03-22-13, 12:40

03-22-13, 15:22
You can't dedicate a news segment to someone who did something on their own cause it would make everyone else feel like shit.

Honestly, if the story has some truth to it the hero isn't the kid with DS, but his parents who had the forethought to set up a means for the kid to not become a ward of the state upon the parents' passing.

Doc Safari
03-22-13, 15:28
My wife says I'm mean...

You ARE mean, you heartless bastard. I wouldn't piss on you if your guts were on fire.

J/K :D

So am I getting cranky in my old age? I just don't think this qualifies as news and I can't get my business promoted on the National news, especially for doing nothing.

I have decided that the "human interest story" on any newscast is just an excuse for nauseating warm fuzzies craved by the same people who digest Harlequin Romances or watch movies about lost loves that can never be and all that happy horseshit.

03-22-13, 15:48
I have decided that the "human interest story" on any newscast is just an excuse for nauseating warm fuzzies craved by the same people who digest Harlequin Romances or watch movies about lost loves that can never be and all that happy horseshit.

Sure, most positive news stories about good things happening to good people are indeed nauseating. Pure garbage in fact.

Doc Safari
03-22-13, 15:54
Sure, most positive news stories about good things happening to good people are indeed nauseating. Pure garbage in fact.

Oh..all right. Jeez. I guess it's okay when the person legitimately triumphed over adversity or something.

Fact is: one reason I stopped watching the nightly news from the three main networks is because their "human interest" stories always seemed to coincidentally further some left-wing liberal ideal or something. It was never about some handicapped child becoming a champion Olympic shooter or something...oh, no...it always had to be about how some kit got injured by those nasty old guns and survived and blah, blah....

Not that I'm begrudging anybody for overcoming adversity, but I used to get downright INFURIATED at the blatant propaganda.

03-22-13, 16:14
Fact is: one reason I stopped watching the nightly news from the three main networks is because their "human interest" stories always seemed to coincidentally further some left-wing liberal ideal or something. It was never about some handicapped child becoming a champion Olympic shooter or something...oh, no...it always had to be about how some kit got injured by those nasty old guns and survived and blah, blah....

Fair enough, but even on the liberal local news networks (which is all of them), most such stories are genuinely good. If they're trumping some gang-bangers having input into local police policy or what not then yes, it's nauseating.

The story at the center of this thread has almost no negative aspect except for the ones which have been either perceived or formulated. Even in this case where the parents may be publicizing their disabled child's involvement in the business, we see what is almost certainly an attempt to normalize such individuals as well as make their son feel happy and respected.

Respected as in fully warranted or not, which in this case is still ok whether most like it or not.

03-22-13, 16:19
This kids story is cool but not news worthy on a national level. Local maybe, but not national.

MSM is propaganda. All you have to do is have one ounce of critical thinking in your head and look at how they handled the 2008 presidential election to know that.

Doc Safari
03-22-13, 16:22
Fair enough, but even on the liberal local news networks (which is all of them), most such stories are genuinely good. If they're trumping some gang-bangers having input into local police policy or what not then yes, it's nauseating.

The story at the center of this thread has almost no negative aspect except for the ones which have been either perceived or formulated. Even in this case where the parents may be publicizing their disabled child's involvement in the business, we see what is almost certainly an attempt to normalize such individuals as well as make their son feel happy and respected.

Respected as in fully warranted or not, which in this case is ok like it or not.

Don't get me wrong: even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I'm just so sick and tired of the propaganda that I find even the legitimate stories nothing more than blatant ratings-grabbing fare. Maybe it's just my local stations. They exploit these people with the carrot of "you wanna be on TV?" just so they can parade the people's tragedy around like a Rose Parade float and make a big deal of the sickeningly poignant emotions just so those soccer moms will tune in tomorrow to see who else gets their 15 minutes of fame.

I'm not flaming the participants; in fact I feel sorry for them that they get sucked into this news media meat grinder.

I guess the short version is that the news media is P.T. Barnum and the people are treated like circus freaks to milk the maximum pathos out of them for that tear-jerker ending to the newscast. THAT is nauseating.


03-22-13, 16:26
This kids story is cool but not news worthy on a national level. Local maybe, but not national.

MSM is propaganda. All you have to do is have one ounce of critical thinking in your head and look at how they handled the 2008 presidential election to know that.

You seem to imply that most are compelled to find the good in the MSM, this as opposed to being able to recognize what good can sometimes stem from it.

Blacks tend to destroy cities from within and have crippled many town in my region and I can't stand it, yet there are many individual blacks I know which I would die for. Truth is truth, like it or not.

03-22-13, 16:31
Just look at the latest Pew annual media report. TV news is way down on people's methods of getting information, and I was talking to a buddy about it. Way easier and better to go to one or two places which feed in stuff, like a web forum or whatever you want, which has a human filter and you have hundreds or thousands of people scouring for news.

On the other hand, if you sit in front of a TV, you have to wade through commercials and whatever else BS they put on there. To top if off its from the colored lens of whatever channel you are watching. IMO TV news is becoming an outdated model, and so is print news. Why pay for a newspaper when the local newspaper puts all the same stuff online for free?

I would not pay for cable except it only costs us about $30 a month because our apartment comes with Time Warner minus the box and we pay $10 for HD and $10 for Sports. We have internet 2 levels above the base plan, and our bill is about $110 a month. We were paying about $175 at our old house, and I did end up dropping it. For $100 Ill keep it around but IMO theres a bunch of old services that need to go away, and don't because it makes money. Time Warner charges for home service even though its VOIP over our internet connection anyways. No home phone here, and we can get a Google Voice number and just use it over our computers. Same VOIP concept.

Same with texting. SMS needs to go away and it should be done through the data connection. Once we get LTE as standard voice data should go away also. But we are going to get stuck with outdated technology because carriers and providers don't want to give up old cash cows.

03-22-13, 20:49
You're the type of person who would sneak into Helen Keller's house and rearrange the furniture: :p

You say that like it's a bad thing :laugh:

Oh and Steyr, no you're not mean, just calling BS where it exists. This is nothing more than a fluff piece that ignores what's really going on. Yeah it's great that the guy was given the place and a manager by his parents, and that he has a role there. But he ain't really running it. This is the sort of "news" that you'd see on some local broadcast in a crappy market.

03-22-13, 23:11
I don't think you're mean, but I don't think half of the stuff you grumble about deserves it's own thread. I'm guessing you don't like Facebook, but if my news feed is anything to go by, you'd fit right in.


I haven't seen a positive thread by Steyr in months. I think the last "positive" one I saw was about his Brazilian neighbors.


03-23-13, 00:10
If it's any consolation when I heard that piece as I walked through the room... I heard someone ask him what he does and he said he handed out hugs or something. I just thought "oh"... then I took a look at him and he looked and seemed like he was capable of quite a bit more than handing out hugs.

We actually have a restaurant here that is run by a businessman but many of the staff are downs syndrome and as far as I know, they serve, prepare and bus tables,,, and who knows what else. But it's a lot more than handing out hugs. It's been around quite some time.


03-23-13, 01:01
but I don't think half of the stuff you grumble about deserves it's own thread.


I haven't seen a positive thread by Steyr in months. I think the last "positive" one I saw was about his Brazilian neighbors.


This thread is easily as important as the Satan looks like Obama thread.


03-23-13, 02:11
I like Steyrs thread's. Plus, he doesn't mind too much when I derail them.

That said. Star Wars sucks. Bam. I said it.

03-23-13, 04:51
You seem to imply that most are compelled to find the good in the MSM, this as opposed to being able to recognize what good can sometimes stem from it.

Blacks tend to destroy cities from within and have crippled many town in my region and I can't stand it, yet there are many individual blacks I know which I would die for. Truth is truth, like it or not.

No I am not implying that.

People who watch MSM that are not inclined to think for themselves and have no desire to actually know the specifics of covered subjects (read - don't give a shit) believe the bullshit.

MSM did not get BHO elected all on their on. The voters who turned the tide in that election, young whites and blacks, mostly don't watch the news or follow our national issues. They are either uninformed or misinformed.

Some of these same people couldn't find Texas on a national map.

03-23-13, 04:59
I always like Steyrs' threads as well.

Don't always agree with his point of view but, I like the mans style and the non-PC delivery.

It makes for interesting reading. This is GD afterall.

03-23-13, 09:08
This thread is easily as important as the Satan looks like Obama thread.

I'm not so sure about that......... you should start a poll ( in a new thread of course ).

03-23-13, 13:27
I like Steyrs thread's. Plus, he doesn't mind too much when I derail them.

That said. Star Wars sucks. Bam. I said it.

Star Wars is a movie litmus tests to see if you know the difference between good and bad films. Can I assume you enjoyed the prequels?


Heartland Hawk
03-23-13, 15:06
I think it is great what the parents did for him. They feel good about it and he loves what he "does". Whatever that is.

What pisses me off is how the MSM spins it. They made it sound like this handicap guy runs the show.

Very little of what the MSM spews in their 30 min slot every night is the entire truth. Some of it is outright lies.

You are not alone Steyr. My wife thinks I'm mean too.

That's my problem with this too. Its not that the parents are making the kid feel good by making him think that he runs the restaraunt, its the way the shitheel network news MISREPRESENTS and intentionally misleads people into thinking its something its not. I HATE network news. I refuse to watch it anymore. Steyr, your not mean, you just refuse to look at the situation the way the news wanted you to FEEL about it, and instead evaluated the situation based on the facts surrounding it. You should hear me at home when my wife has the local CBS news affiliate on!

03-23-13, 15:45
I just hope his brothers help him out when his parents are gone ?
or some wolf is going to come in take advantage and take over the store in some way ?

sadly folks out their prey on this type ! scums of the earth to do so but a reality he might face one day or maybe a organization that will help him keep the income and control ?

I think with all the vets we have coming home that had to overcome lost limbs and such lots of great stories to be told about folks who went out and took major sacrifices for this country and overcame what happened to them ! also most did not have rich parents to buy and build a restaurant but you wont see these stories coming out of the left wing media !

03-23-13, 20:03
Star Wars is a movie litmus tests to see if you know the difference between good and bad films. Can I assume you enjoyed the prequels?


In the words of Darth Vader himself:


03-23-13, 20:58
In the words of Darth Vader himself:


I hear Jar Jar Binks was inspired by Tarantino.

03-23-13, 21:00
I hear Jar Jar Binks was inspired by Tarantino.

I hear your face was inspired by a bag of dicks. :mad::p

03-23-13, 21:03
I hear your face was inspired by a bag of dicks. :mad::p

You got some serious love for the T man.


03-23-13, 21:04
You got some serious love for the T man.


Just a little. :cool:

(Favorite director is still David Fincher, or David Lynch.)

03-23-13, 21:06
In the words of Darth Vader himself:


Are you sure you've seen the movie?

And just for shits:


03-23-13, 21:09
Are you sure you've seen the movie?

And just for shits:



03-23-13, 21:10
In the words of Darth Vader himself:



03-23-13, 21:11
Ep3. Near the last scene.

Ep 3 is NOT Star Wars.

03-23-13, 21:11
Ep3. Near the last scene.

Also Ep6 in the blu ray version. He says Nooooooooo! When throwing the Emperor into that very poorly placed endless pit in his throne room.

03-23-13, 21:12
Ep3. Near the last scene.

Ohhh. Sorry I erased the prequels from my memory (and didn't realize you were referring to them) and thought you meant to reference Luke's epic "no" scene.

03-23-13, 21:16
Ep 3 is NOT Star Wars.

I think my favorite thing ever is watching the making of those films, and actually watching Lucas propose all sorts of awful ideas, and see the look of horror on the faces of his producers, and fellow moviemakers.... but nobody contesting him.

Also Ep6 in the blu ray version. He says Nooooooooo! When throwing the Emperor into that very poorly placed endless pit in his throne room.

I know. Wtf. That was retarded.

Ohhh. Sorry I erased the prequels from my memory (and didn't realize you were referring to them) and thought you meant to reference Luke's epic "no" scene.

I'm gonna have to re-burn them into the memory banks of everybody here.

I knew I could derail another Steyr thread!

03-23-13, 21:16
Ohhh. Sorry I erased the prequels from my memory (and didn't realize you were referring to them) and thought you meant to reference Luke's epic "no" scene.

Ep 3 is NOT Star Wars.


I'm not kidding. **** George Lucas for completely ruining a great scene.

I have the Blu Ray version, this is not a hoax.

03-23-13, 21:20

I'm not kidding. **** George Lucas for completely ruining a great scene.

I have the Blu Ray version, this is not a hoax.

That was painful to watch.

03-23-13, 21:23
That was painful to watch.

It was probably more painful to be electrocuted while being more machine than man, twisted and evil. Also without a hand again. I bet you'd say "Noooooo" too!

03-23-13, 21:24
It was probably more painful to be electrocuted while being more machine than man, twisted and evil. Also without a hand again. I bet you'd say "Noooooo" too!

Nah. It'd be more like what I said to Steyr about faces, and bags of dicks.

03-23-13, 21:26

I'm not kidding. **** George Lucas for completely ruining a great scene.

I have the Blu Ray version, this is not a hoax.


03-23-13, 21:30
I liked the prequels.

03-24-13, 01:38
I liked the prequels.

I'd ban you from m4c for trolling if I was a mod. :p
You don't joke about the prequels. Shit's not funny, they're a crime against humanity.


03-24-13, 02:51

I'm not kidding. **** George Lucas for completely ruining a great scene.

I have the Blu Ray version, this is not a hoax.

Thank God I have all the original un****ed versions on DVD. But honestly by Return of the Jedi and the ****ing teddy bear Ewoks the series had become a complete joke. Sad, it had so much promise.

The original Star Wars was for adults as much as kids. There were things for my father (a huge sci fi junkie) and there were things for me. Thank god I was 10 years old and at the perfect age for such a film. As an adult I still love it but more for the reasons my father enjoyed it.

I can still remember sitting in the theater with my father thinking "This is the greatest thing I have ever seen." The only thing that ever came close was my father taking me to a Bruce Lee movie on the shadier side of town one night a few years later. Then there was the Chuck Norris triple feature (Good Guys Wear Black, A Force of One, The Octagon) at the drive in which ran till about 2am which he took me and my best friend too.

My Dad was a pretty good sport about those things. He even watched Kung Fu theater one Sunday morning before I woke up trying to figure out what the hell I saw in those movies. Or so he claimed.

03-24-13, 04:17
Thank God I have all the original un****ed versions on DVD. But honestly by Return of the Jedi and the ****ing teddy bear Ewoks the series had become a complete joke. Sad, it had so much promise.

I have them on VHS. :p

Again, EWOKS EAT HUMANS. They may be cute and cuddly, but they EAT US.

The food chain goes Banthas -> Humans -> Wookies -> Rancors -> Ewoks.

"Ewoks looked like cute little bears but were in fact vicious little creatures capable of devouring entire stormtrooper battalions. On the other hand, when they were not attempting to rip your guts out, they behaved like annoying little muppets that made you wish the stormtroopers won. Their homeworld, Endor, was relatively unknown to the rest of the galaxy until the Battle of Endor because the Ewoks ate everyone who discovered the planet. They had many enemies on their home planet, for some reason most creatures on Endor didn't like getting roasted alive and eaten by the Ewoks."

"The earliest discovery of Endor was at an unknown date, what we do know is that the first "people" to discover the planet were a group of Hutts accompanied by some Rodians, Humans and a few half naked legless slave girls. The second they landed, on what they thought was a paradise for criminals, the Ewoks jumped out of the trees, roasted them alive and ate them. According to drawings found in some of Endor's caves, the Humans and half naked legless slave girls tasted pretty good, the Rodians tasted terrible, and half of the Ewoks who ate Hutts vomited them out and died the next day. The other half was, according to the drawings, sick for weeks. After this event the Ewoks decided they shouldn't just eat everything that fell out of the sky. The Ewoks started pretending they were cute little bears that didn't eat innocent travelers that visited the planet, they also wanted to make sure they didn't all die because they ate some weird guy with some weird disease, so they decided that anything that fell out of the sky would be tasted by three Ewoks before the rest could try the new food."

"When the Empire discovered the planet, the Ewoks did what they always did when someone found them, they pretended they were cute little bears. The Empire was fooled by the clever Ewoks and started building a Death Star above Endor, and they sent many, many stormtroopers to the planet. The Ewoks were waiting for the right moment to start eating people when the Rebel Alliance (and Luke) found Endor. When Luke met an Ewok, he was fooled by the "cute little bear act" and tried to cuddle with the creature. Unfortunately for him, he did not yet know that Ewoks hated to cuddle, he soon found out the hard way when the Ewok tried to eat him. Eventually the Ewoks and Rebels became friends because the Ewoks thought Leia was HOT and figured they could get friendly with her by being friends with her friends.
When the Rebels found the Death Stars shield generator and attacked it, the thing was (for some weird reason) located on Endor instead of on the Death Star, the Ewoks realized that their new friends were no match for their new food source. So, they decided to help out and make one big dinner party out of it. The Ewok forces were led by Simon the Killer Ewok, who was known for his brilliant hit and run tactics. The poor unsuspecting stormtroopers never saw it coming, one minute they were killing Rebels, the next moment they were being roasted alive by cute little bears."

Suwannee Tim
03-24-13, 12:31
You are mean Steyr, Mean and Narrow Minded. I never see you at any of the meetings of the MANMOA though. I guess you are a member of a different chapter. Srsly, I watched about 7 seconds of this video, the owner hugging every patron was enough to creep me out. I don't like to be touched. Just watching this hug fest was enough to give me nausea.