View Full Version : Search Warrant findings in Lanza case released.

Mauser KAR98K
03-28-13, 11:52
Not cool.


What the hell was his mom thinking?

Safe was in his room.

Had photos of school massacres and newspaper clippings.

Witnesses report that Adam rarely left the house and enjoyed playing video games, including COD.

1,000 rounds of assorted calibers in ammunition.

Oh, and the best part for the gun-grabbers: Adam and his mom were NRA members. Adam had a guide to pistol shooting by the NRA.

I heard on Fox that over a hundred rounds were fired, and the whole incident took place in five minutes.

This is all ****ed up. Now because of one lone psycho kid whose mother was trying to be his "best friend" until she realized he needed a lot more help, bonded with him with shooting because he loved guns from playing CoD, we are fighting for our rights. Folks in New York are limited to 7 rounds. Folks in CO are limited to 15 rounds.

Not to mention this all happened in a "gun-free zone." And even with the curtailing of our rights, no of what the anti's have proposed or done would have stopped this.

03-28-13, 12:34
The Kid had mental issues but I fully blame the mother for the lack of judgment and the failure to get meaningful treatment for her son.

Those guns should have never been in the house once the son started showing mental deficiencies and a tendency for violence.

In my opinion she got a easy way out being her sons first victim and I kind of wish she survived and had to live with the pain she helped fostered in the Newtown community.

03-28-13, 12:41
First of all, if there were over 150 shots fired, that would be at least 6 AR 15 mags. The story above lists three.

Unless he was using surefire 60s, this is story has incorrect factual information.

The other piece of the story that bothered me was the reference to:

two magazines containing 70 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge shotgun rounds

I am not aware of any 35 round shotgun mags. If this is true, please enlighten me.


03-28-13, 13:49
You are actually expecting the fact of any news report to be accurate. News reports these days are like stories relayed through a grape vine of retarded monkeys. Each person in the loop is a clueless dolt, but feels empowered to add his/her flare to the story.

I agree the mom was a total **** head for allowing a seemingly deranged person access to guns. IMO the apple didnt fall far from the tree in this case. However, I really couldn't give a crap about the ammo and guns. I want that little piece of shits health records, but in sure that a dead mans privacy are far more important than finding out more about the kid.

03-28-13, 13:50
Please don't let the father get away scott free!!! He hadn't talked to his son in 2 years!! Full of Fail.

03-28-13, 13:54
First of all, if there were over 150 shots fired, that would be at least 6 AR 15 mags. The story above lists three.

Unless he was using surefire 60s, this is story has incorrect factual information.

The other piece of the story that bothered me was the reference to:

two magazines containing 70 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge shotgun rounds

I am not aware of any 35 round shotgun mags. If this is true, please enlighten me.


He used 30-round AR mags. There were 3 fully loaded spare mags that he did not get to use prior to killing himself. I'm not sure what they mean by the shotgun mags.

03-28-13, 13:58
The Kid had mental issues but I fully blame the mother for the lack of judgment and the failure to get meaningful treatment for her son.

Those guns should have never been in the house once the son started showing mental deficiencies and a tendency for violence.

In my opinion she got a easy way out being her sons first victim and I kind of wish she survived and had to live with the pain she helped fostered in the Newtown community.

I completely agree. The dizzy bitch was going to have cuckoo commited, but didn't have the brains to secure the weapons knowing he was this nutty?

**** her.

03-28-13, 14:15
I noticed that there were a number of Saiga 12 mags taken, both AGP and MDArms.... but I didn't see anything about a Saiga 12.

03-28-13, 14:30

Guys don't drink the Kool-Aid.

These documents/details of Adam Lanza and his mother just so happened to be released on the 100th day since the SH shooting? The same day POTUS pushes again for gun control in a speech, the same day Bloomberg gun control propaganda commercials (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF0Yjjrtbs8) air in thirteen states where Democratic Senators are sitting on the fence as they want to get re-elected in '14.

NRA has come out with a statement that they cannot find any record of Adam Lanza or his mother as members.

NRA Confirms Adam Lanza, Nancy Lanza Were Not Members, Despite Certificates


03-28-13, 14:34
The Kid had mental issues but I fully blame the mother for the lack of judgment and the failure to get meaningful treatment for her son.

Sounds like that is exactly what caused it. She was looking for a place to get that "meaningful treatment" that wasn't just a institution to get rid of problems. That is why they were moving and that is why she was seeking full conservatorship.

And when Adam found out that is probably why he went off because he didn't want to move or go to a facility. He wanted to stay home and play video games.

This is probably why he killed his mom, the women at Sandy Hood that he killed were his Moms friends (including the Principal and school psychiatrist) who may have helped his Mom with the decision to move and find a place for Adam.

He killed the kids because he believed his Mom cared more about those kids than him.


The only good I can come up with is thank god he learned to shoot from video games, over 150 rounds fired and only 26 killed.

03-28-13, 14:35
Yes...the timing and type of information released is highly suspect.

Obama and Biden know deep down that their gun grab was in it's death throes and almost over. They simply did not want to let a good crisis go to waste.

This type of information release ALWAYS has an agenda behind it.


03-28-13, 14:39

Guys don't drink the Kool-Aid.

These documents/details of Adam Lanza and his mother just so happened to be released on the 100th day since the SH shooting? The same day POTUS pushes again for gun control in a speech, the same day Bloomberg gun control propaganda commercials (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF0Yjjrtbs8) air in thirteen states where Democratic Senators are sitting on the fence as they want to get re-elected in '14.

NRA has come out with a statement that they cannot find any record of Adam Lanza or his mother as members.

NRA Confirms Adam Lanza, Nancy Lanza Were Not Members, Despite Certificates


Isn't THAT interesting and convenient timing.

Speculation is that these may have been "completion of gun safety course" certificates and nothing more. These courses are often sponsored by the NRA.

03-28-13, 14:44
The Hills are alive w/ Disinformation.....


03-28-13, 15:04
Big media also raced out there with Tea Party connections for the Tuscon/Giffords shooter. Remember that? Ties to Sarah Palin and other complete BS?

I swear...our media is no better than media you would find in Cuba, Venezuela or Russia.


03-28-13, 15:07
Big media also raced out there with Tea Party connections for the Tuscon/Giffords shooter. Remember that? Ties to Sarah Palin and other complete BS?

I swear...our media is no better than media you would find in Cuba, Venezuela or Russia.





1.Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
2.The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.

03-28-13, 15:49
What the hell was his mom thinking?
She wasn't. It's not the fault of the games. It's not the fault of the guns. I'll even go so far as to say that it's not really even really Adam Lanza's fault. The guy was mentally ill and had lost touch with reality. 100% of the blame here resides with the mother.

As for the father, I'll need more information before I condemn him or give him a pass. My gut is telling me that Mommy-dearest was one of those bat-shit crazy people (not mentally ill) that did everything she could to keep Dad out of the picture. I wouldn't be surprised if along the way she leveled baseless allegations of abuse or neglect. I've known women like this piece of crap.

03-28-13, 16:24
One question:


03-28-13, 16:54
Wow. That kid LOOKS like a serial killer.

Read in the article that his body was found with a bullet proof vest on???? Is this another case of a shooter wearing a nylon molle vest and having people assume it was a soft armor (movie theater shooter)? Or did he actually wear one? As far as i can remember, i havent heard of any high profile shooters wearing soft or hard armor since the hollywood shootout.

D. Christopher
03-28-13, 17:40
Wow. That kid LOOKS like a serial killer.

Read in the article that his body was found with a bullet proof vest on???? Is this another case of a shooter wearing a nylon molle vest and having people assume it was a soft armor (movie theater shooter)? Or did he actually wear one? As far as i can remember, i havent heard of any high profile shooters wearing soft or hard armor since the hollywood shootout.

No Neo, just as you guessed he wasn't wearing body armor, he was just wearing a vest with ammo pouches for the AR magazines.

This school had a recent "security upgrade" according to school officials. All visitors had to be screened and identified by video camera before doors were electronically unlocked to allow entry. They also said doors were locked at 9:30AM after morning entry of students.

And yet one young man was able to walk up to the locked school at 9:35AM and shoot and kick out a pane of glass and enter the school unchallenged and unopposed. Unless you consider two unarmed women (the principal and a psychologist) as opposition. Not a single armed guard or police officer in the building. Does this sound like security to you? In todays world? Where American media makes heroes out of these killers?

Some of these kinds of crimes have been and will be committed by current or former students and there is a very real possibility that the shooter may have participated in emergency drills at the very school they are attacking. They may know your procedures and protocols as well as anyone there. Building security is meaningless without a plan, training and at least one trained person with a firearm.

If you don't want to "traumatize" your children by making them attend a school with an armed police officer present then that's your right. You have lots of choices. But if someone walks into your child's school and starts shooting, unopposed, don't start trying to **** with the Constitution and take away my right to defend myself and my family just because you stuck your head in the sand. Those that made sure there wasn't an armed guard present at this school are complicite in the deaths of these children and their teachers.

03-28-13, 18:03
no meds specified or seized?

03-28-13, 18:08
This school had a recent "security upgrade" according to school officials. All visitors had to be screened and identified by video camera before doors were electronically unlocked to allow entry. They also said doors were locked at 9:30AM after morning entry of students.

In a normal society this is beyond reasonable for an elementary school.

Not a single armed guard or police officer in the building. Does this sound like security to you?

Again, it was an elementary school. A suburban elementary school. Normally this is not problematic in a stable society.

In todays world?

Now you're getting it

Where American media makes heroes out of these killers?

As much as I dislike the media I have yet to see even MSNBC attempt to generate the slightest amount of respect for him.

At this point I agree we need the guards, but it's nothing more than a band-aid.

03-28-13, 18:18



Mauser KAR98K
03-28-13, 18:23
I am wondering about the time that was reported he had (20 minutes before LE showed up, and offed himself once he heard the sirens), and the five minutes the article states.

Then there is the NRA saying that both Adam and his mother were not members, yet, membership cards "were" found.

This is a really messed up narrative.

03-28-13, 18:24
Moose it should read "Meanwhile at a school in Israel, a country always on the verge of war and facing a completely different, far more substantial threat level that of their American counterparts...".

They ain't armed to fight their fellow Israelis. Keep up with the program.

03-28-13, 18:39
Normally this is not problematic ... At this point I agree we need the guards, but it's nothing more than a band-aid.Our society, on a consistent state by state basis, entirely ignored the serious mental health warnings exhibited by every shooter--AZ CO VA CT etc. The common thread is deranged individuals. As this has not been addressed, events like this will continue to occur. Guards, as illustrated by every rich and powerful celebrity/mayor/senator/president/king/emperor, are the only viable solution.

03-28-13, 18:43
no meds specified or seized?
Does it really matter? Meds arent gonna make some kid go off the cliff like this. The most that meds do is result in suicide when the patient isn't monitored.

JBecker 72
03-28-13, 18:56
Does it really matter? Meds arent gonna make some kid go off the cliff like this. The most that meds do is result in suicide when the patient isn't monitored.

Bullshit. There have been plenty of cases of violent behavior from behavior modifying drugs and anti depressants.

03-28-13, 18:57
Guards, as illustrated by every rich and powerful celebrity/mayor/senator/president/king/emperor, are the only viable solution.

Why don't they need armed elementary school guards in other civilized nations?

03-28-13, 19:00
Why don't they need armed elementary school guards in other civilized nations?

It is a rather discomforting thought that the USA "needs" armed guards at every school.

03-28-13, 19:01
Moose it should read "Meanwhile at a school in Israel, a country always on the verge of war and facing a completely different, far more substantial threat level that of their American counterparts...".

They ain't armed to fight their fellow Israelis. Keep up with the program.

I'm of the belief that Israelis would not make the distinction as to whether or not an active shooter in a school bent on butchering innocent children is a jihadist or a mentally deranged individual hopped up on SSRIs. Does it matter? A threat is a threat.

There are ISDs here in the free state of TX that have allowed their teachers after they have obtained their CHL (CCW) and received proper training to carry in their classrooms. Don’t like it? Then stay behind enemy lines and take your chances with your educational institutions. As for Israel and a few ISDs here they say NOT ON OUR WATCH.

03-28-13, 19:10
I'm of the belief that Israelis would not make the distinction as to whether or not an active shooter in a school bent on butchering innocent children is a jihadist or a mentally deranged individual hopped up on SSRIs.

Me too.

Does it matter?

It sure does. Unless fact and circumstance are now irrelevant that is, then I guess not.

Call me the dissenting dick, but I'm just as offended to see my fellow Americans willing to settle for such primitive, simple, reactive and defensive solutions to what is a far more complex problem. And remember that it wasn't a problem before so it shouldn't be one now.

03-28-13, 19:19
Me too.


It sure does. Unless fact and circumstance are now irrelevant that is, then I guess not.

Fair enough, then during the next mass shooting why don't you run in and establish motive for us?

Call me the dissenting dick, but I'm just as offended to see my fellow Americans willing to settle for such primitive, simple, reactive and defensive solutions to what is a far more complex problem. And remember that it wasn't a problem before so it shouldn't be one now.

Well I won't call you a dissenting dick but I will say that you are naive fool. Does the mere sight of a qualified armed teacher at a school send paralyzing shivers up your spine?

03-28-13, 19:29
Does the mere sight of a qualified armed teacher at a school send paralyzing shivers up your spine?

Not nearly as much as the fact that we now seem to need them due to the collective sickness.

03-28-13, 19:30
1 person can lead to the call for banning of millions of guns, but numerous wrong media reports and outright lies have lead to restrictions or "common sense" reforms for the freedom of the press.

D. Christopher
03-28-13, 19:34
In a normal society this is beyond reasonable for an elementary school.

Again, it was an elementary school. A suburban elementary school. Normally this is not problematic in a stable society...

Normal society...
suburban elementary school...
in a stable society...

A normal society? A stable society? You're looking at it. And what difference does it make where it is located? No place is immune to this type of violence. What about the 10 little Amish girls who were shot a few years ago in Pennsylvania? They weren't going to school in Detroit or Chicago. They were in a little one room schoolhouse way out in the country. It can happen anywhere and to pretend it can't is what I meant by sticking your head in the sand.

The Sandy Hook shooter was going for a record. A high body count. American media spends obsessive amounts of time covering these stories because it helps their ratings. Ratings are money. And in the process they report inaccuracies, create myths, tell lies, and use it to further their political agendas. And worst of all they make heroes of these killers. Not heroes to you and me, not heroes to normal people, but heroes to the sick and mentally ill and to those losers who hate others and hate society and want to make others suffer and make a name for themselves. To be remembered. We will learn the names of those killers in the years to come, as they attempt to top the Sandy Hook shooter or whomever is the latest record holder for highest body count.

I chose not to have children so this is not my decision to make. It is up to the parents to decide what is right and reasonable for their own children. But if you think that school children are immune to this kind of violence anywhere in America you are a fool. And if you let your children go to a school that has less security than a small town mall then I think your priorities are all ****ed up. But that's your right.

The only good news is that American schools are statistically some of the safest places in the world to be. Even in spite of these mass killings.

03-28-13, 19:52
Bullshit. There have been plenty of cases of violent behavior from behavior modifying drugs and anti depressants.

Just like there has been plenty of cases where marijuana abusers went of the deep end and killed people such as Jared Laughner. However, that does not mean that the meds caused the behavior, or that people who take SSRI's, TCA's, or other anti-depressants are more likely to commit acts of violence. In fact, the drugs most associated with violence are alcohol, prescription narcotics/benzos, meth, cocaine, and wait for it, wait for it, waaait fooor it - marijuana.

03-28-13, 19:56
You make good points DC but remember, they who allow society's worst to dictate the rules are ruled by society's worst.

JBecker 72
03-28-13, 19:57
Never said it made you more likely to commit an act. Only that there have been cases of violence and murder / suicides from people taking these types of medications as well as just suicides. Saying it never happens is false.

03-28-13, 20:02
Does it really matter? Meds arent gonna make some kid go off the cliff like this. The most that meds do is result in suicide when the patient isn't monitored.

lol, comedy post of the night right there, folks.

03-28-13, 20:03
Why don't they need armed elementary school guards in other civilized nations?

They do.

Google school massacre. Germany, Finland, Scotland, and other countries will come up besides the US.

In fact, just go look at this list:


eta: the list encompasses schools, including high schools, and not just elementary schools. big whoopy doo.


03-28-13, 20:05
Why don't they need armed elementary school guards in other civilized nations?

They do have a need for armed guards. There have been plenty of mass shootings of children across Europe and even mass stabbings in Asia. Those societies are even more averse to an armed populace than the US, so they they continue to defend their kids with fists and feet.


Well I won't call you a dissenting dick but I will say that you are naive fool. Does the mere sight of a qualified armed teacher at a school send paralyzing shivers up your spine?

It is a sad commentary that Israel's need for an armed teacher comes from an external jihadist threat, while ours is our own teenagers. I guess that is what happens when your youth spend most of their time jerking off to web porn in their parent's basements.

03-28-13, 20:13
When I was in HS there were several uniformed armed campus police. No one cared. What's the big deal?

03-28-13, 20:16
I guess that is what happens when your youth spend most of their time jerking off to web porn in their parent's basements.

Now that's flat out disrespectful to Steyr. Why start trouble needlessly?

It is a sad commentary that Israel's need for an armed teacher comes from an external jihadist threat, while ours is our own teenagers.

Not only that but instead of a lack of outrage at people we see outrage toward inanimate objects.

03-28-13, 20:20
I'd like to point out he was NOT an NRA member, according to the NRA. Don't know about you guys, but I got a membership card, not a "certificate" like the warrant mentions. If anything, it's a certificate from a shooting class taught by an NRA instructor.

03-28-13, 20:37
When I was in HS there were several uniformed armed campus police. No one cared. What's the big deal?

When I was in Jr. High my school district was one of the first in the nation to create and maintain their own police department. The city I work for now has SROs (School Resource Officers) assigned to every school in the city. Not every school district and or Police Department has the funding and man power to be able to do this. This is why rural school districts here in TX are allowing qualified teachers to carry in the class room.

To me it is common sense solution to active shooters. We live in a big old dangerous scary world. We have armed Air Marshals on commercial aircraft, armed guards transporting cash to and from every business, why not have them in the schools or at least give a few teachers the option of being armed as with airline pilots?

The world is not perfect, plan accordingly.

Mauser KAR98K
03-28-13, 21:30
Does it really matter? Meds arent gonna make some kid go off the cliff like this. The most that meds do is result in suicide when the patient isn't monitored.

Ummm...yeah...good luck with that.


Someone at one point posted a nice spread sheet on mass killers and the phrama drugs they were on (and off of).

I do see your point that they are not the full reason, just a good portion in a sea of others.

Anyone remember what Romney's response was when Candy Krawley brought up Assault Weapons? Something about getting the families back together to help ebb the psycho-kids and later adults who go out and vent their angst on society with our freedoms.

Mauser KAR98K
03-28-13, 21:33
I'd like to point out he was NOT an NRA member, according to the NRA. Don't know about you guys, but I got a membership card, not a "certificate" like the warrant mentions. If anything, it's a certificate from a shooting class taught by an NRA instructor.

Pardon me, I didn't read the warrant, but was that what they found, or what they were going after to find?

03-28-13, 23:00
Now that's flat out disrespectful to Steyr. Why start trouble needlessly?

My parents never had a basement and I WISH we had internet porn when I was a kid. Kids today have it easy, we had to EARN our porn. We either had to be right place, right time when some poor SOB had to toss his old Playboys in the garbage outside because his wife made him or we had to find somebody with an older brother willing to hook us up and he usually made you pay three times the cover price. It was easier for high school kids to get beer.

And magazines were IT. While adult video tapes existed they were in the $100 range back in the early 80s and we had zero chance of making that happen. On top of that it's not like we had VCRs in the bedroom or anything. I was lucky to have a B&W tv smaller than my current computer monitor.

D. Christopher
03-28-13, 23:05
You make good points DC but remember, they who allow society's worst to dictate the rules are ruled by society's worst.

I feel that our country has allowed many of society's worst to dictate the rules in many areas of our lives for far too long. We've even elected and re-elected some of them, and that too has contributed to the state our nation is in. Our society has changed, there is no denying that. I suppose the wolves will always try to dictate the rules because that is their nature. But to pretend they don't exist, or not be prepared to fight back with force when they go after children seems misguided to me.

03-28-13, 23:26
I feel that our country has allowed many of society's worst to dictate the rules in many areas of our lives for far too long. We've even elected and re-elected some of them, and that too has contributed to the state our nation is in. Our society has changed, there is no denying that. I suppose the wolves will always try to dictate the rules because that is their nature. But to pretend they don't exist, or not be prepared to fight back with force when they go after children seems misguided to me.

By its very nature a government, no matter how well designed, will always move to usurp the liberties of its citizens, if for no other reason than the benign belief that government knows best.

03-29-13, 00:53
Why don't they need armed elementary school guards in other civilized nations?It may not have been your intent, but my quote is out of context. I stated because state governments ignore mental illness, the only solution is guards. I believe if you had a society with the necessary mental health safeguards, physical safeguards might not be needed-- but seeing as that is a distant utopia, appropriate action is required.

In addition to discouraging and hopefully preventing such attacks from occurring, guards can assist with other incidents. There have been instances of estranged parents forcibly taking kids out of school resulting in Amber alerts, or even attempts by sexual predators outside schools. Thankfully all these events are rare, but we still use smoke detectors if you catch my drift.

As far as other countries, you have Japan (http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=80964&page=1#.UVUcB1fMgcs), China (http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2012/12/15/china-stabbing-school.html) and of course Scotland in 1996. AFAIK other incidents in Canada, Germany and France were not elementary schools so I will not include those.

While I have taken obvious interest in the political arena, I have never forgotten how sad the news was. They needed someone there to protect them. As a former PJ put it, the police showed up, armed to the teeth, and prevented absolutely nothing. If the police couldn't protect them, who will?

03-29-13, 01:51
When I was in Jr. High my school district was one of the first in the nation to create and maintain their own police department. The city I work for now has SROs (School Resource Officers) assigned to every school in the city. Not every school district and or Police Department has the funding and man power to be able to do this. This is why rural school districts here in TX are allowing qualified teachers to carry in the class room.

To me it is common sense solution to active shooters. We live in a big old dangerous scary world. We have armed Air Marshals on commercial aircraft, armed guards transporting cash to and from every business, why not have them in the schools or at least give a few teachers the option of being armed as with airline pilots?

The world is not perfect, plan accordingly.

Courthouses have metal detectors and armed security. High ranking public officials AND their children have armed security. But it's the end of the world to some people here when we have armed security at schools and GOD FORBID children actually seeing guns in a positive light protecting them instead of only seeing them as glorified murder machines in entertainment :confused:

Mauser KAR98K
03-29-13, 02:40
We live in an open, free society with inalienable rights that includes the right to self-defense, and home-land defense to go so far. That also means the trash, the criminals, and the nut-jobs get to intermingle with the public at large.

Course, thank Carter for shutting down the asylums and releasing these kinds of mentally disturbed Americans in the wild.

I was asked by one of my liberal proffs why a wall across the Mexican boarder was a great idea. Told me we are racist thinking about it because we are only blocking off boarder with Latinos while Canada's boarder is virtually wide open. I reminded him about the higher crime rate and wave that has been coming across the Southern Boarder, Canada is in great financial shape and is not plagued with rampant corruption. The wall is to stop the flow of bad water from spreading in order to clean it of the crime and corruption that is our Southern Neighbor.

Lets protect our schools from the bad water that is getting in and then treat the whole supply.

In one aspect we are winning the guns right fight, but we are loosing with getting any solutions brought up and put in place because people want to fixate on the inanimate object (and take away our rights to make it easier to take our money and shit). If we can't get the real soulutions through, the next shooting will have more rallying cries to go after our guns, and the mental health and pharma drugs will get lost even deeper in the noise.

03-29-13, 13:14
Why don't they need armed elementary school guards in other civilized nations?

Because the ROI is non existent at this point; not because tragedies like Sandy Hook don't happen elsewhere. IMO the same holds true here in the USA. Call me a callous dick if you want, but to enact costly policies that will drain resources of a district is about as intelligent as enacting gun control legislation. Thankfully these types of event are statistical outliers and should not be driving the discussion about how to improve the education system or public policies on firearms ownership.

03-29-13, 15:04
Call me a callous dick if you want, but to enact costly policies that will drain resources of a district is about as intelligent as enacting gun control legislation.

This is why allowing teachers who want to pay for their CCW and tranining is a no brainer. It costs the school districts, i.e. tax payers nothing.

Here is a video where Megyn Kelly interviewed two different TX ISDs that allow teachers to CCW. These superintendents are spot on.
