View Full Version : Forward assist, yeah or nay?

03-29-13, 00:03
I've been wondering for a long time what most felt about the forward assist on the AR. My friend thinks it is a feature that isn't needed, I have nothing against it and see no reason not to have it. I know some think that it is useless for instance S&W makes a cheapo version AR that comes without it. I know the original issue M16 didn't have one either.

I know most will probably never use it but I find it a comfort, a just in case sort of thing. Sort of like the argument on magazines, just because I don't need 30 rounds(or more) right this second I might need them tomorrow. What do you guys think about the forward assist?

03-29-13, 00:16
They didnt have it on the first m-16s till they needed it.Then they needed it, and iam sure it saved some lives.

To me, it and dust covers are like seat belts, when you need it, its nice to have it..

03-29-13, 00:31
Pointless vestige.

03-29-13, 00:42

03-29-13, 00:53
Watch it gents, the F/A argument heats up to full retard mode quick on the internet!


03-29-13, 00:54
Pointless vestige.Equating the forward assist with a vestigial organ? LOL

03-29-13, 00:58
Trust my life rifle = prefer to have a FA.
Range plinker = fine without it

03-29-13, 01:05

03-29-13, 01:21
I don't see why not. Not a huge deal either way.
I guess the argument could be made that it's useful if you needed to chamber a round somewhat silently. Perhaps for home defense.

03-29-13, 02:11
I don't see why not. Not a huge deal either way.
I guess the argument could be made that it's useful if you needed to chamber a round somewhat silently. Perhaps for home defense.

Um, what?

Why wouldn't you want a badguy to hear you chamber a round? Do you have determined enemies that put a price on your head?

03-29-13, 02:16
I think it is just one of those things that I would rather have, than not have.

03-29-13, 02:17
Necessary for me. Ive had to use it. Ill keep it.

03-29-13, 02:54
I like to have the forward assist- but honestly I almost never use it and could do without it. If the round doesn't chamber, that is generally an indication that something is obstructing the chamber or something else is happening.

I remember back at BW we had some SF support guys training out there and one of the soldiers had a locking lug break off his bolt and wedge itself in the chamber. He kept mashing the forward assist and chambering a new round. In this instance he kept doing what he was taught which was hit the forward assist rather than diagnose what the cause was.

03-29-13, 03:16
I like having one. It doesn't get used frequently, but if I needed to its there. I see some lower priced rifles without a dust cover or bolt assist. S&W sport, DPMS sportical, even Colt le6900 (never thought I'd be grouping them in that category)... none of which I really care for, but they serve a role for some.

03-29-13, 05:38
Equating the forward assist with a vestigial organ? LOL

Yes. F/A is about as useful as the appendix.

03-29-13, 05:41
Never had to use it, but then again, I do by insurance, so I will keep it.

03-29-13, 07:43
I've used the FA several times when I owned one of those unmentionable AR's while I was still a heathen.:o Since I walked into the Colt stable several years ago I don't recall ever having needed it.
I still like having it because I'm old timey. (Still a heathen too,but I'm getting there.)

03-29-13, 07:47
If the round is not chambering, then there must be an issue. I personally would not force it, so no FA for me. I also shoot suppressed, so replaced my FA with an AR gas vent.

03-29-13, 07:53
This debate was covered on ARFtard 87 years ago.

I'm locking this nonsense DOWN! :mad:

03-29-13, 08:06
9.whatever times out of 10, the tension of the action spring is enough to take the thing into battery. If it's not, it rates a look-see.

Having said that, in those times that account for the .whatever'sleft...we could probably ask other folks that diddy-bop about in snow a lot, like Arctic1 and a0cake, how vestigial the forward-assist is. Stuff that's big enough and juuuuust hard enough to occlude an action in spite of the action spring, but soft enough that it can be crunched right through with an F/A.

That metaphor actually works pretty well, since we don't cut out any vestigial organs unil they go past their freshness-date and threaten to create an explosion of sepsis. In those unusual instances when an F/A breaks, it requires surgical intervention and post-op care.... :p

The silent-chambering thing is the Bizarro World version of the "rack the shotgun action to scare them" advocacy. If you're a besieged homeowner trying to Sneaky-Pete a bad guy with an empty chamber...you've some planning/software problems you need to see to before fretting about hardware configurations.

Whether it's been covered at TOS or not, it's definitely been covered here: https://www.m4carbine.net/gtsearch.php?cx=003496919632624929056%3Adhiwgm0hbaa&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=forward+assist&siteurl=www.m4carbine.net%2Fshowthread.php%3Fp%3D1595259%23post1595259&ref=www.m4carbine.net%2Fnewreply.php%3Fdo%3Dpostreply%26t%3D127766&ss=2247j480477j14

And, in case it hasn't been made clear, markm's most recent nigh-inexplicable pet hatred (in addtition to LWRC and lightweight barrels) is locked threads.
