View Full Version : Sen. Jeff Flake: Universal background checks 'a bridge too far' Bill 'going nowhere

03-31-13, 17:00
Sen. Jeff Flake: Universal background checks 'a bridge too far'... (http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2013/mar/31/sen-jeff-flake-universal-background-checks-bridge-/)

Mr. Flake — along with Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, and Democratic Sens. Mark Begich of Alaska and Mark L. Pryor of Arkansas — has introduced legislation intended to clarify issues surrounding mental illness and which people are legally barred from buying or owning a firearm.

Bill 'going nowhere'... (http://thehill.com/video/senate/291103-graham-senate-dems-gun-bill-going-nowhere)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday blasted Democratic efforts to pass new gun control laws, vowing that a bill Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to bring to the floor next month was “going nowhere.”

Graham singled out universal background checks as the reason he and other Republicans would vote against or filibuster the legislation. Graham argued that existing laws on background checks should be enforced before those laws are expanded.

I'm sure these guys would love to hear your voices of thanks and support.

brushy bill
03-31-13, 17:46

Graham is saying he won't join filibuster. From what I've seen, he flips and flops like a catfish stranded on a riverbank.

03-31-13, 18:04

Graham is saying he won't join filibuster. From what I've seen, he flips and flops like a catfish stranded on a riverbank.

I'm noticing quite a bit of flip flopping amongst many politicians of late.
Some are slicker than Whale Poop on a Ice Flow.

03-31-13, 19:56
There are not many standing tall for our rights. At a time when they could clearly differentiate themselves if they wanted to, the Republican leadership us silent and rudderless. Must have misplaced their moral compass.