View Full Version : Another gun accesssory company leaving Colorado

04-02-13, 16:00

04-02-13, 16:19
How about the shout out to Arkansas at the end of that article?! WPS

04-02-13, 18:18
Great, now if the fine people of Colorado can manage to vote the current mother****ers out of office maybe we'll be able to deter the next round of "frank discussions" and pointless gun regulation.

04-02-13, 18:28
the more that leave the better, i feel that same way about any gun companies in NY, they should bail and take that tax rev. away from the state. hopefully they repeal the safe act soon and put these gun control nuts on their asses.

04-02-13, 18:51
Good for them.

04-02-13, 19:23

04-02-13, 19:30
Although the relocation will be expensive and time consuming, he adds, “It is in the best interest of our company and our customers.”

One can't help but wonder if these companies, such as they and Magpul, wouldn't be better served to allocate the relocation expenses into a legal fund to overturn the laws rather than flee their own homes. Bottom line is the state will endure their losses in the end, therefore while that particular pill may be somewhat bitter for them to swallow they will do it for the sake of political ideology.

I understand why they feel the need to move, but still the move will likely have a hollow and expensive result for the companies in the end. Continued retreat will only lead to disaster, as obviously few if any on the fence states are worried about losing firearm or accessory manufacturers.

Consider what is happening in CT. Not looking like anyone is worried about Colt.

The Resistance
04-02-13, 20:30
Consider what is happening in CT. Not looking like anyone is worried about Colt.[/QUOTE]

Colt has already indicated they will leave CT. I support all of these companies leaving the states that don't support the second amendment. I wish they would stay and fight, but maybe it will result in the centralization of a lot of firearms owners and manufactures in a place that cannot be controlled by the liberals. I left California almost twenty years ago for Colorado. I do not plan on leaving another state because the gun laws suck. Now Colorado sucks, but I am not leaving, registering or jumping through any of the new gun law hoops. Some people are just going to refuse to comply.

04-02-13, 20:37
Magpul and other manufacturers could never compete with Bloombergs money. First and best option would have been enough money to fight and prevent or overturn the garbage. That option wasn't viable IMO thanks to Bloomberg funds and the current make up of the CO State Govt.

They took a damn good second option. Make a stand, take some tax revenue and tell the State to shove their exemption where Feinstein's head is.

Through watching NY and CO take a hit the gun grabbers have been emboldened. Hopefully this will work in a similar way in our favor. The thing only thing that disappoints me is the fact that some will lose jobs because of these moves.

At the end of the day, some action is better than no action. Good on them. Colt, ask for a copy of the playbook.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

04-02-13, 20:49
Good on them.

04-02-13, 20:51
I can't say that I'm really shocked. One of the thing that I have always said about folks who complain about their job is to quit and go do something else. This is Colorado getting quit. Eventually the loss in revenue may not be that substantial an impact to them, but it emboldens other companies to do the same. Someone is always the first.

04-02-13, 21:00
One can't help but wonder if these companies, such as they and Magpul, wouldn't be better served to allocate the relocation expenses into a legal fund

Did you miss the part where Magpul poured huge money and resources into their fight in CO?

04-02-13, 21:06
Can't say that I blame them!

04-02-13, 21:23
Did you miss the part where Magpul poured huge money and resources into their fight in CO?

Of course not, heck I wrote a slew of letters myself in protest of the new laws before they were signed. Point is they have both given up and that in itself is a victory for the liberals.

I fully understand their dilemma and obviously sympathize, but dammit somebody better take a stand somewhere or we're all screwed eventually.

04-02-13, 21:59
How is this a retreat or a win for the libs? Ultimately it's the people of these states that will turn the tide, not a couple of small to mid-size businesses. Leaving these states is not a retreat, it's a matter of conscious.

Besides, this is how it's supposed to work. Just like businesses leaving California and moving to Texas. These firearms companies are simply moving where conditions favor their business. Nobody is saying the socialists in California have won because businesses moved out of the state. Just the opposite. Same situation here.

And how long before the gun grabbing libs move to shut down or further regulate firearms companies in those states? What happens when Colorado makes the manufacture or transportation of magazines with more than 15 rounds illegal?

04-02-13, 22:47
Not only Colorado. Arfcom is picking up and leaving New York for Texas. While might not be the largest business, it's still another significant move in the fight.

At this point, waiting to see what Remington, Bushmaster, Colt and Beretta do. All are now "behind enemy lines" for lack of a better term. Remington could easily move into their corporate headquarters location in North Carolina. Plenty of States will court Colt and Beretta. Bushmaster...still means jobs someplace and will probably be enticed in some location or another even with the dark cloud over their head at the moment.

04-03-13, 05:20
Of course not, heck I wrote a slew of letters myself in protest of the new laws before they were signed. Point is they have both given up and that in itself is a victory for the liberals.

I fully understand their dilemma and obviously sympathize, but dammit somebody better take a stand somewhere or we're all screwed eventually.

Magpul MUST leave. They told the State that if law passed they were gone. Some of the officials thought surely they were bluffing. Magpul has to leave so that these politicians understand if they pass these laws they will hurt their own economy.

Sometimes the best way to take a stand is using whatever leverage you can. Hopefully the people of CO will do the right thing at the polls so this mess can be cleaned up. Magpul leaving is anothet spur to this end and hopefully a signal to other States.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

04-03-13, 06:23
All should leave not just gun related.

04-03-13, 08:23

Point is they have both given up and that in itself is a victory for the liberals.

If they "both have given up" then they would close their doors, not just move them.

I fully understand their dilemma and obviously sympathize, but dammit somebody better take a stand somewhere or we're all screwed eventually.

They are taking a stand. Rather than shooting bullets at them (CO politicians) they are killing them by removing the one thing they need most. The one thing all governments run on... money. Death by a thousand cuts. Or perhaps I should say; debt by a thousand cuts.

04-03-13, 08:33
I think that for most here there is a tendency to see the world through our eyes. I'd wager that 70% plus of the population of Colorado could care less that Magpul left and the rest will get over it, so don't expect anyone to be voted out of office because of them leaving. And as far as the financial impact on the state, likely minimal.

The real hope is that the laws are so bad now that people there will feel overly restricted and vote on that premise. Either way folks, the run away from your problems thing usually doesn't work out in the end. Though we learned this as youngsters.

04-03-13, 09:08
Magpul has to leave so that these politicians understand if they pass these laws they will hurt their own economy.

It's FAR bigger that CO. economy.

FAR bigger than that.

04-03-13, 09:11
The margins in most contested elections are razor-thin, so it really only takes a small percentage of the voting populace to flip a district. There has been enough news coverage of this issue to energize many folks on both sides. I personally think the recalls will not succeed, but they will create much-needed infrastructure on the ground for 2014.

As Obama proved in 2012, third-party money is a poor substitute for a well-organized grass-roots ground game. It is entirely possible to make 2014 a good year for free Coloradans...

I think that for most here there is a tendency to see the world through our eyes. I'd wager that 70% plus of the population of Colorado could care less that Magpul left and the rest will get over it, so don't expect anyone to be voted out of office because of them leaving. And as far as the financial impact on the state, likely minimal.

The real hope is that the laws are so bad now that people there will feel overly restricted and vote on that premise. Either way folks, the run away from your problems thing usually doesn't work out in the end. Though we learned this as youngsters.

04-03-13, 09:17
Magpul has to leave so that these politicians understand if they pass these laws they will hurt their own economy.

It's far bigger than that. Your thinking Micro & it's massively Macro. It's global not isolated to states etc.

The "lever" has already been pulled.
When the US Petro Dollar crashes & it will as it's in motion & was planned many moons ago by it's orginators the Banking Cabal, then people will grasp the enormity & impact.

The Gun Industry will become null at that point by design conceptually, at least in their eyes. Far bigger than CO. state's economy.

Revisit this as we go down the road before denying it's veracity. These are BIG picture "PTB" people behind the scenes.

04-03-13, 10:20
Did you miss the part where Magpul poured huge money and resources into their fight in CO?

And says that they will continue to do so, even from outside of CO, once moved.


04-03-13, 11:07
I think that for most here there is a tendency to see the world through our eyes. I'd wager that 70% plus of the population of Colorado could care less that Magpul left and the rest will get over it, so don't expect anyone to be voted out of office because of them leaving. And as far as the financial impact on the state, likely minimal.

The real hope is that the laws are so bad now that people there will feel overly restricted and vote on that premise. Either way folks, the run away from your problems thing usually doesn't work out in the end. Though we learned this as youngsters.

How much of Magpul's revenue comes from > 15 round PMAGs?
So they're going to stay and let their company circle the bowl because of the new laws?

04-03-13, 11:24
Sorry, but when you're facing guys like Bloomberg, you can't make this fight about money...as in "legal fund allocation". The politicians have been bought and paid for, and there's no way you can throw enough money at them to sway their allegiance.

D. Christopher
04-03-13, 11:27
You will never change the liberal anti-gun mindset with economic sanctions, no matter how bad it gets, no matter how many businesses leave, and no matter how much money they lose. You can bankrupt the whole state and they'll just watch it all collapse, but they'll never admit that they're wrong or allow common sense to overrule their emotions.

You will have to do it by electing people who will follow the law and listen to their constituents. That's if there are still enough of you to win an election in those areas that are overrun with liberals. Those liberals have to live somewhere, so for many that may mean they have to move to areas that still respect and honor the Constitution and the rights of the individual. Some parts of the country are lost to liberals, that's just the way it is. Some states belong to us, and some states very clearly belong to them.

04-03-13, 13:04
Denver Cops Criticize Obama In Advance Of Denver Speech « CBS Denver


04-03-13, 13:22
How much of Magpul's revenue comes from > 15 round PMAGs?
So they're going to stay and let their company circle the bowl because of the new laws?

Technically, Magpul's case was written into the law to allow manufacture in CO still.

Good on Magpul for moving


04-03-13, 13:34
Technically, Magpul's case was written into the law to allow manufacture in CO still.

Good on Magpul for moving


Ahh. So it would basically take a federal mag ban to stop > 10/15 round mags from being manufactured as long as they're legal somewhere. Kind of like Colt being able to manufacture full featured ARs again in CT since the federal ban expired. Still good for Magpul.

I heard part of a discussion on the radio this week about hunters bailing out of CO trips which is a huge tourism industry for them. I don't know to what extent so far though.

04-03-13, 14:50
Denver Cops Criticize Obama In Advance Of Denver Speech « CBS Denver



04-03-13, 16:19
Another stupid politician doesn't understand the basics of the issues being discussed.


04-03-13, 17:29
Imagine that your country is your body. Your body developed cancer in your right big toe quite a few years ago, but somehow it was noticed yet overlooked.

Then such inaction allowed it to spread to your right hand, still you weren't concerned because it was just discomfort and your tough. Heck you probably watched commercials featuring people with cancer and thought "What a shame, glad I have a great doctor who said I will be ok."

Years later it spread even further and you needed your entire right arm removed. But while that really sucked, you still had another arm and of course two legs. Oh and your real tough. But then the right leg went south and suddenly a sense of panic sets in...

Can anybody guess what this sad but totally predictable analogy might apply to?

04-03-13, 17:31
Another stupid politician doesn't understand the basics of the issues being discussed.


I know how absolutely clueless Dianne Deggette is from speaking with her on a weekly basis regarding her idiocy and failings.

I cringe whenever I hear that poor excuse for a woman speak...

She doesn't understand the basics of 2+2= 4; how could she begin understand something as complicated as the difference between ammunition and the magazine that contains it- being different items...

These are the people steering the ship right now in Colorado- friggin' nightmare!

04-03-13, 17:34
I know how absolutely clueless Dianne Deggette is from speaking with her on a weekly basis regarding her idiocy and failings.

I cringe whenever I hear that poor excuse for a woman speak...

She doesn't understand the basics of 2+2= 4; how could she begin understand something as complicated as the difference between ammunition and the magazine that contains it- being different items...

These are the people steering the ship right now in Colorado- friggin' nightmare!

Disposable magazines! She may just be on to something and has you all fooled by the act :lol:

04-03-13, 17:46
Disposable magazines! She may just be on to something and has you all fooled by the act :lol:

Yeah the conspiracy theorist side of my brain tells me she let loose a big one and we are all interpreting it wrongly.

Then the logical side of my brain goes back to all those conversations I've had with her. And yeah-she is short a few circuits...

D. Christopher
04-03-13, 20:17
What? :sarcastic:
