View Full Version : North Korea Approves Strike...?

04-03-13, 15:18
How credible is this? I don't see any major outlets running it yet. Hopefully just more big talk from Kim.


Mauser KAR98K
04-03-13, 15:29
Why haven't we sent a few cruise missles his way by now? He is just getting embolden, even with the fly over demonstrations. Something tells me he is so in to the lies of NK's greatness that reality is going to be unforgiven to Un when payment comes due.

Pork Chop
04-03-13, 15:43
Why haven't we sent a few cruise missles his way by now? He is just getting embolden, even with the fly over demonstrations. Something tells me he is so in to the lies of NK's greatness that reality is going to be unforgiven to Un when payment comes due.

Agreed. I'd love to see on the evening news that we lit the fat little ****er up like a Christmas tree.

Their self aggrandizement and isolation fuels the stupidity to the point that they believe their own propaganda. A reality check for Kim is in order.

04-03-13, 15:47
Agreed. I'd love to see on the evening news that we lit the fat little ****er up like a Christmas tree.

Their self aggrandizement and isolation fuels the stupidity to the point that they believe their own propaganda. A reality check for Kim is in order.

Apparently he didn't get the news of what we did to OBL :D

04-03-13, 15:54
I think Dennis Rodman brought him a bootleg copy of the new Red Dawn and Kim Jong Un started thinking "Yeah...we could really do it JUST LIKE THAT."


04-03-13, 15:57
I have gotten so jaded, as soon as you posted this and I verified the story, I immediately started looking for some secret law / shift in economics taking place. "Hey! Look over there its Elvis!" ...
Not many cultures or countries for that matter have ever been hell bent on their complete annihilation...it goes against the fabric of human nature to want to self destruct. Queue Marcellus's quote from Hamlet:


D. Christopher
04-03-13, 16:24
Send him a few cases of Johnnie Walker and he'll shut up for a few more months. But eventually we're going to have to deal with this little tyrant somehow. Whether we want to or not.


04-03-13, 18:23
Silly little monkeys need a spanking.

04-03-13, 19:07
How credible is this? I don't see any major outlets running it yet. Hopefully just more big talk from Kim.


At this point I'm betting even the Chinese are not happy with this situation. We could strike a deal where the Chinese come down from the north, we come up from the south, meet in the middle, go all East/West Germany for a for a while, then reunite the country in 30 or so years when our system collapses their system.

Or something like that.

Kidding aside, I wonder what if any back channel discussions we are having with the Chinese right now regarding this as they are really the larger issue if it came to military action no?

04-03-13, 19:53
This is typical posturing from the Cold War era, just like the saber-rattling of the Soviets. He doesn't intend to invade the South, rather he expects that the perceived threat of war will coerce the UN to the table and strengthen his position. He knows full well that his military wouldn't stand a chance in a full-scale war - he and the upper echelon of the NK leadership aren't completely isolated from the reality of the outside world like the rest of their population is. The theatrics are as much about crafting his image in his own country as they are for negotiation with the UN.

04-03-13, 20:21

04-03-13, 20:26


Army Chief
04-03-13, 20:28
He doesn't intend to invade the South, rather he expects that the perceived threat of war will coerce the UN to the table and strengthen his position.

You are correct, of course, but in reading this, I was left to wonder why we have continued to reward the bellicose rhetoric by coming back to the table again and again. It is preferable to war in the short term, but we've been at this for what, six decades now? I'm no diplomat, but perhaps the time is nearing where we should respond with "Go right ahead, pal. Launch whatever it is that you think you've got. Let's finish this."


04-03-13, 20:34
You are correct, of course, but in reading this, I was left to wonder why we have continued to reward the bellicose rhetoric by coming back to the table again and again. It is preferable to war in the short term, but we've been at this for what, six decades now? I'm no diplomat, but perhaps the time is nearing where we should respond with "Go right ahead, pal. Launch whatever it is that you think you've got. Let's finish this."


I agree, but I'd be astonished if Obama was the guy to do it.

04-03-13, 20:35
You are correct, of course, but in reading this, I was left to wonder why we have continued to reward the bellicose rhetoric by coming back to the table again and again. It is preferable to war in the short term, but we've been at this for what, six decades now? I'm no diplomat, but perhaps the time is nearing where we should respond with "Go right ahead, pal. Launch whatever it is that you think you've got. Let's finish this."


Well Hagel is Sec Def afterall...


04-03-13, 20:41
You are correct, of course, but in reading this, I was left to wonder why we have continued to reward the bellicose rhetoric by coming back to the table again and again. It is preferable to war in the short term, but we've been at this for what, six decades now? I'm no diplomat, but perhaps the time is nearing where we should respond with "Go right ahead, pal. Launch whatever it is that you think you've got. Let's finish this."


Amen! We continue to hope embargoes and discussions will help to influence and appease lunatic dictators. And yet history continues to repeat itself.

As Neville Chamberlain proclaimed, "Peace for our time!" (24 hours before the German invasion of Sudetenland)....

04-03-13, 22:07
Apparantly, like father like son....

Classic !



04-03-13, 22:36
Young new leader who needs to make a name for himself with the people, since he can't deliver anything of importance like more food, fuel or other basic needs this is all he has placing blame on S/K and America for the woe's of the country.

Maybe Japan will get pissed off enough if a errant N/K rocket crash lands on their soil and go bitch slap little Kim.

04-03-13, 22:46

Mauser KAR98K
04-03-13, 22:54
Umm...I don't...think...he is...playing.


Looks like N. Korea just deployed their subs.


Oh, and they are moving their mid-range missiles to the east coast (of N. Korea).

This isn't the same MO they play when they want money to feed the starving people. Someone is full of their own propaganda.

04-03-13, 22:58
Just ignore the dude...

Don't fly B2 or B52 or F22 or anything over there. Just do your normal maneuvers, and ignore him. Don't release any statements or even acknowledge that he exists.

Like a whiney kid, just ignore him.


Mauser KAR98K
04-03-13, 23:00
Just ignore the dude...

Don't fly B2 or B52 or F22 or anything over there. Just do your normal maneuvers, and ignore him. Don't release any statements or even acknowledge that he exists.

Like a whiney kid, just ignore him.


Nah...not this time. Something is up. Usually they do tests and all, and we pay him to stop being an idiot.

This is rather different.

Hey, anyone noticed Iran, their buddy, has been quiet.

04-03-13, 23:02
Nah...not this time. Something is up. Usually they do tests and all, and we pay him to stop being an idiot.

This is rather different.

Hey, anyone noticed Iran, their buddy, has been quiet.

Even more reason to ignore him. He just wants attention.

Let him softly know through the backdoor, through the Chinese, that he'll roast in Hell if he starts anything.

Then ignore him.


Crow Hunter
04-03-13, 23:23
Hey, anyone noticed Iran, their buddy, has been quiet.

I have noticed that.

Usually they have a case of mandiublar diarrhea but not a peep in a while.


04-04-13, 00:26
Umm...I don't...think...he is...playing.


Looks like N. Korea just deployed their subs.


Oh, and they are moving their mid-range missiles to the east coast (of N. Korea).

This isn't the same MO they play when they want money to feed the starving people. Someone is full of their own propaganda.

I think he might actually **** up.

Interesting info:

This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 2 P.M. Thursday, March 28th, 2013. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4.

Elsewhere, China is building a large drone fleet, with aim to swarm U.S. carriers during war, while cyber-attacks from China are now beginning to target critical infrastructure in the United States. Russia has announced plans to form a permanent task force in the Mediterranean while the United States has canceled the final phase of the European missile shield.

Mauser KAR98K
04-04-13, 02:31
I think he might actually **** up.

Interesting info:

This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 2 P.M. Thursday, March 28th, 2013. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4. Condition Blue. DEFCON 4.

Elsewhere, China is building a large drone fleet, with aim to swarm U.S. carriers during war, while cyber-attacks from China are now beginning to target critical infrastructure in the United States. Russia has announced plans to form a permanent task force in the Mediterranean while the United States has canceled the final phase of the European missile shield.

Paying off voters; gotta cut somewhere.

04-04-13, 02:35
I can't help but look at what other not so friendly nations are doing with respect to their long term strategic planning and think to myself.... jeez, do we really suck this bad?

04-04-13, 02:39
I can't help but look at what other not so friendly nations are doing with respect to their long term strategic planning and think to myself.... jeez, do we really suck this bad?

Not when you're doing it on purpose.

04-04-13, 02:48
Not when you're doing it on purpose.

This is true.. sad but true. Beyond shameful.

04-04-13, 03:09
This shit is so cool I think it's a movie or book plot. NK invades SK or launches a war. We respond and while we are dicking around Iran unveils that they have made improvised nuclear devices and have smuggled them to various locations for detonation.

Then the crack pot in Venezuela acts a fool and cuts off all oil or some such nonsense.

Now all we need is some oddball country to announce they have developed a "zombie plague" and we are all FUBAR.

04-04-13, 04:39
I think this is nothing more than a young dictator trying establish his cred.

He has to know he'll get hurt if he pulls something. He must know that South Korea, by themselves, could obliterate his obsolete and decrepit "military" within a week, let alone with US help.

He's new, and he's trying to assert his rule.

Eta: The only reason the US and China are stepping up their readiness levels is because he's a wildcard. Nobody knows his MO yet. It's like acting very serious and formal with your new supervisor before you figure out what kind of sense of humor he has.

04-04-13, 04:51
This is typical posturing from the Cold War era, just like the saber-rattling of the Soviets. He doesn't intend to invade the South, rather he expects that the perceived threat of war will coerce the UN to the table and strengthen his position. He knows full well that his military wouldn't stand a chance in a full-scale war - he and the upper echelon of the NK leadership aren't completely isolated from the reality of the outside world like the rest of their population is. The theatrics are as much about crafting his image in his own country as they are for negotiation with the UN.

The boy needs to learn a little history. The Soviets could back it up. The reason we had a cold war is that a hot war would have ended Planet Earth as we know it.

I agree that one must look at NK's motivation and ask "why are they doing this?" What's to be gained? What are they really capable of?

I also agree with what Army Chief said about finishing it once and for all. This is all so...tiring.

04-04-13, 06:07
North Korea is a Chinese protectorate. Russia is, by default, a Chinese ally. WTF are we doing with 700+ military bases OUTSIDE of our nation? This isn't a A fight between us and a small Developing Nation; their (Sino-Russ) missiles can and WOULD reach the USA in the event of a "turn them into glass" orgasmic wet dream of some.

End of silly warfare with Korea wet dreams.

This is serious enough to pay attention but look to the YUAN as a world reserve currency as the background cause not some pudgy kid with a bad haircut.

Speaking of haircuts, you may wish to dig deeper into the Cyprus affair...

04-04-13, 09:15
Speaking of haircuts, you may wish to dig deeper into the Cyprus affair...

I already have & it's not good. It's further evidence not too mention who was able to extract their money out & not only 3 days early (Russians et alia).

Easy to see who had a chair left when the music stopped.

The parviscient nature of people amazes me.

Ned Christiansen
04-04-13, 09:42
I don't get whey there were not riots in Cyprus, no politicians dangling.

IG, in your movie plot, how about this-- Lance Spearpoint, of The CIAMI-6 Extra Special Branch, slips in and messes with NK targeting systems. Missiles are launched but go straight to the drone factory in China. Peace reigns.

Mauser KAR98K
04-04-13, 10:59
Hey, guess who just blinked and back down...? U.S.!!!


I hate this asshole. What a ****ing leader!


04-04-13, 11:07
Meanwhile, CNN reports that we intercepted communications indicating that North Korea is planning a missile launch in the coming days or weeks.

04-04-13, 11:17
Meanwhile, CNN reports that we intercepted communications indicating that North Korea is planning a missile launch in the coming days or weeks.



04-04-13, 11:27
Unfortunately, N. Korea doesn't have the technology to hit our West Coast. Thus, I've resigned myself to waiting for the next big earthquake to solve our California problem.

04-04-13, 11:28
Unfortunately, N. Korea doesn't have the technology to hit our West Coast. Thus, I've resigned myself to waiting for the next big earthquake to solve our California problem.

Not according to the linked article above.

04-04-13, 13:56
That file assumes that they have working missles. Unless they have them hiding somewhere, the ones they touted could hit the US were just mock-ups.

04-04-13, 15:50
Guys guys, relax Barry is on it. Today N Korea's Twitter account was hacked!


04-04-13, 16:00
Guys guys, relax Barry is on it. Today N Korea's Twitter account was hacked!


Anonymous is at it again. I actually think those guys are funny. I'd giggle like a little school girl pullin' some of the shit they do.

Just glad they never messed with me...

04-04-13, 16:19
Guys guys, relax Barry is on it. Today N Korea's Twitter account was hacked!



Instead, a picture posted Thursday on the North's Flickr site shows Kim's face with a pig-like snout and a drawing of Mickey Mouse on his chest. Underneath, the text reads: "Threatening world peace with ICBMs and Nuclear weapons/Wasting money while his people starve to death."

04-04-13, 16:26
Guys guys, relax Barry is on it. Today N Korea's Twitter account was hacked!



04-04-13, 16:40
Unfortunately, N. Korea doesn't have the technology to hit our West Coast. Thus, I've resigned myself to waiting for the next big earthquake to solve our California problem.

Currently there's 2 missing N. Korean submarines... I just hope the fallout doesn't drift too far east.

04-04-13, 17:51
Currently there's 2 missing N. Korean submarines... I just hope the fallout doesn't drift too far east.

I read 4.
Perhaps the story has been updated.

04-04-13, 17:53
Currently there's 2 missing N. Korean submarines... I just hope the fallout doesn't drift too far east.

I doubt that they could pedal them that far.

04-04-13, 18:03
It appears we blinked perhaps?


04-04-13, 18:03
I doubt that they could pedal them that far.

I like your style. :)

However, there are drug smugglers running diesel powered subs, that were built in the jungle, bringing cocaine into the U.S. currently. Our nation's borders are very porous and there's plenty of other ways of bringing in a nuke besides a missile... A little creativity can go a long way. Not that I'm losing any sleep over it.

04-04-13, 20:18
I read 4.
Perhaps the story has been updated.

Now believed to be smaller, Dolphin class or the like, not capable of crossing the pacific.

04-04-13, 21:17
Careful making fun of diesel subs - it may show ignorance - for shallow littoral waters is where diesels thrive, and our "Mighty Carrier Battle Group" WILL get their ass handed to them.
I'll go even further - becasue of their size and vulnerability they will actually become a liability: it takes very little strategical insight to see the staggering weakness those overblown airports on water display - being created to project power but when a shooting war starts presenting a vulnerable expensive massive target of giant strategical importance. For the enemy.

Missing NK subs really worry me. As it should anyone.

In case any one doubts me:

"The Royal Netherlands Navy, with its small force of extremely quiet diesel submarines, has made the U.S. Navy eat the proverbial slice of humble pie on more than one occasion. In 1989, naval analyst Norman Polmar wrote in Naval Forces that during NATO’s exercise Northern Star, “…the Dutch submarine “Zwaardvis” was the only orange (enemy) submarine to successfully stalk and sink a blue (allied) aircraft carrier…” The carrier in question might have been the U.S.S. America, as it was a participant in this exercise.

Ten years later there were reports that the Dutch submarine Walrus had been even more successful in the exercise JTFEX/TMDI99. “During this exercise the Walrus penetrates the U.S. screen and ‘sinks’ many ships, including the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71.

The submarine launches two attacks and manages to sneak away.

To celebrate the sinking the crew designed a special T-shirt.” Fittingly, the T-shirt depicted the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt impaled on the tusks of a walrus. It was also reported that the Walrus sank many of the Roosevelt’s escorts, including the nuclear submarine U.S.S. Boise, a cruiser, several destroyers and frigates, plus the command ship U.S.S. Mount Whitney.
The Walrus herself survived the exercise with no damage.

Some U.S.N. apologists might counter by saying that the exercise was probably scripted, and the Dutch submarine probably knew exactly where the carrier was, had an unfair advantage, and that in a real war, the submarine would have been easily detected and destroyed.
If so, then why would the Dutch submariners, a very professional and well-trained group, take such delight in simply completing a scripted “shoot the fish in a barrel” scenario?
Talented and wily enemies, of course, usually don’t play by the rules."

FWIW - there was no script involved. It is simply a case of "the emperor wears no clothes" - a truth so obvious and painful, given the literally billions of dollars invested that no one close enough to matter dares speaking it.