View Full Version : Texas: Its condition in 10-20 years?

04-07-13, 10:00
The South for the most part is overwhelmingly pro 2A. Except for some major cities and a few areas here and there such as south Florida....which I don't view it as part of Dixie. ;)

Anyway as mentioned overall the South is pro 2A but I see one state down here being 'aggressively' pro 2A and that is Texas. Rick Perry and others in office seem to be setting themselves up for success as far as gun rights and availability goes.

The independent spirit of Texans. Companies such as LaRue, DSG, etc. Colt Competition coming to Breckenridge, TX and many other examples of a states desire to keep firearms in the hands of citizens.

Ive mentioned on here in the past that I am considering moving to TX. Still am. I love Mississippi. There are no better people on this planet. The way we handled Hurricane Katrina as opposed to New Orleans is a testament to how we handle emergencies and treat each other.

Yet Mississippi in my opinion isnt being nearly as aggressive as I would like in their defense of the second amendment. We are getting there but honestly I believe TX will be in a better position in the future than MS to stand alone and keep back the Federal leviathon.

One concern, where will the Lone Star State be in 10-20 years. The influx of illegals, and importation of liberals into metropolitan areas worry me it could possibly swing Texas from its current status to a more purple state.

Mississippi does have an illegal problem yes but there really isnt a huge metropolitan area here. There isnt any real incentive for outsiders (geographically & ideologically) to move to the Magnolia State. There is less of that particular influence.

So where will Texas be in the near future? Stronger or weaker. The federal government will never stop in its attempt to confiscate our weapons. It seems as if Texas will be in the best position to be a redoubt against that. It does appear that way at least to me as of 7 April 2013.

Please don't turn this into a stand your ground or flee debate. I want honest opinions on what Texans think. So Belmont, Sadmin, sinless and others....what say you?


04-07-13, 10:14
I think we'll be just as strong. Unfortunately, the state capitol, is becoming more and more liberal. But, as it stands, we have enough Republicans in the other areas to keep them in check.

I'm glad to live here and when we move, it'll just be to another part of Texas.

04-07-13, 10:16
Texas will go the way of VA.

04-07-13, 10:20
Unfortunately, the state capitol, is becoming more and more liberal.

Exactly why I started this thread Jon. Thanks for the input.


04-07-13, 10:36
You have a PM...Austin is turning into a mini colorado but I highly doubt you will ever see a statewide turnover.

04-07-13, 10:37
Exactly why I started this thread Jon. Thanks for the input.


Austin has been that way for some time. Regardless of how liberal they are, we have so many other areas that will be a republican majority for a long time.

Regardless, we don't often see the liberals even attempting to go after the second amendment.

Texas is a great place to live. Belmont lives in a great area that we've been looking into over the past couple years. The hill country is a beautiful area.

Corpus Christi is boring and the closer to the border we get, the less I like it. McAllen is right on the border and I've been looking at work there. It's actually decent, but so close to mexico. My wife is working on her bachelor's in nursing then after a couple years plans on doing her anesthetist doctorate and the valley pays extremely well. But, if I don't end up working down there, she'll be more than happy to make a little less in Corpus, hill country or even outside of Dallas.

We do a lot of shooting and hog hunting. Munch520 has come down a couple times, SOWT has been down twice, IraqNinja and a few others. Ironman8 is coming down at the end of May as well for some hunting with Munch520 and me. If you ever head down this way, let me know.

04-07-13, 10:41
An increasingly progressive capitol plus an increasing minority vote will eventually add up to substantial problems. Unless something changes the tide one day, Texans will not only want to divide from the nation, they may want to divide the state itself.

04-07-13, 10:43
Data filled article. I am concerned that the state will slowly move more to the left.


04-07-13, 10:48
The minorities are killing us. But, I've noticed there's a number of hispanic republican groups here.

04-07-13, 10:49
Austin has been that way for some time. Regardless of how liberal they are, we have so many other areas that will be a republican majority for a long time.

Regardless, we don't often see the liberals even attempting to go after the second amendment.

Texas is a great place to live. Belmont lives in a great area that we've been looking into over the past couple years. The hill country is a beautiful area.

Corpus Christi is boring and the closer to the border we get, the less I like it. McAllen is right on the border and I've been looking at work there. It's actually decent, but so close to mexico. My wife is working on her bachelor's in nursing then after a couple years plans on doing her anesthetist doctorate and the valley pays extremely well. But, if I don't end up working down there, she'll be more than happy to make a little less in Corpus, hill country or even outside of Dallas.

We do a lot of shooting and hog hunting. Munch520 has come down a couple times, SOWT has been down twice, IraqNinja and a few others. Ironman8 is coming down at the end of May as well for some hunting with Munch520 and me. If you ever head down this way, let me know.

This is another reason for me considering moving. There are a heck of alot of M4C guys & liked minded souls in TX and many more places and opportunities to shoot.


04-07-13, 10:53
The minorities are killing us. But, I've noticed there's a number of hispanic republican groups here.

Certainly, however as you know the key factor is what percentage lean right. Historically this would not have been an issue, but the prospects of citizenship combined with entitlements have stolen many of the once conservative hispanics away.

04-07-13, 10:54
An increasingly progressive capitol plus an increasing minority vote will eventually add up to substantial problems. Unless something changes the tide one day, Texans will not only want to divide from the nation, they may want to divide the state itself.

As is everywhere it seems Safety. It just appears to me there are some places fighting back harder and investing more in a future that will leave them better prepared to keep and preserve States rights over others.


Straight Shooter
04-07-13, 10:55
What I fear for Texas, as well as the rest of the conservative south,
is, after the libs completely destroy the northern states with taxes, crime, gay-this-n-that, ban this-n-that..pro-illegal alien, soft on crime
bullshit they are pulling now, they themselves will become sick of it, move down here, and try to "fix" us po' ole southerners and bring their ****ing politics with them.
Nashville TN is a prime example of this. No more liberal, ****ed up city in amerika. I know....cause Ive been to most of them hundreds of times each.
GOD I HATE these lib bastards that come south to retire and think we oughta change our ways to suit them. **** THEM.

04-07-13, 11:01
What I fear for Texas, as well as the rest of the conservative south,
is, after the libs completely destroy the northern states with taxes, crime, gay-this-n-that, ban this-n-that..pro-illegal alien, soft on crime
bullshit they are pulling now, they themselves will become sick of it, move down here, and try to "fix" us po' ole southerners and bring their ****ing politics with them.
Nashville TN is a prime example of this. No more liberal, ****ed up city in amerika. I know....cause Ive been to most of them hundreds of times each.
GOD I HATE these lib bastards that come south to retire and think we oughta change our ways to suit them. **** THEM.

As it is with most large cities. As bad as Nashville is getting, just outside the city limits it quickly turns conservative. We are being overrun with liberal transplants and those in the social welfare system. And Memphis is worse.

04-07-13, 11:01
As is everywhere it seems Safety. It just appears to me there are some places fighting back harder and investing more in a future that will leave them better prepared to keep and preserve States rights over others.


Please don't misunderstand, I agree that Texas is still a powerhouse when it comes to 2A rights. But the process of erosion has begun and it's rate has yet to be determined. Not saying it can't be stopped, but unless something significant changes in the minds of the minority voting demographic then it will be only a matter of time.

Seeing who replaces Perry will be interesting and also critical.

04-07-13, 11:05
The panhandle area is extremely conservative. I drove through my neighborhood during election time which consists of about 300 houses and only one Obama sign in the yard and the rest were Romney if that matters. I was born and grew up in Austin and left there in 2000 to go off to boot camp and it was pretty damn liberal then and even worse now. My parents still live there (Leander) and they claim it's still getting worse. I believe it will be like Florida in the next few years where you see the major cities go Lib and the smaller cities like Amarillo where I live and smaller go Conservative. Austin is gone as well as Houston and Dallas Fort Worth is getting worse every day.

04-07-13, 11:24
Those that think Texas can't or won't go blue over time are naive.


Texas by the numbers - Apr 3rd 2013, 21:23 by Lexington

"LEXINGTON is in Texas, researching a question with large implications for this large state but also for national politics. With Hispanics on course to become a majority of the Texas population within the next few years, can this solidly Republican-red state be turned blue, or at least purple?

"A proper piece will follow soon but after several days of haring around south and central Texas here are some numbers that jumped out. They suggest that (a) the Democrats face an uphill battle but (b) demography really is changing this state and (c) Team Obama are deadly serious about this endeavour."

Full article: http://www.economist.com/blogs/lexington/2013/04/texas-politics

04-07-13, 11:27
Please don't misunderstand, I agree that Texas is still a powerhouse when it comes to 2A rights. But the process of erosion has begun and it's rate has yet to be determined. Not saying it can't be stopped, but unless something significant changes in the minds of the minority voting demographic then it will be only a matter of time.

Seeing who replaces Perry will be interesting and also critical.

I copy brother. From our community's perspective its a matter of can the white blood cells attack the virus fast enough before it is over taken itself.

Indeed the next elected governor will be interesting to watch.


04-07-13, 11:51

Seeing who replaces Perry will be interesting and also critical.

Do some Googling on Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. He's very likely to be the next governor here.

I'm not aware of any elected politician that is more pro-2A than him. He also works hard to help gun-owners in states fighting for their rights, like yours. He was a very big help in the Heller vs DC SCOTUS case.

I'd be delighted to see him as governor here, and even more happy if selected as US Attorney General in 2016.

04-07-13, 11:52
Good to hear SeriousStudent!


04-07-13, 11:55
CO fell because fairly affluent and educated Dems fled CA for better economic opportunities and great outdoor activities (snow sports, biking, hiking, camping). It started with Vale becoming a Hollywood vacation spot.

Remember Austin's unofficial motto - Keep Austin Weird.

In 10 years, the perfect storm of Yuppies, beatnik urban hipsters, and illegal immigrants will make TX a purple state and put it in play.

In 20 years, the Reconquista will return TX to Mexico.


04-07-13, 12:26
Yet, if there were any state that would fight its lib-eration, it'd be Texas. It's the last stand-able place. Plus, the way things are going, it would take a lot of "progression" to undue the laws of recent and current legislatures.

04-07-13, 12:37
What Jon wrote in post #6 is pretty accurate and the only thing I could add is that it's really all about the county that you live in. In Houston, it's Harris Co that is the liberal cesspool. In Austin, it's Austin Co. Pretty much every major city that lies inside of a certain county will turn that county Blue. Just the way it is since that's where the libs congregate.

Now for an inside perspective. My dad ran for US Congress in the last election cycle. He is also the founder of one of the larger TEA Parties in our area. TEA Parties actually have a pretty large influence here, despite even the Republican Party pushing back at times. This last election, there were some very strong 2A supporters on both state and federal level (Cruz) that were voted in (with the TEA Party playing a big part).

Yes, we are on course to turn blue in probably under 10 years, but I really do believe that the groundwork is being laid (since Newtown) that would make it really hard to touch our gun rights. And to be honest, even without some of the new laws being proposed right now, I really don't see gun rights being touched here without some serious repercussions for those who try.

It's not just posturing when we say Texans love their guns and "Don't mess with Texas". ;)

04-07-13, 12:41
Do some Googling on Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. He's very likely to be the next governor here.

I'm not aware of any elected politician that is more pro-2A than him. He also works hard to help gun-owners in states fighting for their rights, like yours. He was a very big help in the Heller vs DC SCOTUS case.

I'd be delighted to see him as governor here, and even more happy if selected as US Attorney General in 2016.


I didn't want to mention it bc it hasn't happened yet, but if he does become governor, then just multiply what I wrote above times 10. That would be the best thing that could happen to our state for the future political outlook.

04-07-13, 13:31
What Jon wrote in post #6 is pretty accurate and the only thing I could add is that it's really all about the county that you live in.
You may have that a bit backwards. It is more about the big cities than the counties. For example, Austin is uber liberal, but the small cities and the unincorporated areas around it are typically more conservative (not totally true, but mostly).

BTW, the City of Austin occupies portions of 3 counties, none of which is Austin County. It is mostly in Travis County, and a little bit in Hays and Williamson Counties.

04-07-13, 14:19
The minorities are killing us. But, I've noticed there's a number of hispanic republican groups here.

Have you reached out to them?

04-07-13, 14:26
You may have that a bit backwards. It is more about the big cities than the counties. For example, Austin is uber liberal, but the small cities and the unincorporated areas around it are typically more conservative (not totally true, but mostly).

BTW, the City of Austin occupies portions of 3 counties, none of which is Austin County. It is mostly in Travis County, and a little bit in Hays and Williamson Counties.

Ah yes, Travis county is what I'm referring to. Not Austin Co. You're correct.

As for my county statement, I know that when people refer to Houston, that whole area technically comprises 4-5 counties, but mostly resides in Harris. Harris is totally Blue while the others are still Red, so that's what I was referring to. I had heard that Travis Co is the same way in relation to the Austin area. Correct me if I'm wrong.

04-07-13, 15:21
What I fear for Texas, as well as the rest of the conservative south,
is, after the libs completely destroy the northern states with taxes, crime, gay-this-n-that, ban this-n-that..pro-illegal alien, soft on crime
bullshit they are pulling now, they themselves will become sick of it, move down here, and try to "fix" us po' ole southerners and bring their ****ing politics with them.
Nashville TN is a prime example of this. No more liberal, ****ed up city in amerika. I know....cause Ive been to most of them hundreds of times each.
GOD I HATE these lib bastards that come south to retire and think we oughta change our ways to suit them. **** THEM.

Which is why pre-emptive laws in places like TX must be passed to protect against future infringement.

But I agree with you. The libs continue to do it in FL, NC, TX, MT... essentially anywhere that is nice to live we see these liberal transplants that want to change the politics into the same shithole they just left.

04-07-13, 18:45
The minorities are killing us. But, I've noticed there's a number of hispanic republican groups here.

That will be the key.

Tex-Mexicans love their guns as much as anyone else.
Will they vote D because their mom and dad did, or will they demand Pro-2A Candidates (either party)?

San Antonio is slightly less boring than Corpus Christi (yo John, when do I get a hunting invite :meeting:?).

Dallas and Houston will always be the face of Texas (to non-residents). Which is sad, because they are liberal blots (along with Austin) on an otherwise awesome state.

I see a Democrat controlled Texas in 20 years, and a 1-3% Income Tax so La Raza and other Radical Groups can get their redistributed money.

Texas will probably flip back and forth (unless we keep accepting CA transplants) between R and D control.

04-07-13, 18:53
I had heard that Travis Co is the same way in relation to the Austin area. Correct me if I'm wrong.
What I said in previous post: " For example, Austin is uber liberal, but the small cities and the unincorporated areas around it are typically more conservative (not totally true, but mostly)."

What I should have said: For example, Austin is uber liberal, but the small cities and unincorporated areas around it in Hays, Travis and Williamson Counties are typically more conservative (not totally true, but mostly).

04-07-13, 19:48
Look at the map from the county results for the presidential election


Though the red are is a lot larger the blue has and is gaining ground on the population centers and on the border.

It is hard to see western states trend away from 2A by turning blue.

Let's hope the supremes get some good decisions before the make up of the court changes.

04-08-13, 04:56
As a Texan this is something that concerns me. IIRC there is something like 1,000 people who move (legally) to Texas every day. Most of which are coming here for our economy which has been in the top fifteen economies IN THE WORLD for years. With this influx comes the mental disorder known as liberalism. Thankfully all the CA natives I know who have moved here all have bought evil black rifles and "high capacity clips".

The powers at be know they cannot bring about change to their liking via conventional means so now we have to contend with "immigration reform" which is nothing more than a tool of social engineering to give the enemy millions of more votes. We have some solid conservative Hispanic politicians like Senator Ted Cruz so there is hope.

04-08-13, 06:28
Texas schools are having major issues with progressives !
they know its one of the things to do is get this generation and Texas will fall unless they clean up the school system

04-08-13, 07:31
What I said in previous post: " For example, Austin is uber liberal, but the small cities and the unincorporated areas around it are typically more conservative (not totally true, but mostly)."

What I should have said: For example, Austin is uber liberal, but the small cities and unincorporated areas around it in Hays, Travis and Williamson Counties are typically more conservative (not totally true, but mostly).

Understood, I guess I'm just thinking in terms of "election maps" and somewhat congressional districts that sometimes follow county lines.

As far as where to live, cities would be the better way to think about it. You're correct.

04-08-13, 08:53
Look at the map from the county results for the presidential election


Though the red are is a lot larger the blue has and is gaining ground on the population centers and on the border.

You do understand that in most of that red space, the farm animals outnumber the people. Demographics are destiny. Elections are not won by rolling prairie.

04-08-13, 09:09
The trap that TX needs to watch out for is the one that was sprung here in CO...Dems espouse support for the 2A, get elected on liberal social issues, and everything just trucks along until they get a majority. They were patient here, and liberal factions had been working at this since the 90's.

As soon as the majority was established, the formerly "pro gun" Dems changed their tune to the effect that "assault weapons bans and magazine capacity bans don't infringe on the 2A", "Most hunters are in favor of a ban", "It's for the children", etc.

Bloomberg money behind a push to vote with the caucus was what killed CO. The really crappy thing was we had a bunch of seats in both the house and the senate where Democrats won over Republican candidates by far fewer votes than were siphoned off by Libertarian candidates. I'm as Libertarian as just about anyone, but Libertarians need to either run as Republicans or stay the heck home, because the "Ross Perot Effect" may indeed be what was the nail in CO's coffin in the 2012 election.

04-08-13, 09:56
IMO in 10-20 years the country as a whole wont be recognizable, much less the individual states. Sorry to be the wet blanket, but unless something dramatic happens we wont be living in the same place. We are on a bad course and the rudder has been thrown away. This country is like the Titanic minus a rudder with people trying to change course using their hands to paddle on both sides of the boat.

As cities grow liberalism spreads. It's almost as certain as 1+1=2. Due to the type of society/economy we have become cities and urban areas will continue to grow while rural areas will be consumed. The few people who believe of self sufficiency will be dwarfed by the urban hipsters who want their every need met by someone else. It's those voters who control the destiny of this country. And I see no pending change in their behavior. Something harsh will have to smack them in the face before they wake up.

04-08-13, 10:38
Something harsh will have to smack them in the face before they wake up.

Well, then...here's to some good face smacking going on.

04-08-13, 10:50
Well, then...here's to some good face smacking going on.

Hooah!! Keep it up brother.


04-08-13, 11:03
Well...if any state is designed to be the final place to fight for gun rights...it will be Texas.

Sure, Houston inner city is liberal but the outlying areas, like the Woodlands and Sugar Land are VERY conservative. Some of the largest Tea Party groups are in the Houston area.

Ditto for Austin. the inner city is liberal but out in Round Rock or Lockhart...those folks are pretty conservative.

Dallas is the same way. The suburbs of Farmers Branch and Lewisville are pretty conservative.

Could all this change? Maybe but it would take a HUGE shift...one bigger than what shook CO.

The gun culture and the "leave me alone" attitude in Texas is very, very strong. Even in the inner city of Houston, I see plenty of Gadsden flags on vehicles.

Also, just because someone here is not Anglo does not always mean they are a raging leftist. I know many non-Anglos that are very conservative people that are pro gun.

It is very likely that the larger cities inner areas in Texas will always be on the leftist side but the outlying suburbs and rural areas of Texas have a VERY long ways to go before this state goes purple.

If ANY state is going to be the final battleground for gun rights...it WILL be Texas. Why do you think the Alamo is located here?


04-08-13, 11:25
Why do you think the Alamo is located here?

Umm, because some Spanish Governor decided to build it here :confused:

Sorry, couldn't pass that up :D

But yes, I agree that TX will likely be one of the last states to fall by the wayside...along with AZ, ID, MT, WY, and a couple others.

04-08-13, 11:36
Could all this change? Maybe but it would take a HUGE shift...one bigger than what shook CO.
Time is not on our side. From the Texas by the Numbers article:

"Watching a public meeting with two rising stars of the Democratic Party in Texas, Julián Castro, the mayor of San Antonio, and his twin brother Joaquín, a new US congressman for San Antonio, the brothers noted that they were 20 years old when their party last won a state-wide race.

"The second numbers also came up at the Castro event in Austin, organised by the Texas Tribune at the Lyndon Johnson presidential library. They were cited by the moderator and come from Steve Murdock, the former state demographer of Texas who now runs the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University. It is one thing to know that Hispanics recently overtook Anglos (non-Hispanic whites) as the largest single block in the population. It is another to hear Dr Murdock's projection for Texan children under five in 2040. At that date, he estimates that 69.9% of under-fives will be Hispanic, and 17% will be Anglo."

04-08-13, 11:38
Umm, because some Spanish Governor decided to build it here
Spot on! It was a Spanish mission first, before it became a Texas icon.

04-08-13, 11:43
I think we'll be just as strong. Unfortunately, the state capitol, is becoming more and more liberal. But, as it stands, we have enough Republicans in the other areas to keep them in check.

I'm glad to live here and when we move, it'll just be to another part of Texas.

I have been considering trying to find work in the Austin area myself. How much IT work is available in that area?

04-08-13, 11:59
I will echo what Artos mentioned. The big cities will turn due to overwhelming immigration issues, but I dont see a statewide shift in any near future. Where I am, liberal ideals are few and far between. This is a small bubble of course, but thats why I relocated here from Houston a couple years ago when we had kids.

Abbot, Cruz, (and in my district) Gohmert, are all very Pro2A. Just be selective on where you transplant. There are plenty of areas that will be "safe" for our intent in 10 years, I believe that anyway. 20...who knows...by then Ru Paul will be in the White House and I will be singing Himno Nacional Mexicano with my children while I clean my Noveske slingshot during the DIY abortion tools marathon on QVC.

What do you do for work? I know people in East Texas...
Either way, your invited to come see what East Texas is like anytime.

04-08-13, 11:59
How much IT work is available in that area?
I can't say for sure, but Austin is one of the fastest growing job markets in the country.

Manta has 798 companies listed under Information Technology Companies in Austin, TX:

04-08-13, 13:55

From the article:
" Potter said that 65 percent of the population growth in the state from 2000 to 2010 was among Hispanics, a trend that shows no sign of slowing.

Texas is the only one of the four majority-minority states that didn’t vote for Obama in 2012. Its Latino population makes up about 38 percent of the population, yet cast only 22 percent of the votes, according to research by Mark Jones, chairman of the political science department at Rice University in Houston. Jones forecast that by 2030, the Hispanic voting-age population will rise to 43 percent of the electorate, while the white share will drop to 39 percent from about 50 percent."

I don't think most of you really get what is going on here.

We are fighting a war, the other side is using every dirty tactic they can and buying off anyone in their way, lying/cheating/misinforming to get votes and corrupting anyone and everyone they can to win. They are fighting with 100% capacity in their arsenal- every tool in their bag of tricks.

They are winning and have been for a long time now. It's a long term game, and though we may have made short term strides for liberty here and there and kept the boat afloat for hte time being; the long term game is obviously being won by the liberals; with members of the conservative party helping them in a lot of cases.

Open your eyes.

If you don't think the liberlas are eyeing to take Texas in the next 2-5 years you are kidding yourself. And they can do it fairly easily by moving in leberal voters from California, Mexico/South America and buying the votes with "free stuff" and propaganda.

Texas economy is already bringing these types in droves to Texas- just wait, it is EXACTLY what happened to Colorado...

They have figured out the back-door attack and play by rules they make up as they go. They have the media in lockstep; hollywood on lockdown, they control the education system and are indoctrinating the youth.

They are close to getting SCOTUS locked down fully retard- scary thought eh?

They are literally breeding freedom/liberty out of future generations and breaking all the rules to force their will on the rest of us anyway they can. Using the blood of children and peoples emotions to pitty people into voting anti-gun.

They are not idiots, they are cunning and crazy like foxes. They aren't pushing this agenda to keep anyone safe as they say, they are doing it simply to control. That is the name of the game, CONTROL.

They want total control of every single decision we make, every single dollar and last piece of property we have. They would want control of our very souls if they could find a means to do so.

There is no moving and hiding from this, it is a plague on all of our houses.

So yeah, Texas may hold out for a while- I give it 2 election cycles max at the rate things are going and from seeing first hand Colorado turn and noticing the similarities in the lead up to the transition.

Texans may even be successful short term in trying to stop future anti-gun legislation; but one thing none of us can stop (Until we actually start fighting with all the tools in our belt) is the way the left buys votes, imports votes from Mexico/South America & other American states (ruined by liberal policies/legislation) and the way they are indocrintaitng the youth of America to HATE anything gun related.

The liberals already have the template/plan they need to change any state to a blue state. They are already implementing the plan. They are already on track with the numbers to win the battle; just not sure about the time table to accomplish their golas...

04-08-13, 14:07
Well then I guess all us fair skinned peoples are screwed...eh?

That said...what are we to do?

I still think they will have a very hard time taking Texas. Sure they'd like to but there are still plenty of hard headed conservatives that are not going to just lie down and take it.

If ANY state is going to survive and beat back the left...it will be Texas.


04-08-13, 15:34
The big cities will turn due to overwhelming immigration issues,................
Turn? Wake up! The big cities already vote democrat.

04-08-13, 15:38
Shit if West Texas doesnt get a few years of decent rainfall, you wont have to worry because it will be a damn desert. Same goes for the state as a whole.

04-08-13, 16:58
Shit if West Texas doesnt get a few years of decent rainfall, you wont have to worry because it will be a damn desert. Same goes for the state as a whole.
Isn't that the truth! Lake Travis, which is Austin's water reservoir, is at 41% capacity.

04-08-13, 17:27
TX needs to put firearms safety and responsible use in the high school curriculum, close off their own southern border, and enact legislation that restricts state race campaign financing from out of state interests...perhaps a $$ spent per constituent member resident in the state.

They also need to stop courting CA businesses, unless they make firearms, firearms accessories, or defense articles.

Then maybe they'll have a chance, depending on how immigration reform goes.

04-08-13, 17:41
Isn't that the truth! Lake Travis, which is Austin's water reservoir, is at 41% capacity.

I've heard lake Brownwood is almost dry, Granbury was VERY low....every lake is still low.

04-08-13, 18:50
...and Mexico owes a crap load of water!! Supposed to be delivered by the end of the month. We shall see and we are in the worst drought I have ever seen down in my 4 plus decades this way.


Biggest problem with border politics is they are no different than the big cities and stories you hear about fraud / turnout / etc. They are nick-named 'La Maquina' or the voting machine. Bus them in to pull the dem lever. Local fraud with school boards and such is really bad.

Funny thing is they complain about their reps not supporting their pro gun and being mostly catholic their very pro life stance...still, they continue to vote them in and do not hold them accountable??

Living along the border is not for everyone & you either love it or hate it...we continue to grow where other regions are in decline. Especially in the medical and manufacturing areas. It's getting too crowded for me and depending on circumstances, would like to head a bit north.

04-09-13, 02:37
IMO in 10-20 years the country as a whole wont be recognizable, much less the individual states. Sorry to be the wet blanket, but unless something dramatic happens we wont be living in the same place. We are on a bad course and the rudder has been thrown away. This country is like the Titanic minus a rudder with people trying to change course using their hands to paddle on both sides of the boat.

As cities grow liberalism spreads. It's almost as certain as 1+1=2. Due to the type of society/economy we have become cities and urban areas will continue to grow while rural areas will be consumed. The few people who believe of self sufficiency will be dwarfed by the urban hipsters who want their every need met by someone else. It's those voters who control the destiny of this country. And I see no pending change in their behavior. Something harsh will have to smack them in the face before they wake up.

It is already unrecognizable. And we did not arrive at this junture by mere coinecedence.

Steyr naild it in another thread.

You can try and say Fascism is right wing, Communism is left wing and National Socialism is something else. In reality they are all just words to distract from the fact that it will be Totalitarianism and that you may start out with fascism, communism, national socialism or some other kind of "state above the individual collective good" society but it will always, always, always become Totalitarianism.

This is because once you surrender your personal freedoms to the state you can never get them back unless you can organize enough people to do it successfully by force. And that is a rare, rare thing. And most of the time even if you do manage to get a bunch of people together to fight and win, in most cases you simply get another run at "let's do communism/socialism/fascism again but we won't make the same mistakes" idiocy. And once again, to the shock of everyone you have Totalitarianism.

04-09-13, 02:43

From the article:
" Potter said that 65 percent of the population growth in the state from 2000 to 2010 was among Hispanics, a trend that shows no sign of slowing.

Texas is the only one of the four majority-minority states that didn’t vote for Obama in 2012. Its Latino population makes up about 38 percent of the population, yet cast only 22 percent of the votes, according to research by Mark Jones, chairman of the political science department at Rice University in Houston. Jones forecast that by 2030, the Hispanic voting-age population will rise to 43 percent of the electorate, while the white share will drop to 39 percent from about 50 percent."

I don't think most of you really get what is going on here.

We are fighting a war, the other side is using every dirty tactic they can and buying off anyone in their way, lying/cheating/misinforming to get votes and corrupting anyone and everyone they can to win. They are fighting with 100% capacity in their arsenal- every tool in their bag of tricks.

They are winning and have been for a long time now. It's a long term game, and though we may have made short term strides for liberty here and there and kept the boat afloat for hte time being; the long term game is obviously being won by the liberals; with members of the conservative party helping them in a lot of cases.

Open your eyes.

If you don't think the liberlas are eyeing to take Texas in the next 2-5 years you are kidding yourself. And they can do it fairly easily by moving in leberal voters from California, Mexico/South America and buying the votes with "free stuff" and propaganda.

Texas economy is already bringing these types in droves to Texas- just wait, it is EXACTLY what happened to Colorado...

They have figured out the back-door attack and play by rules they make up as they go. They have the media in lockstep; hollywood on lockdown, they control the education system and are indoctrinating the youth.

They are close to getting SCOTUS locked down fully retard- scary thought eh?

They are literally breeding freedom/liberty out of future generations and breaking all the rules to force their will on the rest of us anyway they can. Using the blood of children and peoples emotions to pitty people into voting anti-gun.

They are not idiots, they are cunning and crazy like foxes. They aren't pushing this agenda to keep anyone safe as they say, they are doing it simply to control. That is the name of the game, CONTROL.

They want total control of every single decision we make, every single dollar and last piece of property we have. They would want control of our very souls if they could find a means to do so.

There is no moving and hiding from this, it is a plague on all of our houses.

So yeah, Texas may hold out for a while- I give it 2 election cycles max at the rate things are going and from seeing first hand Colorado turn and noticing the similarities in the lead up to the transition.

Texans may even be successful short term in trying to stop future anti-gun legislation; but one thing none of us can stop (Until we actually start fighting with all the tools in our belt) is the way the left buys votes, imports votes from Mexico/South America & other American states (ruined by liberal policies/legislation) and the way they are indocrintaitng the youth of America to HATE anything gun related.

The liberals already have the template/plan they need to change any state to a blue state. They are already implementing the plan. They are already on track with the numbers to win the battle; just not sure about the time table to accomplish their golas...

They call it Reconquista (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista_(Mexico)), all part of the plan with the American decline to bring about the North American Union.

04-09-13, 08:56
They call it Reconquista (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista_(Mexico)), all part of the plan with the American decline to bring about the North American Union.

Interesting link thanks.

My opinion & the evidence says it's more than this but, this is enough for most to grasp a glimpse of the concept of Multinationalism/Transnationalism/Federalism/End of Sovereignty/Vassal States/Feudalism/World Governance/Geo-Political Governance which is the goal etc.

04-09-13, 10:25
True. In 10-20 years...America in general will be unrecognizable to any of us that are now in our late 30s to late 40s (or older). You have to admit in the last 10 years...we have seen some shit we thought would NEVER happen come true.

That said, if ANY state in the lower 48 is going to still look like America in 10-20 years and have any freedom left...it WILL be Texas.

Sure, places like UT and WY are fairly free but they lack the diversity of economy to stay viable.

Why I made the "Alamo" comment.....this is where we will probably make out last stand.


04-09-13, 10:52
Why I made the "Alamo" comment...this is where we will probably make our last stand.


Typical TX attitude...we certainly have the history in this cool state going back to the revolution. Sad that we are even discussing the topic. Time will tell.

Come and Take it...

04-09-13, 10:57
Honestly...I don't see where we have any other choice.

Do you really see a huge Tea Party styled revolution taking place in CA, CO or any other blue hell hole state in the near future? Me neither.

As optimistic as I would like to be...I don't see reversing any of what has gone down...it never works out that way...at least not in my lifetime.

So we dig in and fight in the last place that will remain free in the lower 48....and that will be Texas. The left will come gunning for us because we still have something left that resembles an economy and the left needs money. It will literally be the Alamo all over again.

They have their eyes on Texas but it will be one hell of a fight to take this place...knowing many people's attitudes around here.


04-09-13, 11:46
Come and Take it...
For those that don't understand your comment:

04-09-13, 11:50
Our state had a unique history and taking the guns away from people or restricting them is just not going to go over like it did in other states...I don't care what everyone else says. Many of them do not know our history (like the Battle of Gonzales) and this mindset is not likely to go away just because of Julian Castro or an influx of non-natives.

Hard to understand unless you are from this state...really.


04-09-13, 13:34
TX needs to put firearms safety and responsible use in the high school curriculum, close off their own southern border, and enact legislation that restricts state race campaign financing from out of state interests...perhaps a $$ spent per constituent member resident in the state.

They also need to stop courting CA businesses, unless they make firearms, firearms accessories, or defense articles.

Then maybe they'll have a chance, depending on how immigration reform goes.

Absolutely. ALL free states need to take these measures and also pass bills protecting against any further erosion of firearm rights in the state.

04-09-13, 13:40
Our state had a unique history and taking the guns away from people or restricting them is just not going to go over like it did in other states...I don't care what everyone else says. Many of them do not know our history (like the Battle of Gonzales) and this mindset is not likely to go away just because of Julian Castro or an influx of non-natives.

Hard to understand unless you are from this state...really.


I concur; the pride in our state is deep...and only intensifies if we feel the state is threatened. It may sound silly, but when your in Kindergarten coloring the state flag, writing reports on Sam Houston, singing Texas Our Texas every morning while saluting...it sticks with you that your in a state among states; we are required to take the class Texas History, not just US History. Your willingly brainwashed to recognize how the state came to be and what courage, tenacity, and persistence it took to carve out a living here. Our state pride is the lowest common denominator to bring people together; racial, religious, ethnic, geographic, political...all will join for Texas. Texans are very patriotic as well, giving off the feeling of "Old America" from the 1950's. The majority of military recruits come from Texas according to the numbers...and I know what your going to say about socioeconomic status and such but im here to tell you its because we care about the future of this nation. (that and we all hunt, fish, and play outside...from age 2, so naturally we consider hunting bad men) Hunting / killing animals and eating them over a campfire immediately makes your balls hang lower. Look it up.

What does all that biased rant result in? A solid decade of Constitutional rights, if I have to drive s.west and throw some woodscrews into that damn fence to keep those potatoheads out, sign me up.

04-09-13, 14:56
Interesting link thanks.

My opinion & the evidence says it's more than this but, this is enough for most to grasp a glimpse of the concept of Multinationalism/Transnationalism/Federalism/End of Sovereignty/Vassal States/Feudalism/World Governance/Geo-Political Governance which is the goal etc.

I'm tracking with you. Baby steps . . . we're out of the crawl phase and are well into the walking phase soon to hit the running phase of globalization.

04-09-13, 15:01
I concur; the pride in our state is deep...and only intensifies if we feel the state is threatened. It may sound silly, but when your in Kindergarten coloring the state flag, writing reports on Sam Houston, singing Texas Our Texas every morning while saluting...it sticks with you that your in a state among states; we are required to take the class Texas History, not just US History. Your willingly brainwashed to recognize how the state came to be and what courage, tenacity, and persistence it took to carve out a living here. Our state pride is the lowest common denominator to bring people together; racial, religious, ethnic, geographic, political...all will join for Texas. Texans are very patriotic as well, giving off the feeling of "Old America" from the 1950's. The majority of military recruits come from Texas according to the numbers...and I know what your going to say about socioeconomic status and such but im here to tell you its because we care about the future of this nation. (that and we all hunt, fish, and play outside...from age 2, so naturally we consider hunting bad men) Hunting / killing animals and eating them over a campfire immediately makes your balls hang lower. Look it up.



04-09-13, 18:02
I concur; the pride in our state is deep...and only intensifies if we feel the state is threatened. It may sound silly, but when your in Kindergarten coloring the state flag, writing reports on Sam Houston, singing Texas Our Texas every morning while saluting...it sticks with you that your in a state among states; we are required to take the class Texas History, not just US History. Your willingly brainwashed to recognize how the state came to be and what courage, tenacity, and persistence it took to carve out a living here. Our state pride is the lowest common denominator to bring people together; racial, religious, ethnic, geographic, political...all will join for Texas. Texans are very patriotic as well, giving off the feeling of "Old America" from the 1950's. The majority of military recruits come from Texas according to the numbers...and I know what your going to say about socioeconomic status and such but im here to tell you its because we care about the future of this nation. (that and we all hunt, fish, and play outside...from age 2, so naturally we consider hunting bad men) Hunting / killing animals and eating them over a campfire immediately makes your balls hang lower. Look it up.

What does all that biased rant result in? A solid decade of Constitutional rights, if I have to drive s.west and throw some woodscrews into that damn fence to keep those potatoheads out, sign me up.

I think that's the best Texas explanation I've ever read/heard/seen. kry226 likes this. :p

My personal favorite:


04-09-13, 18:50
TX will be blue in 15 years and all this talk about gun companies moving there is absolute idiotic.

Just wait until amnesty passes.

Look what happened to Florida. All the 2nd and 3rd generation Cubans voting for marxists.

If you are the CEO and move a firearm company to TX, you are an absolute idiot no mater how many incentives the state gives you.

04-09-13, 21:18
pshh...throw us a bone. This isn't the big 12.

I'm not runnin to nebraska & her navy!! No argues with you about going left in 15yr but taking guns should be different than what is happening in ny/ca. I have to hope in that anyway.

We Gotta coast, a border with narcos & marinas for a supply chain & a buncha crazy cajuns to the east...give us a little credit;)

04-09-13, 23:59
TX will be blue in 15 years and all this talk about gun companies moving there is absolute idiotic.

Just wait until amnesty passes.

Look what happened to Florida. All the 2nd and 3rd generation Cubans voting for marxists.

Yep! Demographics are destiny. With Undocumented Democrat Voters out breeding the other Texans by 3:1 it will not take long to turn TX blue after the amnesty deal.

04-10-13, 00:23
Since you brought up flags :)


Again if conservative folks in Texas dont focus on whats being taught in Texas schools kiss the state good bye !

Seqrch about c scope and stuff thats going n :)

04-10-13, 13:55
C-Scope is not in every public school district in TX. It is not taught in mine.

I am sure that bluer states that TX have systems of leftist indoctrination that are much worse.

If any state will fight off the left...it will be Texas.

Also, don't think that every brown skinned person in TX votes Democrat. I know quite a few Latinos that are conservatives.


04-10-13, 14:26
no for sure its not in every school but quite a few from numbers
and the crap they are doing is not good !
its like the wedge that pushes the tree over even though the chain saw cuts a tiny slit drive a wedge in and you can down the largest tree !

I do hope they fight it hard !!!! scary its even gotten the traction it has cause for the most part real Texans I meet are some of the nicest folks around next to Hawaiians of course :) haahahah

C-Scope is not in every public school district in TX. It is not taught in mine.

I am sure that bluer states that TX have systems of leftist indoctrination that are much worse.

If any state will fight off the left...it will be Texas.

Also, don't think that every brown skinned person in TX votes Democrat. I know quite a few Latinos that are conservatives.


04-10-13, 14:59
My state Senator, Dan Patrick, is fighting this tooth and nail. There is a very good chance this whole program might go away. The backlash at what Glenn Beck has brought to light over this program is growing like crazy.

There is a good chance he might run for TX governor or against moderate John Cornyn for one of our US Senate seats.

One thing is for sure...Texas will be one of the last places left to fight the leftist onslaught.
