View Full Version : Popular media - reflection or driving force?

Crow Hunter
04-07-13, 20:00
If you look at older movies/entertainment from the 1950's and progress up to modern times you will see a distinct difference in the morality portrayed.

I have often heard the explanation that popular media (movies, TV shows, other common media) reflects the morals and values of the society in which it is created.

I believed that for a long time.

But I am beginning to doubt if this is true.

If it is not true, and media does have a direct influence on the morals and values of the society in question, is it much of a stretch of the imagination that other media types, like music and video games could also have an effect?

While the moral vagaries and lack of character that has become so prevalent in today's popular media has always been present in written form and that is the reason that I have always heard from people as to why media can't be an influence on people. The classics are full of things that would make many people blush.

However, to be perfectly honest, the average American Idol watcher probably wouldn't be able to read most of the "classics" well enough to understand the moral nuances. Those that can understand, I believe have the "mental fortitude" to avoid being influenced.

I really hate to think that the average American is so easily influenced that just watching crap like the Jersey Shore would cause them to act like idiots, but I am honestly beginning to wonder.


04-07-13, 20:13
Those that own the popular media are using it to push their own morals and agenda. This is just a means to an end. Never before has it been so obvious that the entertainment you receive is propaganda and a means to distract the masses from the real issues that affect us all. Its good that people are slowly starting to awaken.

04-07-13, 20:24
It's the media who brainwashed America into getting Obama elected twice, the media who make Republicans evil guns are evil, and democrats like they"re fighting for the poor minorities women gays etc. They are in control of a lot more than people like to admit

04-07-13, 20:49
I'd argue its a 2 way street. If people were capable of thinking for themselves the propaganda machine wouldn't work.

04-07-13, 21:00
I'd argue its a 2 way street. If people were capable of thinking for themselves the propaganda machine wouldn't work.

Or the machine wouldn't be profitable if it wasn't working. Media in earlier times also include ads but informed people more or less. Now its driven by ads and marketing. Many people care more about princess X or douche Ys marriage or pooping schedule than being informed.

Crow Hunter
04-07-13, 21:23
I'd argue its a 2 way street. If people were capable of thinking for themselves the propaganda machine wouldn't work.

I am really beginning to agree with this.

Up until fairly recently I have believed that people could objectively think for themselves. That given proper data, everyone one be capable of making decisions and taking care of themselves. That once a person reaches the age of majority, they should be given the freedom to sink or swim on their own merit.

I was always considered "Left's" constant push to provide and coddle people as an insult to my intelligence and maturity.

Now, I am beginning to wonder. Are most people out there really smart enough to think for themselves? To fund their own retirements? To chose what to eat? When to exercise? To distinguish between TV and reality?

I am starting to think that the vast majority of people out there really are just like sheep. Not just as an euphemism.

The only think separating them is the ability to walk upright and a social security number.:(

I also don't think that this is a new phenomenon. I am beginning to think that the only difference between now and the 1950's is that instead of an uptight, paternalistic, family values and nationalism driven entertainment industry we have a loose, hedonistic, anti-nationalism driven entertainment industry.

People are just like clay, malleable and easy to form into whatever the artist wishes.


Now I am depressed.:(

04-07-13, 21:42
Slapatalk dupe

04-07-13, 21:54
It makes me feel like a grumbling 80 year old and I'm only 35. I don't remember this widespread apathy just as lately as my Parents generation.

But part of me wants to believe that this vicarious look into Americas morbidly obese, entertainment driven and incapable of thinking for themselves is only a small part of the whole that they want to use to guilt us all into acting the way they think we should. The Bloomberg phenomenon you might call it.

04-07-13, 23:22
The older I get the more apparent it becomes that without continued vigilance the natural evolutionary course of man made self-government is one in which oppresses its people. Likewise it is the natural evolution of the human spirit to devolve into that which allows itself to be easily oppressed. Our founders understood this, today not so much.
I am really beginning to agree with this.

Up until fairly recently I have believed that people could objectively think for themselves. That given proper data, everyone one be capable of making decisions and taking care of themselves. That once a person reaches the age of majority, they should be given the freedom to sink or swim on their own merit.

I was always considered "Left's" constant push to provide and coddle people as an insult to my intelligence and maturity.

Now, I am beginning to wonder. Are most people out there really smart enough to think for themselves? To fund their own retirements? To chose what to eat? When to exercise? To distinguish between TV and reality?

I am starting to think that the vast majority of people out there really are just like sheep. Not just as an euphemism.

The only think separating them is the ability to walk upright and a social security number.:(

I also don't think that this is a new phenomenon. I am beginning to think that the only difference between now and the 1950's is that instead of an uptight, paternalistic, family values and nationalism driven entertainment industry we have a loose, hedonistic, anti-nationalism driven entertainment industry.

People are just like clay, malleable and easy to form into whatever the artist wishes.


Now I am depressed.:(

04-08-13, 00:17
The Bloomberg phenomenon, sixeight...

That in and of it self makes me shudder.

04-08-13, 00:18
In the old days, the media was extremely limited in scope and availability. You had 3 major networks and PBS. Most towns had one, maybe two newspapers at the most. Even radio stations were fewer and farther between.

Now its a 24/7/365 media blitzkrieg of unprecedented proportions. Hundreds of channels, dozens of stations, internet, phones, etc. With that level of saturation comes pressure. Pressure for those outlets to perform. Doing well means getting high enough ratings to pull in the ad revenue. That means sensationalism. Sensationalism is the anathema of good reporting. If it bleeds it leads and if it yells it sells.

I think it's time to do something to reign it in. Objectivity in reporting is a thing of the past. It should no longer be considered "news" if it requires advertising to make a profit. Thoughts? :confused:

04-08-13, 00:38
There was this concept called journalistic ethics as well...
In the old days, the media was extremely limited in scope and availability. You had 3 major networks and PBS. Most towns had one, maybe two newspapers at the most. Even radio stations were fewer and farther between.

Now its a 24/7/365 media blitzkrieg of unprecedented proportions. Hundreds of channels, dozens of stations, internet, phones, etc. With that level of saturation comes pressure. Pressure for those outlets to perform. Doing well means getting high enough ratings to pull in the ad revenue. That means sensationalism. Sensationalism is the anathema of good reporting. If it bleeds it leads and if it yells it sells.

I think it's time to do something to reign it in. Objectivity in reporting is a thing of the past. It should no longer be considered "news" if it requires advertising to make a profit. Thoughts? :confused:

04-08-13, 04:28
Read up on Edward Bernay, he was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and considered the father of public relations and propaganda; i.e. mind control. Advertising agencies and governments have been using his techniques for years.

Straight Shooter
04-08-13, 04:43
The Amerikan media, all of it...including FOX news, are the single biggest enemy and threat to the Constitution that's ever been ,or will be. Were I given the power to eliminate N. Korea, Iran, China, Russia, or all "news" driven media in this country....there wouldn't be station, or paper, or magazine left. Not one.
And jpmuscle...you are damn right. It is NOT in man's nature to be truly "free". Because with freedom,
comes responsibility. The responsibility to feed/clothe yourself & family. To protect same. To educate same. To house same.To not have children you cannot afford to take care of. No...lets leave it up to OTHERS to do, and pay for, all that and more, is the mentality of most today. People are REWARDED
for ill, ignorant actions...those actions are even paid for by YOU & ME.
Example...can you even FATHOM the idea that Florida is DEBATING....NOT already outlawed, NOT IMMEDIATELY stopping...but DEBATING on stopping EBT cards from being used in STRIP CLUBS?!!!
This is taxpayer money given to aid in buying FOOD....and they've been allowed to use it for everything else under the sun. IN-****in-credible.