View Full Version : Dem and GOP Senator working on "gun control" compromise!

04-08-13, 06:24
Time to contact these gentlemen and say NO!

Also contact your own Senators to tell them to apply pressure to these guys to cut it out and that it is dead on arrival.


Dem, GOP senator working on deal to expand background checks, boosting gun control hopes | StarTribune.com



04-08-13, 10:55
I just sent Sen. Toomey and email asking him to rethink his position and to support our 2nd Amendment rights instead of proposing compromises that would degrade them. There was a bit more to my email but that was the gist of it all. I'll post his reply if I get one.

04-08-13, 19:35
The left will get half of what they want, and we get nothing in return as usual.

04-08-13, 19:42
This is bull. Proposal would increase background check to online purchases. Wtf that's already a law. Bunch of idiots man.

04-08-13, 19:49
The left will get half of what they want, and we get nothing in return as usual.

Yep. Compromise is nothing more than chipping away towards the end goal.


04-08-13, 19:55
This is bull. Proposal would increase background check to online purchases. Wtf that's already a law. Bunch of idiots man.

Yeah but sounds so feel goody. Was listening to the news on the radio a short time ago and they said the exact thing...."background checks to now include online purchases". This is strictly a firearms only proposal as of now right? Could the background check pertain to ammo? That's not how I read the article but who knows.


04-08-13, 21:59
I'M surprised that a PA senator would be going a long with some anti gun bull as PA is a very Strong 2A/NRA state. Once you ignore Philadelphia and Pittsburgh's anti gun agendas the rest of the state is 100% Pro-Gun.

04-08-13, 22:02
Why isn't the NRA all over this online gun purchase thing? I buy 90 percent of my guns online and they all MUST go to my ffl. It's that simple.. I know everyone here knows this but wtf!!!

04-09-13, 07:08
What they are really talking about are places like ArmsList, where people arrange face-to-face in-state sales via ads on the internet.

Just a bunch of people who don't know the laws confusing things when they report them.

04-09-13, 07:16
What they are really talking about are places like ArmsList, where people arrange face-to-face in-state sales via ads on the internet.

Just a bunch of people who don't know the laws confusing things when they report them.

They better stop letting people sell ****ing coffee pots and kitchen cutlery online then too since more deaths result from those types of items and firearms...

The criminals are laughing at us...

04-09-13, 08:56
I actually voted for Toomey, talk about buyers remorse. What I dont understand why Toomey is doing this, Isn't this political suicide? I emailed him, called his office, and said I will not vote for him next election if he supports UBC and more gun laws. He will loose the gun vote and next election, dems will vote for their own candidate anyway

04-09-13, 10:50
I actually voted for Toomey, talk about buyers remorse. What I dont understand why Toomey is doing this, Isn't this political suicide? I emailed him, called his office, and said I will not vote for him next election if he supports UBC and more gun laws. He will loose the gun vote and next election, dems will vote for their own candidate anyway

Yes it as amazing that he is involved in the compromise. Both Senators from my oldHome state of Pa are for gun control.

In WV another VERY pro 2A state, their D-Senator is working with Toomey.

How sad.

04-09-13, 10:52
The 2014 mid terms will be a bloodbath.


04-09-13, 16:24
The 2014 mid terms will be a bloodbath.


One can only hope, but OTOH it wont matter O'shitta will still be in the WH and will veto any pro gun bills and by that time they'll have passed UBC

04-09-13, 18:53
I'M surprised that a PA senator would be going a long with some anti gun bull as PA is a very Strong 2A/NRA state. Once you ignore Philadelphia and Pittsburgh's anti gun agendas the rest of the state is 100% Pro-Gun.

You could say the same thing about Albany, NYC, and New York.

You are from the east. People there do not understand what real conservatism is or what people live like in the south and west, in the real free states.

04-09-13, 18:54
The 2014 mid terms will be a bloodbath.


No it won't

04-09-13, 18:59
A real compromise would be a trade for UBCs for a repeal of the Hughes Amendment and a repeal of the import ban.

The fact that the ****ing republicans aren't doing this, is a reason why they haven't seen a dollar from me since 2004.

04-09-13, 19:45
No it won't

Yes it will, but if gun laws have to do with it or not is yet to be seen. I think traditionally the off year in a second WH term the opposition usually does better (that would be when the Democrats grabbed Congress when Bush was President).

But more importantly, Obamacare kicks into high gear in 2014 and the true costs and effects will be seen by a lot more people. 2014 is already giving the Democrats nightmares because of these (if you read any of the punditry). Add guns into the mix in some parts of the country it will just exacerbate it.


04-09-13, 19:56
Contact Pat Toomey by email here: http://www.toomey.senate.gov/?p=contact

Seriously. Stop browsing pictures of AR-15s and take a moment to make sure pictures aren't all we'll have in a few years.

Here's my message:

Senator Toomey,

Please drop your support for so-called "universal" background checks and oppose any attempts to further restrict gun rights.

As I'm sure you're aware, the paper trail created by these background checks is a form of de-facto registration. Once firearms are recorded on background check forms, little stands in the way of mass confiscations.

Furthermore, expert criminologist John Lott has researched the topic, finding 93% of background check denials are in fact "false positives" that bar law-abiding citizens from purchasing firearms, infringing their second amendment rights. (Source: http://www.newsmax.com/JohnLott/bradylaw-gunownership/2011/06/14/id/399967)

Do not compromise by allowing further infringement of the civil right to self-defense.


Mauser KAR98K
04-09-13, 20:42
Contact Pat Toomey by email here: http://www.toomey.senate.gov/?p=contact

Seriously. Stop browsing pictures of AR-15s and take a moment to make sure pictures aren't all we'll have in a few years.

Here's my message:


04-09-13, 21:34
A real compromise would be a trade for UBCs for a repeal of the Hughes Amendment and a repeal of the import ban.

Now that would be "change" I could support.

I swear with the Republicans it's like seeing a special ed kid about ready to walk into a pile of elephant shit and taking the time to go stop him and steer him in a different direction only to have him turn around and start walking directly towards the big pile of elephant shit again.

I WANT to vote for these retards as they are the closest thing remaining that almost / kinda supports my values. But they keep stomping in elephant shit and I can't support that.

It used to be a joke that there really was no difference but the truth of the matter is the choice between Gore / Bush and Kerry / Bush was quite easy and obvious. With McCain / Obama the difference was dangerously inconsequential. Things could have been different for Romney / Obama but Romney simply couldn't help stomping through elephant shit.

If the Republicans sell me out on THIS issue there will be nothing left as I couldn't give a **** about gay marriage, abortion or any of the other rights they are championing while they try and jam amnesty for illegals down our throats, ripsaw personal freedoms in the name of national security and only bitch about Obama government spending because they want to be the ones spending all that money on their crap they care about.

So tired of these pandering sellouts.

04-10-13, 07:20
At 11am they are supposed to announce the "Compromise" concerning background checks. It is supposedly Toomey and Manchin's work. We are being sold out! What is also amazing about this is that the NRA is being silent on all of this. What's up with that?

04-10-13, 08:56
At 11am they are supposed to announce the "Compromise" concerning background checks. It is supposedly Toomey and Manchin's work. We are being sold out! What is also amazing about this is that the NRA is being silent on all of this. What's up with that?

Of course we are being sold out. They know the bigger agenda. It has been incrementally tightening for many years behind the scenes. Just wait for all the drones to operational. Unfortunately, it won't crystallize for many people until then.

04-10-13, 10:17
You could say the same thing about Albany, NYC, and New York.

You are from the east. People there do not understand what real conservatism is or what people live like in the south and west, in the real free states.

Yeah, look at Colorado. :rolleyes:

04-10-13, 10:40
I just called Toomeys office, In Harrisburg I asked his secretary If he supports universal background checks. She said he does'nt So I said is he's not supporting Sen Manchin UBC? She was kinda like He won't support gun registration, and then told me he's making an announcement tomorrow at 11
I then told her to tell him if he supports any new legislation, gun owners in Pa will not vote to re elect him and his career will be finished, She sounded huffy and told me thank you . So make of it what you will I am NOT hopeful in the least

04-10-13, 10:45
Yeah, look at Colorado. :rolleyes:

Yeah they all said Colorado was pro gun with Hunters and blah blah Pa is pro gun with Hunters blah blah but in a couple years Pa will go the same as Colorado

04-10-13, 10:55
It used to be a joke that there really was no difference but the truth of the matter is the choice between Gore / Bush and Kerry / Bush was quite easy and obvious. With McCain / Obama the difference was dangerously inconsequential. Things could have been different for Romney / Obama but Romney simply couldn't help stomping through elephant shit.

If the Republicans sell me out on THIS issue there will be nothing left as I couldn't give a **** about gay marriage, abortion or any of the other rights they are championing while they try and jam amnesty for illegals down our throats, ripsaw personal freedoms in the name of national security and only bitch about Obama government spending because they want to be the ones spending all that money on their crap they care about.

So tired of these pandering sellouts.

"There is not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties!"
Alabama Governor George Wallace, candidate for President, 1968

Kinda' makes sense he would get shot...

04-10-13, 11:00
Looks like it's too late http://www.newsmax.com/?vtype=main
So essentially it's going to be another ****ing we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it deal we won't know until after tomorrow.

04-10-13, 11:12
IMHO, closing the so called "gun show loophole" will only drive a lot of FTF cash transactions underground or to another location and will have little to no effect on stopping someone hellbent on killing people.

04-10-13, 11:59
Well, don't we all know that none of these measures will stop anyone nor would it have stopped Sandy Hook?

They just used this as a backdrop to pass one more gun control law. The fact that it is ineffective does not matter. In fact, if it does NOT work and we get another horriffic shooting...then they can ask for more restrictions.

This is how it goes....like the health care bill...not meant to do what it is being SOLD as doing.

We live in an oligarchy masquerading as a representative republic. No better than the govt.s of Cuba, Venezuela or Mexico when you get down to it. Corrupt and controlling to the core.


04-10-13, 13:03
I just sent the following message to both my Senators (slightly personalized and modified for each)


Dear Honorable Senator Hatch:

I write to you today to express opposition to the proposed Toomey/Manchin "compromise" on background checks. This is feel-good legislation that has no real meaning or effect on gun violence. In fact, it will drive more gun sales underground as people try to avoid the hassle and cost. And the law will basically be impossible to enforce.

Dealers at gun shows are already required to conduct normal NICS or other lawful replacement background checks. And guns bought "online" are still required to be transferred through a dealer, who is required to do a background check.

This is not a compromise. Compromise means that "they get something; we get something." I'd encourage you to make this a real compromise: trade repeal of the Hughes amendment for "gunshow background checks" and trade repeal of the 89 Import ban for "online gun sale background checks." That would be real compromise and you might find your constituents and all Americans more willing to support this misguided legislation.

I would also ask you to publicly support Senator Lee's gun control filibuster plans.




Everyone should mention the compromise for the Hughes Amendment repeal and 89 Import Ban repeal as well. Though unlikely, there is the possibility of some traction.

ETA: even the ACLU is opposed to expanded background checks. Tell that to your Senators as well. If both the right and the ACLU agree, there is probably something wrong with the idea.


04-10-13, 14:21
I also sent variations of the mail to Toomey, Manchin, and McCain. Since I am not in any of those states that those douchebags represent I doubt it will mean much. They all got a variation of this one:


Dear Honorable Senator McCain:

I write to you today to express opposition to the proposed Toomey/Manchin "compromise" on background checks. This is feel-good legislation that has no real meaning or effect on gun violence. In fact, it will drive more gun sales underground as people try to avoid the hassle and cost. And the law will basically be impossible to enforce.

Even the ACLU has come out against expanded checks. If the right and the ACLU agree on something, there is definitely an issue and the proposal is most likely bad and should be killed off.

Dealers at gun shows are already required to conduct normal NICS or other lawful replacement background checks. And guns bought "online" are still required to be transferred through a dealer, who is required to do a background check.

This is not a compromise. Compromise means that "they get something; we get something." I'd encourage you to make this a real compromise: trade repeal of the Hughes amendment for "gunshow background checks" and trade repeal of the 89 Import ban for "online gun sale background checks." That would be real compromise and you might find your constituents and all Americans more willing to support this misguided legislation.

I would also ask you to publicly support Senator Lee's gun control filibuster plans.

I will be financially supporting all opponents of those Senators who vote for any gun restriction bills or so-called gun control, including this misguided background check bill from your esteemed colleagues Senators Toomey and Manchin, regardless of party or state.

Where do you stand on the Constitution, and Civil Rights, Senator McCain?


