View Full Version : Colt in Florida?

04-08-13, 19:05
I remember reading a year or two ago about Colt opening a facility in Florida. Our Governor was making a big deal out of it as part of his jobs creation plans, etc.

Anyways, on the heels of the Connecticut gun laws, and manufacturers there contemplating moving it makes wonder how Colt actually has going on here in Florida as I have heard nothing about it since. Does anyone know anything about this?

04-08-13, 22:13
IIRC its in the greater Orlando metro area. I haven't heard much now that you mention it.

04-09-13, 04:30
It was supposed to be in Kissimmee.
Here's an article from the Slantenal about it.

In doing some other reading the whole deal may have been a ploy to beat up the UAW before contract negotiations in CT.

I was personally hoping for the Colt Manf custom shop to be down here, it would have swayed me into a M1911 or two if they were made in my backyard.

04-09-13, 08:30
I just drove by the place a few weeks ago, it looks like it's still under construction, going by the Quinn Contractor signs on the fence. (Unless it really was just a power play.) If you are coming from Orlando on the turnpike and get off at the Kissimmee/192 exit, the road it's on (Shady Ln) is directly across from the exit/toll booths. It's on the left, near a county firehouse.

04-09-13, 15:12
I found out some more info today, from some connections involved in this initially. Apparently the county was promising property and a building to them, and it turns what they were offering was useless to them, so they scrapped the whole thing. Would be nice to see FL step up some real efforts at this time to get some jobs here in our state.

04-10-13, 16:26
Wow. That's one quick airboat trip over hydrilla-ridden Toho from where I grew up.

I would love to see a major manufacturer come down to FL. Knight's is a good counter-balance to Spike's, but someone more mainstream would be pretty awesome. I'd like even more for said major manufacturer to shift a bit more towards the west coast... :p

04-11-13, 00:03
Crap. Sorry to see the deal fall through. They should have looked at Pasco County.