View Full Version : North Korea

04-09-13, 08:06
Many of you will write them off as saber rattling.
Same old shit.

Some of you may believe that the situation is dangerous.
This untested leader feels he's something to prove.

I, for one, think they wouldn't be taking it this far if somebody hasn't told them them they got their back.

With missiles being moved to and supposedly being preped for launch.
Submarines going missing.
A warning to diplomats to evacuate North Korea by Wednesday.
And now a threat of nuclear war with South Korea.
(I'm sure I'm missing much more developments for the recent weeks.)

What say M4C?
What the hell is that little butterball thinking?

04-09-13, 08:51
What the hell is that little butterball thinking?

That Red Dawn looked like a really good idea?

IMO, it's all political posturing. He has a lot to prove and is doing these things at the behest of his generals. While they may have some kind of inferiority complex, they know that they will be flattened if they so much as put a rocket in the air going the general direction of a populated area.

That said, we're not helping things, either.

04-09-13, 10:08
This will slowly fade... 2 months from now it'll be some other big story.
No doubt some more homeland socialist actions of some sort.

04-09-13, 10:32
I'm not sure how I feel. Part of me thinks he's got little man syndrome and this will all blow over. But the other part of me thinks that while it may not happen, that doesn't mean it's impossible. The only thing that really worries me is what would happen if they did decide to try and send a couple missiles our way. I know right now that I'm not prepared enough, but I don't want to drop loads of cash that I don't have worrying about something that may just be a huge bluff. :confused:

04-09-13, 10:39
IMO, it's all political posturing. He has a lot to prove and is doing these things at the behest of his generals. While they may have some kind of inferiority complex, they know that they will be flattened if they so much as put a rocket in the air going the general direction of a populated area.

This. Any war starts and NK is utterly destroyed within a few days. Even if China gets involved, which is a wild card.

I think it's like temper tantrums with kids. If you reward them once and then try to cut back, the next one gets bigger, etc. NK got some rewards for saber rattling in the 90's, now they aren't and are trying harder. Just need to keep ignoring it.

I'll speculate that China is all-for saber rattling and all-against actual war. China is happy to do anything possible to distract and wear down the US and SK. However, China knows any actual war is a disaster for all, and would not want that. For now, we can easily clobber China, and I question whether China would even get involved militarily if its rogue pet NK were stupid enough to start a war.

04-09-13, 11:19
I'll speculate that China is all-for saber rattling and all-against actual war. China is happy to do anything possible to distract and wear down the US and SK. However, China knows any actual war is a disaster for all, and would not want that. For now, we can easily clobber China, and I question whether China would even get involved militarily if its rogue pet NK were stupid enough to start a war.

China does a huge amount of business with SK. SK is more important to them than is NK, except for "old times" fraternal brotherhoods sake and as a buffer between "western" forces (US) and their border.


04-09-13, 11:35
China has made some unusually strong (yet subtle) public statements about NK's actions. It's not in their best interest, politically, militarily or economically, for NK to get into a shooting war with SK (and us).

I have a feeling that China would take some pretty strong action behind the scenes if they felt NK really meant it. Unfortunatly, if he's really that crazy, we are going to have to let him fire the first shot...he well might (like shelling that island or sinking a ship) so we'd better be prepared for a measured response.

04-10-13, 08:24

I propose a Op Plan of suspending a giant magnet from a C5A to humanely deal w/ this issue.
I wasn't aware that they had such a copius & prolific Op tempo in any Theatre of Operations. Apparently, they have been very busy. Going to have to tune in my HUMINT better.

04-10-13, 08:59
I think all of this posturing is to keep the Norks in line. We are at war with Oceania, we have always been at war with Oceania.

I was reading some stuff from a defector the other day, and there are a lot of internal power struggles that involve shooting people.

04-10-13, 10:07
China and Russia don't want a catastrophe and have NK refugees flooding their borders. Plus they both are more comfortable doing business with SK and it's in their financial interest to see a unified Korea lead by SK.

04-10-13, 10:55
They have a bit of a hunger problem over there:
(from another site)

04-10-13, 11:14

04-10-13, 11:38
We will give NK food and fuel aid and the little mad man will be a hero to his people and back down.

It happen before and its cheaper then a war.

Amp Mangum
04-10-13, 12:15
This should have been settled in 1953. General MacArthur was right, "There is no substitute for victory".

04-10-13, 13:05

I propose a Op Plan of suspending a giant magnet from a C5A to humanely deal w/ this issue.
I wasn't aware that they had such a copius & prolific Op tempo in any Theatre of Operations. Apparently, they have been very busy. Going to have to tune in my HUMINT better.

That is funny!

I think that is a medal for each person they personally shot for not working hard enough on the farms or for failing to salute fast enough.

Or maybe it is like here, those are all "participation" medals and everyone gets one.


04-10-13, 14:36

I propose a Op Plan of suspending a giant magnet from a C5A to humanely deal w/ this issue.
I wasn't aware that they had such a copius & prolific Op tempo in any Theatre of Operations. Apparently, they have been very busy. Going to have to tune in my HUMINT better.

LOL, all that metal, how do they even move?? They must have their own personal Segway machines or something.

04-10-13, 16:45
Geography matters. This is not the Cuban missile crisis.

DPRK, like Vietnam, is far away. Our time and money may be better spent on Mexico.

04-10-13, 19:47
Many of you will write them off as saber rattling.
Same old shit.

Some of you may believe that the situation is dangerous.
This untested leader feels he's something to prove.

I, for one, think they wouldn't be taking it this far if somebody hasn't told them them they got their back.

With missiles being moved to and supposedly being preped for launch.
Submarines going missing.
A warning to diplomats to evacuate North Korea by Wednesday.
And now a threat of nuclear war with South Korea.
(I'm sure I'm missing much more developments for the recent weeks.)

What say M4C?
What the hell is that little butterball thinking?

Why didn't you already know that China would support them if they are attacked by ANY nation? It's been known for, shit, 100 years. Actually, 950 but who's counting?

We have 750 military bases OUTSIDE of the USA. We have missiles for striking ICBMs surrounding Russia and to some extent China. We have nuke subs prowling all over the world and they have nukes on them. We have space-based weaponry and we have Electromagnetic weapons.

What exactly am I missing?

For a more cohesive and probable theory look to the yuan as a new basket currency as a Reserve Currency for the BRIC Nations and Australia.

04-10-13, 22:35
I, for one, think they wouldn't be taking it this far if somebody hasn't told them them they got their back.

You're barking up the right tree here.

China now has a way to threaten and intimidate the western world without any repercussions to its image or reputation. IMO, they want some concession from the US government as of lately.

04-11-13, 00:34
This is why I am not afraid of the Koreans,


(Yes, I know it is Photoshopped)

04-11-13, 01:03
I didn't know floppy discs were still around.

04-11-13, 07:04
You're barking up the right tree here.

China now has a way to threaten and intimidate the western world without any repercussions to its image or reputation. IMO, they want some concession from the US government as of lately.

Yup, as Mjolnir mentioned, BRICS...I was listening to my shortwave and and picked radio Havana..(6000khz) and they were discussing this, and were clearly quite happy about it.. from what they said, they (BRICS) are interested in investing in Africa, and it's garnering alot of interest in South America as well. The whole idea of course, is to dump the USD as the world's reserve currency, and considering the Fed's endless printing policy, What they've got planned is quite possible..

04-11-13, 07:52
The move to move to the Yuan to the world reserve is a point that had occurred to me.
I'm not smart enough, or informed enough to connect the dots between the financial power play and flexing of military muscle.

04-11-13, 08:07

Mauser KAR98K
04-11-13, 09:27

04-17-13, 11:47
Inside North Korea: Video and photos show true horror of Kim Jong-Un's evil regime - Mirror Online

