View Full Version : Surveys

04-10-13, 13:42
I just read an article that informs us that a "majority" of the residents of the state of Illinois support gun control. They cite a survey conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Roster, a Washington based firm that does work for Mayor Emanuel, or as I like to call him, The Napolionic Dwarf, where 900 registered voters participated.

600 voters were "statewide" and another 300 were from Will and DuPage counties. Right outside Crook county which houses Chicago.

How can 900 people in a state of just under 13 million tell you a damn thing? They surveyed .000069% of the population.

I call bullshit. Another left wing distortion of the truth so they can stand in front of a TV camera and say look at me, I'm doing something. How can you survey 900 people and call it a win for gun control?

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04-10-13, 13:51
I spend 4 months a year all over the state. Have since I was born. This survey is bullshit.

ETA: even if some do it the regurgitiaon of Ms Winfrey, the O-holes old cronies and almost all of Chicago.

04-10-13, 15:34
That number is statistically insignificant, and the polling appears biased. You can make a poll tell you anything you want if you know how to manipulate the polling process well enough.

04-10-13, 15:47



1.Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
2.The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.

04-10-13, 16:05
The Cult of Personality & Propaganda Bravo Sierra is truly mindboggling.

It's going to be interesting to see how much traction they get w/ their ultimate agenda once people ar fully enlightened.

04-10-13, 16:18
The results are most likely certainly biased.

However, 900 folks is not an unreasonable sized poll IIRC. I am not a stats major but have read up some on it.

The bias is in selecting the counties they drew a significant portion of the people from, as well as most likely the questions asked.


04-10-13, 16:18
One thing that really bugs me is how many mindless lemmings are going to read these survey results and not see it for the mountain of lies it really is. We're surrounded by apathy.

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04-10-13, 17:06
We could just do M4C surveys. "100% of participants believe rifle ownership is clearly protected under the 2nd Amendment" "100% of NY residents say the SAFE Act is unconstitutional and should be repealed"

We have a good sized sample of U.S. citizens/registered voters. ;)

04-10-13, 17:46
However, 900 folks is not an unreasonable sized poll IIRC. I am not a stats major but have read up some on it.


Depends on the population being sampled.

04-11-13, 10:29
900 people out of 13 million is worthless as a sample. Tells you nothing. It is literally .0000699 of a percent.

But hey, if the left calls that a win maybe things really are looking up for us.

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04-11-13, 10:38
900 people out of 13 million is worthless as a sample. Tells you nothing. It is literally .0000699 of a percent.

But hey, if the left calls that a win maybe things really are looking up for us.

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Actually, go learn about polling. 900 is not a worthless number.

Their distribution and question list is most likely biased. But the number of people in and of itself is not a huge flag.


04-11-13, 10:50
Shit. You're right. This silly poll. The sample size should be 600. I however see a LOT of room for, lets just say, creative manipulation. I can guarantee the questions were ambiguous and unclear.

Still disagree that 900 tells you anything about 13 million. They conducted the survey in the shadow of Chicago, take this same poll downstate and the results will be the complete opposite.

My bad it seems.

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04-11-13, 10:59
The high poll support for universal background checks is based on respondents' ignorance to the registration requirement. Add "registration" to the poll and support will fall dramatically.

04-11-13, 11:01
Shit. You're right. This silly poll. The sample size should be 600. I however see a LOT of room for, lets just say, creative manipulation. I can guarantee the questions were ambiguous and unclear.

Still disagree that 900 tells you anything about 13 million. They conducted the survey in the shadow of Chicago, take this same poll downstate and the results will be the complete opposite.

Yeah, the distribution is suspect, and I also suspect the questions were phrased to get the desired answer.

The thing about polling theory is that it probably has some gnarly stats math behind it that neither you or I want to have to take a look at...

I think that the more you as above some theoretical minimum, it improves the margin of error (makes it smaller).
