View Full Version : CNBC To Broadcast Special Report on AR-15

04-11-13, 08:02
Posting this for informational purposes only so please dispense with diatribes against the "lamestream liberal media" as I have no idea what content is going to be broadcast beyond what's in the promo (although I'll hazard a guess that the NRA won't be endorsing the show).

CNBC will air a one-hour investigative report titled "America's Gun: The Rise of the AR-15" by correspondent Brian Sullivan on Thursday, April 25. (http://www.cnbc.com/id/100620263)

Here's the promo: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?play=1&video=3000159888

Straight Shooter
04-11-13, 08:08
It'll be fair, and balanced Im sure.
Like the rest of their gun stories.

Crow Hunter
04-11-13, 09:07
It'll be fair, and balanced Im sure.
Like the rest of their gun stories.


It will probably show all the AR-15's firing full auto. The representative of the "gun culture" will be some moron loudmouth halfcrazed militia member if he is even a gun owner at all and they will probably fire the gun at some targets rigged to explode like Top Shot. Then they will shoot at some level I or level IIa body armor and talk about how it will cut right through police body armor just like a hot knife through butter.

Plus they will probably throw in some morons shooting with a Slidefire stock at zombie targets as an example of the people who own AR-15s.

04-11-13, 09:15
I'm not even going to watch it. I'm sure it will be full of misinformation and biased BS. Skewing of facts and terrible reporting. I mean, why would they deviate from their norm?

04-11-13, 10:08
Don't you wish the program was simply about what to look for in an AR and what sets apart good ones from bad ones, etc etc?

If only...

04-11-13, 10:24
Don't you wish the program was simply about what to look for in an AR and what sets apart good ones from bad ones, etc etc?

If only...

An accessory review! A history segment on issued versions (m16-a4, m4, m4a1, mk12, mk18, etc etc etc etc) as well as modern AR companies!

04-11-13, 11:43
Did you all even watch the trailer? There was no full auto, etc. The first shots was a panorama of a decked out AR in what seems to be a fairly decent build (I think I spy a NSR?).

The caption also tells me that even though it may be a little bit politically biased, CNBC recognizes that the rifle is popular among people like us. I don't expect them to defend the AR but I don't think it's as bad as everyone is saying.

The AR-15 is the most popular and, some would say, misunderstood, rifle in America: an estimated four million are in circulation. You can even buy one at Wal-mart, if they're not sold out. It has been used in a number of high profile mass murders, yet it is also the preferred rifle of law-abiding homeowners, hunters, and sport shooters across America.

I'll probably watch it.

William B.
04-11-13, 11:48
I'm not even going to watch it. I'm sure it will be full of misinformation and biased BS. Skewing of facts and terrible reporting. I mean, why would they deviate from their norm?

My thoughts exactly.

04-11-13, 12:12
I don't think we will be seeing "the chart" or be hearing why you should avoid DPMS or Bushmaster and buy a Colt, D, BCM, etc.



Crow Hunter
04-11-13, 12:24
Considering that the trailer was at least 2:1 on anti- vs pro gun scenes and that they had at least 4 different scenes with the word "Why?" along with several politicians asking the same question.

Couple that with several scenes of Aurora, Newtown and military usage of the rifle and only a single scene showing the rifle being used in a civilian context and emphasis of firing a round at 3,000 fps without any contextual information.

No. I don't believe it will be anything other than a biased hit piece showing people who own ARs as loony nutcase mall ninjas dressing up and playing soldier preparing for a zombie apocalypse or crazed anti-government white supremacist militias stockpiling weapons to protect themselves from Obama's new Muslim Black Panther Army and not in the "mainstream" of the gun owning public.

They will have some member of the Bull Moose Hunting Society sitting there with a wood stocked double barrel with his finger on the trigger pointing it at everything going on about how "real gun owners" don't support the NRA and these "dangerous, military grade weapons".

No way will someone in the media give a fair shake to something like this. The Politburo won't let it happen.

04-11-13, 12:58

04-11-13, 13:02

More content the bleeding-hearts can cling to.

I love how whenever the evil black rifles are shown, they are shown in a strobing, shocking, 'scary', flashy manner as to increase the sensory perception. It's like freaking Hollywood.
Can they drill the images into one's brain any harder?

They will not stop until all of them are gone. I think we're just seeing the beginning.

Crow Hunter
04-11-13, 13:07

Not even an AR.

But it is black.

And it looks scary.

So it must be an AR.

Funny really, it used to be everything was an AK-47.:rolleyes:

Good thing they added a bayonet and a grenade launcher on it. It wouldn't have been as menacing with just that night vision scope.

Surprised they didn't fold the stock on it to make it more scary yet.

04-11-13, 13:10

That appears to be an AK-15, with a heatseeking assault sniper scop.

04-11-13, 14:55
For those of us that don't get CNBC (or watch it) please let us know how it turns out.

04-11-13, 16:40


04-11-13, 16:50
Of course they are. They haven't gotten enough people to willingly sacrifice their freedoms yet.

brushy bill
04-11-13, 22:00

I just hope it doesn't have one of those things that goes up and down.

04-11-13, 22:07
Classic Goebbels et al propoganda / 4GW / 5GW techniques by controlling the narrative, creating FUD.

Rediculous would be an understatement. We have been & are devolving on our current trajectory.

04-11-13, 22:28
Avoid it, save your blood pressure.

Unless they demonstrate the shoulder thing that goes up. I want one of those (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hVW5q5qL1vc/TrhRbehEKNI/AAAAAAAAAlY/zd7hN89V6js/s1600/predator+shoulder+cannon.jpg).

04-26-13, 09:05
I watched it last night.

I was amazed at how unbiased it actually was for a CNBC production.
Sullivan came across as an ass IMO.

There were some comments from interviewees that were stated without any basis in fact. Such as the female surgeon that said that no other gun, pistol, shotgun, could inflict as much damage as the AR-15. Really, ever seen what a shotgun slug will do?

Otherwise I found it to be mostly slanted in favor of the AR and gun rights.

I thought Yeager did well too for being Yeager. He walks out when Sullivan tried to bait him into discussing his YouTube rant. That subject was obviously off limits even though they showed some video clips of it.

All in all, not bad.

Alpha Sierra
04-26-13, 09:20
I'm not even going to watch it. I'm sure it will be full of misinformation and biased BS. Skewing of facts and terrible reporting. I mean, why would they deviate from their norm?


Not even worth a rise in BP

04-26-13, 10:47
I am watching it now, I recorded it.

I do not get it, why do they think the pea shooter .223 is so powerful?

From some gun guys you hear how weak and underpowered it is. A friend always teases me because I have a petty .22 compared to his Mighty .30 caliber cannon of an AK.

04-26-13, 10:54
Yeah, the reporter asks the question, "wouldn't the shooter do less damage if he could not buy an AR-15?"

Well...the shooter might skip the AR and grab an AK, FAL or M-1A and kill as many or more people....right?

I had no idea who James Yeager was until I saw this show. Googled the guy and watched his vids. He is a kook and a perfect person for the big media to film and say, "look...see...these gun guys ARE nuts."

Typical left wing hit piece on guns if you ask me.


04-26-13, 11:04
Typical left wing hit piece on guns if you ask me.


From the left alright but it didn't come across as a hit to gun rights to me.

It certainly wasn't pro-gun either.

Showed both sides of the issue. Unusual these days.

04-26-13, 11:32
I might have watched a dif show :)

pretty typical of a hit piece trying to seem like its neutral !

the mayo clinic specialist with his diagram showing how the bullets are specially designed to tumble !

the doctor who says the wounds are far more worse than any shotgun ever ! and they just rip the body apart and are the worst thing she has ever seen !

the dentist was level headed but the other folks of course try to make them out to be a bit over the top

enough what seems to be OK balance but the other side of course is so far anti its like OK lets put a teaspoon of sugar in your vinegar ! come on now we sweetened it up for you !

04-26-13, 11:40
I don't know.

Maybe I went in thinking it was going to be slam dunk anti-gun all the way through and it wasn't.

You gotta admit.....It could have been worse.

04-26-13, 11:51
Agree could have been worse :)

04-26-13, 11:54
Although it pretended to be a bit more balanced than I thought it would be, I still thought it was very friendly towards gun control. It give way too much time to both Yaeger and that 3D printable gun guy in Texas and particularly with Yaeger made it look like he is a figurehead for AR shooters.

In addition, although it did mention how relatively few people are killed by rifles annually, it then highlighted the Aurora and Newtown shooting and developed a story that the AR made those shooting deadlier even though many other weapons could have caused similar damage due to both environments being "gun free" zones.

No examples were given on the AR15 superior defensive capabilities for law abiding citizens.

Also, I thought it made a mockery of people who purchase ARs to defend themselves from future problems.

04-26-13, 12:35
If some douche asked me about food and prepping :)
I would just say do you have tomorrows dinner in your cupboard or do you go to the store daily !

Does looting exist ?
If a looter came to your house would you say sure take what you want !

How would your wife protect herself ! Do you have kids ? How would you protect them ?

04-26-13, 13:52
If you ask me, the guy with the printable AR and James Yeager are NOT playing it very smart, by allowing themselves so much national exposure.

If you can print guns and mags like that...why the hell would you post it all over the place and want to be on tv?

Morons....begging for trouble.

Like prepping....keep it to yourself or you will find yourself without it when you need it.


04-26-13, 14:56
I watched it.

Came across as if they were really "trying" to be balanced. Putting the dentist out front, and quoting FBI stats, explaining that there is in fact a difference between the military rifles and civilian rifles is all well and good.

But for the "pro" side, they gave disproportionate time to Yeager and not enough talking to regular folks. Every bit of "anti" side they did was about the "devastating" power of the little .223.

In the end, there was still a lot of bias.

04-26-13, 15:03
They showed a lot of Yeager because he comes of as the sort of kook they want America to think all AR owners are.

Yes, it was biased but I was expecting that.

In some parts on the training range, they showed guys with AKs...not ARs. Big media trying to stir up fear but most could not tell an AR from an AK.


Doc Safari
04-26-13, 15:18
I wasn't going to get in on this, but this article definitely has some things that make you want to say, "Yeah, Baby!"


At the GunRunners Gun Show outside Atlanta, the line stretches out the door and around the corner. Dozens of people are waiting, ready to fork over big bucks for everything from pistols to high capacity magazines.

An AR-15 style rifle is displayed at a gun shop in Aurora, Colo. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)Here, the hottest seller isn't a shotgun, handgun, or even a pair of Angie Whitaker's .22-caliber bullet casing earrings. It's the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle.

"We probably brought maybe 100 AR-15s with us," said vendor George Mazzant, from On the Square Gun & Pawn. "I'd like to sell half of them, and, I'm sure we will. We've been doing that well every weekend."

Mazzant started off with 100 AR-15 rifles. By the end of the day, he didn't have a single one left.

The AR-15 is at the heart of the gun control debate. The civilian version of the M16, it's the most popular rifle in the country, with some 4 million in the hands of gun owners and a wildly passionate fan base.

"[It's] been a very, very busy year for us," said Mark Malkowski, president of Stag Arms in New Britain, Conn. "Right now we're at about a year's back order, 70,000 rifles at this point."

Connecticut recently passed some of the toughest gun laws in the country, banning the sales of AR-15s. Malkowski has since announced he might be forced to move his company out of the state-taking some 200 jobs with it. Stag Arms is one of more than 30 companies that make the AR-15; together they sell some 800,000 rifles a year, nearly all for the U.S. market.

"The AR-15 now is probably the Number 1 economic engine in the gun industry," said Larry Hyatt, owner of Hyatt Gun Shop in Charlotte, N.C. "We sell every one we get, almost as quick as they come in. We've never seen the demand that's here today."

Gun store owners and analysts alike say it's one of the bestselling guns in the country; roughly $1 billion of the estimated $4 billion firearms industry is made up of sales of AR-15 rifles and their accessories.

04-26-13, 15:37
I do not get it, why do they think the pea shooter .223 is so powerful?

I don't know about you but I've seen devastating damage caused by 5.56 caliber weapons. Yes, the terminal performance, particularly with some ball ammo, is not the greatest. And you and I know, with trade-offs, there are much more superior calibers as far as terminal ballistics are concerned. And yes, a shotgun can produce much more devastating damage than 5.56. But a "pea shooter?" No.

04-26-13, 16:40

The representative of the "gun culture" will be some moron loudmouth halfcrazed militia member....

You called it!

04-26-13, 17:18

I do not get it, why do they think the pea shooter .223 is so powerful?

I think those who view the AR as very powerful are probably focusing on its effective rate of fire and mag capacity rather than the kinetic energy of each rd.

04-26-13, 19:38
I watched it, no surprises and didn't learn anything new...

04-26-13, 19:57
I don't know about you but I've seen devastating damage caused by 5.56 caliber weapons. Yes, the terminal performance, particularly with some ball ammo, is not the greatest. And you and I know, with trade-offs, there are much more superior calibers as far as terminal ballistics are concerned. And yes, a shotgun can produce much more devastating damage than 5.56. But a "pea shooter?" No.

Sorry, being sarcastic. ;)

Also trying to draw the line that there is a line of thinking such as I wrote. I just that the 5.56 is a "peashooter" in a Nutnfancy video.

What I meant is that actual shooters and gun owners know the .223 is not the All powerful, most devastating round that they make it out to be. And not just the round itself, they want the AR to look evil and destructive.

04-27-13, 00:29
Sorry, being sarcastic. ;)

Also trying to draw the line that there is a line of thinking such as I wrote. I just that the 5.56 is a "peashooter" in a Nutnfancy video.

What I meant is that actual shooters and gun owners know the .223 is not the All powerful, most devastating round that they make it out to be. And not just the round itself, they want the AR to look evil and destructive.

Gotcha and agreed!

04-27-13, 06:29
actual shooters and gun owners know the .223 is not the All powerful, most devastating round that they make it out to be. And not just the round itself, they want the AR to look evil and destructive.

In the same way that the VPOTUS says that an AR is "harder to aim, harder to shoot" than a shotgun.

04-29-13, 13:56
Just once I wish they would have someone on there like LAV, Kyle Defoor, or the guys from Tiger Swan. But nope they always go to the tried and true You Tube clown shoes.

04-29-13, 14:16
But for the "pro" side, they gave disproportionate time to Yeager

So he was on long enough to open his mouth? Shit.

Just once I wish they would have someone on there like LAV, Kyle Defoor, or the guys from Tiger Swan. But nope they always go to the tried and true You Tube clown shoes.

I am surprised as well. Then again, remember how comparatively small our 'group' really is.

04-29-13, 15:35
They will NEVER have normal, level headed peple like LAV on programs like this.

They show tons of Yeager because he helps them convince everyone else we are kooks.


04-29-13, 15:47
chances are they interviewed a few folks but not until they got the level on insanity they wanted then said OK that one !

the whole youtube thing spouting idiocy like this guy yeager did is about like a teen putting porn of her and her boyfriend online
but the teens have a dumb excuse a grown adult has none !

when the interviewer asked what do you mean about killing people then acting stupid and saying I am done ! and walking off ?

at least he could have tried to say if our country collapses and something bad happens I am willing to fight for my country even if it means me dying or me having to kill someone which of course I never want !
its like carrying fire insurance on your house you have to address it but you never want to use it !
saying you have fire insurance does not mean you want your house to burn down ! it just means I am prepared !

but then again backing out of that youtube hole is pretty tough

04-29-13, 18:54
They showed a lot of Yeager because he comes of as the sort of kook they want America to think all AR owners are.

Yes, it was biased but I was expecting that.

In some parts on the training range, they showed guys with AKs...not ARs. Big media trying to stir up fear but most could not tell an AR from an AK.


Agreed, most likely targeted by MSNBC because of his anti government outburst/stance, runs a firearm training school, a questionable background, and his bubba/militia/skinhead/white supremacist/ex-con appearance...they were probably salivating to catching another rant on tape with a little goading.

04-29-13, 22:46
Watched a bit of it while at the gym...kept muttering "bullshit" under my breath until people started giving me strange looks.

04-30-13, 01:11
It would have been interesting if they spoke more to Jim Sullivan about the development with Gene Stoner back in the early days. That part was the highlight, whereas the rest was pretty expected as slanted. Then, Yeager. He is three servings of moron.