View Full Version : So If An Alien Craft Actually Appeared...?

04-12-13, 03:19
Assume some object clearly not naturally made, say the size of air craft carrier (but in no way resembling one) entered the atmosphere and established an orbit for 30 days without any kind of contact or recognition of our attempts to contact it and then departed never to be seen again.

What would be the real world impact and implications of such an event?

Keep in mind it could be anything from a forward scout for an invading armada to an unmanned explorer sent by a species long extinct. But we'd have no way of knowing.

04-12-13, 03:34
I think that maybe then, NASA would get the funding it deserves.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

04-12-13, 04:10
Not trust anything the government says about it but simultaneously hope their first inclination is not to launch a barrage of nuclear missles at it.

Oh and maybe then people will shut up about gun control too.

04-12-13, 04:13
Not trust anything the government says about it but simultaneously hope their first inclination is not to launch a barrage of nuclear missles at it.

Oh and maybe then people will shut up about gun control too.

My thoughts exactly.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

04-12-13, 04:28
Assume some object clearly not naturally made, say the size of air craft carrier (but in no way resembling one) entered the atmosphere and established an orbit for 30 days without any kind of contact or recognition of our attempts to contact it and then departed never to be seen again.

What would be the real world impact and implications of such an event?

Keep in mind it could be anything from a forward scout for an invading armada to an unmanned explorer sent by a species long extinct. But we'd have no way of knowing.

It could be Asgaard floating over Oklahoma for all we know.

It could be humans from the future!

I think it would create a lot of controversy, debate, people going crazy, etc. I think some governments and organizations would try to take advantage of the distraction and confusion, but I think most would band together even more. I don't think we'd have a one-world-government or something, but more of a united cause with more coordination and help. Or at least I'd hope so. In all seriousness, I bet some governments would try to contact them and offer them all sorts of things to gain an advantage over the rest of the human nations.

I also hope space programs gain a lot more money, whether it be NASA or DoD organizations.

04-12-13, 06:43
I think that maybe then, NASA would get the funding it deserves.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Especially if the "inhabitants" of said craft were Muslims warning us of the dangers of "global warming".


04-12-13, 06:51
WOW there are people like me out there...... I ask questions like this to the wife and she only says she cant take all my nonsense lol.

I think everyone who has posted has a valid assumption of the events that may unfold. However if something like that did happen, I do not believe we would ever know about it.

04-12-13, 06:58
There would be widespread panic.

If given the opportunity to converse with them and provided an opportunity to go with them I'd leave in a heartbeat. Especially if try looked very similar to us.

04-12-13, 07:15
WOW there are people like me out there...... I ask questions like this to the wife and she only says she cant take all my nonsense lol.

I think everyone who has posted has a valid assumption of the events that may unfold. However if something like that did happen, I do not believe we would ever know about it.

You to huh lol. I bring up stuff during convo with my gf and says thats dumb and ignores my further prodding.

There would be widespread panic.

If given the opportunity to converse with them and provided an opportunity to go with them I'd leave in a heartbeat. Especially if try looked very similar to us.

Panic is probably the most probable result, the sheep would scatter and stampede like all get out.

04-12-13, 07:18
We should get together where do you plan to shoot the TRG? I need a range?

04-12-13, 07:21
We should get together where do you plan to shoot the TRG? I need a range?

Come on down, got a private range and everything.

04-12-13, 07:23
I'd think anything that advanced would have a cloaking system. When they observed on Star Trek they used cloaking systems so as to be able to study the planet/people in their natural habitat.

04-12-13, 07:27
I'd think anything that advanced would have a cloaking system. When they observed on Star Trek they used cloaking systems so as to be able to study the planet/people in their natural habitat.

Just so they don't screw things up, pull a district 9, and start living off the system I'll welcome them with open arms until given a reason not to. If they go all death star on our planet they forget me being polite and hospitable. Lol

04-12-13, 07:41
People would literally shit thier pants, freak out,etc. Mass panic, martial law in the area it is over.

And knowing our luck, it will be an intergalactic garbage truck sent to what the aliens thought was a landfill.

04-12-13, 07:49
If u study each culture's history they speak of exactly that: visitors in craft offering enlightenment.

U see them in ancient art as well as older Christian artwork.

The Pleiades and Sirius come up a lot if u seek such things.

I've no (reason to) fear of them.

04-12-13, 07:56
Obama would offer their whole freaking planet amnesty.

04-12-13, 07:57
If it happened just as you say, I don't think we would ever know about it. Unless of course some private astronomy buff noticed it and made it public. There there would be wide spread panic and no more tin foil in the grocery stores for years to come.:D

04-12-13, 07:59
There would be widespread panic.

If given the opportunity to converse with them and provided an opportunity to go with them I'd leave in a heartbeat. Especially if try looked very similar to us.

I would have to see their women first :p

04-12-13, 07:59
It would not be wise to nuke another life form that is advanced enough to make it to us 1st.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

Pork Chop
04-12-13, 08:06
Obama would offer their whole freaking planet amnesty.

and food stamps..........and Medicaid..........and obamaphones..........and free broadband..........and Democrat voter registration forms.

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 08:07
The US government would offer them free schooling, EBT, WIC and attempt to give them the right to vote.

If any of their eggs hatched while floating over US territory, they would allow the whole ship to stay and the children would get preferential treatment at US universities.

In 50 years, one of them would become President of the US.

In all seriousness. Think Europeans and the Americas.

It would be complete chaos in the streets as whole religions and Earth centric societal beliefs crashed and burned. It would be war between countries as each accused the other of trying to gain an advantage. Finally, it would eventually be genocide of the human race by said creatures, because honestly, why would a race of beings with the capability of interstellar travel have any other reason to contact a group of primitives like us other than to acquire our resources/settle a class M planet. What trade benefits could we possibly provide to them?

The best we could hope for might be something like the modern world and the Sentinelese. But why show themselves if that was the case?

Or maybe like the classic Twilight Zone episode, To Serve Humans.


04-12-13, 08:17
It would cause mass panic to be sure.
The Suicide rate would go through the roof and nut jobs would come out of the woodwork.

The biggest issue is that Alien contact would undermine most peoples fundamental beliefs. I am not talking about the beliefe in some god or gods. But most people need to feel that we are somehow special. Knowledge of another race of intelligent beings out there will crush that and cause widespread issues. It will require a fundamental shift in how we think as a species.

The chances of any kind of meaningful communication with an alien race however is very slim. The simple fact is that they probably evolved in a very different way then we did. Physically and mentally they will be very different creatures. Forget bipedal. Are they even carbon based. Or instead are they silicon based.

Gas giants are the most common type of planet so did they develop there instead, or in a liquid environment. Even though it would be much harder for them to overcome the early technological hurdles (Smelting of medals, etc) once they did they could advance just as fast as we did.

So finding out their intent would be very difficult until the first shot is fired or cancer is suddenly gone from the entire race.

Alex V
04-12-13, 08:32
People would literally shit thier pants, freak out,etc. Mass panic, martial law in the area it is over.

There will be a lot of involuntary bowel movements to say the least! A lot of people would off themselves as well.

There was like a 4 part series on the Science Channel exploring initial contact, it sucked. The "alines" turned out to be a virus... ghey!

04-12-13, 08:38
It would be great opportunity for politicians, to convince people around the Workld to trade what is left from their liberty (at least those who still have it), for mirage of govt provided safety. In the name of humanity. And for the children.

04-12-13, 08:41
Does the constitution protect actual aliens born in the usa?

Doc Safari
04-12-13, 09:25
Real world impact?

The Democrats would immediately pass a bill taxing each extraterrestrial visit, while at the same time granting amnesty to space aliens, and banning the sale or manufacture of civilian-owned alien-made weapons.

04-12-13, 09:35
Government officials would fecking feck it up, guaranteed. They would get power hungry and nations would start posturing for position over where the aliens would be brought if they came down to earth, etc.

The average American idiot would be all "omg alienz" for about two weeks, post about it on their Facebooks incessantly for a while until a few weeks after the craft left, but eventually they would lose interest and go back to caring about whatever inconsequential nonsense they currently care about.

Honestly, I don't think it would change much at all. Some kind of commission would get set up to deal with future alien contact and space program budgets would go up, but other than that, not much.

Here's why I don't think it would cause too much panic:

I think most people have internalized the idea that given the almost unfathomable enormity of the universe, it is statistically unlikely that Earth is the only place where Chemistry has made the leap to Biology. This is a rational probabilistic assumption, although it would be foolish for anyone to currently claim to "know" that aliens exist. But I think enough people now view it as plausible such that widespread panic isn't likely. Seeing hard proof of intelligent alien life would be more of a confirmation of suspicions than an utter shock.

Some Americans also believe (rather irrationally) that we have been visited by UFO's numerous times in the past -- mostly to do art in crops and put things in people's butts. So this section of the population shouldn't be too surprised either.

04-12-13, 10:21
I'm sure it has already happened. The idea that it has not with all the info out there is just to absurd.

04-12-13, 10:38
Montrala, you've hit it.

That is the plan; convince us that "they" are here to destroy us so hand over your liberties.

Henry Kissinger has commented on this. Look it up.

Also look up "Project Bluebeam" as well as a lot of odd unidentified craft using electrogravitic propulsion - probably with particle beam weaponry on some , like the Russian (not "Soviet") cosmospheres.

It would be easy to convince 99% that "the aliens did it".

I see no reason to fear any beings from "outer space"; certainly not the ones that figure into our history those who come by way of the Pleiades and other nearby regions.

The Greeks, Romans, Japanese and Africans as well as the Native Americans speak of the Pleiades and the Dogon Tribe, Sirians.

04-12-13, 10:54
I'm sure it has already happened. The idea that it has not with all the info out there is just to absurd.

Assuming FTL travel is possible. If it isn't, then it's very likely that the dream of interstellar empires will never happen and the chances that we have been visited is extremely small.

04-12-13, 10:56
It would be great opportunity for politicians, to convince people around the Workld to trade what is left from their liberty (at least those who still have it), for mirage of govt provided safety. In the name of humanity. And for the children.

When people finally wake up to the reality that Man Made Global Warming is BS (Yeah it's warming, but we have no control over it one way or th eother and are a mere catalyst to the change), what you typed above is the next step/tactic to control everyone.

It has been discussed in many circles at the UN and quite a few governments that they could get the whole world to "unite" around threat of invasion from another species/planet.

Even if the threat was staged...


It is almost a mathematical impossibility that this type of event HASN'T happened sometime in the vastness of space/time. And equally imposiible that it will not happen again several times over- somehwere/when.

Will we be part of an event like this sometime in the future? Who knows? Have we already in the past? Quite possibly, and I lean more and more towards thinking we have been at some time as I age.

04-12-13, 11:16
Everyone assumes it is some big ship, actually probably nanites and remote sensing.

You guys do realize we are the trailer park of the galaxy, in a galaxy that the rest of the universe considers to be full of wankers. We haven't been visited because we are so fat we'd clog their arteries if they ate us, disrupt their systems because of all the chemicals in our ecosystem, and are generally whiny bitches who can't stop giving the Vulcan salute or complaining about being 'probed'.

We are like that island off of India or the deep Amazon basin that has never been approached by modern humans, that throws spears at our helicopters. Why the frick do we want to go there, and they are our own species.

As to why we haven't heard from anyone, ever play the 'silent treatment' on a family member after they come back into the room at Thanksgiving dinner- great fun. In actuality, we asking aliens about their radio signals is like going to Papua New Guinea and a head hunter asking why we never sent smoke signals....

Don't worry, Jesus will save us. Opps, never mind, just watched 'Promethus'.

Mass Chaos? Bring it on! Party like there is no tomorrow, big orgies, lots of booze and drugs- just like a dreamt college would be like. I'll be the War Lord of Denver till they come and eat us.

04-12-13, 11:18
Everyone assumes it is some big ship, actually probably nanites and remote sensing.

You guys do realize we are the trailer park of the galaxy, in a galaxy that the rest of the universe considers to be full of wankers. We haven't been visited because we are so fat we'd clog their arteries if they ate us, disrupt their systems because of all the chemicals in our ecosystem, and are generally whiny bitches who can't stop giving the Vulcan salute or complaining about being 'probed'.

We are like that island off of India or the deep Amazon basin that has never been approached by modern humans, that throws spears at our helicopters. Why the frick do we want to go there, and they are our own species.

As to why we haven't heard from anyone, ever play the 'silent treatment' on a family member after they come back into the room at Thanksgiving dinner- great fun. In actuality, we asking aliens about their radio signals is like going to Papua New Guinea and a head hunter asking why we never sent smoke signals....

Don't worry, Jesus will save us. Opps, never mind, just watched 'Promethus'.

Mass Chaos? Bring it on! Party like there is no tomorrow, big orgies, lots of booze and drugs- just like a dreamt college would be like. I'll be the War Lord of Denver till they come and eat us.

You ok over there?

04-12-13, 11:26
We are like that island off of India or the deep Amazon basin that has never been approached by modern humans, that throws spears at our helicopters. Why the frick do we want to go there, and they are our own species.

As to why we haven't heard from anyone, ever play the 'silent treatment' on a family member after they come back into the room at Thanksgiving dinner- great fun. In actuality, we asking aliens about their radio signals is like going to Papua New Guinea and a head hunter asking why we never sent smoke signals....

Yeah. Here's Neil DeGrasse Tyson agreeing with you in an extremely interesting way. I've started the video at 7:31 where the relevant portion begins. It's short and really interesting.


04-12-13, 11:44
Based on history, our gov would shit their pants and dispatch fighter jets to investigate, all the while trying to convince everyone that it's just some weather phenomenom (sp? On mah phone) for as long as possible.

Extremely religious people would probably go full retard when they realize that humans arent the god appointed rulers of the universe.

Fools like the ancient aliens crew and people sellig healing crystals will make a fortune.

We'll be like a giant ant-hill in disarray imo.

04-12-13, 11:50
The amount of scam-based junk email something like this would generate boggles the mind.

04-12-13, 12:01
Since I still don't believe that it is possible to travel between the stars, period, I would think what I saw was a deception. A deception meant to undermine my fundamental beliefs.

Problem Reaction Solution


04-12-13, 12:06

04-12-13, 12:07
Since I still don't believe that it is possible to travel between the stars, period, I would think what I saw was a deception. A deception meant to undermine my fundamental beliefs.

Problem Reaction Solution


Dude, what? Why is it impossible to travel long distance in space, what are your fundamental beliefs that would be threatened, and who exactly would be deceiving you? Maybe I'm dense but I really don't know what you mean.

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 12:49
I personally don't believe that aliens have ever been to earth. I don't believe they "seeded" our planet.

I don't think there is a power source small enough that has enough output to change the fabric of space/time enough to allow for FTL travel of itself, much less a ship with people on it. I figure we will eventually be able to generate that much power to send particles or maybe even small objects at FTL speeds, but I doubt we will ships.

That being said, I have no doubt there is other "life" in the universe somewhere. Whether this life ever got beyond the amoeba stage is debatable. Life, as we know it, can only exist in a fairly narrow band of temperature ranges. The fact that our planet also has readily available sources of elemental iron and other metals is also somewhat rare. Combine this with a molten iron core that generates the magnetic field necessary to protect us from radiation and that is a pretty rare combination.

I have read several theories that there are several million to several billion planets that could support life similar to ours and have civilizations similar to hours. However, Physics is Physics and as such all of these civilizations would have likely gone through similar phases of discovery as we did. Just like many civilizations on earth independently developed pyramids. They would be "leaking" the same radioactive signals that we do today. The radiation spectrum is the same, no matter what civilization develops it. If there were a billion civilizations some of which are vastly superior to our own, we should have heard/noticed a fragment of something by now, probably multiple somethings. Even if it were just a scrap of alien morse code.

Unless, of course, we are the most advanced civilization in the galaxy within a billion light years and no other group has discovered infrared/ultraviolet/Xrays/Gamma Rays/Microwaves/radio waves/etc.

04-12-13, 13:10
If there is other advanced life out in the universe, I hope they never visit us. Knowing on how much Washington screws everything up, do you really want our political leadership trying to negotiate with a far more advanced civilization?

04-12-13, 13:27
If there is other advanced life out in the universe, I hope they never visit us. Knowing on how much Washington screws everything up, do you really want our political leadership trying to negotiate with a far more advanced civilization?

Haha based on how low he bows to lesser world leaders, Obama would probably give a superior civilization handjobs as a greeting.

Alex V
04-12-13, 13:42

Straight Shooter
04-12-13, 13:48
For some reason Ive thought about this a few times before.
I believe life as we know it would change instantly. MASS panic & chaos, thanks a lot to Hollywood.
Myself, I AINT waiting around to see if they are friendly or hostile...they are hostile until proven otherwise, they would HAVE to know this. If they start walking towards me, and Im saying STOP, and I start seeing extra arms or antennas or some shit comin out,
well IMA BUST A CAP, OR 30!:happy:

04-12-13, 14:38
If there is other advanced life out in the universe, I hope they never visit us. Knowing on how much Washington screws everything up, do you really want our political leadership trying to negotiate with a far more advanced civilization?

Wasn't there a 50s sci-fi movie where the aliens come and complain about all the little wars being fought. So the UN gets together and ends all the wars, only to find out that the aliens actually wanted us for our violent tendencies and thought that our wars should have been bigger. Since we don't fit the bill, they destroy the planet..

Alex V
04-12-13, 14:56
Wasn't there a 50s sci-fi movie where the aliens come and complain about all the little wars being fought. So the UN gets together and ends all the wars, only to find out that the aliens actually wanted us for our violent tendencies and thought that our wars should have been bigger. Since we don't fit the bill, they destroy the planet..

The Day The Earth Stood Still?

Shitty remake a few years ago as well.

04-12-13, 15:02
Dude, what? Why is it impossible to travel long distance in space, what are your fundamental beliefs that would be threatened, and who exactly would be deceiving you? Maybe I'm dense but I really don't know what you mean.

The people who know what I mean know what I mean. :cool:


04-12-13, 15:03
Shit just got real.

04-12-13, 15:22
Shit just got real.

Not the same as flying, but what else do you expect the Chief to be doing with his newfound strength? Plus he misses wearing the flight helmets.

04-12-13, 15:34
Dude, what? Why is it impossible to travel long distance in space, what are your fundamental beliefs that would be threatened, and who exactly would be deceiving you? Maybe I'm dense but I really don't know what you mean.

Going by his previous posts, anything that does not match up with a literal and exact interpretation of the bible is false and no amount of evidence will ever convince him otherwise.

04-12-13, 15:40
Going by his previous posts, anything that does not match up with a literal and exact interpretation of the bible is false and no amount of evidence will ever convince him otherwise.

Oh okay. He's welcome to it but I want no part of that discussion. Abandoning thread.


04-12-13, 15:41
Shit just got real.

You bet yor ass it just ****ing did. But I was thinking mini gun

Funny F2S

04-12-13, 15:57
Oh okay. He's welcome to it but I want no part of that discussion. Abandoning thread.


Please. You're so smart yet simple-minded you'd be right back in three minutes if someone else asked you a question or challenged you in any way. Ask me how I know. :)

And where the hell do you get all of those clips?

04-12-13, 16:01
I remember back in third grade of growing sea moneys (aka Brine shrimp) as a science project, watching how they grew and making a small construction paper exhibit to get a C- grade.

Most likely Earth is nothing more then some space aliens science project that was either forgotten or will be disposed of once ET gets his grade.

Personally if I seen ET roaming about ground level I would bust a cap in his ass and sell the remains to the National Inquirer. That would fund a lot of Beer and BBQ until his parent's flushed the planet.

04-12-13, 16:06
Please. You're so smart yet simple-minded you'd be right back in three minutes if someone else asked you a question or challenged you in any way. Ask me how I know. :)

And where the hell do you get all of those clips?

No man I've learned my lesson. Arguing about religion in GD is the most pointless thing anybody can do. Somebody would really have to rustle my jimmies to get me into that debate again. I hope people don't take that as an invitation.

If you google "reaction GIFS" you can find similar clips.

04-12-13, 16:08
If it happened just as you say, I don't think we would ever know about it. Unless of course some private astronomy buff noticed it and made it public. There there would be wide spread panic and no more tin foil in the grocery stores for years to come.:D

I don't think you could NOT notice an object the size of an aircraft carrier that entered the atmosphere and established a 30 day orbit.

04-12-13, 16:13
It would cause mass panic to be sure.
The Suicide rate would go through the roof and nut jobs would come out of the woodwork.

The biggest issue is that Alien contact would undermine most peoples fundamental beliefs. I am not talking about the beliefe in some god or gods. But most people need to feel that we are somehow special. Knowledge of another race of intelligent beings out there will crush that and cause widespread issues. It will require a fundamental shift in how we think as a species.

The chances of any kind of meaningful communication with an alien race however is very slim. The simple fact is that they probably evolved in a very different way then we did. Physically and mentally they will be very different creatures. Forget bipedal. Are they even carbon based. Or instead are they silicon based.

Gas giants are the most common type of planet so did they develop there instead, or in a liquid environment. Even though it would be much harder for them to overcome the early technological hurdles (Smelting of medals, etc) once they did they could advance just as fast as we did.

So finding out their intent would be very difficult until the first shot is fired or cancer is suddenly gone from the entire race.

Well thought out reply, exactly the kind of answer I was hoping for.

But keep in mind the parameters of the original scenario it is already gone. It was here for 30 days, observable to almost everyone yet it made no detectable attempt to communicate in any way we recognized and all of our attempts at communication seemed to have no recognition.

04-12-13, 16:18
Assuming FTL travel is possible. If it isn't, then it's very likely that the dream of interstellar empires will never happen and the chances that we have been visited is extremely small.

This is why in the scenario I provided that it could be nothing more than an exploratory probe sent out millions of years ago by a species that no longer even exists. But we'd have no way of knowing exactly what it was in the scenario I provided where it was only here for 30 days and departed.

There would be lots of folks waiting for the other shot to drop.

04-12-13, 16:23
No man I've learned my lesson. Arguing about religion in GD is the most pointless thing anybody can do. Somebody would really have to rustle my jimmies to get me into that debate again. I hope people don't take that as an invitation.

If you google "reaction GIFS" you can find similar clips.

Noooo my sop is now going to fail.

04-12-13, 16:24
Since I still don't believe that it is possible to travel between the stars, period, I would think what I saw was a deception. A deception meant to undermine my fundamental beliefs.

Problem Reaction Solution




Voyager 1 is not heading towards any particular star, but in about 40,000 years it will pass within 1.6 light years of the star Gliese 445, which is at present in the constellation Camelopardalis. That star is generally moving towards the Solar System at about 119 km/s (430,000 km/h; 270,000 mph).[36]

04-12-13, 16:31
Wasn't there a 50s sci-fi movie where the aliens come and complain about all the little wars being fought. So the UN gets together and ends all the wars, only to find out that the aliens actually wanted us for our violent tendencies and thought that our wars should have been bigger. Since we don't fit the bill, they destroy the planet..

I don't know but it there was, I need it for my library. Sounds great.

The Day The Earth Stood Still?

Shitty remake a few years ago as well.

Sounded like that starting out but much different story.

04-12-13, 17:33
I personally don't believe that aliens have ever been to earth. I don't believe they "seeded" our planet.

I don't think there is a power source small enough that has enough output to change the fabric of space/time enough to allow for FTL travel of itself, much less a ship with people on it. I figure we will eventually be able to generate that much power to send particles or maybe even small objects at FTL speeds, but I doubt we will ships.

That being said, I have no doubt there is other "life" in the universe somewhere. Whether this life ever got beyond the amoeba stage is debatable. Life, as we know it, can only exist in a fairly narrow band of temperature ranges. The fact that our planet also has readily available sources of elemental iron and other metals is also somewhat rare. Combine this with a molten iron core that generates the magnetic field necessary to protect us from radiation and that is a pretty rare combination.

I have read several theories that there are several million to several billion planets that could support life similar to ours and have civilizations similar to hours. However, Physics is Physics and as such all of these civilizations would have likely gone through similar phases of discovery as we did. Just like many civilizations on earth independently developed pyramids. They would be "leaking" the same radioactive signals that we do today. The radiation spectrum is the same, no matter what civilization develops it. If there were a billion civilizations some of which are vastly superior to our own, we should have heard/noticed a fragment of something by now, probably multiple somethings. Even if it were just a scrap of alien morse code.

Unless, of course, we are the most advanced civilization in the galaxy within a billion light years and no other group has discovered infrared/ultraviolet/Xrays/Gamma Rays/Microwaves/radio waves/etc.

Too much evidence to the contrary...

And what/ who's to say there isn't evidence? What makes anyone think that this information would be shared with the likes of us? I think not. Lesser things of importance are kept secret.

There would be utter chaos and global upheaval as all (most) religions would shit themselves. The governments would also shit themselves. Academia would shit themselves.

Right now they have a monopoly on things but one massive ship would destroy their power without firing a shot. Why? Because you'd realize that govt - particularly the Western ones - are NOT TOP DOG. Religion would be proven to be INCORRECT and be forced to admit they've covered up much. LIED, in effect. And historians would be exposed as being grossly incorrect, too.

Power is THE name of the game and a powerful, benevolent alien show would toss that paradigm into the toilet.

No, you'll not get much - if ANY - information about intelligent life elsewhere from any of the world governments yet its ALL OVER YOUR OWN HISTORY.

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 18:13
No, you'll not get much - if ANY - information about intelligent life elsewhere from any of the world governments yet its ALL OVER YOUR OWN HISTORY.

Can you point some of this out to me?

While I am an engineer, my first love was archaeology/anthropology and I am curious as to your info/sources. I am always open minded about these things and nothing I have ever read about has ever given me that indication. (My original career goal was to be an archaeologist on the moon:D)

I know you are an engineer and we always speak with data, so please share.

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 18:23
I don't know but it there was, I need it for my library. Sounds great.

It was a Twilight Zone episode from the eighties.


It was one of the better ones I thought. I don't remember it foreshadowing the ending.

The Day the Earth Stood Still is the classic one with Gort and "Klaatu barada nikto" which was used again in Army of Darkness. :D

That different plot, they threatened to destroy us because we were too violent.


Benefits of growing up a nerd. :D

04-12-13, 20:30
Can you point some of this out to me?

While I am an engineer, my first love was archaeology/anthropology and I am curious as to your info/sources. I am always open minded about these things and nothing I have ever read about has ever given me that indication. (My original career goal was to be an archaeologist on the moon:D)

I know you are an engineer and we always speak with data, so please share.

I will dig into a drawer full of thumb drives of info and share. Here is some off the top of my head:

The Romans and Greeks are said to have claimed their "gods" were from the Pleiades Constellation.

The Pleiades is mentioned (of all places) the Book of Job.

The Asians are said to be from the Pleiades. You can see an artistic form of "the Seven Sisters" on the Subaru logo though it only displays five, iirc.

The Dogon Tribe in Africa claim to either be from or visited by Sirians.

Many Native American tribes claim they descended from or ARE of the "Bird Tribes" (as does Caucasian history...). They are called "sky people" and are depicted in Assyria as winged beings.

Many of the bas reliefs in Assyria depict what could only be a flying craft. Same in some early Christian artwork. Some I found on Facebook and downloaded.

In short, NO ONE claims to FROM Earth. I find this very interesting. Very odd, actually.

Then the Bible describes what has to be flying craft of some sort - especially the "star" that supposedly guided the Chaldeans of Sumer to Bethlehem as well as in The Book of Ezekiel.

Then there is Sumeria and their scrolls which describe in detail man's history with depictions of our solar system which they could not have known about - especially Pluto.

In Central and South America we have a rich history of flying craft (very similar to Egypt) and if you speak to those who study their own history in Mexico they claim that Quetzalcoatl is more than a "winged serpent" and is associated with "visitors from afar"; the Bird Tribes or Sky People not Europeans.

04-12-13, 20:34
I'm just going to leave this right here:

Believing Bullshit: How Not to Get Sucked into an Intellectual Black Hole

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

04-12-13, 20:41
The Day The Earth Stood Still?

Shitty remake a few years ago as well.

If a race of super beings suddenly showed up on our door step, like others has said, everything in our history and religion would be in the shitter, shattering everything we've ever believed in. I would also add that looking throughout our history, we have been a warring species over resources. No matter how peaceful we try to be, ultimately, it is not in our nature. It would be logical to follow that 'they' would also be willing to wage war for the same reason. More along the line of 'To serve man', the engineers of prometheus, or those water seeking aliens from battle los angeles.

04-12-13, 20:42
It was a Twilight Zone episode from the eighties.


It was one of the better ones I thought. I don't remember it foreshadowing the ending.

The Day the Earth Stood Still is the classic one with Gort and "Klaatu barada nikto" which was used again in Army of Darkness. :D

That different plot, they threatened to destroy us because we were too violent.


Benefits of growing up a nerd. :D

Well that is the reason I didn't know what it was. While I have the entire original series on DVD, I just never warmed up to the remake of the Twilight Zone series.

I may have to look into it.

04-12-13, 20:51
Book of Ezekiel

The "wheel" is the zodiac, as any Hebrew scholar can tell you. It is an expression of time in terms of the prophecy he is making, not a space ship...

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 20:53
Well that is the reason I didn't know what it was. While I have the entire original series on DVD, I just never warmed up to the remake of the Twilight Zone series.

I may have to look into it.

Surprisingly, the 1980's Twilight Zone and Amazing Stories are both actually pretty good.

04-12-13, 20:57
If a race of super beings suddenly showed up on our door step, like others has said, everything in our history and religion would be in the shitter, shattering everything we've ever believed in. I would also add that looking throughout our history, we have been a warring species over resources. No matter how peaceful we try to be, ultimately, it is not in our nature. It would be logical to follow that 'they' would also be willing to wage war for the same reason. More along the line of 'To serve man', the engineers of prometheus, or those water seeking aliens from battle los angeles.

Couple of things:

I don't understand how everything we know would be shattered. All the polling data I've seen shows that ~75% of people believe aliens could exist, ~60% of people believe that aliens do exist and over 1/3 believe that they've already visited earth. So 7/10 people at least might be surprised to have hard evidence but their core beliefs would not be shattered.

Religions wouldn't be shattered either. They would just integrate it into their religion. Look at the heliocentric theory of the solar system, evolution, the age of the Universe, etc. The list goes on and on. Religions, for the most part, pushed and pushed and pushed against evolution (some fringe elements continue to do so) until the evidence became overwhelming. Now we have evolutionary-creationism, which says that God simply chose to use the mechanism of evolution to produce the diversity of life. It's an ever-inflating balloon that will absorb whatever we discover. (I'm not breaking my rule about not arguing about the truth of religion -- this is a sociological discussion really). If we discovered intelligent aliens, Christians, Muslims and the rest would probably end up trying to evangelize them. Some might lose their faith but I don't see people coming unglued on the whole.

Not to mention that the existence of ET life wouldn't disprove religion at all. That's the whole point -- nothing can disprove claims about invisible realities. That's why the word "faith" exists. What logical link would there be between the existence of aliens and the falsification of Christianity, for example? At most it might show that there are errors in scripture and the Bible is not a science book. It wouldn't fatally undermine the core doctrine. We already know as a matter of certainty that the Genesis account of creation is not literally true. Christianity hasn't come unglued. Why would it if aliens landed? Maybe God chose to offer them salvation in a different way. See how you can go through endless contortions with this? Most people would.

Lastly, I think any alien race that was sufficiently advanced to figure out long distance space-travel must have figured out how to co-exist with their own planet's species, at least. True, they might not see us as part of the "in group" and attack, but I think there's a good possibility that they would be peaceful given the fact that they didn't make themselves extinct despite their incredible technology.

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 21:04
I will dig into a drawer full of thumb drives of info and share. Here is some off the top of my head:

The Romans and Greeks are said to have claimed their "gods" were from the Pleiades Constellation.

The Pleiades is mentioned (of all places) the Book of Job.

The Asians are said to be from the Pleiades. You can see an artistic form of "the Seven Sisters" on the Subaru logo though it only displays five, iirc.

The Dogon Tribe in Africa claim to either be from or visited by Sirians.

Many Native American tribes claim they descended from or ARE of the "Bird Tribes" (as does Caucasian history...). They are called "sky people" and are depicted in Assyria as winged beings.

Many of the bas reliefs in Assyria depict what could only be a flying craft. Same in some early Christian artwork. Some I found on Facebook and downloaded.

In short, NO ONE claims to FROM Earth. I find this very interesting. Very odd, actually.

Then the Bible describes what has to be flying craft of some sort - especially the "star" that supposedly guided the Chaldeans of Sumer to Bethlehem as well as in The Book of Ezekiel.

Then there is Sumeria and their scrolls which describe in detail man's history with depictions of our solar system which they could not have known about - especially Pluto.

In Central and South America we have a rich history of flying craft (very similar to Egypt) and if you speak to those who study their own history in Mexico they claim that Quetzalcoatl is more than a "winged serpent" and is associated with "visitors from afar"; the Bird Tribes or Sky People not Europeans.

Please share, maybe start a different thread or PM me links if you would rather.

Can't say I have actually ever heard anything about Pleiades before. Especially not in Greek or Roman mythology.

I have heard the Dogon story before.

04-12-13, 21:13

Keep searching. There is a cornucopia of stuf... Some is mindblowing...

04-12-13, 21:16
The "wheel" is the zodiac, as any Hebrew scholar can tell you. It is an expression of time in terms of the prophecy he is making, not a space ship...

I don't necessarily believe what they claim. When you read it what does it seem to describe?

04-12-13, 21:18
I don't necessarily believe what they claim. When you read it what does it seem to describe?

I've looked at this before, and honestly it seemed like traditional Jewish apocalyptic literature to me. I don't remember seeing a huge departure from other contemporary texts.

Can you post the relevant verses so I can have a look again?

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 21:20
Couple of things:

I don't understand how everything we know would be shattered. All the polling data I've seen shows that ~60% of people believe that aliens could exist and over 1/3 believe that they've already visited earth. So 6/10 people at least might be surprised to have hard evidence but their core beliefs would not be shattered.

Religions wouldn't be shattered either. They would just integrate it into their religion. Look at the heliocentric theory of the solar system, evolution, the age of the Universe, etc. The list goes on and on. Religions, for the most part, pushed and pushed and pushed against evolution (some fringe elements continue to do so) until the evidence became overwhelming. Now we have evolutionary-creatonism, which says that God simply chose to use the mechanism of evolution to produce the diversity of life. It's an ever-inflating balloon that will absorb whatever we discover. (I'm not breaking my rule about not arguing about the truth of religion -- this is a sociological discussion really). If we discovered intelligent aliens, Christians, Muslims and the rest would probably end up trying to evangelize them. Some might lose their faith but I don't see people coming unglued on the whole.

Not to mention that the existence of ET life wouldn't disprove religion at all. That's the whole point -- nothing can disprove claims about invisible realities. That's why the word "faith" exists. What logical link would there be between the existence of aliens and the falsification of Christianity, for example? At most it might show that there are errors in scripture and the Bible is not a science book. We already know as a matter of certainty that the Genesis account of creation is not literally true. Christianity hasn't come unglued. Why would it if aliens landed? Maybe God chose to offer them salvation in a different way. See how you can go through endless contortions with this? Most people would.

Lastly, I think any alien race that was sufficiently advanced to figure out long distance space-travel must have figured out how to co-exist with their own planet's species, at least. True, they might not see us as part of the "in group" and attack, but I think there's a good possibility that they would be peaceful given the fact that they didn't make themselves extinct despite their incredible technology.

While I could buy your hypothesis about society and religions, possibly.

I don't think any alien civilization would travel all this way to our planet to do anything other than conquer it/colonize it.

Why would they bother?

-Trade? If they are so technically advanced, what would they "trade" us for? That would be like modern humans trading with Neanderthals.

-Study us? Why show themselves? Why not just park and watch us?

-Help us? If they were some peace loving gentle people why would they give us the capability of reaching their homeworld?:D

At best, I could see them needing us a cannon fodder for some war and helping us along so we could fight for them. Think Krogan from Mass Effect.

Most likely, they wouldn't even see us as anything other than possibly a protein source.

I just can't wrap my mind around a "benign alien visitor" or "savior alien" scenario.

Probably due to too much X-files in my developmental years. :D

I might buy something like that series in the mid-90's about a slave ship that crashes here an aliens need our help type scenario but nothing else seems to fit to me.

Can you play our your scenario? Might wind up being a good plot line for a movie. :D

04-12-13, 21:23
It would be easier to point you to Dr. Michael Heiser, who knows a bit more about the subject.

Start with Sitchin is wrong, which debunks the majority of the ancient aliens BS.

Hey, I can't tell you what to believe, but to say the life developed purely by chance seems as religious as believing in a sky spirit, right? :dance3: :lol: :D:D


04-12-13, 21:25
Here are some close ups of some early Christian paintings. I recall getting into trouble in Catholic School asking about these "items". Trust me, if what the OP describes happens man-made religion collapses.




04-12-13, 21:26
While I could buy your hypothesis about society and religions, possibly.

I don't think any alien civilization would travel all this way to our planet to do anything other than conquer it/colonize it.

Why would they bother?

-Trade? If they are so technically advanced, what would they "trade" us for? That would be like modern humans trading with Neanderthals.

-Study us? Why show themselves? Why not just park and watch us?

-Help us? If they were some peace loving gentle people why would they give us the capability of reaching their homeworld?:D

At best, I could see them needing us a cannon fodder for some war and helping us along so we could fight for them. Think Krogan from Mass Effect.

Most likely, they wouldn't even see us as anything other than possibly a protein source.

I just can't wrap my mind around a "benign alien visitor" or "savior alien" scenario.

Probably due to too much X-files in my developmental years. :D

I might buy something like that series in the mid-90's about a slave ship that crashes here an aliens need our help type scenario but nothing else seems to fit to me.

Can you play our your scenario? Might wind up being a good plot line for a movie. :D

Yeah, of course I have no idea what would happen. I actually wasn't saying that I thought they would be peaceful either -- just offering the idea that there might be a good reason to leave open the possibility.

It's almost impossible to guess what would happen. I mean, if there is other intelligent life, then it follows that life is probably common in the universe. So you'll have diverse populations. Some will be cruel, some will be peaceful. So the fact that we'd see other intelligent life at all would mean that it is almost impossible to predict how it would act -- there would be too much diversity.

Stephen Hawking thinks we should avoid alien contact if at all possible. I tend to agree.

04-12-13, 21:29
I've looked at this before, and honestly it seemed like traditional Jewish apocalyptic literature to me. I don't remember seeing a huge departure from other contemporary texts.

Can you post the relevant verses so I can have a look again?

Ezekiel 1:16 is what I recall as being the "wheel within a wheel".

04-12-13, 21:29
Here are some close ups of some early Christian paintings. I recall getting into trouble in Catholic School asking about these "items". Trust me, if what the OP describes happens man-made religion collapses.







04-12-13, 21:33
I would not think ALL civilizations would be peaceful. Many would be as backasswards and stupid like we are.

ASSUMING (with all the dangers posited) we were "seeded" here/brought here (for whatever reasons) would not whiner brought us here be responsible for us? We would be their "children", so to speak. And if they allowed us to turn our surface into something akin to Mars they would be held partially accountable, too, for not providing enough guidance.

Just "thinking" out loud as I FEEL it would be. No different than anyone with children. They break something you pay for it.


04-12-13, 21:43



No. It does not. I didn't portray the crucifixion and Angels (Now what might they be?) appearing from "a tear in the sky" does not sound logical to me even when I try to think of things I could not explain.

I did not speak of the Egyptians and Akhenaton. Don't forget the Sumerians or the Dogon - try all predate what we call The Christian Era. The Romans and Greeks made their claims prior to Te Christian Era as well and don't forget your own ancient historical claims of being there (and the Book of Job).

I've no problem whatsoever with those claims. There is nothing I can do about it if I "like" it or "dislike" it.

One would also expect Organized Religion NOT to support anything but what has been previously agreed upon for POWER. Some claim that it's the Devil that's "out there". I posit that Hell is empty; those bastards run amongst us. There is little to fear "from the sky" unless one wishes to war with them.

04-12-13, 21:43
Any aliens coming here would need much faster craft than even just above the speed of light, and thus would have weapons much better than anything we currently have. You also get into the time-space issue, and it's unlikely ET is going to come show up and introduce themselves.

That said I do like shows like Battlestar Gallactica and Firefly. Always been a Star Wars nerd. The idea of travel like that, and people living on all kinds of planets is pretty cool to me but it's not realistic. Even at light speed the next system over is a ****ing long ways.

If they did show up it would be interesting. I do think there is life out there. We simply don't have the comprehension to understand just how vast everything is. I complain about having to drive 10 minutes for BS, and in this context it would take longer than my lifespan to get even to some of the closest systems let alone some of we think are ones for prime consideration for having a possibility of life.

04-12-13, 21:49
You could end up like this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCj1KUCS9mY

04-12-13, 21:51
While faster than light travel is mathematically possible, it would be nearly physically impossible. Why? E=MC2; imagine the energy release of a mosquito colliding with a Volkswagen at the speed of light. Now think of the starship Enterprise hitting that same mosquito. There is too much dust and rocks out there to steer around them at speed.
What about shields? What about them, what form of energy could you generate to encapsulate your ship forward of your point of locomotion. None of the forms of energy can travel faster than the speed if light.

I'd imagine, knowing the above, that whoever arrives here just had a 40 year flight or so and probably wants to get out of their ship and stretch their legs/tentacles/whatever..

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 21:52
I would not think ALL civilizations would be peaceful. Many would be as backasswards and stupid like we are.

ASSUMING (with all the dangers posited) we were "seeded" here/brought here (for whatever reasons) would not whiner brought us here be responsible for us? We would be their "children", so to speak. And if they allowed us to turn our surface into something akin to Mars they would be held partially accountable, too, for not providing enough guidance.

Just "thinking" out loud as I FEEL it would be. No different than anyone with children. They break something you pay for it.


I just can't see the seeded part.

If there was a planet that had resources and was livable, why would you seed it with life rather than actually just colonizing it?

Unless you were a species that couldn't live on that world, but if that were true, why let it develop alone? What purpose would there be for creating a species that could live on a "hostile" world but then just ignore it? Why not take a direct hand in it, just like we raise domesticated animals?

While it is a nice thought, I just don't see that happening unless a people had transcended all wants and needs. Of course, then why would they feel the need to seed us? :D

The amount of resources needed to develop and carry out such an endeavor are so mind boggling to begin with, why make it even more so by expending all these resources but not taking an active hand in development.

It would be like buying a farm, putting a bunch of baby calfs on it and walking away expecting it to produce for itself.

I don't buy the "science project" idea either. A civilization with the capability of interstellar travel would probably have computers and modeling capabilities FAR beyond anything we can imagine. They wouldn't need to do it for real.

04-12-13, 21:59
I just can't see the seeded part.

If there was a planet that had resources and was livable, why would you seed it with life rather than actually just colonizing it?

Unless you were a species that couldn't live on that world, but if that were true, why let it develop alone? What purpose would there be for creating a species that could live on a "hostile" world but then just ignore it? Why not take a direct hand in it, just like we raise domesticated animals?

While it is a nice thought, I just don't see that happening unless a people had transcended all wants and needs. Of course, then why would they feel the need to seed us? :D

The amount of resources needed to develop and carry out such an endeavor are so mind boggling to begin with, why make it even more so by expending all these resources but not taking an active hand in development.

It would be like buying a farm, putting a bunch of baby calfs on it and walking away expecting it to produce for itself.

I don't buy the "science project" idea either. A civilization with the capability of interstellar travel would probably have computers and modeling capabilities FAR beyond anything we can imagine. They wouldn't need to do it for real.

Exactly. Go 5X the speed of light and hit a baseball sized rock.

I always have wondered about shooting a single O molecule fast enough to enter the earth and exit out the other side...what that would do?

Crow Hunter
04-12-13, 22:02
I did not speak of the Egyptians and Akhenaton.

Please speak of him.

From what I know he changed the traditional Eqyptian religion to a Monotheistic religion and was practically erased from history and he was rather goofy looking.

I was unaware of other things related to him.

04-12-13, 22:03
End the earth as we know

ETA: Oxygen molecule in and out

04-12-13, 22:05
End the earth as we know it

We are doing that right now. NOAA says by 2050 there will be no Arctic ice. ;)

04-12-13, 22:06
We are doing that right now. NOAA says by 2050 there will be no Arctic ice. ;)

Hawking: Mankind has 1,000 years to escape Earth

This is why we need to be pouring money into space travel and technology (it'll help the economy too -- see Neil DeGrasse Tyson's testimony before congress etc.) Long term, the Andromeda Galaxy hits us in ~ 5 Billion Years and the sun burns out in ~ 4 Billion.

Even if we solve all our short term problems, us or whatever species is dominant in 4 Billion years (assuming it's intelligent -- evolution actually doesn't select for intelligence all that often), will have to get off this rock. It might take all 4 Billion of those years of cumulative effort to find a habitable planet. Better start now.

04-12-13, 22:20
Any aliens coming here would need much faster craft than even just above the speed of light,

You're talking about a warp drive. This would generate a black hole in front of the craft and would "pull" the galaxy towards the craft, rather than propel the craft towards the planet.

We would be able to see it coming for days, if not weeks. It would most likely be the last thing we see as the warp drive would probably consume Earth and every other planet in our galaxy. So the aliens wouldn't need any weapons.

At least that's how it was explained to me.

04-12-13, 22:20
I just can't see the seeded part.

If there was a planet that had resources and was livable, why would you seed it with life rather than actually just colonizing it?

Unless you were a species that couldn't live on that world, but if that were true, why let it develop alone? What purpose would there be for creating a species that could live on a "hostile" world but then just ignore it? Why not take a direct hand in it, just like we raise domesticated animals?

While it is a nice thought, I just don't see that happening unless a people had transcended all wants and needs. Of course, then why would they feel the need to seed us? :D

The amount of resources needed to develop and carry out such an endeavor are so mind boggling to begin with, why make it even more so by expending all these resources but not taking an active hand in development.

It would be like buying a farm, putting a bunch of baby calfs on it and walking away expecting it to produce for itself.

I don't buy the "science project" idea either. A civilization with the capability of interstellar travel would probably have computers and modeling capabilities FAR beyond anything we can imagine. They wouldn't need to do it for real.

I see Earth as a "prison planet" for souls who have not risen above their primitive instincts. I see it as a place to develop where we cannot do much beyond hurting ourselves (and the creatures that share the place with us).

Odd way of perceiving it, I know, but when I look around that's what I feel and for some reason I find it equally dummy and sad.

04-12-13, 22:28
Please speak of him.

From what I know he changed the traditional Eqyptian religion to a Monotheistic religion and was practically erased from history and he was rather goofy looking.

I was unaware of other things related to him.

Akhenaten spoke of a solar disk that traversed the heavens. It seems like the Sun. Actually, he stated that God is represented by the Sun - the source of light (God is described as light in the Bible and in ancient mystical literature).

So what was the solar disk he spoke about? Look to what is left in stone. Flying craft again.

All of the great civilizations describe similar things. Too many parallels from too many great minds (only great minds produce great things).

04-12-13, 23:12
We are doing that right now. NOAA says by 2050 there will be no Arctic ice. ;)

fffttttt! Who cares?! Much bigger worry!


Seems the universe is cooling down. Won't be long before we all freeze! :blink:

04-12-13, 23:14
fffttttt! Who cares?! Much bigger worry!


Seems the universe is cooling down. Won't be long before we all freeze! :blink:

I for one will split my stocks between fans and wool.

04-13-13, 01:28
I'm just going to leave this right here:

Believing Bullshit: How Not to Get Sucked into an Intellectual Black Hole

The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

That second book was a great read. I really enjoy Sagan.

04-13-13, 01:30
Trust me, if what the OP describes happens man-made religion collapses.

I disagree, I think they would simply evolve..again.

04-13-13, 01:35
I just can't see the seeded part.

If there was a planet that had resources and was livable, why would you seed it with life rather than actually just colonizing it?

You are assuming it's a deliberate action of some kind of being. What if it's just basically space debris and common throughout the universe and life begins every time it randomly finds and environment that will support it?

04-13-13, 01:36

Bird Hair guy is epic :D

I for one will split my stocks between fans and wool.

I hear absolute zero is mighty cold, wool may not be enough :lol:

04-13-13, 01:40
Hawking: Mankind has 1,000 years to escape Earth

This is why we need to be pouring money into space travel and technology (it'll help the economy too -- see Neil DeGrasse Tyson's testimony before congress etc.) Long term, the Andromeda Galaxy hits us in ~ 5 Billion Years and the sun burns out in ~ 4 Billion.

Even if we solve all our short term problems, us or whatever species is dominant in 4 Billion years (assuming it's intelligent -- evolution actually doesn't select for intelligence all that often), will have to get off this rock. It might take all 4 Billion of those years of cumulative effort to find a habitable planet. Better start now.

Actually...while the Earth will still be here, it will only support animal life (us included) for about another 500 million years. After that it will be pretty much bacteria and things like that. Better adjust your countdown to exodus.

04-13-13, 01:44
I see Earth as a "prison planet" for souls who have not risen above their primitive instincts. I see it as a place to develop where we cannot do much beyond hurting ourselves (and the creatures that share the place with us).

Odd way of perceiving it, I know, but when I look around that's what I feel and for some reason I find it equally dummy and sad.

Have you had your Thetans checked?

I don't think Earth is part of any cosmic organization or plan. I think it is a place capable of supporting life and as a result it does, and while not common, probably not terribly unique either.

04-13-13, 01:53
Actually...while the Earth will still be here, it will only support animal life (us included) for about another 500 million years. After that it will be pretty much bacteria and things like that. Better adjust your countdown to exodus.

There was a Caltech study that came out a few years ago saying that previous estimates were probably wrong and Earth could be habitable another 2.5 - 3 Billion years. I'm not sure if those results were ever corroborated.

I figure we might be able to work out technological solutions to the pressure and temperature problems that are coming (shielding and pressurized capsules -- thinking big-ass glass domes or something). That could buy us some time and push it close to 4 Billion. But maybe not. I have no idea obviously.

04-13-13, 02:01
4 BILLION years is such an inconceivable amount of time.

The probability of humans still existing by that time is very unlikely, as we will probably all or at least mostly be wiped out from hit(s) by asteroids and/or comets.

04-13-13, 02:03
There was a Caltech study that came out a few years ago saying that previous estimates were probably wrong and Earth could be habitable another 2.5 - 3 Billion years. I'm not sure if those results were ever corroborated.

I figure we might be able to work out technological solutions to the pressure and temperature problems that are coming (shielding and pressurized capsules -- thinking big-ass glass domes or something). That could buy us some time and push it close to 4 Billion. But maybe not. I have no idea obviously.

I'm going by the work of astrobiologists like Peter Ward. You'd probably enjoy his book "The Life and Death of Planet Earth."

04-13-13, 02:06
4 BILLION years is such an inconceivable amount of time.

The probability of humans still existing by that time is very unlikely, as we will probably all or at least mostly be wiped out from hit(s) by asteroids and/or comets.

It's a long time, for sure. The line between technology and biology is going to be continually blurred in the future (and if you think about it, you can get some novel ways of surviving asteroids...human consciousness uploaded onto hardware is still somewhat human). But yeah, whatever boards the spaceships leaving earth probably won't be readily recognizable as "human" as we conceive of humans today.

However I don't think we're going to see large changes in biology through evolution. Selection requires genetic isolation. We've essentially shut down evolution's primary mechanism by "shrinking" the earth with travel.

It probably won't really get going again in earnest until humans spread out across different planets. 4 Billion years is a long time, but even some species on earth have existed almost unchanged for almost that long due to lack of evolutionary selective pressures. I'm guessing we'll be in a point of equilibrium until we spread out.

04-13-13, 02:08
4 BILLION years is such an inconceivable amount of time.

The probability of humans still existing by that time is very unlikely, as we will probably all or at least mostly be wiped out from hit(s) by asteroids and/or comets.

Given that we haven't even been here much more than one million years (maybe more depending upon your criteria of a human), I think 500 million is a lot to ask. We could easily **** it all up on our own in the next thousand years.

This is one reason why we have such short time lines for finding another habitable environment. Look at the weapon capacity we achieved in the 20th century and combine that with the fact that we still have batshit insane cultures and world leaders. I wouldn't want to press that bet for another thousand years.

Advanced weapons do not automatically equate to enlightenment. If they did everyone on this board would be a Buddhist or something similar.

04-13-13, 05:07
Have you had your Thetans checked?

I don't think Earth is part of any cosmic organization or plan. I think it is a place capable of supporting life and as a result it does, and while not common, probably not terribly unique either.

Actually, scientist are saying what I've felt for a while but I had no idea the magnitude.

Every star has "orbitals" or planets. They are now saying that "tens of millions" are believed to support life (such as our own).

Where we differ is that I believe there IS a higher plan.

04-13-13, 06:44
You're talking about a warp drive. This would generate a black hole in front of the craft and would "pull" the galaxy towards the craft, rather than propel the craft towards the planet.

We would be able to see it coming for days, if not weeks. It would most likely be the last thing we see as the warp drive would probably consume Earth and every other planet in our galaxy. So the aliens wouldn't need any weapons.

At least that's how it was explained to me.

It was explained wrong. Every part of it.

First, it's not a black hole at all. If it was, the only place where a black hole can accelerate you at the speed of light is beyond the event horizon. Physics gets so messed up within the event horizon that I can't even explain what happens in there... basically it takes an infinite amount of time to cross the event horizon itself because time slows down that much from the perspective of the accelerating material. Long before you get to the event horizon, the gravitational forces are so immense that the front of your body is being pulled greater than the back of your body, so you stretch out... as does everything else, like your ship for example. You'll break off into chunks and those will elongate, then break into chunks, etc etc. Essentially, nothing can survive very near the event horizon of a black hole, and being inside one is just insane. Then there's the fundamental problem of the fact that you have to move the black hole itself faster than the speed of light to get anywhere meaningful (unless your travel plans are just from the event horizon to the singularity, which you will reach at or faster than the speed of light from a 3rd party perspective), so... the warp drive as it was described to you fails unless you either A) use another black hole to pull the first one, thus making a chain of black holes which is humorous, or B) make a back hole so big that your destination in another star system is where the singularity is located and the event horizon is in your star system.... which is such a massive black hole that it should probably be at the center of a galaxy. And needless to say, that'd pretty much mess everything up assuming creating such a monster is possible. Which it most likely isn't. Even if it were a black hole, it wouldn't consume the earth and every planet in the galaxy, that's just a fundamental misunderstanding of black holes. Black holes are just catastrophically dense objects. A black hole with the mass of the earth has the exact same gravitational pull as the earth at a distance equal to or greater than the radius of the earth. It's just that black holes generally have the mass of an extremely large star. But a star that collapses into a black hole doesn't instantly suck in all the planets of its former system. The only thing that really happens is that it gets really dark and cold. The planets still orbit the black hole as they would the star it used to be.

Second, the idea of being able to see something that's coming at you faster than the speed of light is retarded. You would ONLY see an object moving towards you at or greater than the speed of light when it decelerates below the speed of light, which may cause a flash of light depending on how quickly it decelerates (more time spent at or very close to the speed of light makes a bigger flash). You could also see it moving past or away from you, but not moving directly at you.

04-13-13, 07:00

Straight Shooter
04-13-13, 07:35
Just got in from work, and have been reading over some of these posts. Some have said if aliens land, organized religion collapses.
Good. For e personally, having already given this thought, Jesus will STILL be King and my Lord & Saviour, God is STILL omnipotent, and NOTHING changes as for me as far as that goes. The Bible is FILLED with mysterious references, and NOWHERE does it say ,or address the issue of life only on Earth, or elsewhere.

04-13-13, 07:43
Just got in from work, and have been reading over some of these posts. Some have said if aliens land, organized religion collapses.
Good. For e personally, having already given this thought, Jesus will STILL be King and my Lord & Saviour, God is STILL omnipotent, and NOTHING changes as for me as far as that goes. The Bible is FILLED with mysterious references, and NOWHERE does it say ,or address the issue of life only on Earth, or elsewhere.


Most will have conniption fits.

Again, I have no problem - and many questions.

04-13-13, 08:22
Just got in from work, and have been reading over some of these posts. Some have said if aliens land, organized religion collapses.
Good. For e personally, having already given this thought, Jesus will STILL be King and my Lord & Saviour, God is STILL omnipotent, and NOTHING changes as for me as far as that goes. The Bible is FILLED with mysterious references, and NOWHERE does it say ,or address the issue of life only on Earth, or elsewhere.

I don't think that all organized religion will collapse at all. However the more hard line fundamentalist will be in for a world of hurt. Other intelligent races does not contradict the beliefe in a god of some sort. It does however contradict the ideal that we were created as the center of the universe.

Crow Hunter
04-13-13, 09:00
You are assuming it's a deliberate action of some kind of being. What if it's just basically space debris and common throughout the universe and life begins every time it randomly finds and environment that will support it?

That is entirely possible. My comment about seeding was related to an intelligent race of aliens intentionally seeding other worlds with life to see what happens. That, doesn't make sense to me.


Akhenaten spoke of a solar disk that traversed the heavens. It seems like the Sun. Actually, he stated that God is represented by the Sun - the source of light (God is described as light in the Bible and in ancient mystical literature).

So what was the solar disk he spoke about? Look to what is left in stone. Flying craft again.

All of the great civilizations describe similar things. Too many parallels from too many great minds (only great minds produce great things).

I just don't see that. Anyone looking at the sun as it sets or moon, who has no concept/knowledge of the spherical shape of planets would assume that the sun was a flat disc. The Earth was assumed to be a flat disc for centuries. Even after it was proven to be round. Almost all cultures believed that the Sun and the Moon were physical beings or vehicles being driven by gods across the sky. To me, that doesn't mean that they were aliens, that just means people apply what they "know" to what they see.

Just like non-gun people assume that all AR-15s are full automatic, because that is what they see in their every day life. (Movies/TV)

God is always described as light and evil as dark in almost all cultures because we are daylight animals. The Sun is life to us. Without it we can't see, we are cold, it's position in the sky marks the length of the day and the time of the year. Certain things are nearly universal to humanity, not because it is the work of aliens, but because we are an observant species.

Take pyramids for instance. Almost every culture that ever built monuments built pyramids shaped monuments. Give a little kid a bunch of non interlocking blocks and tell him to build it as tall as he can without it falling over. Eventually, he will build a pyramid. Because you can only do it one way. If you try to build something other than a pyramid it will fall down. This doesn't mean that aliens taught us to build pyramids.

Are you a Scientologist?

04-13-13, 10:47

Actually the text is quite clear that beings other than humans inhabit this and other realms...



04-13-13, 14:30
That is entirely possible. My comment about seeding was related to an intelligent race of aliens intentionally seeding other worlds with life to see what happens. That, doesn't make sense to me.

While anything is possible, that seems extremely unlikely.

I think it's just another version of man wanting to be a "special creation" and if not made in the image of the God of everything then surely the super important experiment of the Galactic Council of Advanced Interstellar Civilizations.

04-13-13, 16:09
That is entirely possible. My comment about seeding was related to an intelligent race of aliens intentionally seeding other worlds with life to see what happens. That, doesn't make sense to me.

I just don't see that. Anyone looking at the sun as it sets or moon, who has no concept/knowledge of the spherical shape of planets would assume that the sun was a flat disc. The Earth was assumed to be a flat disc for centuries. Even after it was proven to be round. Almost all cultures believed that the Sun and the Moon were physical beings or vehicles being driven by gods across the sky. To me, that doesn't mean that they were aliens, that just means people apply what they "know" to what they see.

Just like non-gun people assume that all AR-15s are full automatic, because that is what they see in their every day life. (Movies/TV)

God is always described as light and evil as dark in almost all cultures because we are daylight animals. The Sun is life to us. Without it we can't see, we are cold, it's position in the sky marks the length of the day and the time of the year. Certain things are nearly universal to humanity, not because it is the work of aliens, but because we are an observant species.

Take pyramids for instance. Almost every culture that ever built monuments built pyramids shaped monuments. Give a little kid a bunch of non interlocking blocks and tell him to build it as tall as he can without it falling over. Eventually, he will build a pyramid. Because you can only do it one way. If you try to build something other than a pyramid it will fall down. This doesn't mean that aliens taught us to build pyramids.

Are you a Scientologist?

The Egyptians knew it was NOT a flat disk. Read about them.

How did the Egyptians know about Orion's Belt and Mars? How did they know about the Heavens?

How did the Sumerians know about Pluto?

How did the Chaldeans know about the precession of the equinoxes?


A Scientologists? No.

Just a curious engineer. The conventional historians' claims make no sense. Especially when we SIMPLY READ THE HISTORICAL RECORD.

Crow Hunter
04-13-13, 17:58
The Egyptians knew it was NOT a flat disk. Read about them.

I will have to do more research. I don't remember anything about the Egyptians knowing the earth or the sun was spherical. I know after the Greeks first proved the world was round, it was probably decided that the other heavenly objects were as well. Since the Greeks evetually controlled Egypt (after Alexander the Great), I am sure this would have transferred over even if the Egyptians had not indepently discovered it.

How did the Egyptians know about Orion's Belt and Mars? How did they know about the Heavens?

You can see both Orion's belt and Mars with the naked eye even today, before modern times the sky would have been even brighter without all the modern light pollution drowning them out. Or are you talking about something else related to those?

How did the Sumerians know about Pluto?

Who said they did? From my understanding there is only a seal somewhere that showed 12 planets and some people said they obviously knew about Pluto. That is a little bit of a stretch in my mind. If they knew about Pluto why not also about some of the larger moons of Jupiter/Saturn and why wouldn't Saturn have had rings in the the drawing? It is one of it's most striking features. They also believed in Nibiru and some other strange stuff as well. Although Gilgamesh was pretty cool.

How did the Chaldeans know about the precession of the equinoxes?

That is an observable phenomenon. When you have a priesthood with nothing else to do but watch the night sky for centuries. I am sure since they wanted to predict the seasons they had 3 points lined up at where they were predicting the sun to rise and it worked fine for a half a century and then it started to get further and further off. Eventually they would notice this and some realtively basic math, they had figured it out and could predict it. 1 Degree in 72 years is pretty significant. That was something valuable to them. Predicting and identifying the Equinox was vital to telling people when to start planting and harvesting. That is why they are still celebrated in one form or another to this day.


No one had to tell them. They were just as smart,(probably smarter:smile:) than most modern humans. They didn't have the benefits of a "entitlement safety net" diluting the gene pool as we do today. Plus without the boob tube or an Xbox they had PLENTY of time on their hands after it got dark and many of their cultures/dynasties lasted for centuries with information being handed down.

A Scientologists? No.

Just wondering, some of the statements you made reminded me of some of their beliefs.

Just a curious engineer. The conventional historians' claims make no sense. Especially when we SIMPLY READ THE HISTORICAL RECORD.

I would say "interpret" the historical record.

If these ancient cultures had instead had actually jumped from Neolithic to using Aluminum and Titanium or started curing cancer or started communicating by radio or even just had obviously alien artifacts, I might be more inclined to believe. But right now I can't believe that humans were ever visited by beings from another planet that never taught us anything other than info related to visible stars in the sky, never accidently left a piece of trash behind, communicated celestial information but not how to grow more crops/create better tools/etc.

Now next year there might be an equation unearthed in ancient Greece that say is E=mc^2 and I am totally wrong. :D

I am not saying that you are wrong either, just that isn't the intepretation that I have for the information you have presented.

One crazy theory that I used to have was that maybe the aliens had technology that was completely organic. Ships/clothing/tools everything. They just grew it and when they broke it/wore it out/etc it just rotted away. That is why we have never found anything related to them.

04-13-13, 18:25
I would wonder how they were generating enough power to enter the atmosphere and maintain an orbit.

I think it's rather arrogant to think God would make a whole universe and only place life on one planet.

No matter what else happens, there will be those who will figure out how to make a buck out of it- probably through porn

Crow Hunter
04-13-13, 18:29
No matter what else happens, there will be those who will figure out how to make a buck out of it- probably through porn

We need a like button.


04-13-13, 20:25
No matter what else happens, there will be those who will figure out how to make a buck out of it- probably through porn
There is na'vi porn and a fleshlight that accompanies it.

So yes, for sure.

04-13-13, 23:21
There is na'vi porn and a fleshlight that accompanies it.

So yes, for sure.

I won't ask how you know this with such positivity.


04-14-13, 01:07
Actually, scientist are saying what I've felt for a while but I had no idea the magnitude.

Every star has "orbitals" or planets. They are now saying that "tens of millions" are believed to support life (such as our own).

Where we differ is that I believe there IS a higher plan.

I've certainly heard sillier beliefs. If that's what let's you make sense of everything, I can't prove you are wrong.

Except for the fact that I'm pretty sure there is probably such a thing as a star with no planets. Not sure if it's common, rare or whatever but given the number of them out there it has to exist.

04-14-13, 03:33
I don't know about mass hysteria, what the church will say, or the speed of light; I'm standing by for 'two Pleiadeans, one anti-matter suspension device'.

04-14-13, 05:41
I seem to remember reading an article about how scientists had discovered a massive stretch of empty space, void of any stars, galaxies, planets, large asteroids, etc. Interstellar highway? Anyone have some google skills?

04-14-13, 06:06
I've certainly heard sillier beliefs. If that's what let's you make sense of everything, I can't prove you are wrong.

Except for the fact that I'm pretty sure there is probably such a thing as a star with no planets. Not sure if it's common, rare or whatever but given the number of them out there it has to exist.
Take it up with our "Gods of Science". I'm merely passing information. a

It's arrogant and silly to think we are the only intelligent life in this massive universe and downright ignorant to believe that there are no other planets in the entirety of creation that don't have living conditions similar to ours.

An earlier post described or touched upon life evolving differently than ours as well.

Either way, you discount YOUR OWN history as they are very explicit in what they say. I don't have a knee jerk rejection reaction because:

(A) I wasn't there
(B) I don't assume that our present society is any smarter than they were
(C) There aint a damned thing you or I can do to alter what they claimed; like it or not
(D) Doesn't change ANYTHING with me if it's true

I'll say one thing: look in the skies sometimes at night. Then come back and explain to us in present, accepted scientific terms what you see...

04-14-13, 08:19
I seem to remember reading an article about how scientists had discovered a massive stretch of empty space, void of any stars, galaxies, planets, large asteroids, etc. Interstellar highway? Anyone have some google skills?

It's a cloaking device. An armada is coming and they are hiding it with a cloaking device. Unfortunately for them, it's taking a long time to get here.

04-14-13, 11:13
"One if by transporter beam, two if by shuttlecraft"

04-14-13, 18:31
Take it up with our "Gods of Science". I'm merely passing information. a

It's arrogant and silly to think we are the only intelligent life in this massive universe and downright ignorant to believe that there are no other planets in the entirety of creation that don't have living conditions similar to ours.

An earlier post described or touched upon life evolving differently than ours as well.

Either way, you discount YOUR OWN history as they are very explicit in what they say. I don't have a knee jerk rejection reaction because:

(A) I wasn't there
(B) I don't assume that our present society is any smarter than they were
(C) There aint a damned thing you or I can do to alter what they claimed; like it or not
(D) Doesn't change ANYTHING with me if it's true

I'll say one thing: look in the skies sometimes at night. Then come back and explain to us in present, accepted scientific terms what you see...

I never suggested I believed we are the only intelligent life. IN fact quite the opposite. And that is why I don't think we are terribly special except on this planet, and then only as the dominant species.

04-14-13, 19:00
There is na'vi porn and a fleshlight that accompanies it.

So yes, for sure.

Rule 34.

04-15-13, 00:17
Fiddle sticks, that's how they said it was done in the most recent Star Trek movie IIRC :D

Also, I'll look it up but I think conceptually that was the same sort of mechanism that either Neil deGrasse Tyson or Brian Greene postulated in one of their books. Regardless I find theoretical physics fascinating stuff just the same.

Also good discussion regarding time dilation at the event horizon


It was explained wrong. Every part of it.

First, it's not a black hole at all. If it was, the only place where a black hole can accelerate you at the speed of light is beyond the event horizon. Physics gets so messed up within the event horizon that I can't even explain what happens in there... basically it takes an infinite amount of time to cross the event horizon itself because time slows down that much from the perspective of the accelerating material. Long before you get to the event horizon, the gravitational forces are so immense that the front of your body is being pulled greater than the back of your body, so you stretch out... as does everything else, like your ship for example. You'll break off into chunks and those will elongate, then break into chunks, etc etc. Essentially, nothing can survive very near the event horizon of a black hole, and being inside one is just insane. Then there's the fundamental problem of the fact that you have to move the black hole itself faster than the speed of light to get anywhere meaningful (unless your travel plans are just from the event horizon to the singularity, which you will reach at or faster than the speed of light from a 3rd party perspective), so... the warp drive as it was described to you fails unless you either A) use another black hole to pull the first one, thus making a chain of black holes which is humorous, or B) make a back hole so big that your destination in another star system is where the singularity is located and the event horizon is in your star system.... which is such a massive black hole that it should probably be at the center of a galaxy. And needless to say, that'd pretty much mess everything up assuming creating such a monster is possible. Which it most likely isn't. Even if it were a black hole, it wouldn't consume the earth and every planet in the galaxy, that's just a fundamental misunderstanding of black holes. Black holes are just catastrophically dense objects. A black hole with the mass of the earth has the exact same gravitational pull as the earth at a distance equal to or greater than the radius of the earth. It's just that black holes generally have the mass of an extremely large star. But a star that collapses into a black hole doesn't instantly suck in all the planets of its former system. The only thing that really happens is that it gets really dark and cold. The planets still orbit the black hole as they would the star it used to be.

Second, the idea of being able to see something that's coming at you faster than the speed of light is retarded. You would ONLY see an object moving towards you at or greater than the speed of light when it decelerates below the speed of light, which may cause a flash of light depending on how quickly it decelerates (more time spent at or very close to the speed of light makes a bigger flash). You could also see it moving past or away from you, but not moving directly at you.

04-15-13, 01:08
Anyone who's a math wiz:

What's the maximum amount of g-force that a human can withstand for an extended period of time?

What amount of acceleration creates that g-force?

How long would it take, given that amount of acceleration, to reach light speed?

04-15-13, 01:14
Here's what I found:

We can uncomfortably withstand around 10 meters/second per second of acceleration. That's roughly what the very best super cars can do. That's like 0-60 in 3 seconds.

Speed of light: 2.998 x 10 to the 8th m/s

04-15-13, 02:07
Here's what I found:

We can uncomfortably withstand around 10 meters/second per second of acceleration. That's roughly what the very best super cars can do. That's like 0-60 in 3 seconds.

Speed of light: 2.998 x 10 to the 8th m/s

Well at a constant rate of 1g about a year supposedly

Came up with this


Going by classical physics

Velocity = g * time where g is the acceleration constant.

In "weightless" space, a person would be continuously subjected to a force of one 'g' if the person were accelerated at 32 ft/sec2. Since this is equaivalent to Earth's gravity, the person would be subjected to no undue stress.

The speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second which equals 984,000,000 feet per second.

Since v=g*t then
t = v/g
t= 984.000.000/32
t= 30,700,000 which is roughly speaking one year ( 1 year is about 31.5 million seconds).

As someone else mentioned, it isn't as straightforward as this because as we approach light speed, relativistic changes occur.
Here is a website for calculating relativistic changes:

So, uniformly accelerating a spaceship cannot be done with the same amount of force. At 50% the speed of light, the mass of the ship increases by 15%. At 90 % the speed of light, the ship's mass has increased by 229%. So, you would need to expend 2.29 times the amount of fuel to continue the accelleration at 32 fett/sec2. Eventually this would be very impractical because at 99% light speed, the ship's mass has increased seven-fold.

So, let's suppose we have a ship that has enough fuel to account for the relativistic changes in mass, then the answer would be about a year IF you wanted to go at 99% light speed (your mileage may vary).

To tell you the truth that surprises me. I thought it might take a century or more so it is practical in terms of a person's lifetime. However, constructing a spaceship that could accelerate at 32 feet/sec2 would be impossible by today's technology. Among other things it would require enough fuel to burn continuously to maintain a one 'g' acceleration for one full year.

One more thing how far would you have travelled by the time you reach 99% light speed? IF you headed in a straight line, you would be 2.8 TRILLION MILES from where you started. This is roughly one half of a light year so this seems about right.

Well, ignoring time dilation and the fact that you can't actually reach c at the moment...

Assuming that 1 g = 10 m/s^2 and that c = 300,000,000 m/s, we get:

v = a t
t = v / a
t = 300,000,000/10 = 30,000,000 seconds or 347.222 days.

So, with an acceleration of 1 g it would take you almost a year to reach lightspeed. I think you would reach Mars a bit before that, even without reaching c.

Originally posted by Munch
Especially Achenar's post: "We'll need to figure out A, B and C. Equation Z lays it all out because it's so common a question. Unfortunately, I don't understand a lick of it. Be right back."Ha ha. :) I do understand the math, but there's definitely a typo or something with those equations. If you look, you'll see that they use the variable G which isn't defined or used anywhere else. Plus, they take the hyperbolic sine of a number which isn't unitless.

Anyway, this problem is given a good treatment in the first half of the Relativistic Rocket FAQ (http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/SR/rocket.html). I'll copy equations from there. Say an astronaut wants to travel a distance d at an acceleration a. The time it takes in Earth's reference frame is:

t = sqrt((d/c)2 + 2d/a)

The time it takes in the astronaut's frame is:

T = (c/a) arccosh(ad/c2 + 1)

The maximum speed she would reach would be:

vMAX = at (1 + (at/c)2)-1/2

Okay, now in real life, you'd want to make d equal to one-half your journey, and double your result. This is because you'd be accelerating for the first half, and decelerating for the second half.

Thus, if our astronaut wanted to travel a total distance of 78.3221 million km at 1g of acceleration, then it would take 2.068705 days to us, but only 2.068701 days to her - a difference of about a quarter of a second. Relativistic effects don't come into play over such a small distance; the maximum speed she'd reach is only 876.4 km/s = 0.00292c.

We could make the effects more prominent by increasing the acceleration - say to 8g. Then the trip would take about 17.6 hours, and the difference in perceived times would be a whopping 0.36 seconds.


04-15-13, 02:27

04-15-13, 02:36

Looking at the numbers we as species we had better figure something to expedite travel times otherwise were probably never going to escape our little corner of the galaxy let alone the universe. :D

Fun stuff to think about. Especially when you look at the scale of existence it makes everything about us seem entirely insignificant, yet at the same time so significant.

04-15-13, 03:54
Sounds like it would be just as difficult to figure out how to stay still and move space around us, as it would be to reach light speed and travel through it that way.