View Full Version : For once, somebody does the right thing.

04-12-13, 12:28

How many people would've done the same thing?

04-12-13, 12:37
He did the right thing- good on him. Who here wouldn't?

I applaud him for doing the right thing.

But the article calling him a "hero" for returning someones property back to them- is just weird.

What is heroic about doing the correct/right thing?

I wish we would reserve the "Hero" title for Actual heros- and heroes only...

04-12-13, 12:40
He did the right thing- good on him. Who here wouldn't?

I applaud him for doing the right thing.

But the article calling him a "hero" for returning someones property back to them- is just weird.

What is heroic about doing the correct/right thing?

I wish we would reserve the "Hero" title for Actual heros- and heroes only...

I'm tracking. I actually didn't care about the article so much for the guys action, so much as he's an immagrant (I can't spell today.) who came here, got a job, did a good thing, and is proud to be here, I guess.

It's a nice departure from all the "Americans" complaining about America.

04-12-13, 12:45
If I saw them drop it, they'd get it back. If it was laying on the ground with no one else around it, different story.

04-12-13, 12:47
These days not many.

But some will want to argue about that reality as well.

04-12-13, 12:51
Could also be a story on Financial Darwinism.

04-12-13, 12:52
I'm tracking. I actually didn't care about the article so much for the guys action, so much as he's an immagrant (I can't spell today.) who came here, got a job, did a good thing, and is proud to be here, I guess.

It's a nice departure from all the "Americans" complaining about America.

Yeah, I hear ya. It is nice to see positivity in the media instead of the usual 24/7 BS negativity and rabid fear mongering.
That's for sure!

04-12-13, 12:55
I actually have done it! Twice, no less!

I found a bag of cash in the street and returned it to its rightful owner, who was identified by information on the bag.

I also returned a wallet full of cash and credit cards I found by tracking the owner down from the DL in the wallet.

04-12-13, 13:03
I'm tracking. I actually didn't care about the article so much for the guys action, so much as he's an immagrant (I can't spell today.) who came here, got a job, did a good thing, and is proud to be here, I guess.

It's a nice departure from all the "Americans" complaining about America.

We had an influx of African immigrants come in shortly before I left the Army (some from Ghana, which is where this guy was from). I'm talking dudes blacker than a Black Hole viewed from just beyond the Event Horizon (Black Holes would probably appear bright blue if viewed from the inside, which is obviously impossible) and accents so thick you don't know what the hell they're saying until you get used to them.

Without exception, they were ethical in the extreme, kind but not squeamish, hard working, and did not complain EVER.

We could use a few million more like them in this country. It may be rational to the cautious about "African Americans" in various situations (such as reasonable suspicions of gang activity in certain areas), but African Immigrants have never done anything but impress me. Same experience in NYC too.

04-12-13, 13:28
There are still some good honest people out there. We have had people turn in over 6K in cash found in the harbor. But then we have also had people steal the stuff too and try to cash the checks and use the credit cards they found.

Straight Shooter
04-12-13, 13:43
THANKS for this story Magic....such a great break from the insanity
all over the place.

04-12-13, 13:49
We had an influx of African immigrants come in shortly before I left the Army (some from Ghana, which is where this guy was from). I'm talking dudes blacker than a Black Hole viewed from just beyond the Event Horizon (Black Holes would probably appear bright blue if viewed from the inside, which is obviously impossible) and accents so thick you don't know what the hell they're saying until you get used to them.

Without exception, they were ethical in the extreme, kind but not squeamish, hard working, and did not complain EVER.

We could use a few million more like them in this country. It may be rational to the cautious about "African Americans" in various situations (such as reasonable suspicions of gang activity in certain areas), but African Immigrants have never done anything but impress me. Same experience in NYC too.

I actually work with a guy from Niger, and you're right. He's probably the hardest working, devoted guy I know. (And he's pretty handy with an AKM too. Lol.)

Except he used to sing a lot, really loudly, in Nigerian. That was strange. (And for some reason, I always want to make e-mail scam jokes around him. Luckily he doesn't take offense.)

04-12-13, 15:59
He did the right thing- good on him. Who here wouldn't?

I applaud him for doing the right thing.

But the article calling him a "hero" for returning someones property back to them- is just weird.

What is heroic about doing the correct/right thing?

I wish we would reserve the "Hero" title for Actual heros- and heroes only...

I agree with your point, but I think it's very secondary. He was given an award for "integrity" which is entirely correct and proper. The media calls everyone a hero just like every firearm is an AK47 or Uzi regardless of the fact that it isn't.

I do have to wonder about the personal responsibility of someone who would "forget" $20k in an envelope. Unless they are a little old lady who forgets everything they really are pretty careless and are damn lucky an honest person found their money.

Hopefully this guy is rewarded for his integrity with a job offer more suitable to his character.

04-12-13, 16:08

04-12-13, 16:10
All I can say is not only have I done it, it came around back to me when I lost 3000.00 dollars cash. Handed right back to me 10 minutes after I lost it. Yes it's called being a decent person and there are still a few of us out here.

04-12-13, 16:48
Anyone else missing the real picture here? Who the **** has 20k in an envelope walking around Walmart? No honest person I know!

04-12-13, 16:50
Being that I own a cash business, I've had a lot more on me at one time.

But not at Wallyworld.

04-12-13, 17:02
Anyone else missing the real picture here? Who the **** has 20k in an envelope walking around Walmart? No honest person I know!

Here it is not unusual for fisherman to get paid in cash at the end of the season to have as much as 50K on them.

04-12-13, 19:25
Anyone else missing the real picture here? Who the **** has 20k in an envelope walking around Walmart? No honest person I know!

I'm tracking with you, around these parts narcos will carry that kind of coin.

I'll also never understand the "hero" label. It's not like this guy prevented a school shooting or saved a litter of kittens from a fire.

But about that $20,000.

It belonged to Leona Wisdom and Gary Elton, a couple from Black Diamond.

The wife says they were returning home from getting the money at a finance company when they stopped off to shop at the Walmart at South 345th Street and 16th Avenue South.

Wisdom says she’s a caregiver who works with people who are disabled, and says the cash was for a down payment on a house the couple was buying on a short sale. They didn’t get the money as a check, Wisdom says, because they didn’t want to wait days for it to clear.

So you are a home health care worker (you don't make much) and on your way home from a finance company after you received $20K you just happen to stop at Wal-Mart to buy two carts worth of shit. They are either incredibly stupid or they are embezzling from those they "care" for.

04-12-13, 19:54
I watched a guy and girl walk in WaWa and she dropped what looked like a dollar bill out on the sidewalk I got out of my car and picked it up, as I was walking to go inside I looked closer and it was two $100s. She was just getting to the OMG where's my mon--- as she turned around.

found a guys phone the other day when I was running.. It rings... Hello.... "Have you got my phone?" . I almost started laughing.. I wanted to say no you have the wrong number. Luckily we were in the same park.

04-12-13, 20:09
found a guys phone the other day when I was running.. It rings... Hello.... "Have you got my phone?" . I almost started laughing.. I wanted to say no you have the wrong number. Luckily we were in the same park.

About 6 months ago, somebody called my phone and was like "Have you got my phone?" I was like "Nah. This is my phone." and he started arguing with me. So I hung up on him. He called me 63 times in an hour and a half. (I counted.) So I finally picked up and just told him to call the phone company and ask.

**** that guy.