View Full Version : Californians demonstrating their useful idiocy, sign to repeal 2nd Amendment

04-12-13, 20:22
These people shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive a car, they're clearly a danger to the freedom of everyone around them.

04-12-13, 20:44
Funny video. Do some research. Mark Dice: http://www.youtube.com/user/MarkDice?feature=watch. Seems to be one of the good guys.

04-12-13, 21:13
"Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay . . ." :lol:

Tool's Ænima is a coping mechanism for me when dealing with the Kaliforniacation degenerates.


Bad Religion's Los Angeles Is Burning helps too.


04-12-13, 21:35
Most of Cali is conservative if you look at a county wide map. Has gotten more liberal in the last ten years since I left but just like most liberal states the entire thing ends up being controlled by 1-2 big cities. In CA its LA and SF areas.

I grew up outside of Temecula surrounded by horse ranches and wineries. Just as down to earth conservative as any other place. Was taught to shoot and introduced to real guns by my neighbor. The first time I shot a real gun was his 22LR revolver to put down a chicken his dog tore up and he offered me to put it down myself. He did get us another chicken and started teaching me how to shoot.

The only three real reasons why I won't live there is:

1. Cost of living.

2. Liberals control the state.

3. Texas has been pretty good to us and Im happy with where we live.

04-12-13, 21:44
I'm making a sign to EVICT California!

04-12-13, 21:48
**** Mark Dice. The dude believes that the Illuminati really exists, and that Satanists (LaVeyan) worship Satan. Way to go not doing any research at all.

That video is insane though.

The dude actually wasted his time making a 4 minute video about how Ke$ha was a Satanist (like he even knows what that means), making extremely ignorant statements about Occultism, or what Occultism even truly is. He CONSTANTLY advertises his book, and Amazon adds.

The man's a waste of time, and I'm pretty sure he absolutely loves Alex Jones and the infowars.com troupe.

04-12-13, 23:12
**** Mark Dice. The dude believes that the Illuminati really exists, and that Satanists (LaVeyan) worship Satan. Way to go not doing any research at all.

That video is insane though.

The dude actually wasted his time making a 4 minute video about how Ke$ha was a Satanist (like he even knows what that means), making extremely ignorant statements about Occultism, or what Occultism even truly is. He CONSTANTLY advertises his book, and Amazon adds.

The man's a waste of time, and I'm pretty sure he absolutely loves Alex Jones and the infowars.com troupe.

Judging by your tone I assume you are into occultism?

04-12-13, 23:44
Judging by your tone I assume you are into occultism?

x2. My take as well. Own up sonny

04-12-13, 23:56
Judging by your tone I assume you are into occultism?

I consider myself more educated about Occultism than 99% of the people who talk about it.

I don't subscribe to that belief system (if it can even be called that), but the most common misconception ever is that they worship Satan, or even believe in Christianity.

04-13-13, 00:57

04-13-13, 01:11
I consider myself more educated about Occultism than 99% of the people who talk about it.

I don't subscribe to that belief system (if it can even be called that), but the most common misconception ever is that they worship Satan, or even believe in Christianity.

Ever talked to a no-shit Theistic Satanist? I had one in my old unit in the Army, believe it or not. He was my gunner for a short time. Used to eviscerate him in debates. Imagine being stuck in a truck with me for 48 hours when you're trying to argue that Satan exists and we should all worship him. :lol: He was a good sport though -- a genuine dumbass -- but a good sport.

04-13-13, 01:13
Ever talked to a no-shit Theistic Satanist? I had one in my old unit in the Army, believe it or not. He was my gunner for a short time. Used to eviscerate him in debates. Imagine being stuck in a truck with me for 48 hours when you're trying to argue that Satan exists and we should all worship him. :lol: He was a good sport though.

Yep. A lot. You run into some of the poser types like that, when researching Occultism. Those are referred to by the actual Church of Satan as "Lucifarians" or "Heretic Christians", and they hate them. A lot.

04-13-13, 01:17
Those are referred to by the actual Church of Satan as "Lucifarians" or "Heretic Christians", and they hate them. A lot.

Well I bet. How big of a dumbass do you have to be to buy into the whole God vs. Satan framework and then pick the losing team?

04-13-13, 01:23
Well I bet. How big of a dumbass do you have to be to buy into the whole God vs. Satan framework and then pick the losing team?

What a lot of people don't understand is that a lot of Occultism is about studying religion, religious symbolism, tarot, astrology, social study, psychology, and all sorts of other shit. Even Freemasonry is considered Occultism.

Has nothing to do with worshipping Satan, or even being devout, as many Satanists are athiest.

04-13-13, 01:54
Satanists? Occultism? WTF? I need to stop reading the GD boards. It is getting more than a little, uh...strange around here.

04-13-13, 02:07
The Army is chock full of idiot Pagans, too. Had some in my unit that filmed some ritual in the common area and had a bunch of weird sexual shit in it.

Not a guy involved in the above but had another one on my 'team'. Didn't shower and would spray his feet with lysol. To this day Ill at least gag if not throw up if I smell lysol. Got stuck with that nasty **** in a rack for 6 months.

04-13-13, 05:12
There are several covens in the Detroit Metro Area I've run into. Same in New Orleans.

Not sure what type of Satanists you've run into. These bastards deserved liquidating...

04-13-13, 08:43
****ing Oceanside, CA. I had the displeasure of living there for 4 years when I was stationed at Pendleton.

04-13-13, 09:36
I'm making a sign to EVICT California!

Here we go again.:rolleyes:

04-13-13, 12:15
Yep. A lot. You run into some of the poser types like that, when researching Occultism. Those are referred to by the actual Church of Satan as "Lucifarians" or "Heretic Christians", and they hate them. A lot.


Aren't they like Rastafarians?:D

04-13-13, 12:30
So aside from the foaming at the mouth occultist, this thread was going places... :p

04-13-13, 15:34
Satanists? Occultism? WTF? I need to stop reading the GD boards. It is getting more than a little, uh...strange around here.

Big words scare you. Clearly another good reason to shut gd down.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

04-13-13, 15:47
Big words scare you. Clearly another good reason to shut gd down.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

You too, huh?

Big words, no. Nugatory, yes.

VIP3R 237
04-13-13, 22:26
And back on topic.

Fox is saying that Commifornia is last along with New York in personal freedoms. I guess the cali libtards want to go for the win.

04-13-13, 23:34
And back on topic.

Fox is saying that Commifornia is last along with New York in personal freedoms. I guess the cali libtards want to go for the win.

I like how the article references new borns and immigrants as keeping the state population on an even keel, ha! Ill tell you what said immigrants are not coming to new york because of the job prospects. Its all about the welfare ladies and gents.

04-13-13, 23:45
I don't think that kids born here to illegals should automatically be American citizens. They should be, but not until they're 18, because then it just gives their parents a free pass to mooch.

04-14-13, 02:01
I don't think that kids born here to illegals should automatically be American citizens. They should be, but not until they're 18, because then it just gives their parents a free pass to mooch.

Agreed. On this subject, is anyone aware of any other countries that grant citizenship in a de facto manner simply for having been born in said country?