View Full Version : Switched to Electronic Cigarette

04-17-13, 19:43
I'm pretty sure this is the most appropriate place for this thread, so here goes.

I've been a smoker for awhile, since Sophomore year in college. The wife and I decided to switch to electronic cigarettes. We first tried the ones you can get at Walgreens or gas stations a few months ago and they did not cut the mustard.

Monday I picked up the other kind. The ones that, for lack of other reference, look more like a crack pipe with the refillable fluid reservoirs. Yesterday I smoked 1 full cigarette and two halves. Today, none.

Ultimately, I'd like to get off nicotine completely. For now, I'm spending a fraction of the money and have gotten rid of all the other nasty chemical compounds found in traditional cigarettes. I admit, they look ridiculous, but then again many say smoking cigarettes does as well. Lots of little side benefits too.

Anyone else with success stories with longer term use? Failure stories?

04-17-13, 20:04
You're talking about the vapor shark? The one with the flavored liquids?

I know a few people that have used them to ween themselves off of cigarettes, I've contemplated using it as well

Good luck!

04-17-13, 20:59
I went to a blue CIG electronic cigarette for three months switching from the strong nicotine to eventually none just the flavoring. It worked for me. I haven't smoked a real cigarette for a year and five months. I quit the blu cig after using it for three months. I feel great now and my lungs thank me everytime I PT.

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04-17-13, 21:09
You're talking about the vapor shark? The one with the flavored liquids?

I know a few people that have used them to ween themselves off of cigarettes, I've contemplated using it as well

Good luck!

Different brand but same idea. Works well for us so far. Neighbors and coworkers that gave it an honest try have reported similar

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04-17-13, 21:32
Anyone else with success stories with longer term use? Failure stories?

I started smoking in high school & smoked for over 20 years. I'm athletic yet I really enjoyed smoking. It never seemed to slow me down. My wife, however, was very anti & my smoking was straining our relationship. I was sneaking behind her back & my days were planned around having a cigarette. Along came our 1st child & at that point I knew I had to quit. It took 2 go-arounds with Chantix but it worked. I've been smoke free for almost 2 years & I love it. I feel like I'm 23 again... with a few extra pounds. ;)

You can do it but you gotta wanna. It's sooo worth it. Good luck bud!

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04-18-13, 06:57
Wife and I started using the V2 ecigs about a month or so back.

It cut our cigarette use by half within the first week and we're still at nearly the same mark. They really come in handy in the car or when the grandkids are around.

I still run to the real thing after meals though.

04-18-13, 07:41
I'm pretty sure this is the most appropriate place for this thread, so here goes.

I've been a smoker for awhile, since Sophomore year in college. The wife and I decided to switch to electronic cigarettes. We first tried the ones you can get at Walgreens or gas stations a few months ago and they did not cut the mustard.

Monday I picked up the other kind. The ones that, for lack of other reference, look more like a crack pipe with the refillable fluid reservoirs. Yesterday I smoked 1 full cigarette and two halves. Today, none.

Ultimately, I'd like to get off nicotine completely. For now, I'm spending a fraction of the money and have gotten rid of all the other nasty chemical compounds found in traditional cigarettes. I admit, they look ridiculous, but then again many say smoking cigarettes does as well. Lots of little side benefits too.

Anyone else with success stories with longer term use? Failure stories?

Friend of mine has been wanting to quit, and I got him the SmokeToLive cig. He's been very happy with it. Whether it leads to totally stopping, can't say yet for him, but he feels much better already he says. My understanding is some electronic cigs are better than others. See:


04-18-13, 09:23
Friend of mine has been wanting to quit, and I got him the SmokeToLive cig. He's been very happy with it. Whether it leads to totally stopping, can't say yet for him, but he feels much better already he says. My understanding is some electronic cigs are better than others. See:


From my limited experience, at least with local shops, they're kinda like AR receivers. Lots of brands, but only a few manufacturers.

The wife and I went to different shops. Same manufacturer, different brand and different generation.

This morning, I didn't even think about that last real cigarette in the car.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

04-18-13, 10:05
I had some friends that were trying to quit using an E-Cig but their results weren't so great, so I had reservations about trying one for myself. After a lot of consideration and research I went with a company called Halo. They sell all US made products and although they were a little more expensive (definitely not the most expensive out there though) I figured that after all the other things I tried what was another $75 to give it a shot?

After I got it, I definitely liked it quite a bit and being able to use it indoors was a plus. I could use it while I was in my bunk on the boat I work on and while inside running the dive rack without having to get somebody to relieve me. I did still smoke the cigarettes that I still had because I was still at the time trying to get over the mindset of "wasting" cigarettes. That mentality soon passed and although I did buy a pack or two over the next couple of months I never felt like I got the same satisfaction from them and realized I was finally over wanting to smoke.

All said and done, from the time I purchased my E-Cig to the time I finally quit smoking was just at 3 months and probably cost me $175 (the equivalent of 4 cartons down here). That was December of 2011 and I'm still smoke free. I still get a craving once in awhile and I don't believe that will ever subside and now if I'm around someone smoking it makes me nauseous just like my wife and friends used to bitch about.

Don't think that buying an E-Cig or using Chantix or gum or any other stop smoking aide is going to be a magic cure. I honestly believe you actually have to WANT to stop smoking before anything is going to help you. Recently I sent all the leftover equipment I had to my wife's aunt who wanted to stop and last I heard it was working for her too.

On top of it all, I used the money I wasn't wasting on all that shit to buy more Guns, Reloading supplies and Ammo. Definitely a better trade in my opinion. As always, good luck with your battle, I hope you can kick the habit.

04-18-13, 10:26
I'll second motivation as the most important component. The urge will never go away completely, but luckily the intervals increase. In ten years off cigs they stretched to months. Mom caught dad sneaking some of mine after 25 years clean. Lively entertainment there.

Major stress events can trigger a what-the-hell attitude. My divorce made keeping healthy seem less important than frequent little smoke rewards.

Here are some ratings of e-cigs. I'm going with one of the top three.

04-20-13, 00:20
I went to a red CIG e-cig for three several weeks changing from the powerful smoking to gradually none just the flavor. It proved helpful for me. I haven't used a actual smoke for a year and five several weeks. I stop the blu cig after using it for three several weeks. I experience much better now and my respiratory system thank me whenever I PT.

Mick Boon
06-27-19, 10:39
I smoked for 42 years. I tried vaping three years ago and never looked back. I don't cough any more, the house does not stink, and it saves me a fortune, I think it has saved my life......... The nice thing about it is that I never had to give anything up.

06-27-19, 13:06
I smoked for 42 years. I tried vaping three years ago and never looked back. I don't cough any more, the house does not stink, and it saves me a fortune, I think it has saved my life......... The nice thing about it is that I never had to give anything up.

While e cigs may be lesser evil compared to smoking, they're far from safe in that you're not giving anything up:


06-27-19, 13:50

Key findings of the review include:

- the current best estimate is that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking
- nearly half the population (44.8%) don’t realise e-cigarettes are much less harmful than smoking
- there is no evidence so far that e-cigarettes are acting as a route into smoking for children or non-smokers

06-27-19, 13:57

Key findings of the review include:

- the current best estimate is that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking
- nearly half the population (44.8%) don’t realise e-cigarettes are much less harmful than smoking
- there is no evidence so far that e-cigarettes are acting as a route into smoking for children or non-smokers

If accurate, that's a damn good reduction in potential harm done.

Mick Boon
06-27-19, 14:51
I have yet to hear of anyone being killed by vaping.

The hate comes from ignorance and the tobacco industry.

06-28-19, 00:00
Started vaping at college, such a social vaping :) Started with e-cigs (https://gypsyvapes.com/puff-bar-disposable-pod-device) now I am all into cbd vape (THC free of course), it is not addictive and improves quality of sleep rather effectively. I know a lot of guys who quit smoking this way, I personally see more pros than cons in vaping.

Mick Boon
06-28-19, 00:08
Started vaping at college, such a social vaping :) Started with e-cigs (https://gypsyvapes.com/puff-bar-disposable-pod-device) now I am all into cbd vape (THC free of course), it is not addictive and improves quality of sleep rather effectively. I know a lot of guys who quit smoking this way, I personally see more pros than cons in vaping.

What are the cons ?

06-28-19, 09:54
I have yet to hear of anyone being killed by vaping.

The hate comes from ignorance and the tobacco industry.

It's a new tech, and data not what it could be and should be. To simply ignore that " hate and ignorance and the tobacco industry" is short sited and a bad idea. It may indeed be vastly safer than smoking (I'm spectacle of the 95% safer number above) but there's no free lunch in human biology. If one can avoid vaping or smoking, that's best policy, but vaping appears preferable to smoking.

Mick Boon
06-28-19, 10:55
It's a new tech, and data not what it could be and should be. To simply ignore that " hate and ignorance and the tobacco industry" is short sited and a bad idea. It may indeed be vastly safer than smoking (I'm spectacle of the 95% safer number above) but there's no free lunch in human biology. If one can avoid vaping or smoking, that's best policy, but vaping appears preferable to smoking.

I don't think it's new tech really, stage smoke ( that's what it is ) has been around for a very long time... The only difference, in my case at least is that it's raspberry flavoured. Nicotine is an option I abandoned long ago. I'm convinced it does me no harm, if anything it has done me good, I run up flights of stairs these days without giving it a thought.

My doctor does not like vaping but was not able to give a clear reason why, he declined my press up challenge. :)

06-28-19, 11:10
Never smoked here. My dad smokes til I was ten. Quit. Then started again around 10 years later. To this day I won’t go into his house because I don’t like smelling like shit when I leave. He’s so poor he can barely afford food but yet he has no issue going through 3 packs a day of cigarettes!

Can someone please explain the inability for people to quit? I know this has been beat to death but smoking isn’t like opiods. You can pop a few pills on the DL but smoking ruins clothes, causes coughing fits, smells terrible. You can’t exactly hide it.

06-28-19, 11:18
I don't think it's new tech really, stage smoke ( that's what it is ) has been around for a very long time... The only difference, in my case at least is that it's raspberry flavoured. Nicotine is an option I abandoned long ago. I'm convinced it does me no harm, if anything it has done me good, I run up flights of stairs these days without giving it a thought.

My doctor does not like vaping but was not able to give a clear reason why, he declined my press up challenge. :)

Not sure what you define as a long time, but large scale usage is not that old and it often takes decades to actually see the effects of something. If it's between smoking and vaping, then vaping seems the best option. End of the day you're putting suspended particles of various chems into your lungs don't need, so if one has the choice, smoking or vaping is best avoided. Med express generally good source for non scientists:


We all have our bad habits we could and should probably quit, but we also have live our lives with some balance. Me, I should give up the whisky I enjoy once a week, but frankly, don't really want to.

06-28-19, 11:20
Never smoked here. My dad smokes til I was ten. Quit. Then started again around 10 years later. To this day I won’t go into his house because I don’t like smelling like shit when I leave. He’s so poor he can barely afford food but yet he has no issue going through 3 packs a day of cigarettes!

Can someone please explain the inability for people to quit? I know this has been beat to death but smoking isn’t like opiods. You can pop a few pills on the DL but smoking ruins clothes, causes coughing fits, smells terrible. You can’t exactly hide it.

People I have known who have had to get off both, or other, often say smoking was the worst of them all. I can't vouch for that, but the reasons are all the usual reasons. My story on that one:


Mick Boon
06-28-19, 11:50
Never smoked here. My dad smokes til I was ten. Quit. Then started again around 10 years later. To this day I won’t go into his house because I don’t like smelling like shit when I leave. He’s so poor he can barely afford food but yet he has no issue going through 3 packs a day of cigarettes!

Can someone please explain the inability for people to quit? I know this has been beat to death but smoking isn’t like opiods. You can pop a few pills on the DL but smoking ruins clothes, causes coughing fits, smells terrible. You can’t exactly hide it.

The inability of people being able to quit is because they have not tried vaping.

06-28-19, 14:28
Just quit cold turkey. No replacement crutch. I did it. You can to. Anything less is an excuse.
Are you going to let a little cigarette have control over you?

Mick Boon
06-28-19, 14:36
Just quit cold turkey. No replacement crutch. I did it. You can to. Anything less is an excuse.
Are you going to let a little cigarette have control over you?

I did that too, but after 6 months I was a fat bastard, so I went back to the cigs. :)

08-07-19, 00:00
I went to a red CIG e-cig for three several weeks changing from the powerful smoking (https://nobullshitseeds.com) to gradually none just the flavor. It proved helpful for me. I haven't used a actual smoke for a year and five several weeks. I stop the blu cig after using it for three several weeks. I experience much better now and my respiratory system thank me whenever I PT.
I smoked for 42 years. I tried vaping three years ago and never looked back. I don't cough any more, the house does not stink, and it saves me a fortune, I think it has saved my life......... The nice thing about it is that I never had to give anything up.