View Full Version : I was DEAD wrong, I admit it, and apologise.

Straight Shooter
04-18-13, 07:13
A MEA CULPA is in order here. Back in Jan/Feb I made some posts and comments on how, after Sandy Hook and all those precious little ones were murdered, THIS TIME, we are doomed. NO WAY to overcome this, and how you were wasting your time even trying. I gave up totally, and began a buying spree that continues to this day to just "get mine" and damn everyone else. In NO WAY did I see a means to overcome all that the demonic media, press, politicians, celebs, and White House lies and damn lies that were being put out there about guns and ammo.
I stand before you today....I WAS WRONG, PERIOD. Somehow, some way, it happened. Boy howdy, am I GLAD to be wrong!! This has permanently re-charged my batteries, and I once again am back in the fight...FOR GOOD, NO MATTER WHAT MAY COME, THIS TIME.
Ive been active in the pro-gun movement since the late seventies.
Seen many other times I thought we were thru, but never anything like this, and how the "media" completely showed their asses, AND true colors. Now WE KNOW, 100% KNOW they are the "Fourth Column". I ask forgiveness for my remarks on this most EXCELLENT of forums.
My penance starts tonight at 1800, going to a meeting of the Alabama Open Carry Society, working to get better laws here in Bama.
THANK YOU & GOD BLESS those of you who stayed in this and fought.

04-18-13, 07:26
^^^ This guy's a real straight shooter.


04-18-13, 07:32
Lighten up, not a crime or unusual for people to be wrong...

04-18-13, 07:35
"Never, ever, ever, give up."

-Winston Churchill


Ha, I was pretty convinced too, bro.


04-18-13, 08:01
Everyone is wrong from time to time. I've been wrong more than I care to admit.

I have to say, on this subject, I have never written so many letters to my reps......ever.

I liked to think it helped sway Graham and Scott in their vote.
It certainly did not hurt.

04-18-13, 08:04
Don't ever give up. But the fat lady hasn't sung yet, she's just wolfing down BBQ.

04-18-13, 08:22
Could America be pulling its collective head out of its ASS? :eek:

Doc Safari
04-18-13, 09:14
Hey, it's the internet. We've all been wrong and it will be visible in cryberspace forever. LOL.

After Columbine I looked at my dad and said, "If they don't pass a bunch of new laws after this, they won't be able to in our lifetime."

Although the current batch of legislation made me nervous, I never had quite the fear that the worst parts would pass.

04-18-13, 09:56
We live and learn.

04-18-13, 10:09
Now can we get all the AR uppers, pistols, magazines, and ammo back in stock and at a normal price again, please? This stupid shortage has been just as draining as the political junk.

04-18-13, 10:42
Hats off to you, Straight Shooter.

A real MAN takes personal responsibility and admits when he was wrong.

Anyone can loose their resolve from time to time, but it's what you do afterwards that counts.

My hope is that WE can stay engaged and start clawing back our natural RIGHTS.

I have never written so many emails to legislators in my life.

At this point, they're pretty clear on my positions regarding freedom, rights and responsibility, but I don't plan on letting up anytime soon.

The primarily democrat legislators that have been working to limit our rights need to be removed from office as repayment.

04-18-13, 10:55
What happened is quite simple. Politicians acting like politicians the decided it was more important to keep their jobs than to vote for a bill that would've possibly put them out of work in 2014. Rest assured this isn't over and no one had a revelation.

04-18-13, 10:59
I hear Reid and Obama are putting 2 bills up to be voted on today. Certainly not over yet. Those 2 won't accept that the bills have been defeated.

04-18-13, 11:59
Straight Shooter...you are a good man regardless of your speculations...we all miss those time to time. I'll stand with you anytime!

04-18-13, 13:01
I thought you were 90% correct in your assessment. Obama won the election, Dems pushed thru Obamacare, and so far lately the Progressives have been winning. What wasn't taken in account was the LOUD voices of those who understand the 2nd protects all the others and PUSHED BACK. Thank you all for fighting the fight.."evil wins if good men do nothing"...

04-18-13, 13:07
There are far worse things to be wrong about.

For example lots of people back in 94 saying "Not gonna happen" and it did. Then there was "Romney is a Lock."

Your expectations were based upon experience. And honestly, I think this is nothing more than "another" temporary and AMAZING reprieve.

The good news, is the usual retards will go back into sleep mode now that "the ban isn't going to happen" and that should free up some product for the rest of us to try and finish out our "Must buy as soon as able" list.

Doc Safari
04-18-13, 13:09
The good news, is the usual retards will go back into sleep mode now that "the ban isn't going to happen" and that should free up some product for the rest of us to try and finish out our "Must buy as soon as able" list.

Got my list finished already:

Smith no-lock 442
At least 3 cases 5.56 or .223
16" lightweight BCM upper
Smith 638 if and when they make it in a no-lock version

04-18-13, 13:20
Could America be pulling its collective head out of its ASS? :eek:

I wouldn't want to go that far with an assumption.


Larry Vickers
04-18-13, 13:40
No problem - sins forgiven

A classic case of 'If we don't hang together we will most certainly hang seperately'

All you have to do is look in the not too distant past for far worse 'hopeless' situations to see that many times things are not as bad as they seem; the situation this country found ourselves in on Dec 8th, 1941 to me is the ultimate example ; facing Japan and Germany ( after Hitler declared war on the USA ) with our military in a pathetic state

Yet 4 years later we had emerged as a victorious superpower with the world's first nuclear arsenal

Once again I quote Churchill ; " You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they have exhausted all other options "

Heavy Metal
04-18-13, 14:01
Never say die.

The only certain defeat is if you quit before the fight begins.

Never say die because your enemies may make a mistake or self-destruct. You have to be there to exploit their shortcomings.

No matter how long the odds, stand the line and keep the faith. Wars have been won and nations saved by that simple act.

Anybody here ever heard of the Battle of Britian?

Never say die.

04-18-13, 14:04
The only certain defeat is if you quit before the fight begins.

That was the tone on the gun boards after that **** shot those kids. Idiots were racing to comply with a ban that had not even happened yet. :confused:

04-18-13, 14:05
A MEA CULPA is in order here. Back in Jan/Feb I made some posts and comments on how, after Sandy Hook and all those precious little ones were murdered, THIS TIME, we are doomed. NO WAY to overcome this, and how you were wasting your time even trying. I gave up totally, and began a buying spree that continues to this day to just "get mine" and damn everyone else. In NO WAY did I see a means to overcome all that the demonic media, press, politicians, celebs, and White House lies and damn lies that were being put out there about guns and ammo.
I stand before you today....I WAS WRONG, PERIOD. Somehow, some way, it happened. Boy howdy, am I GLAD to be wrong!! This has permanently re-charged my batteries, and I once again am back in the fight...FOR GOOD, NO MATTER WHAT MAY COME, THIS TIME.
Ive been active in the pro-gun movement since the late seventies.
Seen many other times I thought we were thru, but never anything like this, and how the "media" completely showed their asses, AND true colors. Now WE KNOW, 100% KNOW they are the "Fourth Column". I ask forgiveness for my remarks on this most EXCELLENT of forums.
My penance starts tonight at 1800, going to a meeting of the Alabama Open Carry Society, working to get better laws here in Bama.
THANK YOU & GOD BLESS those of you who stayed in this and fought.

Hmm, remember this, http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/scott_brown_and_buyers_remorse/

Its not over, these are the most unscrupulous creatures in human history, its not over...

Heavy Metal
04-18-13, 14:16
That was the tone on the gun boards after that **** shot those kids. Idiots were racing to comply with a ban that had not even happened yet. :confused:

I wanted to reach thru the screen and give them a George Patton style bitchslap.

They were falling over themselves trying to surrender hoping they could make a deal with the Devil to save their own skins instead of girding themselves and digging in for the fight.

04-18-13, 14:19
I wanted to reach thru the screen and give them a George Patton style bitchslap.

They were falling over themselves trying to surrender hoping they could make a deal with the Devil to save their own skins instead of girding themselves and digging in for the fight.

Exactly. These are some of our fellow gun owners? Scary.

04-18-13, 14:27
I was certain this thread was going to be about Straight Shooter's newfound acceptance of flip-flops, but there's a little surprise waiting for all of us each day. Now I suppose I'll just focus my efforts on making him feel bad for not helping in the first place.


Straight Shooter
04-18-13, 15:44
I had to hit the rack after coming in from work and posting this morning, and am reading over yalls responses. Just WAY COOL!:D
Thanks, Gents. I went in last night, most everybody was talking about the votes, there was a LOT of mis-information being passed around, I set them right on it, and had a pretty good in depth conversation with a young black lady I work with, who has just gotten her 1st carry permit.....no gun experience, and her daddy told her she needs a .380.:eek: Nope, you DONT, I told her, Ill work with you and help you. So, she & I should be getting together soon I hope for that.
Anyway, really appreciate the responses from all yall. Mr. Vickers...thank you for taking time to respond.
Safetyhit......the flops AINT happening bro.:D BUT....to each his own.

04-18-13, 15:54
Never worn them in my life and that's the truth. Regardless now and forever when I think of flip-flops I immediately think of you.

Straight Shooter
04-18-13, 15:56
HA! Good to be known for SOMETHING, I guess!

04-18-13, 16:06
Some how I don't think our members who live in CO will join in our celebration.

The fat lady has not sung as of yet, stay frosty gentlemen.

04-18-13, 19:05
You can never go wrong quoting Winston Churchill!

04-18-13, 20:34
When we get off of our collective asses and work united look at what can happen.

04-19-13, 09:14
Quitters never win and winners never quit.

04-19-13, 09:20
Never worn them in my life and that's the truth. Regardless now and forever when I think of flip-flops I immediately think of you.

When I think of flip flops I think of the video of that lunatic lady who took her son to the indoor range and did a murder suicide. The big fat slob arfcommer in the bay next to them was shooting in shorts and flip flops. :rolleyes: