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View Full Version : Had The Privilege To Meet Up With Army Chief Last Night

04-19-13, 15:44
Last night my son and I had the true privilege to meet our friend Army Chief and folks what I saw was nothing short of miraculous. This is something that will warm many hearts here, which is why I decided to create a new thread as opposed to adding to his prayer one. A single post there may go missed and all things considered everyone should hear about this great news. For the record I did ask him if it was alright for me to update the forum and he was not opposed.

The updates we have received via Sam, especially when Chuck was down early on, have been priceless. Priceless to us and, most importantly, priceless to Chuck as well. Sam's genuine concern has touched him deeply to say the very least and it's meant a lot to us too. Through Sam and then Chuck himself we knew he was getting stronger every day, but there was probably a tendency by many to see him as improving but still noticeably weakened.

We met up with AC, his wife, children and family at a local bowling alley. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I suppose I wasn't expecting to see someone who appeared 100% normal healthwise that even walked with a spring in his step. Guys Chuck looks great, plain and simple. He was sharp as always and also fairly energetic. He claimed to still be a little thin from what he is used to, but overall I'm telling you his condition is remarkable.

Without overdoing it and making him uncomfortable, I'll just say that there are three primary things I took from this meeting. First is that Chuck leaves us little doubt that despite his hardships he is truly blessed and with everyone's help is now destined to remain here with us for some time.

Second is that real, sincere prayer can and does work. His is our testament to that, "our" as in his family, old friends and of course the many caring members here.

Third is that he is one hell of a nice guy. The man is everything in person we have come to expect and then some, so surely our prayers have gone to the deserving.

Lastly let me please not dissuade any further support, as I almost didn't post this at all because I don't want people to stop caring and also praying. He still has substantial healing to do and nothing is carved in stone here. He is going to make it through the tunnel as long as we help to keep the batteries to his flashlight charged, so don't stop doing that part until we know it's over.

04-19-13, 15:46
That's awesome. Shows that spirit and will can overcome a lot of things. No doubt a weaker minded person would have passed.

04-19-13, 15:49
Wow, that is awesome Safety.

The prayers will not stop nor will they slow down, I take it as encouragement to pray even harder.

04-19-13, 15:59
Man this puts a massive grin on my face.

04-19-13, 16:03
When I first read the AC topic many months ago it had a truly significant impact. I've been on many forums since '99 and as a result have seen some people pass on. Some who I actually knew in person on regional forums, some who I only knew as a username.

And while I miss posting, debating and such with those people if I hadn't actually met them it never made a truly dramatic impression. I don't know why AC seemed so different. But in his case I had genuine concern rather than the typical "man, that's sad" reaction.

At any rate, I'm glad to see one of the good guys draw a long straw for a change. Usually it doesn't happen that way.

I tell ya, between three dead gun bills (I know we need to stay on guard for that EO business), my Section 8 neighbors moving on and now this news...it's shaping up to be a good week.

04-19-13, 16:07
thanks for posting this, safetyhit. really glad to read it.

04-19-13, 16:07
Glad to hear his spirits and health is up (considering). Thanks for the update.

04-19-13, 16:16
There's no better medicine than support and positive reenforcement from friends and family. Looks like AC has all of the above. Great to hear!

04-19-13, 19:21
Great to hear that's for sure. Just one question, who's a better bowler?

04-19-13, 19:27
I'm with Steyr. It's strange to care so much about the well being of somebody you've never met.

I'm glad he's doing well.

04-19-13, 19:28
We needed some good news. Thanks for sharing.

04-19-13, 19:45
Wonderful news.

I assume you picked up the check? :lol:

Straight Shooter
04-19-13, 19:47
I was last week wondering about this gent. Thank you much for the update! Very nice to good news, God knows we need it.:)

04-19-13, 20:12
The prayers will not stop nor will they slow down, I take it as encouragement to pray even harder.

Exactly, whatever it is we may have helped do let's not stop until the final goal is achieved. You know what that's all about Ryan.

04-19-13, 20:14
I'm with Steyr. It's strange to care so much about the well being of somebody you've never met.

I'm glad he's doing well.

Totally agree. This really hit home and its in a way unexplainable. Not gonna lie. I have shed tears over ACs condition at first.

There is a commonality or brotherhood on here that is unspoken but you know its there.

Only way I can explain it is that it resembles something along these lines. I am a former infantryman in the Army. Now if I ever heard of another grunt coming down with something thought at first to be terminal it would deeply disturb me. Why? I've never met the guy yet it hurts me.

It is because I've been in his shoes. I probably know his attitude and mindset about many things. That commonality causes me to care. Kinda the same thing going on with AC. Our 'hobby/obsession' brings people together who think/act/believe alike which brings a bond. It really hits home when someone high up on our totem pole is going through rough times. OK probably a little too deep and sentimental but that's my take.


04-19-13, 20:16
And while I miss posting, debating and such with those people if I hadn't actually met them it never made a truly dramatic impression. I don't know why AC seemed so different. But in his case I had genuine concern rather than the typical "man, that's sad" reaction.

Same with me and also surely many of us. But know well that your instincts are correct in this case. The man reeks of pure goodness.

04-19-13, 20:17
Totally agree. This really hit home and its in a way unexplainable. Not gonna lie. I have shed tears over ACs condition at first.

There is a commonality or brotherhood on here that is unspoken but you know its there.

Only way I can explain it is that it resembles something along these lines. I am a former infantryman in the Army. Now if I ever heard of another grunt coming down with something thought at first to be terminal it would deeply disturb me. Why? I've never met the guy yet it hurts me.

It is because I've been in his shoes. I probably know his attitude and mindset about many things. That commonality causes me to care. Kinda the same thing going on with AC. Our 'hobby/obsession' brings people together who think/act/believe alike which brings a bond. It really hits home when someone high up on our totem pole is going through rough times. OK probably a little too deep and sentimental but that's my take.


You put it into better words than I possibly could have.

04-19-13, 20:20
Totally agree. This really hit home and its in a way unexplainable.

I think a lot of it is if somebody posts enough you can get a sense of who they are, despite the fact that you can make up almost anything on the internet. Sooner or later you get a true insight into a person for better or for worse, and this is especially true when the chips are down and things are going poorly.

And in instances like this your recognize that guys like AC are better people than many you have met it the real world. I wish I could clone his entire family and populate my neighborhood with them.

04-19-13, 20:29
And in instances like this your recognize that guys like AC are better people than many you have met it the real world. I wish I could clone his entire family and populate my neighborhood with them.

That sounds so damn strange if you take it out of context.

"I wanna clone your family..."

04-19-13, 20:37
Edit: Site appears to be having a technical issue or I'm just lost.

04-19-13, 21:00
Glad to hear AC is doing well!

04-19-13, 21:08
We didn't have a full dinner together, it was league night and we got there about 45 minutes after they did. My son and I had cheese fries and a bacon cheese hotdog while we talked, was casual and very comfortable.

To top it off there was a ride-filled carnival set up next door, which was great since my son's 9 years old. He knows of Chuck well via our prayers at night.

Oh and we didn't get to bowl Icanhithimman, too crowded. Still it worked out great regardless.

Sound fun and delicious, often wondered what it would be like to meet some of you.

04-19-13, 21:14
That sounds so damn strange if you take it out of context.

"I wanna clone your family..."

Feel free to substitute "if only we had more like him."

I was using clone in a general context, not a literal scientific context.


Larry Vickers
04-19-13, 21:25
That's great news - my thoughts and prayers go out to AC and his family; truly great news !!!

04-19-13, 21:41
This thread made my day!

04-19-13, 22:21
Great news, continued prayers inbound for AC

04-19-13, 22:22
Feel free to substitute "if only we had more like him."

I was using clone in a general context, not a literal scientific context.


It amuses me greatly to continue to believe that you meant it in the literal scientific context. :lol:

It's even better when it's like "I wanna clone you, and your family.... so I can live with them!"

04-19-13, 23:44
Safetyhit, thank you for the post, and the update on AC.

I think in a way you got to represent many of us, having the chance to shake his hand and wish him well. Thanks very much for doing that, I appreciate it very much.

And your son got to visit a carnival - woot! ;)

04-19-13, 23:57
Good news, I do not know Army Chief, even on this forum, since I am new, I have never talked with him even in thread discussions.

To me, however, it is always good news to hear that good people are doing well. Especially amongst so much negativity.

04-20-13, 14:40
Safety Hit:

Thank you for your heartwarming story of your meeting with AC. Until now we've only heard description of AC's condition from him and the Mrs. You are our eyes and ears at that meeting. AC means a lot to me since we first started moderating about the same time at the 1911forum. He is a gentleman and a real warrior. I bet he's a wonderful husband and a great father too.

04-20-13, 16:45
That's so great to hear. I'm so happy to see one of the good guys getting a break for a change.

I needed some good news today.

Army Chief
04-20-13, 21:50
Here I was mildly embarrassed to have one AC-centric thread going on here -- and now we've got two? You guys really give me far too much credit sometimes.

The truth is that meeting up with Safetyhit (Tav) was a pleasure of the first order, and I'm really the one that should be giving him the limelight. Although he already has revealed himself to be a stand-up guy here on the boards over the years, the in-person viewpoint only confirms what we thought we already knew. Solid citizen. Squared-away dude. Class act all the way around. The kind of guy with whom you would gladly share a firing point, a canteen or a table/floor at the local watering hole.

As i think about it, we are truly fortunate to enjoy a high population of men on this board who would (and do) make the most worthy of friends, and it took me all of about 30 seconds to realize that Tav deserves a prominent place on any such list. I only wish that we had more opportunities to meet like this with our fellow members, because you can't help but come away from the experience encouraged and refreshed. Yes, Virginia ... there are still plenty of good guys in the world. We seem to be awash with them.

I also learned another bit of trivia while we talked. Tav is too self-effacing to volunteer the information, but his username is actually a subtle homage to his days as a defensive football player. We're talking about a guy who came danger close to being a walk-on with the Philadelphia Eagles once upon a time, and to be honest, he still looks every bit the part.

Great guy, fine son. I usually pride myself on being mildly anti-social, but this was one link-up that I thoroughly enjoyed. ;)


04-21-13, 09:51
Needless to say your kind words mean a lot to me Chuck, as did the opportunity to meet both you and your family. They and our meeting will not be something I forget anytime soon.

Surely you're aware that there are many other, perhaps even more deserving members here as well who would be just as privileged to do what I had the good fortune to do one day.

Jaxman, Sam, Seriousstudent, Watrdawg, Corycop, Lethal Dose, Zhurdan, M4Fundi, Montanadave, Cincinnatus, Steyr, LHS, Militarymoron, Ironman8, Magic Salad and more (please forgive if I forgot you, rushing a bit here) have all been there for you and are surly good men.

As you continue to grow stronger perhaps fate will grant another opportunity, this time to one of them, to meet one of the very best human beings anywhere out there. Meantime if you like we can let this thread drift into obscurity and stay with the initial one. I know what a humble man you are but again, I also knew the first-hand and very positive perspective would bring joy and inspiration to others so I made certain it wasn't likely to be overlooked.

lethal dose
04-21-13, 20:12
I was just going to inquire about AC's bowling game but saw that you guys weren't able to play. Drat! Either way, it's good to hear of such meetings between members. I've had the honor of casually meeting and professionally working with many m4c members (past and present) and can say that the vast majority of this board is compromised of outstanding men. Good words, safety.

04-21-13, 20:19
Truly heartwarming....thanks for posting such a wonderful update!

You're one helluva man AC!

04-21-13, 21:32
Awesome news! Thanks for the update :)

04-22-13, 02:20
Jax said it much better than I can so....
It's awesome that you guys were able to get together and have a good time. I'm sure it lifted his heart and spirits as much if not more than yours just connecting with another forum member. You've made many a forum member jealous just by being able to put a face to the mythical and humble man affectionately known as A.C. :)