View Full Version : Are they really that dumb?

Crow Hunter
04-19-13, 22:21
I was just reading some new stories on various websites related to the Boston bombing/shooting.

Within many of the same comments threads you would see liberals arguing that Islam is not a violent or intolerant religion using evidence that there are several million Muslims in the US and if they were really that dangerous, people would be dying everywhere. They would state that these are only the actions of a few extremists, while harping on the horrible dangers of all the guns in America.

Then sometimes on the same page a gun owner would bring up that there are 300,000+ guns in the US and if they were that dangerous people would be dying everywhere and the libtards would argue with that.

Are they really that dumb?


04-19-13, 22:44
Just because America is not at war with Islam doesn't mean Islam is not at war with America. Islam is also pretty much at war with everyone, including other people who they don't think practice Islam correctly. And it's hardly the case of a "few extremists" similar to abortion clinic bombers. It is a death toll that rises daily around the world.

And yes, many really are that dumb.

04-19-13, 22:45
Muslims are another "protected group" beloved by the progressives. While they will sit there and whine about what Christianity has done to America, at the same time they will defend Islam as being a "misunderstood" faith and that we should not feel bad about them.

04-19-13, 22:45
Not trying to be a jerk, but do we know this crime had islamist roots?

I just haven't heard shit about that.

04-19-13, 22:46
I was just reading some new stories on various websites related to the Boston bombing/shooting.

Within many of the same comments threads you would see liberals arguing that Islam is not a violent or intolerant religion using evidence that there are several million Muslims in the US and if they were really that dangerous, people would be dying everywhere. They would state that these are only the actions of a few extremists, while harping on the horrible dangers of all the guns in America.

Then sometimes on the same page a gun owner would bring up that there are 300,000+ guns in the US and if they were that dangerous people would be dying everywhere and the libtards would argue with that.

Are they really that dumb?


yes they are

04-20-13, 00:04
Not trying to be a jerk, but do we know this crime had islamist roots?

I just haven't heard shit about that.

Maybe this helps clarify that point:


04-20-13, 02:15
Muslims are another "protected group" beloved by the progressives. While they will sit there and whine about what Christianity has done to America, at the same time they will defend Islam as being a "misunderstood" faith and that we should not feel bad about them.


04-20-13, 06:54
It's funny that Islam, the new protected sub-group, shares many of the same beliefs regarding sex, race, and other stuff as Christianity, and even regards some Christian scripture as truth.

04-20-13, 07:10
Maybe this helps clarify that point:


Thank you. This just confirmed what I was already thinking. Damn shame some people cannot not allow other men to believe what they wish to believe.

ROP. Yeah sure it is.

04-20-13, 07:15
The goal of Islam is for a single religion. That's theirs.

They want to convert, first by free will, then by force.

We've just noticed alot of the "force lately".

04-20-13, 07:25
The religion of peace, love, & doobs! :rolleyes:

Crow Hunter
04-20-13, 08:08
I wasn't meaning for this to be anything against Islam. I don't have a problem with Muslims as long as they leave me in peace. I had several Indonesian friends in college who were very nice. There was a particular girl who was extremely cute and sweet to me. She would bring me food to eat all the time and eat supper with me.

I was more pointing out the statistical and logical fallacy of progressives who will say that obviously Islam isn't "dangerous" by stating that several million Muslims in the US don't commit violence/terrorism but then reject the same statistical information (of a MUCH greater magnitude) for why guns and gun owners are not dangerous.

04-20-13, 08:18
It's funny that Islam, the new protected sub-group, shares many of the same beliefs regarding sex, race, and other stuff as Christianity, and even regards some Christian scripture as truth.

Same god, most of the same prophets, many of the same views. Yeah they are similar. It also makes a great study in history and culture. Christianity had a similar time in its history. The main difference being modern technology and media the message and violence gets to be more wide spread.

04-20-13, 13:21
Same god, most of the same prophets, many of the same views. Yeah they are similar. It also makes a great study in history and culture. Christianity had a similar time in its history. The main difference being modern technology and media the message and violence gets to be more wide spread.

I've heard much the same about how Africa is - in the latter-half of the 20th C, early 21st C - basically going through the same things medieval Europe did... only, of course, with Kalashnikovs, machetes, and cell phones. (Bunches of thugs going around pretending to be kings and noble hardasses while murdering and raping their way through the countryside and steadfastly ignoring or avoiding the other pretend kings and noble hardasses, except when they are grossly outnumbered.)

04-20-13, 13:36
I've heard much the same about how Africa is - in the latter-half of the 20th C, early 21st C - basically going through the same things medieval Europe did... only, of course, with Kalashnikovs, machetes, and cell phones. (Bunches of thugs going around pretending to be kings and noble hardasses while murdering and raping their way through the countryside and steadfastly ignoring or avoiding the other pretend kings and noble hardasses, except when they are grossly outnumbered.)

Yep pretty much. Human history has been pretty consistent. The phases we go through can be easily plotted. There are some minor variations but all in all we repeat the same patters. Stone to bronze, broze to iron, iron to steam, etc. Everyone knows about those. However what most people dont' realize is that there is a separate socioeconomic progression we go through as well and it is just as predictable.