View Full Version : Gun Background Checks: Will ‘No’ Votes Pay the Price?

04-30-13, 07:37
Gun Background Checks: Will ‘No’ Votes Pay the Price?



04-30-13, 08:49
Nope. While it is a '90%' polling item, gun control itself is only a 4% big issue for people. That means that really only 3.6% of people give a real crap. I know that is not real math, but it goes a long ways to explaining why a 90% polling issue gets out 'contacted' (emails, calls and such to politicians) by a 3:1 margin.

04-30-13, 09:14
I'd venues that the article is fear mongering propaganda. Part of a long term strategy to try and gain enough votes for a pass. Polls are generally meaningless drivel used to sway the minds of idiots. I'm 100% certain that if I conducted a poll of the "right" people I could show majority support for legislation making slavery legal once again. Generally people like to believe that polls and the statistics behind them are absolute and incorruptible. They also like to believe that the people behind the polls are not human beings with an agenda. Both are utter bullshit.

We need to continue to keep in contact with our reps. Thank the ones who stood up for what we believe in. Remind the others that we will not be tolerant of their misrepresentation of our desires.

04-30-13, 09:19
Yeah, if you ask "should there be background checks?", a lot of gun owners, maybe even 90%, might say yes. If you say, "should there be background checks even if it means registration?", now we have a different situation.

04-30-13, 09:23
No consequences.

Alpha Sierra
04-30-13, 09:30
Gun Background Checks: Will ‘No’ Votes Pay the Price?



Liberal mental masturbation.

04-30-13, 09:42
(I did not post the article, btw, because I agree with it)

What we need to do is to make sure the YES votes "pay the price." That is what is incumbent on us, the gun owners, to make sure happens in 2014. If that does not happen (and especially if the NO votes do pay the price), you will see a LOT more gun control get introduced and passed.


04-30-13, 10:15
Regardless of what a couple articles say, my two Senators are not going to suffer for their no votes. In fact, our Democrat senator made gun control a non-issue in his upcoming 2014 election by voting no.

04-30-13, 23:48
I'd venues that the article is fear mongering propaganda.Definitely. By titling the article "Gun Background Checks", you imply that purchasers do not undergo a background check. As we've seen with the ignorance regarding FFL transfers and online purchases, most people (legislators included) have not purchased a firearm before and do not understand the process or NICS.