View Full Version : What is the best "FREE" Anti Virus program for Windows?

04-30-13, 21:12
The title said it all,

What is the best "FREE" Anti Virus program for Windows?

Now I also know some A/V's are better for Gamers so if anyone has suggestions on that please post a link if possible.


04-30-13, 21:18
I always had good luck with Avast when I used Windows.

I started out with the free version but later upgraded to the paid version for the better features.

Avast always seemed to have the easiest to use interface and didn't bother you with random stuff popping up, and it always seemed to be the only one that was tripped if I visited a malicious website.

04-30-13, 21:18
Just use the Windows free one, and something like Malwarebytes. Stay off shady porn sites, and run a browser like Chrome with the add ons: Ad Block, Ad Block Plus, TrackMeNot, and Ghostery. NoScript is another add on but it disables a lot like people's avatar pics.

Don't pay for a bunch of anything, and use common sense. Some of them are bad enough running so many system resources you might as well have a virus.

04-30-13, 23:35
I've ran them all over the years and to be honest, if your copy of Windows is registered just install MCE (Microsoft Security Essentials) and call it a day. It's made by M$ to work with Windows, uses minimal resources, works as good as the others (better than most paid AV's for that matter) and is free. What more do you need? Install it and be done.