View Full Version : People who carry 9mm.

05-01-13, 21:46
Funny stuff. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=zHkqOWzDAZI&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DzHkqOWzDAZI

05-01-13, 22:31
17 rounds(M&P9) of .354 ammo gets you a combined area of a 1081 mm sized hole punched before a reload, with 10 rounds of .45(M&P 45) gets you 1026mm. So you'd have to cram 55mm more worth of .45(11.43) to be even......

05-01-13, 22:42
Spot on. If you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?

05-01-13, 23:01
Funny stuff. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=zHkqOWzDAZI&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DzHkqOWzDAZI

Good video. On the shot placement however it is everything. I have never shot a person. However I have had to shoot bears in my line of work. We use 12 gauge slugs for this. One thing I noticed is that they never die as fast as you want them too and a lot can happen in the time it takes for a animal or person (we are animals too) to realize its dead. You need to put rounds where they need to go as fast as you can until the threat is no longer a threat. I find that easier to do with a 9mm vs a 40 or .45.

05-01-13, 23:04
Good video. On the shot placement however it is everything. I have never shot a person. However I have had to shoot bears in my line of work. We use 12 gauge slugs for this. One thing I noticed is that they never die as fast as you want them too and a lot can happen in the time it takes for a animal or person (we are animals too) to realize its dead. You need to put rounds where they need to go as fast as you can until the threat is no longer a threat. I find that easier to do with a 9mm vs a 40 or .45.

Of course shot placement is key, I just thought it was funny. While it is not all me, there was an awful lot in there that was.

05-01-13, 23:33
Spot on. If you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?


I lol'd at myself hard on this one. Especially when he popped out a G19 w/standard capacity (regardless of what those in charge of this now shitty state will try to tell you) magazine, one in the chamber and started getting out spare mags and ammo. That is SO me.

The funny part is that I HAVE actually had nightmares about 9mm but it wasn't about being out of ammo (yeah, got that covered) but the stopping power portion. Like they won't affect baddies who just keep coming. It's funny when I wake up because I know dude would be effed up in a big way with 15rds of Hornady in his chest but man, in that dream that wind-breaker sure is thick. :D

05-02-13, 00:33
The funny part is that I HAVE actually had nightmares about 9mm but it wasn't about being out of ammo (yeah, got that covered) but the stopping power portion.May already know this, but heavy clothing penetration with your chosen load could be identical in 9mm vs 40 vs 45.

Now you'll have expansion nightmares. :)

05-02-13, 01:17
That was great, thanks for posting this vid. Hard to hear in parts, but still pretty good.:happy:

05-02-13, 06:02
Funny stuff. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=zHkqOWzDAZI&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DzHkqOWzDAZI

Made me giggle.
Well done.
Thanks for the link

Typos brought to you via Tapatalk and autocorrect.

05-02-13, 07:07
I lol'd at the Jehovah Witness joke.

05-02-13, 12:04
I love the part where he's talking about shot placement is everything, stopping power means nothing, then he says: "I don't carry .22 because it doesn't have enough stopping power....[pause]....So I carry 9mm. Shot placement is everything."


05-02-13, 13:06
Its all fun and games until you run out of ammo.


05-02-13, 13:30
I wonder if he reads M4C...

05-02-13, 18:54
The funny part is that I HAVE actually had nightmares about 9mm but it wasn't about being out of ammo (yeah, got that covered) but the stopping power portion. Like they won't affect baddies who just keep coming. It's funny when I wake up because I know dude would be effed up in a big way with 15rds of Hornady in his chest but man, in that dream that wind-breaker sure is thick. :D

Oh please- I've had nightmares about stopping power with a .308....:eek: All that kept coming out the end of tha barrel were BBs....:laugh:

That was a great video- more a "funny because it's true" thing, but still funny.
Can't wait for his "people who carry .45" video- should be even better. :p

05-02-13, 21:45
Pfft. Toyota Corolla of handgun cartridges? More like Toyota Hilux....

05-02-13, 22:27
Oh please- I've had nightmares about stopping power with a .308....:eek: All that kept coming out the end of tha barrel were BBs....:laugh:

That was a great video- more a "funny because it's true" thing, but still funny.
Can't wait for his "people who carry .45" video- should be even better. :p

Mine wasn't even BB's though. Full 9mm cartridges and I would have a nightmare once every month or two many years back where I just couldn't stop those suckers. It was usually a large gang too and my wife was with me (unarmed) so it would have been difficult to subdue them by hand. Funny part is that since she started carrying I don't have those nightmares anymore. She even carries 9mm too so I suspect it was more of a fear of not being able to protect her than the feeling of inadequacy of the 9mm projectile.

05-02-13, 22:39
You guys are weird. Go shoot a deer or something and lay your fears to rest. :)