View Full Version : HHS officially open for bribes to implement Obamacare@

05-12-13, 14:59
More evidence that the U.S. is becoming more and more of a banana republic everyday. I have no doubt that any business who provides a "donation" will receive their investment back 10 fold.


05-12-13, 15:18
You mean, this boondoggle is gonna cost MORE than they said it would?!?! :rolleyes:


05-12-13, 15:27
Looks to me like they're desperate...They're in trouble financially, and now are going around trying to strongarm "donations" for their Ponzi scheme...All those who've been asked to "donate" have to do is withhold funds, and this whole thing(obombocare) will collapse under it's own weight...It's almost laughable....Those dumb bastards...

05-12-13, 18:29
More evidence that the U.S. is becoming more and more of a banana republic everyday. I have no doubt that any business who provides a "donation" will receive their investment back 10 fold.


I left a comment on the WP site that basically parroted your comment.
