View Full Version : Is this funny or a slight to our service?

05-14-13, 12:32
Fox's new sitcom.


05-14-13, 12:37
So I am still not missing a thing by not watching network tv?

Good to know...I'll keep on not watching it.


05-14-13, 12:48
Fox's new sitcom.


Eh, looks like they took the movie Stripes, modernized it, and turned it into a TV series.

No more insulting/close to reality than Reno 911 or Super Troopers is to law enforcement.

05-14-13, 12:49
I don't take it negatively. Its a sitcom.

Im still waiting for some good Iraq/Afghanistan movies!

05-14-13, 13:24
I'm going to watch it looks great, this to http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=oFOEzR9zgUo&NR=1

05-14-13, 13:32
Fox's new sitcom.



05-14-13, 13:33
Eh, looks like they took the movie Stripes, modernized it, and turned it into a TV series.

No more insulting/close to reality than Reno 911 or Super Troopers is to law enforcement.

That was scary.

And I agree. Seems like it even had some funny moments.

05-14-13, 14:19
If anyone thinks its a slight to their service they have awful thin skin. About as offensive as Gomer Pyle USMC (yes, I'm an old fart), or Stripes, or Super Troopers.... I liked the guy playing the sergeant in The Finder.

Like the looks of the Sleepy Hollow series as well. When are these supposed to air??

05-14-13, 15:14
I'm going to watch it looks great, this to http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=oFOEzR9zgUo&NR=1

Okay, I'm sold. This looks like a well made diversion.

05-14-13, 15:26
I don't take it negatively. Its a sitcom.

Im still waiting for some good Iraq/Afghanistan movies!

"It's really funny, Cap! It's Afghanistanimation." :D

Alpha Sierra
05-14-13, 17:36
I'm going to watch it looks great, this to http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=oFOEzR9zgUo&NR=1

That looks pretty badass. For a little more historical accuracy they should have ditched the cowboy saddle for an english one.

05-14-13, 18:51
Seems the Pathfinder Torch is in style.

If I ever had a chance to watch TV, I'd roll some Sleepy Hollow.

05-14-13, 21:07
Anyone know when these are supposed to start?

05-14-13, 21:13
My size only comes in white. LOL

05-14-13, 22:13
My size only comes in white. LOL

Am I the only one that caught onto the fact that Keith David also played Kirby in "Dead Presidents" (1995) and in that movie he also only had one leg?

"Everyone in this town knows I've only got one leg. And that mother****er grabbed the wrong one."


05-14-13, 22:24
LOL of course the black dude has a no shave chit.

They also highlighted the awesome that is MILES gear.

05-14-13, 22:56
Yeah... no. :nono:

That bradley was so damn fake, half the size of a real bradley, uniforms were ate up.. I have seen fat bodies in the army but never that fat. That fat black guy with nappy nubbed up hair and facial hair; shaving profile? Possible, but a no go on the hair. An E-5 with Airborne, Air Assualt, Pathfinder, CIB, and a Ranger tab? Either he is a dicked up soldier or that is the fastest track I have ever seen.

Kraft needs to pull a Trump and start charging people who associate anything with cheesy, because that was about the cheesiest piece of garbage I have ever seen. Stripes and that steaming pile of turd should never be mentioned in the same sentence; even Super Troopers. Atleast those were genuine comedy.

05-15-13, 02:01
Typical sitcom, assuming the audience is stupid. They'll loose the military audience because it's got no connection to the military, and they'll loose everyone else just because it's brainless.

Too bad, because the military has some of the best humor ever.

05-15-13, 12:36
"It's really funny, Cap! It's Afghanistanimation." :D

"I swear I'm going to pistol whip the next person that says shenanigans."

05-15-13, 12:42
"I swear I'm going to pistol whip the next person that says shenanigans."

Hey Farva! What was the name of that restaurant? You know, the one with all the shit on the walls?

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

05-15-13, 12:45
"What, Shennanigans?"


05-15-13, 12:59
Hey Farva! What was the name of that restaurant? You know, the one with all the goofy shit on the walls?
Fixed it for ya, chicken ****er.


05-15-13, 13:13
Watching the promo, I'd almost think a Marine wrote the script and storyline.

05-15-13, 13:18
Fixed it for ya, chicken ****er.


Say car Ram-Rod.....

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

05-15-13, 13:58
Don't call me "Radio" unit 91..


05-15-13, 14:59
Don't call me "Radio" unit 91..


Meow that movie is loaded with awesome one liners.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

05-15-13, 16:52
Amen! My step-brother use Super Troopers as a disqualifier for his potential girlfriends: if they don't see the awesomeness he'll send them packing.

He's batting a 100 so far... That rat basterd.... ;)