View Full Version : IRS: Conducted Political Sabotage Of Anti-Gay Marriage Group

05-17-13, 12:34

Its become quite clear what's afoot here...Is it still politically incorrect to speculate on Obama's birth, or what he did, and who he associated with, while in college? We begin to see why AOL, Huffington, Yahoo, ect..ect..ect... are nothing but clearing houses of pro-homosexual propaganda...And now IRS too...

The world is learning about the corruption of the IRS intargeting conservative groups, including various Tea Party organizations, for heightened scrutiny. But the corruption goes much deeper than harassing groups seeking first time non-profit designations, into actively sabotaging existing non-profit groups by releasing confidential information.

Alpha Sierra
05-17-13, 14:32
At some point these abuses are going to lead to physical retaliation.

Mark my words.......

05-17-13, 14:37
Its become quite clear what's afoot here...Is it still politically incorrect to speculate on Obama's birth, or what he did, and who he associated with, while in college? We begin to see why AOL, Huffington, Yahoo, ect..ect..ect... are nothing but clearing houses of pro-homosexual propaganda...And now IRS too...

You literally have an obsession with homosexual conspiracy theories. Did you know that we talk about firearms on here as well?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

05-17-13, 14:40
At some point these abuses are going to lead to physical retaliation.

Mark my words.......

You know I was listening to the radio last night and became worried about that happening.

Alpha Sierra
05-17-13, 17:36
But wait, there's more


05-17-13, 17:39
I vote we Disband the IRS and institute a flat tax. Problem over.

brushy bill
05-17-13, 18:04
I vote we Disband the IRS and institute a flat tax. Problem over.

This is an answer to a number of problems, yet vested political interests keep it from happening. I agree.

05-17-13, 19:19
At some point these abuses are going to lead to physical retaliation.

Who is to say that is not their intent in the first place . . . NDAA, DHS ammo contracts, MRAPs, drones, SFAUC drills in major cities in CONUS, so on and so forth.

Oh I know . . . I know, this is all "conspiracy" tin foil hat wearing paranoia . . . :lol::lol::lol:

Pro-family groups, pro-life groups, conservative organizations, political affiliates, educational foundations, and now even journalists in the MSM . . . it’s open season on anyone who does not coincide with Comrade Barry. With every story coming to light, like the two posted above more and more Americans are starting to pull their collective heads out of the sand.

05-18-13, 14:54
Its become quite clear what's afoot here...Is it still politically incorrect to speculate on Obama's birth, or what he did, and who he associated with, while in college? We begin to see why AOL, Huffington, Yahoo, ect..ect..ect... are nothing but clearing houses of pro-homosexual propaganda...And now IRS too...

Don't mind LB. For whatever reason, when it comes to the militant lunatic-left's homosexual agenda, he marches in mindless jackbooted lockstep with Pelosi, Obama, and Cuomo.

The iron fist in the velvet glove of gay marriage.

"The central problem with the gay marriage agenda is not that at some point in the future an unwilling man of the cloth might be strongarmed into giving his blessing to a gay union, but rather that it allows the state to do something that was traditionally considered beyond its purview: to redefine the meaning of marriage and, by extension, the meaning of the marital home, the family, and our most intimate relationships. Some have sought to depict the drive for gay marriage as a continuation of the struggle for civil rights that exploded in the mid-twentieth century; it’s better understood as a continuation, and intensification, of the modern state’s desire to get a foot in the door of our private lives and to assume sovereignty over our relationships.

...Through a combination of the weakness of belief in traditional marriage and the insidiousness of the campaign for gay marriage, we have ended up with something that reflects brilliantly John Stuart Mill’s description of how critical thinking can cave into the despotism of conformism, so that ‘peculiarity of taste, eccentricity of conduct, are shunned equally with crimes, until by dint of not following their own nature, these [followers of conformism] have no nature to follow’."


Alpha Sierra
05-18-13, 15:00
Never mind

05-18-13, 20:03
Don't mind LB. For whatever reason, when it comes to the militant lunatic-left's homosexual agenda, he marches in mindless jackbooted lockstep with Pelosi, Obama, and Cuomo.

The iron fist in the velvet glove of gay marriage.

"The central problem with the gay marriage agenda is not that at some point in the future an unwilling man of the cloth might be strongarmed into giving his blessing to a gay union, but rather that it allows the state to do something that was traditionally considered beyond its purview: to redefine the meaning of marriage and, by extension, the meaning of the marital home, the family, and our most intimate relationships. Some have sought to depict the drive for gay marriage as a continuation of the struggle for civil rights that exploded in the mid-twentieth century; it’s better understood as a continuation, and intensification, of the modern state’s desire to get a foot in the door of our private lives and to assume sovereignty over our relationships.

...Through a combination of the weakness of belief in traditional marriage and the insidiousness of the campaign for gay marriage, we have ended up with something that reflects brilliantly John Stuart Mill’s description of how critical thinking can cave into the despotism of conformism, so that ‘peculiarity of taste, eccentricity of conduct, are shunned equally with crimes, until by dint of not following their own nature, these [followers of conformism] have no nature to follow’."


The whole thing, is aimed at crushing the core Judeo/Christian values & traditions, that founded not just the USA, but the greater portion of western civilization.


From the link,

In 1923, inspired in part by Lukacs, a group of German Marxists established a think tank at Frankfurt University in Germany called the Institute for Social Research. This institute, soon known simply as the Frankfurt School, would become the creator of cultural Marxism.

To translate Marxism from economic into cultural terms, the members of the Frankfurt School – - Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Wilhelm Reich, Eric Fromm and Herbert Marcuse, to name the most important – - had to contradict Marx on several points. They argued that culture was not just part of what Marx had called society’s “superstructure,” but an independent and very important variable. They also said that the working class would not lead a Marxist revolution, because it was becoming part of the middle class, the hated bourgeoisie.

Who would? In the 1950s, Marcuse answered the question: a coalition of blacks, students, feminist women and homosexuals.

Brilliant men, they knew what it would take to crush the hated enemy, time, and deviancy....

05-18-13, 20:21
are nothing but clearing houses of pro-homosexual propaganda...And now IRS too...

Don't mind LB. For whatever reason, when it comes to the militant lunatic-left's homosexual agenda, he marches in mindless jackbooted lockstep with Pelosi, Obama, and Cuomo.


M4C's finest are at it again!

I got to go, I'm late for my homofascist rally.

05-18-13, 20:29
Don't mind LB. For whatever reason, when it comes to the militant lunatic-left's homosexual agenda, he marches in mindless jackbooted lockstep with Pelosi, Obama, and Cuomo.

That's bullshit. I just happen to believe that gays have the same rights as any others including small men that hid behind keyboards and attempt to lump me in with Pelosi, Obama, and Cuomo, you cowardly little insulting windbag.

Here's a piece of advice: stick to the ****ing argument with me and drop the bullshit lies. Don't say that because I don't think the homosexuals are the source of all evil that therefore I agree with all or any of the gun grabbers.

I assure you this would have been a much less pleasant exchange in person Belloc, should you have the balls to ever insult someone like this in real life.

Knock off the bullshit. If it's too much for you to argue like a grown, rational man instead of slinging catty little insults, then pretend I don't exist. Those that believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (not just for heterosexuals) are not synonymous with Democrat gun grabbers. It's a cheap, stupid, and juvenile tactic to automatically assign all things you dislike to one person who disagrees with you on one topic.

It was so nice to not have the homophobes constantly ruining GD with their rants. Did you know that we talk about firearms and shooting here?

05-18-13, 20:33
I got to go, I'm late for my homofascist rally.

This you, GB?


05-18-13, 21:09
This you, GB?


Change the swastika arm band to a UGA logo and resemblance will scare you. :D

05-18-13, 21:32
I vote we Disband the IRS and institute a flat tax. Problem over.


In the entire tax code, one single section is devoted to the graduated rates.* A moderate number of sections are devoted to various special exemptions and credits. The vast majority of the whole tax code is devoted to defining what "is income" and when income is "recognized" for tax purposes. A flat tax DOES NOT change or fix that. It's all a scam by wealthy people who know better but hope you don't.

* It's section #1, by the way:

Strictly speaking there are two other sections on rates, being for corporations and AMT respectively. All the rates are in Chapter 1, Subchapter A, probably the smallest and simplest part of the overall tax code:

If you want to fix the IRS issue, you need to abolish the federal income tax in all its forms. Period. No exception.

Army Chief
05-18-13, 21:57
Patrolling ...


05-18-13, 22:38
I vote we Disband the IRS and institute a flat tax. Problem over.

Sadly, our side has completely missed this opportunity to discuss meaningful tax reform. If ever there was clear illustration of the threat posed by the IRS, it is here and now. Remember folks, never let a crisis (or scandal) go to waste.


In the entire tax code, one single section is devoted to the graduated rates.* A moderate number of sections are devoted to various special exemptions and credits. The vast majority of the whole tax code is devoted to defining what "is income" and when income is "recognized" for tax purposes. A flat tax DOES NOT change or fix that. It's all a scam by wealthy people who know better but hope you don't.

* It's section #1, by the way:

Strictly speaking there are two other sections on rates, being for corporations and AMT respectively. All the rates are in Chapter 1, Subchapter A, probably the smallest and simplest part of the overall tax code:

If you want to fix the IRS issue, you need to abolish the federal income tax in all its forms. Period. No exception.

Although I prefer the Fair Tax, I suspect that the Flat Tax would be an improvement. Every notable proponent of the Flat Tax describes a significant simplification (i.e. elimination) of the exemptions and credits that makes filing such a headache.

I'm also under no illusions that the Fair Tax would eliminate the IRS. It would simply change its role. The government will need some investigative agency to insure that taxes are collected on services, and the IRS would fill that niche. Right now, we already have a sizable underground economy providing tax-free services. Replacing an income tax with a sales tax will only exacerbate that problem without Uncle Sam keeping tabs.

05-19-13, 00:00
That's bullshit. I just happen to believe that gays have the same rights as any others

It was so nice to not have the homophobes constantly ruining GD with their rants.

Which in fact simply means that when it comes to the militant lunatic-left's homosexual agenda, you do in fact march in mindless jackbooted lockstep with Pelosi, Obama, and Cuomo, as was already stated. Your ranting and whining like a histrionic petulant child and tacit threat of violence against me does not change this fact, but reinforces it.

05-19-13, 00:05
The whole thing, is aimed at crushing the core Judeo/Christian values & traditions, that founded not just the USA, but the greater portion of western civilization.

Not to mention as pointed out in the article, simply a fascistic power grab by the State as again made patently clear by this article which I have posted many times before:

"Six years ago, when same-sex marriage became law in Canada, consequential amendments struck out the language of “natural parent,” “blood relationship,” etc., from all Canadian laws. Wherever they were found, these expressions were replaced with “legal parent,” “legal relationship,” and so forth.

That was strictly necessary. “Marriage” was now a legal fiction, a tool of the state, not a natural and pre-political institution recognized and in certain respects (age, consanguinity, consent, exclusivity) regulated by the state. And the state’s goal, as directed by its courts, was to assure absolute equality for same-sex couples. The problem? Same-sex couples could be parents, but not parents of common children. Granting them adoption rights could not fully address the difference. Where natural equality was impossible, however, formal or legal equality was required. To achieve it, “heterosexual marriages” had to be conformed in law to “homosexual marriages.” The latter produced non-reproductive units, constituted not by nature but by law; the former had therefore to be put on the same footing, and were.

The aim of such legislation, as F. C. DeCoste has observed in “Courting Leviathan” (Alberta Law Review, 2005), "is to de-naturalize the family by rendering familial relationships, in their entirety, expressions of law. But relationships of that sort—bled as they are of the stuff of social tradition and experience—are no longer family relationships at all. They are rather policy relationships, defined and imposed by the state."

Here we have what is perhaps the most pressing reason why same-sex marriage should be fought, and fought vigorously. It is a reason that neither the proponents nor the opponents of same-sex marriage have properly debated or thought through. In attacking “heterosexual monogamy,” same-sex marriage does away with the very institution—the only institution we have—that exists precisely in order to support the natural family and to affirm its independence from the state. In doing so, it effectively makes every citizen a ward of the state, by turning his or her most fundamental human connections into legal constructs at the state’s gift and disposal."

Gutshot John
05-19-13, 00:46
Belloc, I really have to ask.

Do you like boys more than girls?

Because quite frankly, you strike me as a closet case.

05-19-13, 00:49
Now you're just projecting your own sexual attraction for boys onto others. At least you're consistently predictable.

Gutshot John
05-19-13, 00:50
Heh thought so. It explains a lot really.

05-19-13, 00:51
Belloc, do us all a favor. When you quote something actually put it in quotes first..

05-19-13, 01:03
Heh thought so. It explains a lot really.
You're projecting your sexual attraction for boys onto others explains a lot? Glad that what must be quite expensive therapy is working out for you.

Gutshot John
05-19-13, 01:09
Like shooting fish in a barrel... :dirol: