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View Full Version : Your favorite core exercises for back pain

05-19-13, 00:05
I am a 6 handicap golfer. Play 3 days a week. I used to get lower back spasms quite often. I'd go to a chiro, he'd adjust, I'd feel better for a while only to have the spasms return. After getting burnt out from the cycle, I went to a different guy. He had me start doing a couple basic core exercises. Basically a couple variations of the "plank". Haven't had spasms for 2 years now.

Ok I'm sold. Simply doing the plank has kept my back feeling good, and has increased my distance on the course.

I am however getting bored doing the same thing every day. Looking for other core exercises to mix things up a bit.

05-19-13, 00:15
Moon boots, or if you can find one of those upside down machines. They give good core work outs and allow your spine to stretch out depending how long you can stand the head rush.

05-19-13, 00:57
Moon boots, or if you can find one of those upside down machines. They give good core work outs and allow your spine to stretch out depending how long you can stand the head rush.

Not sure what moon boots are. In regards to the upside down machines, I understand how they decompress the spine, but where does the "workout" come from?

05-19-13, 07:24
In addition to core exercises strengthening the paraspinous muscles (plank") and the rectus abdominis muscles (crunches), one also has to pay attention to the hip flexors. That group of muscles has tremendous leverage against the pelvis and can exert a lot of force on the lumbar spine altering its curvature, making it more susceptible to arthritis and injury. Stretching and toning that group of muscles is an important component of dealing with low back pain.

Army Chief
05-19-13, 08:09
My former boss had tremendous difficulties with this, as did his son (West Point's star defensive back last year): both swore by those Weider 3-in-1 foam rollers (http://www.sears.com/weider-3-in-1-foam-roller/p-080W003901687000P) you can find in most discount/department stores these days.


05-19-13, 08:13
In addition to core exercises strengthening the paraspinous muscles (plank") and the rectus abdominis muscles (crunches), one also has to pay attention to the hip flexors. That group of muscles has tremendous leverage against the pelvis and can exert a lot of force on the lumbar spine altering its curvature, making it more susceptible to arthritis and injury. Stretching and toning that group of muscles is an important component of dealing with low back pain.

Nailed it and doing a program like Insanity will cover all these things all while jacking your cardio.

My lower back pain disappeared.

05-19-13, 10:02
AC, I stretch out with a foam roller every morning.

I just bought the insanity set on Craigslist the other day. I may actually have to start it now.

05-19-13, 14:46
I was in a bad way 4 years ago and finally went to a bone bender. Once he got me straightened out and stretching every morning I've found life more enjoyable and have the energy and stamina to do stuff after work instead of coming home, sitting down and turning into a statue.

I've had muscle spams once by a few hours since. If it goes out at work, I stop, stretch and it usually will pop back in. If I can't get it in right away, I have to reduce the swelling with ice 3 x 20 min then stretch again that evening and the following morning if I'm not better. If not I stop at the pretzel man to put me back together on my way to work. The quicker the swelling is reduced and the nerve isn't pinched the faster the recovery is.

With my back history and trade, prevention is irrelevant as it can slip out just on a bumpy road or rolling over in bed.

Now what should I be doing for exercises? SU are on my no-no list.

05-19-13, 16:16
AC, I stretch out with a foam roller every morning.

I just bought the insanity set on Craigslist the other day. I may actually have to start it now.

Insanity will give you exactly what you put in. Bust your ass and you will make big jumps.

The workouts are "soup to nuts": warm up- stretch- workout- stretch.

The longest workout in month 1 is like 42 minutes and the longest of month 2 is 59 minutes.

Go get at it.

05-19-13, 16:37
I am a 6 handicap golfer. Play 3 days a week. I used to get lower back spasms quite often. I'd go to a chiro, he'd adjust, I'd feel better for a while only to have the spasms return. After getting burnt out from the cycle, I went to a different guy. He had me start doing a couple basic core exercises. Basically a couple variations of the "plank". Haven't had spasms for 2 years now.

Ok I'm sold. Simply doing the plank has kept my back feeling good, and has increased my distance on the course.

I am however getting bored doing the same thing every day. Looking for other core exercises to mix things up a bit.

This may help:


05-19-13, 21:06
This may help:


Nice article there. "Bird dog" is the one I do that didn't know the name of. That and the plank have been my mainstays these last few years.

05-22-13, 19:43
I had some lower back pain a few years ago due to an SI joint problem where I would re-injure it every few weeks. I couldn't stand up straight, it would drop me to the floor on occasion, etc.

Starting with PT, I worked my way up to decline crunches w/weight, squats, and dead lifts. I also stretch 2x every day.

My back is stronger now than it's ever been and no pain in well over a year.

I'm stealing this from someone, but the idea is to make a back brace out of muscle. Worked for me.

06-11-13, 09:29
I am feeling back pain from the last few weeks.I am unable to get recovered from it.Thanks for sharing this important information.I will try this exercise.

About Concept Designs (http://concept-designs.com.au/about-us/)

06-11-13, 10:17
Where is your back pain located? I always recommend pull-ups or lat pulldowns if you can't do a pull-up. When I do my pull-ups, I keep my legs straight out in front of me like I'm sitting on the ground. That seems to be all the core exercise that I need.

02-04-14, 22:40
I had two slipped discs and nothing made them better for almost four years. I finally went and got epidural injections to tame everything, followed by chiropractor every other week to keep things inline and regular yoga (2-3x a week) and core exercises, especially planks. No pain for over a year now.

If you get bored with regular planks, try varying them. Google the "5 minute plank" and see a n awesome core workout in 5 min that will burn you out

02-05-14, 10:00
I had two slipped discs and nothing made them better for almost four years. I finally went and got epidural injections to tame everything, followed by chiropractor every other week to keep things inline and regular yoga (2-3x a week) and core exercises, especially planks. No pain for over a year now.

If you get bored with regular planks, try varying them. Google the "5 minute plank" and see a n awesome core workout in 5 min that will burn you out

Any boredom with planks can be fixed with:


02-17-14, 09:05
Kettleball swings.

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