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View Full Version : Bloomberg meddling in AZ

05-24-13, 14:35
Anyone see these anti-Flake ads regarding universal background checks? Courtesy of Mayors Against Illegal Guns... Looks like AZ is next on Bloomberg's target list?

05-31-13, 21:13
Anyone see these anti-Flake ads regarding universal background checks? Courtesy of Mayors Against Illegal Guns... Looks like AZ is next on Bloomberg's target list?

Phoenix's mayor Greg Stanton is a MAIG member... and that should tell you all you need to know about that douchecanoe.

05-31-13, 22:05
I've definitely seen those commercials and they piss me off. Bloomberg must see him as vulnerable given that recent polls have shown that Flake is the "Most Unpopular Senator in America". So why not fan the flames right? Politics is a nasty business.

05-31-13, 22:27
Stay vigilant, gentlemen. Protect your rights.

The forces of Baron von Bloomberg are everywhere these days. :mad:

05-31-13, 22:55
Phoenix's mayor Greg Stanton is a MAIG member... and that should tell you all you need to know about that douchecanoe.

Had no idea! Time to push that info out amongst my circles...

Seems amazing to me how someone like that can win the mayoral election in Phoenix.

05-31-13, 23:11
Had no idea! Time to push that info out amongst my circles...

Seems amazing to me how someone like that can win the mayoral election in Phoenix.


Avondale, Oro Valley, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson mayors are all members.

06-06-13, 22:06
Good luck down there guys!

That tool (Bloomberg) is one of my least favorite people. Anyone so dead set on telling others how to live should never have been elected. He is a hypocrite that is mad with power, and there are plenty to replace him once he is gone.

He should stay in his own yard and leave the people of AZ alone.

06-06-13, 22:39
Even my Kool Aid drinking liberal brother thinks Bloomberg is a tool.

He's near the top of my list of most dangerous people in America.

06-07-13, 00:52
I wish he had the balls to come here personally and pull some shit. Actually I wish he would personally try and make an illegal purchase just to see Sheriff Joe throw his ass in tent city. Alas, we won't because he is a dickless piece of shit.

06-07-13, 11:19
Start writing letters and making phone calls now. Get pro-gun/2A groups thinkin gabou tthis before the legislation is rolle dout.

I can tell you from my experienec here in CO; we had the numbers on our side, but Bloomberg beat us flat out.

With all the Cali implants moving down there, don't sit on your heels guys.

Bloomberg is scum, he is a dictator/tyrant of the worst kind.

He bought and paid for a legislative session to go HIS way here in Colorado, and it worked way too easily. He will be emboldened due to his victory (Hopefully short term victory and we can take the state back) and try to further his reach.

The fight isn't over for us/CO; but please get a fire burning under your asses and don't let Bloomberg buy your legislators out from under you. It SUCKS!

Good Luck!