View Full Version : IRS: Americans deserve it....

05-28-13, 21:20

Dr. Williams speaking it....And as usual, the truth hurts...

The bottom line is that members of Congress need such a ruthless tax collection agency as the IRS because of the charge we Americans have given them. We want what the IRS does – namely, to take the earnings of one American so Congress can create a benefit for some other American. Don't get angry with IRS agents. They are just following orders.

05-28-13, 21:46
I say we get Dr. Carson and Walter Williams elected in 2016... Man the Democrats would be beside themselves if those two ran for Pres and VP on the Republican ticket.

I've always enjoyed listening to Williams.

05-28-13, 23:01
What I find extra-hilarious is that these morons actually believe that THIS has caused a "lack of confidence in the IRS".

My question is......WHO IN THE HELL EVER HAD CONFIDENCE IN THE IRS??????????

I mean lets call a spade a spade. The IRS is nothing more that the FED's (Federal Reserve) gestapo. They can do whatever they want, and have been since their inception.

IRS = Criminal Goons.

05-29-13, 11:56
Walter Williams/Thomas Sowell in 2016!

A black ticket we can believe in.

