View Full Version : Ammo purchasers in California must submit to background check, pay $50

06-01-13, 10:36

Heavy Metal
06-01-13, 10:59
Poll Tax. This won't survive the courts.

06-01-13, 11:14
Good read thanks.

Here's the bigger picture concatenated to that article & proposed law.


This bill would, instead, classify a semiautomatic, rimfire or centerfire rifle that does not have a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept no more than 10 rounds or fewer as an assault weapon. The bill would require a person who, between January 1, 2001, and prior to January 1, 2014, lawfully possessed an assault weapon that does not have a fixed magazine, including those weapons with an ammunition feeding device that can be removed readily from the firearm with the use of a tool, to register the firearm by July 1, 2014. By expanding the definition of a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
This bill would require, on and after July 1, 2014, a Firearm Ownership Record to be submitted, as specified, to the Department of Justice for every firearm an individual owns, with prescribed exceptions, including firearms purchased from a licensed firearms dealer and documented by a Dealers’ Record of Sale transaction and assault weapons registered with the department. The bill would authorize the department to charge a fee of up to $19 per transaction for the submission of the Firearm Ownership Record.

This is an example of how Gun Registration begins....

06-01-13, 11:43
This is an example how Gun Registration begins....[/QUOTE]

And the enforcement of it would probably go something like this:

I have quietly watched and evaluated the in pouring of e-mails reference the liberal’s intent to seize guns and crush the second amendment. I want to add a few of my own thoughts on this issue as I have worked in and around all the people who could be tasked to seize your guns.


United Nations (UN)
We are the UN. Other countries mostly join the U.N. to secure money, funding and training and few have any offensive combat capability. Most serve as guards at static locations and have no will to fight. America is the enforcement arm of the U.N. We have the money, equipment, personnel and lift platforms to get the job done.

If the president ever let the U.N. in this country, it would be a foreign invasion and armed Americans would stand up and crush them in a day. Our government would break down and the president would be ousted for letting foreign militaries invade our country.

Federal Government Military
Having served over 20 years in our military, I know that most soldiers would refuse the order to take part in the confiscation of weapons. First, the president would have to give the order, which is an “Illegal Order” in violation of the constitution. I don’t believe that service members would go back into the communities that raised them and conduct raids on good Americans in violation of the constitution.

Remember, these forces would have to come from a military base that is surrounded and supported by American communities. Civilians would simply cease to support the bases and they would fold in a short time. Cut of the fuel, food, electricity on bases and this would stop the silliness. Also, many, many service members live in the communities and they would have to travel from their houses to base unless they were locked down. In that case, their families would still be in the community and people would not be too friendly to those supporting these actions.

Federal Government DHS or TSA
The Federal government is not large enough or talented enough to seize guns. If they were to do 5-8 raids a day seizing guns, they would be physically and mentally exhausted and need a break. Physically conducting raids is exhausting. After the first few raids, the word would get out and Americans would start to fight back. It would take one good ambush from a house or along a travel route to decimate a tactical force or make it combat ineffective

Next, most Federal Agencies work out of a fixed location centrally located in a community. Also, their personnel live in those communities along with their families. Once the word got out that they were doing raids in violation to the constitution, they and their families would be at risk. If they were to start raiding houses, kicking in doors and breaking in windows looking for legally owned guns, their homes would be subject to the same treatment by Americans rising up to defend themselves. They would shortly find themselves without a place to live.

State Law Enforcement
The Governor would have to order State and Local Law Enforcement to either:

Seize guns
Ignore the Federal Orders

If they ignore the Federal Orders, things would be tense, but people would be civil. If they started to seize guns, they only have limited people and assets to do this. Much the same consequences would take place as with the Federal Government.

Local Law Enforcement
Local Police and Sheriff Departments are the backbone of who protects American Citizens. A Sheriff or Chief of Police would have to give the order for his people to begin to seize weapons. Their people would either comply or see it as an illegal order and refuse.

Remember, Chiefs and Sheriff’s also have to live and work in the same communities they serve. As I described with the Federal Government, local Tactical Teams could probably only do 8-10 hits in a day and then need a break. So they hit ten houses and seize their guns, the word would get out and now they are subject to living in the same community as those they are attacking. It would not go well. Also, after one or two determined Americans or combat vets fought back, the team would lose many to death or injury and they would have made a decision whether to continue to push the fight. Remember also, they have to sleep sometime. Their homes and families would be at risk. It is an ugly scenario at best.

Nation of Combat Veterans and Patriots
Having been at war for over 10 years, we have a nation of combat vets and contractors that have seen more action than many of our WWII vets. It has been said that only a small percentage of Americans stood up to the British War machine in the Revolutionary War. Americans are better armed and trained today than at any time in our nation’s history. Think about what would happen if just our nation’s veterans stood up. People have been buying more guns and ammunition in the past five years than any time in my life. The guns and ammunition are out there along with the talent to use them.

Kool-Aid Drinkers
Kool-Aid Drinkers is the term I use to describe the Jonestown voluntarily massacre where the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, a dedicated community western Guyana by the Peoples Temple led by cult leader Jim Jones intentionally drank poison Kool-Aid. Over 900 people died.

In every law enforcement, government and military agency or branch, there are a small number of Kool-Aid drinkers who would blindly follow orders. They would either be purged internally by their co-workers or people they attacked would stop their gene pool.

Also, at the police tactical team level, all members “volunteer” for the job and they can have the individual integrity to terminate their team service at any time if their profession becomes corrupt or misguided. I know many a good officer that has done that in the past.

Finally, there would be a certain number of American Kool-Aid drinkers that would turn in their weapons if asked. I believe it would be a small percentage as there are always those that do not have the will to resist or fight and they are not needed should thing get tough.

History of “Gun-Free Zones”
Our nation’s history is filled with examples of “gun-free” zones failed.

The Aurora Colorado movie massacre and the recent Connecticut shooting are two that come to mind. Also, remember the Fort Hood massacre where an Islamic extremist Major Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 soldiers because our military bases are gun free zones. Combat trained soldiers had to be rescued by a security guard. That is embarrassing.

Evil came to all of these places and everyone was disarmed and not ready to fight back because they were gun free zones.
Think what would happen at a national level if the American people were disarmed. Another evil would come along either from inside our country or outside of it and resulting in our downfall.

How about others in recent history:
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

Write your state representatives and let them know how you feel about this issue. I would like to think that most states would refuse the order.

Next, at the local level, talk to your Sheriff or Chief of Police and ask them if they would allow or support the federal government in their confiscation of firearms. Put them on the spot now and hold them accountable. I like to think that most states would refuse the order.

Should firearm confiscation begin, solutions are simple. If they cannot live in a community, they cannot work in a community. If their house goes away while they are at work confiscating guns, so be it. Allow them to leave with their family and what possessions they can pack in their car. Point them to California and let them know all the Hollywood types would be happy to financially support them in the fantasy land they wish to live in and that they are not welcome in Free America.

In the end I believe that guns are the glue that hold our country together. Guns keep the government in check and the individual American safe and free. Remove guns and the government will no longer be controlled by the people. The government will control the people.

Finally, it is claimed that the Battles of Lexington and Concord, in 1775 were started because General Gage attempted to carry out an order by the British government to disarm the population resulting in the “Shot heard round the world.”

About the Author
Paul R. Howe is a 20-year veteran and former Special Operations soldier and instructor. He owns Combat Shooting and Tactics (CSAT), where he consults with, trains and evaluates law enforcement and government agencies in technical and tactical techniques throughout the special operations spectrum.

Robb Jensen
06-01-13, 12:27
The 24th Amendment made the Poll Tax unconstitutional.

How is a $50 fee for a background check to own ammo to practice your 2nd Amendment rights not unconstitutional?

06-01-13, 13:25
Poll Tax. This won't survive the courts.

The 24th Amendment made the Poll Tax unconstitutional.

How is a $50 fee for a background check to own ammo to practice your 2nd Amendment rights not unconstitutional?

How has anything that has happened in CA, CO, NY, MD, etc survived the courts...

06-01-13, 14:09
California is the one place where I expect you will see guns rounded up just like they are doing now with the money that was taken from DROS to seek out and confiscate firearms from "criminals" and those declared mentally ill.

06-01-13, 14:18
I can see many more locations taking up a "Ammunition Back Ground Check Cards" for ammunition purchases as its a easy way for them to generate revenue and condition the sheep for more regulation.

It takes all of a minute to conduct a local back ground check with the NCIC system and the cards would cost less then a dollar to manufacture.

The rest of the fee would be pure profit for the local government and would slow the sale of ammunition while the back log of applicants was process very slowly.

Then they would also generate more revenue as they would find all those parking and moving violations, unpaid real estate taxes, back child support and summary violations and jam your ass up trying to collect same.

What's not to like for the local governments with a money maker like this? Hell they most likely could care less about the registration and maybe a pro gun area but the call the dollar maybe to strong for them to resist.

Robb Jensen
06-01-13, 14:31
How has anything that has happened in CA, CO, NY, MD, etc survived the courts...

Because the Supreme Court decides what they want to rule on.

06-01-13, 15:11
Oh, How I will miss the PRK once I leave.

Also, how many millions of "prohibited persons" will this new ammo BG check catch? I am sure they will make up some new reasons why all these people are now prohibited from owning not only firearms, but ammunition. They will then clamor about how many lives they are going to save, and that very night, during the 11pm News on Channel 2, I will see a story about how some gangbangers shot and killed a child in a drive by, but missed the intended target..

06-01-13, 15:17
Because the Supreme Court decides what they want to rule on.

My bad, I meant my statement to be more rhetorical than anything.

06-01-13, 15:35
One small detail that I don't find in the article is the length of time the "permit" is good for. Each time, one month, one year, five years. I don't see it spelled out.

06-01-13, 21:35
CA's laws are poorly written and poorly enforced. They add hundreds of laws every year with no additional education for the public or training for law enforcement.

A few years ago a ban on mailing ammo was passed here in CA. I may not know which group (SAF or NRA), but an injunction was granted prior to the law going into effect. A fairly low level court ruled it unconstitutional fairly quickly. It was pretty cool to see a win in CA.

06-01-13, 22:07
Illinois basically has this already. The FOID system, Firearms Owners ID card. You have to have a valid FOID card to do anything with guns. You have to fill out a form and pay some money and undergo a background check to get the card. You need to present a valid FOID card to handle a firearm, either at a gun store or gun show. You have to have this card to buy a firearm, as well as undergo ANOTHER background check at the time of purchase, and you have to have a FOID card to buy ammo.

The new CCW bill just passed in Illinois slipped in UBC. Private sales now must call the state police and run the buyer, instead of simply having a valid FOID card that the state police are supposed to administer and take away if you no longer qualify.

06-01-13, 23:03
The 24th Amendment made the Poll Tax unconstitutional.

How is a $50 fee for a background check to own ammo to practice your 2nd Amendment rights not unconstitutional?

You have to pay a $25 tax now to practice your 2A rights.

06-02-13, 10:49
Why in the **** would anyone continue to live in that worthless ****ing state?

06-02-13, 22:42
Why in the **** would anyone continue to live in that worthless ****ing state?

Uh, let's see, family obligations, employment obligations, financial obligations, etc...

Not for the sunshine and beaches. That's for sure.

Heavy Metal
06-02-13, 23:13
How has anything that has happened in CA, CO, NY, MD, etc survived the courts...

Thoes haven't really hit the courts there yet but the Courts forced Illinois to adopt a CCW regimine or they would by default become Constutional Carry.

06-02-13, 23:48
How has anything that has happened in CA, CO, NY, MD, etc survived the courts...Thus far because not one single state gun control law had been struck down federally until 2010 w/ McDonald v. Chicago. We have been living with no application of the 2nd Amendment to the states since 1879 with US v. Cruikshank (wherein a Louisiana sheriff was completely let off scot free for mass murder following gun confiscation because he was white and the victims were black--SCOTUS said 2A doesn't apply to the states so b/c he was state government he did nothing wrong) , and the states with all the bad gun laws have no state constitution protection of RKBA.

06-03-13, 02:37
Funny how SCOTUS loves precedence over the Constitution, and in new decisions it never errs on the side of more liberty, or too much liberty. Seems it is always encroaching on individual and states rights and then claiming it is now precedence and can't go back to the Constitution.

06-03-13, 02:56
All I want to know is this. How are they going to enforce this new ammo law?

06-03-13, 03:05
Funny how SCOTUS loves precedence over the Constitution, and in new decisions it never errs on the side of more liberty, or too much liberty. Seems it is always encroaching on individual and states rights and then claiming it is now precedence and can't go back to the Constitution.

Not entirely true regarding erring on liberty.

Also not entirely true on always following precedence, but they try to as much as possible for stability and sanity of the nation's laws.

06-03-13, 03:06
This has not PASSED into law yet, lets pump the brakes for a sec. The state senate is just step number 1. We are fighting this tooth and nail.

HELP US...CA sets the precedent, if we don't stop it here, it will spread. Just ask the people of CO.


06-03-13, 10:05
All I want to know is this. How are they going to enforce this new ammo law?

The same way they enforce the stupid $25 back ground tax.

06-03-13, 10:36
This has not PASSED into law yet, lets pump the brakes for a sec. The state senate is just step number 1. We are fighting this tooth and nail.

HELP US...CA sets the precedent, if we don't stop it here, it will spread. Just ask the people of CO.


Just sent a round of emails. Don't have time at the moment to post quick links for all the CALI email/contact info...

MaceWindu or other CALI member-
Can you post a list of quicklink email/contact info for others here to utilize?

We need to stand together as a group- any state they start this BS, we ALL need to hit them hard with emails/calls/letters/etc from everywher in the country.

06-03-13, 11:11
I have always used the NRA-ILA site to contact my reps, which I am never excited to do, my Reps are the same motley bunch of clowns that tried to push this trash nationally.

I have also only received two responses, one from Slimestein, the other from a person I cannot remember. Both were just mass produced email, that I am sure everyone gets.

As for enforcing the potential new ammo "law," I am sure it will be the same as firearms: you cannot come back to the PRK, from America, with ammo that you have not undergone a PRK background check for.

I am not sure how that it is possible to enforce, however. Though I am sure that will be the new "law."

06-03-13, 11:46
Almost every day...someone posts an item like this that reaffirms my feeling that I am glad I live in Texas!

Thank you for my daily affirmation.

...carry on


06-03-13, 14:18
Uh, let's see, family obligations, employment obligations, financial obligations, etc...

Not for the sunshine and beaches. That's for sure.

That shithole has been eroding Liberty and Constitutional Rights for a long ass time. You can't tell me that over the course of a year or two people could not find new jobs and work the other stuff out?

ETA - By no means am I trying to pick a fight with you or single you out.

06-03-13, 16:05
That shithole has been eroding Liberty and Constitutional Rights for a long ass time. You can't tell me that over the course of a year or two people could not find new jobs and work the other stuff out?

ETA - By no means am I trying to pick a fight with you or single you out.

Whatever Doc. Maybe you can give me the easy answers to relocating from CA. First off, my folks are in their 70's & my wife's are in their 80's. They're too old to relocate, nor do they have the desire to at this age in their lives. They already depend on us to help them get along. Second, I'm self employed & the wife stays home to raise the kids which is a pretty good gig if you ask me. Most folks run their households on two incomes now days because they couldn't afford to otherwise. If I worked for a large company where I could transfer to another state & keep a decent wage, I'd burn rubber assuming the old folks would follow. But that's not the case. If I was a single young guy, It would be easy to up & leave. So please enlighten me with a simple plug & play solution.

No matter how screwed up things get here, I'm not ditching my family. SBR's, 30rd mags, suppressors, or truckloads of whatever the **** isn't worth turning your back on your family.

06-03-13, 18:47
California is the one place where I expect you will see guns rounded up just like they are doing now with the money that was taken from DROS to seek out and confiscate firearms from "criminals" and those declared mentally ill.

good thing california has good 2nd amendment loving attorneys that are taking things to the supreme court with a game plan.

06-04-13, 03:36
That's not what I am saying. How are they going to stop residents from driving to Nevada, Oregon, Arizona or some other state and buy ammo and bring it back. Or even resell it to others.

The same way they enforce the stupid $25 back ground tax.

06-04-13, 08:37
The idiots in Cali will probably be thrilled with this and THANKFUL that they're afforded the opportunity to buy ammo. :rolleyes:

06-04-13, 10:51
The same way they do with guns, I was told in Nevada that they would sell me a gun because of the stupid "laws" here in the PRK.

I am assuming, I am probably wrong here, but it may become illegal to come into the PRK with ammo you did not get a background check on. How they will know if you did...I do not know. They will probably just say that you are no longer able to important ammo into the PRK from America.

That's not what I am saying. How are they going to stop residents from driving to Nevada, Oregon, Arizona or some other state and buy ammo and bring it back. Or even resell it to others.

06-04-13, 12:23
That's not what I am saying. How are they going to stop residents from driving to Nevada, Oregon, Arizona or some other state and buy ammo and bring it back. Or even resell it to others.

From LA it is A four hour drive on a good day to the nearest gun store in Nevada that is worth a crap. For what? So someone can pick up a couple hundred rounds, maybe if they have it, of what will probably be inflated prices. I have the luxury of driving to AZ or NV on other peoples dime once a year or so. Others don't have the luxury. The traffick and drive times are pretty good law enforcers.

06-04-13, 13:52
From LA it is A four hour drive on a good day to the nearest gun store in Nevada that is worth a crap. For what? So someone can pick up a couple hundred rounds, maybe if they have it, of what will probably be inflated prices. I have the luxury of driving to AZ or NV on other peoples dime once a year or so. Others don't have the luxury. The traffick and drive times are pretty good law enforcers.

You and I both know that the ammo panic will die down at some point. There will again be days where thousands of rounds of ammo are available in stores at reasonable prices. In that case, yes, it might be worth it to drive 4 hours to pick up 5,000 rounds of X, Y, and Z.

And all that long travel times will do is encourage a bulk-purchase black market, with traffickers doing like drug dealers and cigarette smugglers do: buy a lot in a far away place with high supply so they can sell in their hometown with low supply.

IG's on the right path here. This is completely unenforceable. Even worse, it will just create a huge black market. It will do nothing to curb crime, but I'd bet at least a few of those supporting this law know that and have other nefarious reasons for supporting it.

06-04-13, 14:19
You and I both know that the ammo panic will die down at some point. There will again be days where thousands of rounds of ammo are available in stores at reasonable prices. In that case, yes, it might be worth it to drive 4 hours to pick up 5,000 rounds of X, Y, and Z.

And all that long travel times will do is encourage a bulk-purchase black market, with traffickers doing like drug dealers and cigarette smugglers do: buy a lot in a far away place with high supply so they can sell in their hometown with low supply.

IG's on the right path here. This is completely unenforceable. Even worse, it will just create a huge black market. It will do nothing to curb crime, but I'd bet at least a few of those supporting this law know that and have other nefarious reasons for supporting it.

I know these laws are crap. I know some people will drive to get ammo. The fact is many of the people I shoot with do not have the resources needed to drive 4 to 6 hours one way to get ammo. If you have ever lived in CA you know what a nightmare it is to drive even 30 miles.

Plus you know as well as I do that unscrupulous sellers will have inflated prices near occupied territory. Now you have about $140 in gas round trip plus whatever the ammo costs. You see how it becomes prohibitive for many people to get ammo.

And just to check the Caliban bashing this isn't a California problem. This is a national problem. It takes only ONE election cycle to end up screwed. Ask Colorado, or New Mexico, or Minnesota, or Texas (Ann Richards anyone?) These states have had a huge increase in liberal progressives, it is not the democrate ranchers, farmers or iron miners of old. I'm fortunate because my time here has an experation date, others do not have that ability.

06-04-13, 18:54
Here's what you are missing. Every state requires I.D to purchase a firearm. Ammo does not. They can't sell you a firearm because California has a 10 day wait and most other do not. They also have CCW or NICS checks in place and California does not.

The same way they do with guns, I was told in Nevada that they would sell me a gun because of the stupid "laws" here in the PRK.

I am assuming, I am probably wrong here, but it may become illegal to come into the PRK with ammo you did not get a background check on. How they will know if you did...I do not know. They will probably just say that you are no longer able to important ammo into the PRK from America.

06-04-13, 18:57
And yet at the end of the day none of this will stop gangbangers from stealing guns and ammo and shooting each other or other people... hip hip hooray California....

06-04-13, 19:00
I used to live in Cali and driving to Vegas or AZ for the weekend wasn't an issue. Since the law is intended to curb criminal activity don't you think they will make the drive? I'm sure they will.

I know these laws are crap. I know some people will drive to get ammo. The fact is many of the people I shoot with do not have the resources needed to drive 4 to 6 hours one way to get ammo. If you have ever lived in CA you know what a nightmare it is to drive even 30 miles.

Plus you know as well as I do that unscrupulous sellers will have inflated prices near occupied territory. Now you have about $140 in gas round trip plus whatever the ammo costs. You see how it becomes prohibitive for many people to get ammo.

And just to check the Caliban bashing this isn't a California problem. This is a national problem. It takes only ONE election cycle to end up screwed. Ask Colorado, or New Mexico, or Minnesota, or Texas (Ann Richards anyone?) These states have had a huge increase in liberal progressives, it is not the democrate ranchers, farmers or iron miners of old. I'm fortunate because my time here has an experation date, others do not have that ability.

06-04-13, 19:57
Time for the remaining freedom-loving Californians to leave this Constitutionally bankrupt state. Seriously. I've lived temporarily in Northern California for just under a year and cannot wait to leave this progressive statist liberal state permanently in my rear view mirror.

06-04-13, 19:59
I used to live in Cali and driving to Vegas or AZ for the weekend wasn't an issue. Since the law is intended to curb criminal activity don't you think they will make the drive? I'm sure they will.

While it may not have been an issue for you it will be an issue for many others. Some will make the drive, many will not. Ultimately that is what the legislature wants, to inconvenience the people's rights away.

As for criminals I am well aware what they will do and how they will obtain their weapons.

06-04-13, 20:36

But, do you think (lets not go into countless scenarios but..) you will be, technically, allowed to come into the PRK with ammo you did not get checked for?

Here's what you are missing. Every state requires I.D to purchase a firearm. Ammo does not. They can't sell you a firearm because California has a 10 day wait and most other do not. They also have CCW or NICS checks in place and California does not.

06-05-13, 02:18
I have no idea what you're saying. Sorry.


But, do you think (lets not go into countless scenarios but..) you will be, technically, allowed to come into the PRK with ammo you did not get checked for?

06-05-13, 10:06
I have no idea what you're saying. Sorry.

Sorry, but what like I said before: do you think CA will let you import ammo, basically bring it back home with you, if you did not get a CA background check done? Like they do with guns.

06-05-13, 14:08
They won't have a choice because they won't be able to stop it unless they set up checkpoints on all major roads that go into the state.

Sorry, but what like I said before: do you think CA will let you import ammo, basically bring it back home with you, if you did not get a CA background check done? Like they do with guns.

06-05-13, 14:14
Sorry, but what like I said before: do you think CA will let you import ammo, basically bring it back home with you, if you did not get a CA background check done? Like they do with guns.

And anyone would comply with this why?

06-05-13, 14:16
And anyone would comply with this why?


But do they care? :no:

06-05-13, 16:14
VD6A hit the nail on the head with this leading to full on registration down the road. Then confiscation.

One other aspect that concerns me is this will lead to serialization of ammunition- so it can be checked at ranges, borders, etc. to determine who purchased it and if it is still in their possesion or not.

That is one way they could decrease (Not stop) the flow of ammo from outside states & blackmarket sources.

I'm hoping, praying and sending LOTS of emails & phone calls for all you PRO-2A Cali guys & gals, hope it works out and this gets defeated.

As gun owners we need to band together and go on the offensive against the hollow men who seek to destroy our rights, liberty and our way of life as free men. NO MORE sitting back and waiting for the fight to come to us- it hasn't done us any favors.

Maybe some of the more organized Cali Pro-2A groups could request ammunition manufacturers to do something similar to the Boulder Airlift Magpul pulled for Colorado.

Would be great PR for any company and I can tell you I would support the hell out of them (Once ammo is available again- if it ever is...) for taking a stand and helping out our brothers in need.

Get BOOKU ammo flowing to Cali before this BS goes into affect.

Just a thought...

Good luck!

06-05-13, 16:19
Califoria should just let each person have 1 round of live ammo per year to shoot. And no saving prior year round so you could utilize a mag fed weapon or some such evilness.

Then they could schedule the sheep range time so they would have a date to shoot their ONE round under governmental supervision. :haha:

06-05-13, 17:37
Califoria should just let each person have 1 round of live ammo per year to shoot. And no saving prior year round so you could utilize a mag fed weapon or some such evilness.

Then they could schedule the sheep range time so they would have a date to shoot their ONE round under governmental supervision. :haha:

Wasn't Nepolitano your Governor? Didn't she get elected TWICE in the great state of Arizona? One election cycle...

There is this cave mentality that this is ONLY a California, New York, liberal problem. Here is some news, this is the U.S. and people are still allowed to move from state to state freely (as of today anyways). Texas and Arizona are trying and succeeding at drawing businesses from California to those states. What happens when all of the liberal Californians follow their jobs out of state? You get Colorado.