View Full Version : FEMA: no more funds for West, Tx

06-12-13, 16:38
FEMA has refused additional aid to West with the justification that the disaster was not severe enough to warrant more funds. This was announced today by the governor's office.

Will the President lose face for not keeping his promises?

06-12-13, 17:40
Will the President lose face for not keeping his promises?

Why would he start now? :no:

06-12-13, 20:19
My church has been going down there every other Sunday to help feed residents and helpers. Nobody there is looking for the government to build them a McMansion.

But being able to get help qualifying for a loan to rebuild would be a very big help to them. They love their town and want to rebuild it.

06-13-13, 10:45
If it was West, NJ or West, CA...they'd be rebuilding it with FEMA funds by now.

It is in TX so they don't care.

Remember...we got little to no help during the wildfires, either.

Texas provides almost half of the new jobs created in the private sector during Obama's first term and we get diddly squat in return.


06-13-13, 19:38
Well, the good news is that they are likely going to do something on the state level, from what I understand.

06-13-13, 22:02
Considering the anti government slant of the majority at M4C, I find this thread a bit amusing. I guess it is no to big government and especially FEMA, the same DHS FEMA that supposedly warehousing black helicopters, barracksing the U.N. takeover force, and building concentration camps, to enslave the masses that is unless, of course a check is involved.

06-13-13, 22:24
Actually, I do not feel that way at all.

Speaking as someone that has been on the ground in West, spoken with the residents, the ones I spoke with do not feel that way either.

These folks are not looking for a big fat check from the government. What would be much appreciated is the same kind of loan backing that a student gets when they go to college to study medieval Spanish literature. That's all.

I've donated time, money, household goods, food and my own blood to help.

What I will also say, is that there is much bitterness here in Texas with regards to how those federal funds are disbursed. Quite often, we see monies going other places which frankly suffered much smaller issues.

But we do put on our big boy pants here every day. We'll take money from our pockets and help them. We are used to it.

And I for one have never posted any enslavement topics as you mentioned.

My bitterness is not directed at you, kmrtnsn. Just thinking that it would be neat to actually see these folks get some help. :(

06-13-13, 22:27
Considering the anti government slant of the majority at M4C, I find this thread a bit amusing. I guess it is no to big government and especially FEMA, the same DHS FEMA that supposedly warehousing black helicopters, barracksing the U.N. takeover force, and building concentration camps, to enslave the masses that is unless, of course a check is involved.

It's not hypocrisy of the members here, it's hypocrisy in the government.

06-14-13, 04:37
Probably just more retribution from this administration towards a state that thumbs it nose at him and his brand of leadership. I agree had this happened elsewhere they would get assistance.

06-14-13, 07:30
Considering the anti government slant of the majority at M4C, I find this thread a bit amusing. I guess it is no to big government and especially FEMA, the same DHS FEMA that supposedly warehousing black helicopters, barracksing the U.N. takeover force, and building concentration camps, to enslave the masses that is unless, of course a check is involved.

I'm not anti-government, but I'll be the first to say that federal funds have absolutely zero place in West, TX. This is an issue for the local and state government.

06-14-13, 08:26
I'm not anti-government, but I'll be the first to say that federal funds have absolutely zero place in West, TX. This is an issue for the local and state government.

Then all similar disasters in other states should be funded by local and state government alone - therein lies the problem.

06-14-13, 09:09
Probably just more retribution from this administration towards a state that thumbs it nose at him and his brand of leadership. I agree had this happened elsewhere they would get assistance.
My thoughts exactly!

06-14-13, 15:11
I don't think the OP was meant as a means by which to demand more government involvement and "aid" if you can call it that; but rather a way to point out the hypocrisy and political BS that this admin spews about.

IMO the absolute BEST thing that FEMA and congress can do is give every red cent back to the states and allow them to fend for themselves. A corset fire is NOT a threat to national security so the fed gov has no business messing with it.

06-15-13, 02:24
Then all similar disasters in other states should be funded by local and state government alone - therein lies the problem.

Natural disasters and accidents limited in scope to a single jurisdiction within a state should not require Federal involvement.

Acts of war by foreign entities (think 9/11), natural disasters spanning multiple states, or those incidents occurring on Federal land are a few examples of what should get a Federal response. Of course, we all know what should happen and what is politically expedient are often two different things.

06-15-13, 02:41
Considering the anti government slant of the majority at M4C, I find this thread a bit amusing.
I think it's more of a limited government, libertarian slant... Never mind that there's somebody monitoring your every phone call, email and every other digital transmission, including this post... ;)

It's not hypocrisy of the members here, it's hypocrisy in the government.

Then all similar disasters in other states should be funded by local and state government alone - therein lies the problem.
I agree with Skyyr. Be consistent across the board.

Natural disasters and accidents limited in scope to a single jurisdiction within a state should not require Federal involvement.

Acts of war by foreign entities (think 9/11), natural disasters spanning multiple states, or those incidents occurring on Federal land are a few examples of what should get a Federal response. Of course, we all know what should happen and what is politically expedient are often two different things.
I'm not disagreeing with you completely, I've had a few beers :), but if that's the case we should've kicked the everliving shit out of Saudi Arabia since those ****wads came from there and not Iraq, Afghanistan or ****ing Syria and the Al Qaeda shitbirds we're providing weapons to now.

Nothing I've said is meant to offend anyone, seriously. I think I'll go nurse a few more Pyramids... Best of luck gents.

06-15-13, 07:38
I think it's more of a limited government, libertarian slant... Never mind that there's somebody monitoring your every phone call, email and every other digital transmission, including this post... ;)

I agree with Skyyr. Be consistent across the board.

I'm not disagreeing with you completely, I've had a few beers :), but if that's the case we should've kicked the everliving shit out of Saudi Arabia since those ****wads came from there and not Iraq, Afghanistan or ****ing Syria and the Al Qaeda shitbirds we're providing weapons to now.

Nothing I've said is meant to offend anyone, seriously. I think I'll go nurse a few more Pyramids... Best of luck gents.

Although 11 of the hijackers were Saudis, there was no evidence that they acted on behalf, or with the knowledge of that government. In fact, Osama was exiled from SA. On the other hand, there was more than enough evidence to justify a declaration of war against Afghanistan since the Teliban gave aid, comfort, and material support to AQ.

06-15-13, 08:57
Considering the anti government slant of the majority at M4C, I find this thread a bit amusing. I guess it is no to big government and especially FEMA, the same DHS FEMA that supposedly warehousing black helicopters, barracksing the U.N. takeover force, and building concentration camps, to enslave the masses that is unless, of course a check is involved.

Interesting statement given that a whopping four unique members posted in this thread prior to this post, none of whom seemed to be demanding much of anything.

06-15-13, 12:48
Then all similar disasters in other states should be funded by local and state government alone - therein lies the problem.

Look into the constitutionality of the 16th Amendment.

Look up the sheer number of foreign military bases we have and I think I've "found the funds".

Add the reduction of tariffs and us actually PAYING for the offshoring of jobs not to mention the unemployment a d we then realize that all IS potentially salvageable.

"One man with courage makes a majority."