View Full Version : So I go to buy .5 lb of lunchmeat for the rest of the weeks lunch.

06-13-13, 10:32
And this dumb ****ing hs cashier said thanks for ruining the enviroment? Wtf does that mean? I was tired and caught off guard, laughed and left. I will however be shopping there again to point this out to her manager and her that this is not appropriate workplace etiquette, grocery store or not.

06-13-13, 10:34
You went w/ plastic bag over paper.

06-13-13, 10:36
And this dumb ****ing hs cashier said thanks for ruining the enviroment? Wtf does that mean? I was tired and caught off guard, laughed and left. I will however be shopping there again to point this out to her manager and her that this is not appropriate workplace etiquette, grocery store or not.

I wouldn't get worked up over some moron cashier's comment. Next time just smile and say "You're welcome. C U Next Tuesday!" ;)

06-13-13, 10:42
I'd report it. I own a retail store and I appreciate comments on my cashiers, both positive and negative. If she pissed you off, even a little, you are not the first and it will eventually bite the business in the ass.

06-13-13, 10:42
........... to point this out to her manager and her that this is not appropriate workplace etiquette,.....
You can do this now with a phone call. If I was the manager, I would want to know.

06-13-13, 10:46
You should've invited her to your weekly styrofoam & plastic bonfire. She could light the torch soaked in motor oil. :)


06-13-13, 10:47
Definitely report it to the manager. That said, next time have some fun with it, those kind of people can provide some good entertainment. I'm actually hoping the Greenpeace people say something similar to me today on my way out of the office.

06-13-13, 10:56
No doubt a product of the public school system. Ready to get rid of it yet?

06-13-13, 11:03
I have to ask what her motivation was for the comment?

Used a plastic bag?

Maybe OP drove a large vehicle?

Did the OP fart or have offensive body odor? :D

But I would speak to the owner or general manger about the rude comment.

Pork Chop
06-13-13, 11:07
Did you buy beef? I hear they fart alot and cause global warming.

06-13-13, 11:09
The proper retort is that you are a cattle rancher currently on a cross-country drive in your Hummer H2 to spend the next week at a baby seal clubbing festival.

I'm not sure if the comment was at the meat, plastic bag, or the OP may have been wearing a "nuke the whales" T-shirt. All three are sure to rile the hippies.

Yeah, I'd report it. It's almost like a cattle farmer telling his customers how they're harming the poor poor animals.

06-13-13, 11:17
I've dealt with more than a few like this before. Always annoying- always fun to screw with.

Like Rancidsumo said- have fun with it.

Next time you are in and this individual is also, buy some hairnet, disposable razors, a bunch of single serving foods wrapped individaully, a styrofoam cooler or two, etc- ask that she double or triple bag each item individually in plastic bags and then put each bag in a paper bag.

Make a fake phone call whilst checking out and tell the imaginary person on the other line how you just bought a huge gas guzzling truck and invite them to go on a hunting/raod trip. Make sure she hears every word you say to this imaginary friend.

You will be entertained for sure...

Definitely report her conduct to the manager; these types of people need to learn to leave the personal BS at home, or get a new job.

I've ceased shopping at/eating at/patronizing a few places for being uber nazis about the green crap.