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06-14-13, 07:28

At least it's not politics as usual.

I wonder what exactly it takes for the Liberals to admit that Obama is a con artist and they were duped?

06-14-13, 08:00
I saw this yesterday. Makes me sick.
He's milking his position for all it's worth.

60 to 100 million from a overall US budget standpoint may only be a small percentage but, that is a tremendous amount of money even for the richest people in this country. That money could be better spent elsewhere.

Unless they go and don't come back. Then it's a bargain.

06-14-13, 08:07
Unless they go and don't come back. Then it's a bargain.

No kidding... I've actually reached the point that I think I might even enjoy 3 years of crazy Uncle Joe's musings.

06-14-13, 14:34
The question that came to mind when I saw this was "How much would it cost to pay Tanzania to keep him?" It couldn't be much more that the trip costs, considering their GDP is only $23B. Heck give them double their GDP and that is a cheap deal for us.

06-14-13, 16:00
Remember when big media would cry and whine about Bush's many "working vacations" at his Crawford ranch? How this was sooo expensive for the Secret Service and AF1 to travel back and forth to Texas.

I am pretty sure Obama's trip to Africa will cost more than all of Dubya's Crawford trips combined...or very close to it.

All the while...not a peep from big media on how much money is being wasted.


06-14-13, 17:29
All the while...not a peep from big media on how much money is being wasted.


Oh... they're talking about it... almost giddy. you've got it all wrong though... it's not about what -will be- wasted, it's about what they are not going to waste. He's not going on a safari.

".... between sixty and a hundred million dollars, ok, the good reason though, I mean, gonna have hundreds of US secret service agents... " Matt Lauer

...and they go on to justify it all. Including why a safari would just be too expensive so that's not going to take place. You're just thinking all backwards.... he's saving us money :rolleyes:


...oh.. and if that doesn't cheer you up... they're starting to pimp Hillary again this week. Got her a new make over, ditched the fresnel lens glasses, she's all fresh and new again.