View Full Version : No apologies from Colt

Amp Mangum
06-14-13, 10:39
Nor should they:


06-14-13, 10:54
I suprisingly well written article.

06-14-13, 10:55
Could that be who is moving to NC?

Mauser KAR98K
06-14-13, 11:25
I suprisingly well written article.

Minus the gun control slant.

06-14-13, 11:27
A Bushmaster was used in Sandy Hook. There was no Colt AR in sight that day.

Why should Colt apologize?

That would be like asking GM to apologize for a wreck involving a Ford and a Honda.



06-14-13, 11:42
I found it to be pretty balanced and well written. The author, being a journalist, showed his slant in his questions. However, he did a good job of filling the article with pro-gun quotes from those at Colt. That represents a fair article to me.

06-14-13, 11:43
Could that be who is moving to NC?
Or maybe PTR, as they were mentioned in the article as leaving Connecticut.

06-14-13, 12:13
Could that be who is moving to NC?

No chance in hell...

Colt's bond liabilities to the state of Connecticut and cradle to grave obligations to members of UAW Local 376 will ensure that they die as a company in West Hartford.

Case in point, what happened to CMCI's big expansion to a location in Kissimmee, Florida? UAW Local 376 said it ain't gonna happen and it didn't happen.

06-14-13, 17:03
Maybe I am out of the loop but when did Colt start making 240's? Also in response to the statement about the unions not allowing Colt to move. I am pretty sure they could get around that with a little help from the DoD. Not to mention they could open up a shop in a non-union state and gradually move operations down there.

06-14-13, 17:12
Maybe I am out of the loop but when did Colt start making 240's? Also in response to the statement about the unions not allowing Colt to move. I am pretty sure they could get around that with a little help from the DoD. Not to mention they could open up a shop in a non-union state and gradually move operations down there.

The contract was awarded in September 2009...

To move, they would have to buy out 5 year contracts for 300 employees ($20 to 30 million, conservative guess) and pay off bond debt to the state (north of $90 million). Add on top of that the cost of the move.... I'm all in for no chance.

06-14-13, 17:23
A Bushmaster was used in Sandy Hook. It's not entirely established that it was, and quite possible it wasn't. The media had that story pre-written and just filled in the names and place and said exactly what the White House wanted them to say. Not trying to be tin foil hatted here, but believing them word for word is about as foolish as expecting to win 10 times in a row on roulette.

VIP3R 237
06-14-13, 17:42
Here is Bushmasters reply.


And the rest


06-14-13, 18:30
Not to mention they could open up a shop in a non-union state and gradually move operations down there.

Tell that to Boeing. The current administration used and abused every trick in the book to prevent Boeing from manufacturing in Right-to-Work South Carolina.

06-14-13, 19:12
Supposedly Colt is coming to Breckenridge TX.

06-14-13, 19:25
Supposedly Colt is coming to Breckenridge TX.

A quick Google search would've cleared this up. http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7lhdtLtRIwUAgxlx.9w4;_ylu=X3oDMTE1ZDA3djE1BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01PVVM1NF8xMjE-/SIG=11nivc5b1/EXP=1371284701/**http%3a//extranosalley.com/%3fp=42431

brushy bill
06-14-13, 19:39
No chance in hell...

Colt's bond liabilities to the state of Connecticut and cradle to grave obligations to members of UAW Local 376 will ensure that they die as a company in West Hartford.

Case in point, what happened to CMCI's big expansion to a location in Kissimmee, Florida? UAW Local 376 said it ain't gonna happen and it didn't happen.

I hope this isn't true, but for now, I'll stay with BCM.