View Full Version : Illegal Alien Nation: Polling shows most Hispanics not good with capitalism!

06-17-13, 23:18

55 percent of Hispanics had a negative view of capitalism, the most of any groups surveyed in a 2011 poll by the Pew Research Center, as did 47 percent of those of all races between the ages of 18-29.

Yes, you should be horrified....

06-18-13, 01:38
Yes, you should be horrified....

Nah, just more old gringo fear mongering. I know, cause some guys on the internet told me so . . . :suicide:

06-18-13, 02:49
So this one seems pretty easy.

All the hispanics that don't like capitalism...get the **** out. In fact just to show I'm not a mean person, we can trade them with Cuba for all the hispanics there who would love to have some capitalism.

06-18-13, 08:33
Lew Rockwell has some decent guests & lots of truth.

People need to wake up like yesterday to this potential reality & think big picture.

Forget this poll / survey BS too.

06-18-13, 09:30
So this one seems pretty easy.

All the hispanics that don't like capitalism...get the **** out. In fact just to show I'm not a mean person, we can trade them with Cuba for all the hispanics there who would love to have some capitalism.

I suspect that negative views of capitalism are likely similar to negative views of the GOP.

I seem to recall a study done with a group of hispanics where, when told what the platform of the GOP is, agreed with the vast majority of it. Except when they were told that it was the platform of the GOP, whereupon their approval dropped markedly.

My guess is that if queried about the principles of capitalism, you would see a drastic change in numbers. That most people don't associate the term 'capitalism' with running a small business or being able to spend your money as you please, but with crony-capitalism and the corporate fatcats on Wall Street who, not entirely unjustly, are associated with the Great Recession.

El Pistolero
06-18-13, 09:47
Hispanics disapprove of capitalism? Of course they do, some of them came here for the socialism!

06-18-13, 09:57
of those who hate "capitalism" how many have bookface acounts and an iPhone Cinco? Or spend money on shtuff...you know, like that black box in which you play COD or a mega screen TV.

I have a few liberal friends who seem to hate capitalism. One of them hates it so much, he rants about it on the bookface, but loves that paycheck from Cargill.

06-18-13, 10:01
i find the poll to be quite interesting, while there seems to be disdain for capitalism, socialism isnt outtathewoods. even the occupy crowd doesnt have much love for socialism.

06-18-13, 10:15
Don't most of these people come from societies where capitalism is denounced and a sort of crony socialism/outlaw style of commerce exists? Where a select few at the top and their well connected associates run everything? Where there is a tiny few that have all the wealth and control everything from commerce and utilities to the cops? These places also have a very large, very poor, very non-upwardly mobile class of people that will remain in this class all of their lives? A permanent slave under class?

Countries like Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela?

I believe so.

Knowing this...why is anyone surprised these people do not have a favorable view of capitalism? (duuuh! LOL)


PS: If they took another "survey' and asked their opinion on Anglo peoples....they wold get similar results....again...surprise!

06-18-13, 10:18
70%. That is the percentage of Hispanics that voted for Obama. Any questions?

06-18-13, 10:21
My guess is that if queried about the principles of capitalism, you would see a drastic change in numbers. That most people don't associate the term 'capitalism' with running a small business or being able to spend your money as you please, but with crony-capitalism and the corporate fatcats on Wall Street who, not entirely unjustly, are associated with the Great Recession.

I think this may be a part of it. If you perceive "capitalism" as United Fruit Company and environmental destruction, you might not have a positive view of it. Much as I don't have a positive view of Wall Street's kleptocracy.

On the flip side, I do sense that a lot of Millennials of all races are not behind the free market economic model, even if it were clean (and not our corrupt flavor), and instead seem very drawn to socialist ideals. Many of them are the children of Baby Boomers, who also had a lot of those leanings (and then brought us corrupt kleptocratic capitalism as they got older). So, while some of this may be an issue of labeling or how the poll is conducted, there probably is some number of people who just are not in favor of a relatively free, free-market typical economy and society.