View Full Version : Boehner: Speaker's Betrayal of repubs will have consequences

06-18-13, 12:55

“I would consider that a betrayal of the Republican members of the House and a betrayal of the Republicans throughout the country,” Rohrabacher said on World Net Daily radio. “If Boehner moves forward ... and permits this to come to a vote even though the majority of Republicans in the House — and that’s if they do — oppose what’s coming to a vote, he should be removed as Speaker.”

He should never have been re-elected speaker in the first place, a rino of the first order...BTW, pick up the phone and contact your rep, let them know exactly what you think of Rubio's amnesty bill, the clock is ticking....

06-18-13, 14:29
Yep, I thought Rubio was a good guy but then I started having a hard time figuring out where he was coming from and that evolved into ...wait a minute ,,is that what you said the other day, it sounds like the opposite?

Doc Safari
06-18-13, 14:32
The Republican Party is melting down faster than a snow cone in Tucson in July.

Each and every one of them needs to Google "Whig Party."