View Full Version : Rainbow 6: Patriots

06-18-13, 21:36

You want to know why people go shoot up malls and schools? Well besides the Prozac, fluoride, and GMO....I'd say this is a decent possibility.

All these little Prozac heads/Adderall zombies that are zomped out, playing first person shooter games for hours on end, they lose touch with reality.

And guess who the bad guys are in this new Rainbow 6? Patriots, or at least what they want to label patriots as.....terror types. Awesome. Let me guess the CIA and NSA were instrumental in consultation??

This is disgusting.

06-18-13, 21:41

A Houston, we have a problem here....

06-18-13, 23:50
the fan is full speed and the you know what has been thrown at it !

just waiting for it to hit and fly all over !!!

its going to get worse IMHO before it gets better

06-19-13, 00:40
The so-called 'Patriots' are 99% types. Just FYI.

06-19-13, 00:49
Ehhh.. it's a video game. If you're addled enough to be influenced to kill by playing a game, then a movie would do the same. Parents do need to limit what their kids are able to play based on their mental maturity and stability.

06-19-13, 02:05

06-19-13, 02:06
Ehhh.. it's a video game. If you're addled enough to be influenced to kill by playing a game, then a movie would do the same. Parents do need to limit what their kids are able to play based on their mental maturity and stability.

I game in my spare time and I felt even a little bit disturbed by that video. I don't agree that video games are a cause of violence; I believe it is the parents' jobs to instruct their children on what is reality and what is make believe -- but the premise behind that video in the OP and what occurred was at best disturbing.

06-19-13, 08:04
It's okay guys. Just read on Wiki that gamers will be able to play as both the "good guys" and the "bad guys."

06-19-13, 08:47
It's okay guys. Just read on Wiki that gamers will be able to play as both the "good guys" and the "bad guys."

Oh even better......:rolleyes:

Whatever happened to Super Mario, Donkey Kong, and Sonic??? lol That's the stuff we thought was cool when I was a kid.

06-19-13, 09:16
Rainbow 6? Sounds like a homo boy scout chapter where they conduct rectal recon missions. :confused:

06-19-13, 09:20
Rainbow 6? Sounds like a homo boy scout chapter where they conduct rectal recon missions. :confused:

Not a fan of Tom Clancy, I take it?

06-19-13, 09:24
The so-called 'Patriots' are 99% types. Just FYI.

So because they disagree with you but are still citizens that makes it acceptable?

06-19-13, 09:25
Not a fan of Tom Clancy, I take it?

I don't read fiction. I can't say one way or another. :confused:

06-19-13, 09:28
How about the Airport stage (can't remember the actual stage description) in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 that has you participating with Russian terrorists shooting civilians in an airport. That still seriously disturbs me thinking some guys enjoy that and people actually got together and came up with a stage in a game that all you do is kill civilians in an airport.


06-19-13, 09:29
That still seriously disturbs me thinking some guys enjoy that and people actually got together and came up with a stage in a game that all you do is kill civilians in an airport.

No kidding. I'm not one to blame games for every problem in the world. But you put shit like that out there, and some nut-**** whacko like the Sandy Hook puke will take it and run. :rolleyes:

06-19-13, 09:58
No kidding. I'm not one to blame games for every problem in the world. But you put shit like that out there, and some nut-**** whacko like the Sandy Hook puke will take it and run. :rolleyes:

Not only that, but think about it a bit more deeply.....

In these games people do not see or feel the consequence of killing. They have no sense of wrong doing since killing is the goal.

Mix that with the fact that a vast majority of younger people are on some type of sri or amphetamine their perception of reality is even further diluted.

Don't even get me started on the sick and twisted crap that's in movies theses days.

It is all geared to desensitize people. Just like the TSA, just like the NSA, just like DHS....

06-19-13, 10:10
Rainbow 6? Sounds like a homo boy scout chapter where they conduct rectal recon missions. :confused:

You Sir...are now under 'Homo Suspicion'. :D

06-19-13, 10:51
Not only that, but think about it a bit more deeply.....

In these games people do not see or feel the consequence of killing. They have no sense of wrong doing since killing is the goal.

Mix that with the fact that a vast majority of younger people are on some type of sri or amphetamine their perception of reality is even further diluted.

Don't even get me started on the sick and twisted crap that's in movies theses days.

It is all geared to desensitize people. Just like the TSA, just like the NSA, just like DHS....

I don't know how people aren't sensitive to pointless cruelty and wanton violence. I also have an XBox, but I actually stopped playing when I saw that airport map on COD. Stuff like that offends me on a very deep level. I never needed anyone to tell me it was wrong - I knew it was wrong from a very young age.

At the same time, I wouldn't think twice about applying direct and swift violence to anyone who would threaten the lives and safety of my family.

The more I think about it, I think that's what separates previous generations from the current in regards to firearm ownership. Violence used to be taught as having a correct place and time... and that any other use of it was evil. Today, kids are taught that all violence is evil, yet are allowed to experiment with it in the fantasy worlds that video games create. This not only fails to teach them to respect it, but I think it also creates a lust to apply it.

Just my .02

06-19-13, 11:07
If the threat of incarceration is not enough to deter the so called 'desensitized video gamer' from performing acts of violence upon innocent citizens there is no deterrent!

06-19-13, 12:06
It may be a game, but I have serious issues with it, as well as other violence simulators for children that only serves to desensitise their humanity. Personally, I wish they'd interrupt schedule TV programing to show the live actual executions of convicted violent felons. That, in and of itself would be the deterrent, as well as a constant reminder of the ultimate penalty for violent behavior.

06-19-13, 12:23
Blaming video games for violence is along the same lines as blaming firearms; "and if the kids didn't have access to guns, they wouldn't have been able to shoot the place up". If fact the anti's have a better argument here, since you can't shoot up a school with an xbox controller.

I grew up with Goldeneye 007 which probably trivialized the killing of vast amounts of people better than any video game I have seen to date. One man killing 300+ red army dudes at a Soviet missile silo? And this is when I was like eight years old.

Patriots actually looks like it might have a good plot to it. If I still played video games, I'd probably buy it. Might have to finally pick up a PS3 or 4. Looks like the Clancy curse has been broken.

IIRC Tom Clancy doesn't have any input on the plots for the video games, except of course on the original Rainbow Six.

06-19-13, 12:26
It may be a game, but I have serious issues with it, as well as other violence simulators for children that only serves to desensitise their humanity. Personally, I wish they'd interrupt schedule TV programing to show the live actual executions of convicted violent felons. That, in and of itself would be the deterrent, as well as a constant reminder of the ultimate penalty for violent behavior.

And herein lies the problem... These games are NOT FOR CHILDREN to be playing in the first place. This isn't a desensitizing issue, it's a parenting issue. Parents shouldn't allow their kids to play these games, but that would mean they actually have to pay attention to their children rather than shell out $50 for a virtual nanny.

The content of games can be disturbing, as can the content of movies, books, jokes, stories, cave paintings, etc. It's not a new issue, it's just the current version of it.

06-19-13, 12:33
The more I think about it, I think that's what separates previous generations from the current in regards to firearm ownership. Violence used to be taught as having a correct place and time... and that any other use of it was evil. Today, kids are taught that all violence is evil, yet are allowed to experiment with it in the fantasy worlds that video games create. This not only fails to teach them to respect it, but I think it also creates a lust to apply it.
Just my .02

Spot on.

06-19-13, 12:35
Blaming video games for violence is along the same lines as blaming firearms;

I don't believe anyone has stated that video games are the one and only source or cause of violence. You did.

I would agree and have stated that it is a cumulative situation with many factors playing a role.....video games like Rainbow 6: Patriots play a small part. But a disgusting one none the less....

Also Goldeneye did not even come close to the realism of the current games.

06-19-13, 12:42
I don't believe anyone has stated that video games are the one and only source or cause of violence. You did.

I would agree and have stated that it is a cumulative situation with many factors playing a role.....video games like Rainbow 6: Patriots play a small part. But a disgusting one none the less....

Also Goldeneye did not even come close to the realism of the current games.

In your first post you stated:
You want to know why people go shoot up malls and schools? Well besides the Prozac, fluoride, and GMO....I'd say this is a decent possibility.

I don't see how it is disgusting, it's a story; fiction. Is it a ****ed up situation? Yeah, but quite a bit of things have that as well. Ever watch the tv show 24? Plenty of that there too.

Yes, the graphics look much more realistic, but it's still a video game.

FYI: On "No Russian" you can just skip the level or not shoot any the people at the airport.

06-19-13, 12:44
Anyone who commits acts of violence due to the influence of video games, rap music, orders from the neighbors dog or the photo on the cover of the Beatles "Sgt. Pepper" album was eventually going to be motivated into violence by something sooner or later.

The problem is people who are so unstable as to be significantly influenced by these things.

That said, I probably wouldn't let my kid play a lot of these video games. Things that are "****ed up" don't need parental approval as reinforcement.

What bothered me most was them tossing the victim over the bridge. Not sure what other rescue options existed, if any, but that was ****ed up.

Lesson learned..."Don't get taken hostage."

06-19-13, 12:46
Ehhh.. it's a video game. If you're addled enough to be influenced to kill by playing a game, then a movie would do the same.

Not true. It's the interactive game play that sets them apart, Psychology 101.
I believe it just takes the right (or wrong, depending on your vantage point) person with an excessive amount of violent game play & eventually the wheels come off. I also feel the amount of individuals that have the capacity for such crimes, triggered by the violent game play, is very low.
I admit, my age is slightly north of the average gamer but I have played some pretty questionable games. I don't feel some of the content is necessary & could lead to some issues in certain individuals. However, back in my heyday, even after consecutive hours of game playing, never did I have an urge to eat ghosts, save a princess or jump across the heads of alligators.

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06-19-13, 12:58
Snip... Violence used to be taught as having a correct place and time... and that any other use of it was evil. Today, kids are taught that all violence is evil, yet are allowed to experiment with it in the fantasy worlds that video games create. This not only fails to teach them to respect it, but I think it also creates a lust to apply it.

Just my .02

Agreed. IMO the root of the problem is teaching, upbringing and social conditioning.

Fictional violence in video games, movies and TV can exacerbate an underlying problem but they aren't the root.

I always wonder, if we blame violence in media for destructive violent behavior what do we blame for other destructive behaviors? If I run my credit card debt up do I blame the credit card company, the places I patronized with that card or do I blame myself for not controlling my own behavior?

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06-19-13, 13:22
In your first post you stated:

I don't see how it is disgusting, it's a story; fiction. Is it a ****ed up situation? Yeah, but quite a bit of things have that as well. Ever watch the tv show 24? Plenty of that there too.

Yes, the graphics look much more realistic, but it's still a video game.

FYI: On "No Russian" you can just skip the level or not shoot any the people at the airport.

Awesome, you can read. Now the comprehension is lacking, but we can work on that. I don't know what you don't understand, I stated numerous contributors and included video games at the end, again.....what is your point? I also stated that movies are also engaged in desensitizing people, so your comment towards "t.v." is in the category of..."no shit". Again there are many factors that contribute to nutcases shooting up malls, but these types of simulation games probably contribute.

You don't see how an entire video game plot based around 'right wing terrorists' attacking bankers and government official is disgusting? Well if you cant connect those dots, I guess you've missed the WHOLE POINT.

Secondly, the military has been using video games and virtual reality programs for years.........but theres no correlation to reality right??? lol

Let me guess, you spend more than 6hrs per day playing video games?

06-19-13, 13:37
From the December 2011 issue of Game Informer:

“Americans are angry and why shouldn’t they be? With an exponentially expanding national debt, crippling foreclosures, corporate bailouts, degrading infrastructure, dwindling job market and widening income gap between the haves and have-nots, it’s getting harder to believe politicians when they speak of American exceptionalism as if it were a fundamental truth.

“In response to gradual erosion of our beloved nation, resentful citizens of all kinds of political backgrounds are rising up in the form of new political movements like the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street.”

Reading further in the magazine’s short intro for the game, we find the real motivation behind the game’s inception.

“In 2009, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported a massive resurgence in anti-government paramilitary groups, which have jumped from 43 militias in 2007 to nearly 300 in 2010. The sudden surge has captured the attention of the Department of Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, and FBI, who all view these groups as a real threat to the stability of the nation. Moreover, many of these disenfranchised groups frequently put their members through intense military training exercises – for what, no one knows.”

In their final introductory paragraph, the Game Informer writers ask, “Do you have what it takes to pull the trigger on a fellow citizen?”

06-19-13, 13:41
Blaming video games for violence is along the same lines as blaming firearms; "and if the kids didn't have access to guns, they wouldn't have been able to shoot the place up". If fact the anti's have a better argument here, since you can't shoot up a school with an xbox controller.

No one is saying that. You're not understanding what's being said for your statement is an oversimplification to a very complicated issue that most parents don't understand. It is one, of many variables in the uptick in violence in children. A lack of parental discretion and parenting, is in my opinion, the overwhelming factor involved, and these violent games made specifically for adults, is a major contributing factor. A simulator is a device, with programing, to simulate actual conditions and to react to it, much like pilots use simulators to place them in situations where it would be too dangerous to do so in an actual aircraft, train for that situation, and the cost savings associated with it. Same said for weapon simulators, battle simulators, etc... I see no difference if a kid is left unattended to play these games for hours on end, for days on end. The result will be the same if the kid is left in fantasy land for extended periods of time, especially when the kid doesn't have a strong grasp on reality to begin with.

Crow Hunter
06-19-13, 13:46
This is going to sound odd, but I don't know another way to phrase it.

I do actually think that violence in media IS a contributor to violence in society.

Children act out the stories that they see and hear. Teenagers seek to emulate what they think is cool. The things you do and experience during your developmental years directly impacts how you will turn out when you grow up.

People always bring up that the violence has always been there and yes it has. The difference is in the maturity level and wisdom necessary to access that violence. 80 years ago, someone wanting to "experience" combat would have to read about it. Most of it being beyond the "grade level" of the majority of Americans.

TV and movies "dumbed it down" for the masses. Video games, took it even further and let people physically and physiologically "experience" violence.

Violence is arousing. Violence without consequences is even more so. Violence can be addicting. Everyone doesn't react to it the same way. Just like some people can take an addictive substance one time and be hooked for life while others can take multiple doses and never show an ill effect.

People view things with glasses tinged by their own experiences. Most of us here on this site by definition would not be influenced by games/TV/movies and exposure to them would have no effect but we are NOT the majority. (Look at how many people voted for Obama, TWICE.:rolleyes:)

What do we do about it and still retain our 1st Amendment freedoms?

I don't know, but I firmly believe that it is a bad influence and if I had children, they would not be exposed to violence in media until I felt they were mature and responsible enough to handle it, just like firearms.

06-19-13, 14:05

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06-19-13, 14:18
So I have been a long time sceptic of people that say continuos play of first person shooters plays no contributing roll in the psychosis of these school shooters. It seems pretty simplistic to dismiss turning violence into a continuos game someone plays where the goal is to shoot as many bad guys (or in some cases like that horrible example of the Airport Stage in Call of Duty, civilians) as having no, or little contributing factor to these children's skewed outlook on reality. I would go so far as to say that these video games play MORE of a roll then access to guns does.

I thought I would post this example of a recent case where it seems due to soundtrack choice that this guy may have been influenced by video games:

Teen planning shooting picks Call of Duty sound track for his entrance song. (http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/28/justice/oregon-teen-bomb-plot/index.html?iref=allsearch)

06-19-13, 14:23
From the December 2011 issue of Game Informer:

“Americans are angry and why shouldn’t they be? With an exponentially expanding national debt, crippling foreclosures, corporate bailouts, degrading infrastructure, dwindling job market and widening income gap between the haves and have-nots, it’s getting harder to believe politicians when they speak of American exceptionalism as if it were a fundamental truth.

“In response to gradual erosion of our beloved nation, resentful citizens of all kinds of political backgrounds are rising up in the form of new political movements like the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street.”

Reading further in the magazine’s short intro for the game, we find the real motivation behind the game’s inception.

“In 2009, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported a massive resurgence in anti-government paramilitary groups, which have jumped from 43 militias in 2007 to nearly 300 in 2010. The sudden surge has captured the attention of the Department of Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, and FBI, who all view these groups as a real threat to the stability of the nation. Moreover, many of these disenfranchised groups frequently put their members through intense military training exercises – for what, no one knows.”

In their final introductory paragraph, the Game Informer writers ask, “Do you have what it takes to pull the trigger on a fellow citizen?”

If ever there was a group dedicated to the destruction of this country it is the Southern Poverty Law Center. They should be on everyone's "watch list." They do more actual harm than most of the groups they warn against.

06-19-13, 14:25
Awesome, you can read. Now the comprehension is lacking, but we can work on that. I don't know what you don't understand, I stated numerous contributors and included video games at the end, again.....what is your point? I also stated that movies are also engaged in desensitizing people, so your comment towards "t.v." is in the category of..."no shit". Again there are many factors that contribute to nutcases shooting up malls, but these types of simulation games probably contribute.

You don't see how an entire video game plot based around 'right wing terrorists' attacking bankers and government official is disgusting? Well if you cant connect those dots, I guess you've missed the WHOLE POINT.

Secondly, the military has been using video games and virtual reality programs for years.........but theres no correlation to reality right??? lol

Let me guess, you spend more than 6hrs per day playing video games?
Can you provide any data to show that violent video games "probably contribute" to violence?

So you're just angry about the plot? There are both right and left wing terrorists. Go read the novel Rainbow Six. It's about left wing eco-terrorists. This game is about right wing milita types. So what?

Nope, I stated I quit playing years ago. I don't even own a modern system. I'll play on occasion at a friends house, but that's about it.

06-19-13, 15:00
The game play looks like garbage.

06-19-13, 16:30
Secondly, the military has been using video games and virtual reality programs for years.........but theres no correlation to reality right???

You know, I keep hearing about these high-speed video games and VR simulations that turn our military servicemen into cold, steely-eyed, machines who can kill, up close and personal, without emotion or remorse but, the damnedest thing is -- I've never seen one, nor do I know anyone who has.

06-19-13, 16:35
You know, I keep hearing about these high-speed video games and VR simulations that turn our military servicemen into cold, steely-eyed, machines who can kill, up close and personal, without emotion or remorse but, the damnedest thing is -- I've never seen one, nor do I know anyone who has.

I don't know about DOD, but LE have had virtual reality training simulators for years.

06-19-13, 16:49
Country music is popular with NASCAR fans. Some people drink beer at NASCAR events. Some people leave NASCAR events thinking they can drive like Jeff Gordon and try it on their way home. Country music causes traffic fatalities (and retardation).

06-19-13, 17:38
I don't know about DOD, but LE have had virtual reality training simulators for years.

And FATS has been the cause of how many police officer freak-outs...?

06-19-13, 17:39
Country music is popular with NASCAR fans. Some people drink beer at NASCAR events. Some people leave NASCAR events thinking they can drive like Jeff Gordon and try it on their way home. Country music causes traffic fatalities (and retardation).

I take it that you've never read the works of Lt. Col Grossman on the matter that I linked on the first page?

06-19-13, 17:40
And FATS has been the cause of mow many police officer freak-outs...?

The point, you missed it.

06-19-13, 17:44
I take it that you've never read the works of Lt. Col Grossman on the matter that I linked on the first page?

I have. And I'm not a fan.

06-19-13, 18:48
So I have been a long time sceptic of people that say continuos play of first person shooters plays no contributing roll in the psychosis of these school shooters. It seems pretty simplistic to dismiss turning violence into a continuos game someone plays where the goal is to shoot...

Saying the reverse is pretty simplistic as well. If violent video games had that much impact, why don't we see more of it? Millions of players have logged hundreds of millions of hours playing first person shooter games. Perhaps if the video games were the only source shaping the psyches the numbers would align a bit better.

What commonalities are to be found among the cases of juvenile mass shootings? Guns are, but all of us here know the guns didn't cause it. Violent video games were a commonality too. If we blame them, do we have to blame guns as well? Were psych drugs a commonality? Dysfunctional/broken families? Underlying mental issues? Hormone imbalance? Mean uncles?

If we decide to end first person shooter games because they're a commonality among school shootings and take them from those who use them as games, why not the other commonalities?

And Mac I'm not pointing at you, your post just triggered my thoughts.

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06-19-13, 18:59
Holy hell, its like half "get it" and the other half are stuck in "them ther video games don't have nuthin to dos with dem school shootins" mode.

Seriously, can you people read??????????


I'm sure many still wont get it. They're too busy trying to defend their dumbass video games. Grow up.

06-19-13, 19:22
From the December 2011 issue of Game Informer:

“Americans are angry and why shouldn’t they be? With an exponentially expanding national debt, crippling foreclosures, corporate bailouts, degrading infrastructure, dwindling job market and widening income gap between the haves and have-nots, it’s getting harder to believe politicians when they speak of American exceptionalism as if it were a fundamental truth.

“In response to gradual erosion of our beloved nation, resentful citizens of all kinds of political backgrounds are rising up in the form of new political movements like the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street.”

Reading further in the magazine’s short intro for the game, we find the real motivation behind the game’s inception.

“In 2009, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported a massive resurgence in anti-government paramilitary groups, which have jumped from 43 militias in 2007 to nearly 300 in 2010. The sudden surge has captured the attention of the Department of Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, and FBI, who all view these groups as a real threat to the stability of the nation. Moreover, many of these disenfranchised groups frequently put their members through intense military training exercises – for what, no one knows.”

In their final introductory paragraph, the Game Informer writers ask, “Do you have what it takes to pull the trigger on a fellow citizen?”

Quite revealing. And it says it ALL.

Many do NOT comprehend how the psyche works.

The videos ARE conditioning or PROGRAMMING.

The First Person shooter games desensitize you to violence. The more violence one interacts with in the virtual word the more desensitized one becomes.

Id Industries spun out of gov't program to condition soldiers not to hesitate when staring someone in the face. The monsters still resembled humans... This is the quiet allure of the zombie apocalypse - "it's okay to mow their asses down."

Denial won't change a thing. It is what it is and there has been plenty of research on this subject.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-19-13, 19:28
What commonalities are to be found among the cases of juvenile mass shootings? Guns are, but all of us here know the guns didn't cause it. Violent video games were a commonality too. If we blame them, do we have to blame guns as well? Were psych drugs a commonality? Dysfunctional/broken families? Underlying mental issues? Hormone imbalance? Mean uncles?

Actually according to what I've read psychiatric medications were a commonality among ALL school shooters except two and those two can't be ruled out 100% because their medical records were sealed by the families after the event.

So I would call that a commonality.

Look this is a complex issue and there is no singular cause, but one can't simply dismiss the fact that violent fantasy gaming in a virtual space could potentially desensitize individuals to the consequences of violent behavior.

We know that not all gun owners are going to run out and shoot up their school/work.

We also know that not all video game owners will do the same.

But I for one don't believe that people with a propensity towards violence, violent mental disorders, or transitional mental development that may result in violent mood swings should have access to firearms, pointy sticks, or razor blades.

The same goes for violent media.

As a new father I am well aware that my son may go through some rough patches, hell he may have behavioral issues. If he starts to exhibit these I'm not going to be giving him the key to my gun safe and a copy of Call of Duty for his birthday.

I think as a community we would all be better off if we simply acknowledged this simple fact. It is OUR responsibility to safely raise responsible children with morals and a sense of right and wrong. If they start to exhibit violent behavior it is also OUR responsibility to watch the media they consume and limit their access to firearms. It is also OUR responsibility to be directly engaged in their schooling, and any medical treatment they may be receiving.

06-19-13, 21:24

Who, exactly, is the "they" who are using video games to desensitize people?

Id Industries spun out of gov't program to condition soldiers not to hesitate when staring someone in the face. The monsters still resembled humans... This is the quiet allure of the zombie apocalypse - "it's okay to mow their asses down."

What!? I think you need to quote your source for that nonsense. id Software's first game title was "Commander Keen", which was essentially a clone of "Super Mario". The founder of id Software came from Softdisk, which made games like "Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion" and "Catacomb 3D".

06-19-13, 21:34
The videos ARE conditioning or PROGRAMMING.

The First Person shooter games desensitize you to violence. The more violence one interacts with in the virtual word the more desensitized one becomes.

and yet violence is much lower despite video game usage is massive. Seriously dude this is no different than a textbook anti argument. No different when people whined about rock and roll music will making people violent, and pornography encouraging rape/sexual assault.

06-19-13, 22:06
Grossman is right, FPS video games are murder simulators that aquatint the user with the fine motor skills for pulling the trigger and remove natural inhibitions through rote training. And just like military training, the only thing they can't help you with is the psychological consequences, but those come after the deed is done (assuming you aren't a sociopath).

This game is about as relevant as Lethal Weapon 2 & 3 were as movies.


06-19-13, 22:41
So because they disagree with you but are still citizens that makes it acceptable?

You kick down the door of a business, strap explosives to a man, and then kick him out one of the highest windows in a skyscraper... you can either put the gun down or get shot until you do.

Whether I agree with you or not.

I don't read fiction. I can't say one way or another. :confused:

Tom Clancy is a libertarian. A long time member of the NRA. And author of the book Rainbow Six. And Hunt for the Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, and The Sum of All Fears. Which were made into middling-to-decent movies of the same name.

In their final introductory paragraph, the Game Informer writers ask, “Do you have what it takes to pull the trigger on a fellow citizen?”

I've been killing my roommates, brother, cousins, and friends in video games for over a decade. I still haven't shot anybody in real life.

06-20-13, 01:36
id Software's first game title was "Commander Keen", which was essentially a clone of "Super Mario". The founder of id Software came from Softdisk, which made games like "Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion" and "Catacomb 3D".

id Software is just down the street from me, they are known best for their FPS games like their second release Wolfenstein and their third Doom.

I'm not aware if they have developed any thing for DOD or not.

06-20-13, 02:43
I find it funny many use the same argument here against video games as the anti's against firearms.

The only possible way a video game contributes to any kind of real world physical violence is if that person had the elements beforehand to commit violence. You think kids back in the day running around with cap guns and plastic badges playing cops & robbers or soldier is any different than video games now? Did that "desensitized" them or many of you? I know it did not for me. Neither did video games or movies. How about "rock n' roll"? Parties? Bars? Clubs?

There are three factors here that are the underlying problem:

1. Poor parenting
2. Surroundings/environment (think other people who have influence upon)
3. Mental/Physcological conditions

I will put money that every single person who commits unjust acts of violence or wrong doing has a mix or all three of the above. Every single one.

Video games do not contribute to violence anymore than someone who grows up shooting guns, playing sports, learning a music genre, love for movies etc.

Let's all just blame martial arts, wrestling, boxing or mma for people who fight..

Let's all just blame guns for gangs, the mafia, the cartels, suicide or war..

Or even cars for illegal street racing, drinking and driving, collisions..

Let's just call obesity a disease and take the blame off of the person for their lack of care for their own body..

Ohh wait, many already do.. :suicide2:

06-20-13, 03:35
"Prior to being mugged I did not feel I had to carry a gun. However, I knew how to shoot a gun very proficiently. As a boy, I used to play cowboys and Indians all the time." - Bernhard Goetz

See a target, shoot a target.

When the military switched from bulls-eyes to silhouettes of men the firing rate went up to 50% in Korea (from less than 20% in WWII), when the switch was made to reactive human like targets that could pop up and fell down when shot the firing rate became 99%. People would fire, even if they didn't want to. The enemy was reduced to being stimulus for a psychological and motor response.

All a video game is teaching you to do is to engage targets in the same exact manner that the military conditions soldiers to shoot. If simulations didn't work, we wouldn't have flight simulators.

Do video games make people murder other people in cold blood? No.

Do video games help people murder other people in cold blood? Yes.

Do video games, exposed boobies, movies, liquor, drugs and religious or irreligious books or your neighbors dog cause people to murder other people in cold blood? Maybe, depends on the person. Usually the same person that reads the communist manifesto and decides that's a groovy reason for mass murder is the same dude that could read mein kampf, or watch the zeitgeist, or listen to the Beatles, or to his neighbors dog to get valuable kill list information and justification.

How one utilizes experience will largely always depend on the character of the person. Thankfully video games don't really deal with malfunction clearance drills.

People are capable of being dangerous. But like Eisenhower said, if you want safety, go to prison, you get guards, free housing and free food. Might be kind of the direction we're headed unfortunately.

06-20-13, 04:28
Do violent video games cause people to commit violence, or are people who are already prone to commit violence attracted to violent video games?

Does an attraction to firearms cause violence, or are people who are already prone to commit violence attracted to firearms?

Correlation does not guarantee causation.

There are millions of people who play these "murder simulators" and who do not go out and murder others. Just like there are millions of gun owners who don't murder others.

06-20-13, 04:34
so what does airsoft or paintball teach ?

it is a game sadly kids playing them have bad parents for the most part by the way I hear kids talk on the game !

06-20-13, 06:14
Everyone right now simmer down and take a breather. Walk away from the keyboard and go do something productive with your life.

06-20-13, 06:21
You're naive if you believe there is zero correlation between these simulators and desensitization to violence.

Would you expose your child to violent porn, listen and watch violent Rap music?

Why not?

How do you think little Johnny be affected?

Get real, guys.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-20-13, 09:05
SPLC makes a lot of money from scaremongering over eeevil right wing, white hate groups that don't exist. It's literally their business model.

06-20-13, 09:18
You're naive if you believe there is zero correlation between these simulators and desensitization to violence.

Would you expose your child to violent porn, listen and watch violent Rap music?

Why not?

How do you think little Johnny be affected?

Get real, guys.

There is tons of correlation.

Correlation is not causation.

Everything is influential to kids at a young age, be it religion, video games, tv, books, school, parents, friends, and traumatic events. That's why the things you listed, including violent video games like Rainbow 6 and Call of Duty, are created for adults with an already-formed system of morals. As in, they're likely to influence young children so parents shouldn't buy such products for them and stores shouldn't sell such products to them.

So do you think we should ban violent video games, movies, and television because every so often someone who is addicted to them goes on a shooting spree?

06-20-13, 09:43
Who, exactly, is the "they" who are using video games to desensitize people?

You can not be serious? I'm trying to be on my best behavior and you post this pile of ignorance.

"THEY" was referring to the first person shooter video games. As in "they" (the video games) are desensitizing people........

This thread is lost. Mainly because a few "awesome" members can not seem to comprehend the fact that nobody is stating that video games the main cause or source of violence. Also the "swell" members that sit in their lazyboy for 8hrs playing call of duty, who will fight for video games to the death....since they are their life.

06-20-13, 13:01
This thread has gone full retard and I am pulling life support on it.