View Full Version : Officer responsible for K9 Death

06-19-13, 10:58
Seems like a civilian would be charged with the death of an officer.


06-19-13, 11:10
This happens a couple of times a year, seemingly.

06-19-13, 11:27
This happens a couple of times a year, seemingly.

A good question raised. What is the charge, if any, for that of (1) "civi" animals and (2) LE k9? Differs state to state I assume. Animal cruelty charges? Other?

06-19-13, 11:29
Seems like a civilian would be charged with the death of an officer.


Sad, but not the same...

What he did is inexcusable and he should be prosecuted. I'm guessing he will claim he was overworked and just forgot. This has been the defense in several cases similar to this in Arizona over the last couple of years.

06-19-13, 12:29
Sad, but not the same...

What he did is inexcusable and he should be prosecuted. I'm guessing he will claim he was overworked and just forgot. This has been the defense in several cases similar to this in Arizona over the last couple of years.

Week defense, how did the jury react?

06-19-13, 12:40
dogs, infants, I do not know how you forget you left them in the car.

06-19-13, 12:45
Well this sucks.

06-19-13, 12:47
dogs, infants, I do not know how you forget you left them in the car.

That would be tough punishment if perps received same treatment, kinda like an eye for an eye type system. There would be less 'forgetting' involved...

06-19-13, 12:48
Animals are property, for the most part, according to the law.

He will more than likely not be given another animal, this is something he should have known.

06-19-13, 12:48
dogs, infants, I do not know how you forget you left them in the car.


And if anyone should know better, you would THINK it would be a K9 officer.

06-19-13, 12:49

06-19-13, 12:51
Week defense, how did the jury react?

No jury, it was a bench trial because he was only charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty. Sheriff Joe tried to get him on county animal cruelty charges but MCSO ****ed it up and they had to end up paying him $175,000 plus $775,000 in attorneys fees.


06-19-13, 12:57

A little different, that link shows blatant disregard for an animals life and cruelty.

06-19-13, 13:02
It's sad. The guy should be disciplined by his department, maybe even fired but charging him is a bit excessive I think.

06-19-13, 13:06
There's a lot of these cases.

06-19-13, 13:08
There's a lot of these cases.

Of course there are, people are stupid.

06-19-13, 13:10
This "officer" escaped any punishment because he didn't "knowingly or intentionally" leave his dog in the car.


The crazy thing is, a Google search of dog deaths in cars appear to only involve LE officers. Who would have thunk it.

06-19-13, 13:48
Animals are property, for the most part, according to the law.

He will more than likely not be given another animal, this is something he should have known.

I was made aware of this on LEO forum I frequent:

"K9 units in these parts have all fancy gizmos to include special fans in the rear windows and a system that automatically starts the car with the air conditioning blasting if the internal temperature gets too high."

This may have been a failure of tech vs person.

Two, if person, I don't know how/if this will be applied to this event but:

Georgia Code Ann. 16-12-4 et seq.

Animal Cruelty is defined as: “causes death or unjustifiable physical pain or suffering to any animal by an act, an omission, or willful neglect. Willful neglect means the intentional withholding of food and water required by an animal to prevent starvation or dehydration.” This is a misdemeanor with a fine up to $1000 and/or imprisonment for up to 1 year. A second or subsequent conviction carries of fine of up to $5000 and imprisonment for up to 1 year. A second or subsequent conviction which resulted in the death of an animal will be a misdemeanor of “a high and aggravated nature” with imprisonment for a minimum 3 months, maximum 12 months and/or a fine up to $10,000.

Aggravated Cruelty is defined as: “knowingly and maliciously causes death or physical harm to an animal by rendering a part of such animal’s body useless or by seriously disfiguring such animal.” This carries imprisonment of minimum 1 year, maximum 5 years, and/or a fine up to $15,000. Exemptions are made for agricultural, animal husbandry, butchering, food processing, marketing, scientific, research, medical, zoological, exhibition, competitive, hunting, trapping, fishing, wildlife management, or pest control practices or the authorized practice of veterinary medicine

06-19-13, 14:04
I would think the officer would have to reimburse the cost the dog and any funds paid to train same. Also a suspension and removal from the K-9 unit would be warranted.

But since there was no actual intent on the officers part than I would think criminal charges would be a bit extreme.

06-19-13, 14:08
There is no way this officer will be charged criminally, that's just nuts.

All our K9 cars/trucks have fan/heat systems built in, they all turn on automatically and all do exactly what they are supposed to do. Does that mean the officer is not responsible for the safety of his dog? It means he is responsible and should double or triple check to make sure his dog is ok in the back. This officer failed to do so and the dog died, this is a huge hit to the department financially and emotionally to the officer, his family and that unit.

06-19-13, 15:10
im sorry, but if he didnt care enough about the dog (his partner) to remember he left him in the car... he should never have been part of a
K9 unit to begin with.

how much do these dogs cost to breed and train? 10-20K?

if the officer would have left 10K in department equipment unprotected or unaccounted for would he still have a job?

06-19-13, 15:50
we lost a K9 here in the houston area a few years ago due to heat.
the SUV was running w/ A/C on but it was so hot outside and being parked in the sun the dog still died.

I dont recall if they ever found anything wrong w/the SUV or not.

06-19-13, 16:22
No jury, it was a bench trial because he was only charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty. Sheriff Joe tried to get him on county animal cruelty charges but MCSO ****ed it up and they had to end up paying him $175,000 plus $775,000 in attorneys fees.


Actually MCSO and MCAO never should have charged since the culpable mental state could not be established in the first place. Negligent yes, reckless no.

Sheriff Joe had no record of the inquiries into the deaths of his agency's dogs under similar circumstances.

And once again I know of no state that considers a PSD an officer when it comes to the dogs death.

06-19-13, 20:51

06-20-13, 06:31
There's a lot of these cases.

Yes there are. It is very much the same as putting a non-gun guy over a firearms training program or gun/gear purchase program.

I firmly believe that only officers who are dog people should work K9's. That said, I love dogs (more than I like most people) and know I couldn't work a K9. I could not send my dog into something like the Deandre Bruntson shooting in LA County. Infact, I believe the first responding K9 Officer to that situation refused to send his dog in because he knew what would happen. It's on youtube if you haven't seen it. A lot of guys are just given a dog as part of a move up into a interdiction team or such and to some it is no different than a flash light or clipboard. That's how this happens. It kills me to see it because I know most K9's would wade through hell neck deep with their handler without a hesitation. K9's are as a whole are some of the best officers we have. May the one in question rest in peace.

06-20-13, 06:36
I'd love to be a reserve K9 LEO but it's a hard gig to get.

06-20-13, 06:42
Seems like a civilian would be charged with the death of an officer.


Common misconception. I don't know of any place that equates the death of a police dog with that of an officer.

06-20-13, 06:56
Lebo, if you could find a local gig, you'd be a huge asset to them. The bad part is in a lot of places it is very hard for someone truely qualified to get into a spot like that. The whole good ole boy system is alive & well.

I did not witness it, but a local agency had a jam up handler & K9. There was a jackass cop who would go out to the SUV off & on all the time smacking the hell out of the side of the car & yelling at the K9 to basically terrorize the dog. When the handler was made aware, he was inside the LEC & saw the jackass go rap on the side of the Tahoe a time or 2 through a window. The 3rd time just as Sgt JA was walking away he hit the remote unlock on the door & it was on. He made it just to the door & was almost in, then his backside got tenderized a bit.

06-20-13, 06:59
I'd love to be a reserve K9 LEO but it's a hard gig to get.

You wouldn't pass the physical qual, pushups and all that.


06-20-13, 07:07
You wouldn't pass the physical qual, pushups and all that.


My bionic arm would aid me :D

I've talked to the local town cops about being a reserve and that's all filled up on the good old boy system. I'll try county.

06-20-13, 07:21
My bionic arm would aid me :D

I've talked to the local town cops about being a reserve and that's all filled up on the good old boy system. I'll try county.

Good luck with your job search, just remember to let the K9 out of the truck after work...:D

06-20-13, 07:41
My bionic arm would aid me :D

I've talked to the local town cops about being a reserve and that's all filled up on the good old boy system. I'll try county.

If you need references LMK ;)

06-20-13, 07:42
If you need references LMK ;)

Yup, will do. Thanks, man.

06-20-13, 09:38
Seems like a civilian would be charged with the death of an officer.


Yep but the evil cop is going to get off scot free....right? I mean, that's the angle of this post correct?

Let me make it clear I'm not attacking anyone or being hostile, its just how this thread comes off (like many others).

06-20-13, 13:32
Yep but the evil cop is going to get off scot free....right? I mean, that's the angle of this post correct?

Let me make it clear I'm not attacking anyone or being hostile, its just how this thread comes off (like many others).

You do realize that there are several police officers, LE guys from various different agencies and pro-LE people posting in this thread right? None of them have jumped to this erroneous conclusion except yourself.

06-20-13, 14:44
Just remember, LEOs are people/humans too. They do forget things just like everyone else. This is a sad story though.

06-20-13, 14:55
Just remember, LEOs are people/humans too. They do forget things just like everyone else. This is a sad story though.

Agreed on all counts. This happens a lot, though. I'm certain there's workable, affordable ways to prevent this incidents which happen at least twice a year, nationwide.

06-20-13, 19:59
There is a new system that uses a monition/Temp sensor in the K-9 area of the vehicle and the officer wears a pager like device, if the office gets more then 5 feet from the car and the temperature inside the K-9 area becomes dangerous and monition is detected the pager alerts the handler.

Not sure who makes it but I did read about the system in a L/E products alert.