View Full Version : Mayors Against Illegal Guns mourns Boston Marathon Bomber as "victim of gun violence"

06-19-13, 12:09

The event had people supporting the Mayors Against Illegal Guns movement, founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, reading the names of those "killed with guns" since the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary outside their "No More Names" bus.
Some of the loudest shouts came when a reader spoke the name of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects who was killed by police during a gunfight.

"He's a terrorist," several protesters shouted.

Not only is he a terrorist, but he was shot by police!

06-19-13, 12:20
Bloomberg is just reprehensible.

I hope all the victims of the Boston terrorist attack and their families are made aware of this.

06-19-13, 12:44
The sad part isn't that those idiots mentioned his name in the same breath as true crime victims, but that the crowd didnt immediately stone them for their offensive behavior.

06-19-13, 12:55
The sad part isn't that those idiots mentioned his name in the same breath as true crime victims, but that the crowd didnt immediately stone them for their offensive behavior.

Yeah...pretty much.

30 cal slut
06-19-13, 13:06
Bloomberg is just reprehensible.

I hope all the victims of the Boston terrorist attack and their families are made aware of this.

This is what the Mass Pike looks like as you are driving past Fenway.

Somehow, Boston won't care about the distinction between terrorism and kooks/criminals with guns.


06-19-13, 13:16
This is disturbingly pathetic.

06-19-13, 13:22
It is disgusting the lengths that these people will go to, to push their agenda.

06-19-13, 13:45
Were the police who shot Tsaernev using illegal guns?

06-19-13, 14:12
I wonder how many of the names on Bloomberg's List have similarly inappropriate circumstances involved.

06-19-13, 14:16
I wonder how many of the names on Bloomberg's List have similarly inappropriate circumstances involved.

Who cares?

The whole thing is stupid and is based on a logic fallacy.

Mayors against illegal guns...

How many mayors do you know of who are in support of illegal guns?

The whole concept is pathetic.

06-19-13, 14:26
This is what the Mass Pike looks like as you are driving past Fenway.

Somehow, Boston won't care about the distinction between terrorism and kooks/criminals with guns.


That billboard is utterly shameful primarily because it's a 90%+ reflection of inner city crime committed by those who have been taught to have no respect for anyone around them. On top of that camouflaged fact how many of those "kids" were actually killed by an "assault weapon"? Not as easy to say effortlessly after Newtown but still true nonetheless.

06-19-13, 15:15
Did I read that correctly? Is that how surreal this issue is becoming? Wow!

06-19-13, 15:20
Who cares?

The whole thing is stupid and is based on a logic fallacy.

Mayors against illegal guns...

How many mayors do you know of who are in support of illegal guns?

The whole concept is pathetic.

I don't disagree, but I wonder what at least some of their audience might think if they knew what these lying scumbags will resort to in order to fabricate the "statistics" they need. They've given away the critical detail that they're including criminals and terrorists who were rightly shot by law enforcement in gunfights, so I bet there are many more such figures in there.

06-19-13, 15:26
I don't disagree, but I wonder what at least some of their audience might think if they knew what these lying scumbags will resort to in order to fabricate the "statistics" they need. They've given away the critical detail that they're including criminals and terrorists who were rightly shot by law enforcement in gunfights, so I bet there are many more such figures in there.

The question is who supports them and how do we piss on their parade?

06-19-13, 15:39
Utterly pathetic.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

06-19-13, 16:49
Perhaps we should start an organization something like "Gun Owners Against Ignorant Mayors" (GOAIM).

06-19-13, 17:07
Rectal Cranial Inversion

06-19-13, 17:55
A BloomingIDIOTberg by any OTHER name... would still sound JUST as stupid... :rolleyes:

06-19-13, 17:58

06-19-13, 18:37
Well don't they just lump all the numbers together anyways. Killers/Cops/Accidents.

06-19-13, 21:15
Well don't they just lump all the numbers together anyways. Killers/Cops/Accidents.


06-20-13, 10:20
Slate.com has a by-name tally of "victims of gun violence" as well.


Guess who's listed on April 19th, 2013? Yep, none other than Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev.

These people are pathetic.

06-20-13, 11:40
Propaganda is now legal.

Let's focus & keep that in mind.

06-20-13, 11:47
Slate.com has a by-name tally of "victims of gun violence" as well.


Guess who's listed on April 19th, 2013? Yep, none other than Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev.

These people are pathetic.


Makes my blood boil.

06-20-13, 12:08
Well don't they just lump all the numbers together anyways. Killers/Cops/Accidents.

Speaking of shoddy fact-checking...


Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the pro-gun control group led founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has apologized for including suspected Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev on a list of gun violence victims that was read aloud at a New Hampshire event Wednesday.

According to a statement from Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the group was relying on a list from Slate.com that compiled data on the number of gun deaths since the December shooting in Newtown, Conn., "and his name was on the list."

And I suppose a little research just wasn't necessary to support their "facts," either.

Shamerful. And how many Americans buy into this crap?

06-20-13, 13:06
Yea.... :rolleyes:


Since pretty much everyone is against illegal guns, the group would more accurately be called, Mayors For Gun Control.
Bloomberg may want to consider background checks on these pro gun-control Mayors before they are accepted into the group, because the reckless and criminal behavior of some of the members is not helping their cause, from a PR standpoint.

The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that some current and former members of the group have been charged with crimes as serious as felony corruption, assault of a police officer, and child sex crimes.

Just last week, MAIG member and Gainsville, FL Democrat Mayor Craig Lowe was arrested on charges of driving under the influence and property damage after police found him asleep in his car at the scene of a crash.

Police said Lowe appeared intoxicated and his Honda Civic was badly damaged, according to WKMG in Orlando.

The Gainesville Democrat faces a mayoral runoff election on April 16. His arraignment is scheduled for April 11, according to the Florida Alligator.

Lowe was one of 30 mayors featured in a recent ad released by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a gun-restriction lobbying group led by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Another Mayor against Illegal Guns member, James Schiliro, the mayor of Marcus Hook, was recently arrested for firing a gun in his home after a 20 year old man he had shuttled there, refused his sexual advances.

Marcus Hook, Pa., Mayor James Schiliro (R.) was arrested for reckless endangerment and other criminal charges last week after he allegedly fired a handgun inside his home during a booze-fueled argument with a 20-year-old man. Schiliro had allegedly served the minor alcohol and demanded sexual favors when the dispute broke out.

According to the group, Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors, members of MAIG have been convicted of "assaulting officers and constituents, corruption, extortion, theft, obstruction of justice, bribery, perjury, tax evasion, child porn, and battery.

They have attacked constituents and police officers, destroyed houses with sledge hammers, and even stolen gift cards donated for the poor.

Second Amendment Foundation executive vice president Alan Gottlieb said in a statement:

“Mayor Bloomberg should be more interested in the conduct of MAIG members than trying to pry into the personal lives of gun owners or soda drinkers. If anybody needs a background check, it would be a MAIG member.”

As Elizabeth reported, MAIG has planned more than 100 events across the country, today, as part of its "National Day to Demand Action."

I plan to stay far far away from any of their activities.

06-20-13, 15:41
Dorner too..
