View Full Version : Your king has come to a decision about your energy requirements...

06-24-13, 17:42

Environmental groups have for months been pushing Obama to make good on a threat he issued to lawmakers in February in his State of the Union address: "If Congress won't act soon to protect future generations, I will." Obama's move to take the matter into his own hands appears to reflect a growing consensus that opposition in Congress is too powerful for any meaningful, sweeping climate legislation to pass anytime soon.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/06/23/obama-gives-details-on-plan-to-cut-carbon-pollution-expected-to-target-coal/#ixzz2XAzLK1LB

The kill switch....Climate change, Art Bell for the opiate addicted masses....

06-24-13, 17:53
Sure I'll bet.

The reality is that there is a whole new dimension of energy available waiting & the PTB want to control every aspect of it. But they have to get the control they want to pull it off. Zero Point Energy, Quantum Electro Dynamics, Tesla, Hucthinson Effect et alia etc. Then couple that with Kyoto Protocol et alia, Agenda 21 Carbon credits & the agenda starts to crystallize. Dubai has a Zero Carbon Energy city (sustainable development) that is fuctioning & most Americans don't have a clue. Americans' need to read more plain & simple as they have gotten complacent & apathetic.


As Ziggy says we are caught between 2 ages & the technocrats want to control it through corporate fascism to bring in this new age. Other's sit there & point their fingers & have no clue. What a mess.

Bread & Circuses time.

06-25-13, 13:23
I think Tx, La, and the rest of the oil refinery heavy states should do everything in their power to eliminate any possible pollution in the country by not shipping any refined product outside their borders. We can't risk a spill that might damage some unknown habitat.

Wonder his long before people just decide to ignore shit coming out of Washington. What if king Obama wrote an EO or the EPA wrote a regulation and not a soul gave a crap.

06-25-13, 13:38
Man can not balance nature !

Yellowstone is a good example of that and they found out wolves make it better !

Carbon dioxide is not pollution ?

If he believes science we know the earth has gone through massive climate change before we were around !
From tropical hot volcanic times to ice age and now on the long change again ?

We have a summer and a winter !
Takes a year to go from one to the other
We also have long term patterns of hotter and colder and I truly believe our earth has massive summers and massive winters on the millions of year patterns

Its like ripples on a pond

Yes idiots who trust believe in science of climate change ! The panic of we are headed to a ice age in the 70s surely came true !

06-25-13, 13:47
Climate change kool-aid drinkers are the epitome of narcissism. Nothing happens unless it is through them or because of them.

The authors of this garbage want power and control over you, and everything you do.

06-25-13, 14:23
Like the gun control measures, the IRS targeting and NSA spying...this is all about controlling people....not about saving the earth or making the air better or any of that nonsense.

Once they control your access to energy, your thermostat, your healthcare and your means to defend yourself...they pretty much have you.


Alpha Sierra
06-25-13, 14:59
I think Tx, La, and the rest of the oil refinery heavy states should do everything in their power to eliminate any possible pollution in the country by not shipping any refined product outside their borders. We can't risk a spill that might damage some unknown habitat.

Wonder his long before people just decide to ignore shit coming out of Washington. What if king Obama wrote an EO or the EPA wrote a regulation and not a soul gave a crap.

You have the beginnings of a civil war that the fed.gov cannot win.

The real power centers in this country are those who physically control energy and food production.

It would do wonders for my heart of stone to watch New Yorkers freeze to death in the streets by the thousands because Tejanos and Acadiens decided they were not shipping an ounce of oil or a cubic centimeter of natural gas to that city/state.

06-25-13, 15:10
Texas controls more than the oil.

This state is huge in livestock and agriculture.

No oil...no food to them, either. Have fun in your frozen hell without guns or s 32oz coke! LOL


06-25-13, 15:33
Buy up stock in companies that make board games, batteries, flash lights, and provide maternity services.

American families need SOMETHING to do if they can't watch their MTV or Dancing with the Stars.

Expect the biggest boom of child birth since WWII with all of the dark houses every evening....

Think of the carbon footprints that is going to create. Oh, wait, free abortions for everyone. I guess that solves that problem.

06-25-13, 15:46
Here is something to think about in regards to the Earth, "Under the most rigorous control of heat, humidity, nutrients, water, and sunlight, the organism with do what it damn well pleases." We can't control shit, never have, we are just along for the ride and praying that that bitch Mother Nature doesn't go full homicidal. Though perhaps in hindsight she hasn't been as psychotic as she needs to be. Hmm, excuse me while I go empty some hair spray cans.

06-25-13, 17:07
I'm not sure about you guys...

But I am ****ing ecstatic that the President of the United States has directed the EPA to begin its regulating of power plants carbon emissions in this country!!!

This is a very happy day for our country! Everyone should be rejoicing knowing that we'll be paying more for what we use and this will control pollution that is killing Mother Earth!!!

I'm practicing for a future position in this administration. How'd that read for you guys? Did you feel anything when reading it? I need to put that into my résumé.

Bubba FAL
06-25-13, 22:47
Wonder his long before people just decide to ignore shit coming out of Washington. What if king Obama wrote an EO or the EPA wrote a regulation and not a soul gave a crap.

Amen and amen! We have no King, we will not comply! Frankly, I'm surprised that more "alphabet people" have not met fates similar to "revenuers" during the Prohibition Era. It's high time that the title of IRS Agent is met with scorn and derision.

06-25-13, 23:25
I'm not figured out the climate change issue but feel certain that taking steps not to degrade air quality is important. I just don't know what steps or whose steps. That said, Mexico, China, Taiwan, India, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central and South America operate industries with few or almost zero environmental regulations. So what difference does it make in the scheme of things for us to regulate if the rest do not?

06-25-13, 23:40
but we will give them lots of our money cause we are bad rich people !!!!

even though India I seem to remember laughed and said NO WAY !!!!

pollution is already regulated and controlled this is just a ruse to tax it and create companies to make people insane rich and seize power and control of our power !!!

I'm not figured out the climate change issue but feel certain that taking steps not to degrade air quality is important. I just don't know what steps or whose steps. That said, Mexico, China, Taiwan, India, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central and South America operate industries with few or almost zero environmental regulations. So what difference does it make in the scheme of things for us to regulate if the rest do not?

06-26-13, 14:40
I seriously doubt that there are many people who don't think protecting the environment is a good idea. The problem that I see with this is that the way we are trying to go at it has little to do with pollution and more to do with revenue generation and redistribution.

Ill take the King more seriously when the Rhino is a battery powered unit with a 40 mile range and the QRF follows behind him in Volts rather than has guzzling SUV's.

06-26-13, 22:19
agree :) but to go off your post the bold part :)
if people would be told the truth they would learn we do a lot already ? form shutting down farmers over a fish to taking over parks and shutting them down and protecting species past the point of stupidity !!!
business are controlled and emissions are controlled and pollution is controlled etc...
we have less polution now than we did years ago ? that is the funny thing they dont want to say

they really make it sound like its worse and again other countries wont be involved

it is just to destroy the middle class ! the poor will get it for free the middle class will have bills in the 1000s per month and be destroyed and the rich will just pay it !

welcome to India style living soon folks !!!!

agree its %100 about controlling money and people and that is their goal !!!

I seriously doubt that there are many people who don't think protecting the environment is a good idea. The problem that I see with this is that the way we are trying to go at it has little to do with pollution and more to do with revenue generation and redistribution.

Ill take the King more seriously when the Rhino is a battery powered unit with a 40 mile range and the QRF follows behind him in Volts rather than has guzzling SUV's.

Mauser KAR98K
06-26-13, 23:09
Foxtrot, Bravo, Hotel, Oscar!

06-27-13, 19:00
More taxes will cure everything. I didn't vote for Obama and his lot either time. Though to be politically correct I may vote for Obama when he runs for the third term.

06-28-13, 15:20
More taxes will cure everything. I didn't vote for Obama and his lot either time. Though to be politically correct I may vote for Obama when he runs for the third term.

Surely you kid about "more taxes will cure everything".

2012 Federal Spending, fiscal year, all sources, including off-budget items. This is every war, bailout, gov't employee wage, $500 toilet seat, etc.
$3.796 trillion.

2012 Federal Revenue, fiscal year, all sources. Income tax, social security tax... everything.
$2.469 trillion

Check this out.... you can tell something very simple from those numbers.

You could increase EVERYONE'S taxes by 50%, every income tax, every excise tax, every gasoline tax, every corporate income tax... all of it..... and it STILL wouldn't equal the spending.

Can you afford a 50% increase in all taxes? Every rich 1%, every obscene corporate profit tax, every middle class family, every low income single mother that the only tax she pays is the federal gasoline tax... how do you think that would work out? When I add up every stinking federal tax I pay I can't afford a 50% increase, can you?

Don't forget to increase your social security tax on your paycheck by 50% too, and your employer's share of the social security tax too. Increase all of it. All of it.

You know what is really sweet? That number doesn't include the new health care law. Those revenues have started to come in but almost NONE of the expenditures.... so you tell me... now that we know a 50% increase doesn't do it... can you afford, say, a 75% increase? I think not.

This isn't a 2012 problem either. This has been the sad, sad case in 2009, 2010, 2011 and this will be the case in 2013 and for the foreseeable future.